金茂服务:Improved independence with a recovered central SOE as parentco; Upgrade to BUY
招银国际· 2024-09-04 09:40
4 Sep 2024 CMB International Global Markets | Equity Research | Company Update Jinmao Property Services (816 HK) Improved independence with a recovered central SOE as parentco; Upgrade to BUY BUY (Up) The company's earnings were inline with Bloomberg consensus, with NP +18.9% YoY in 1H24 thanks to effective cost control. We think the 2024E target NP growth of >20% is not hard given consolidation of an acquired company, continued cost control and a low base in 2H. We find that the company's independence has ...
海底捞:Waiting for new initiatives to shine,with yields
招银国际· 2024-09-04 09:39
4 Sep 2024 CMB International Global Markets | Equity Research | Company Update Haidilao (6862 HK) Waiting for new initiatives to shine, with yields Haidilao's 1H24 results were roughly inline, but the margin was soft, given the meaningful SSSG. Going into 2H24E, we can still see certain pressure like drags from macro environment, high base for SSSG and staff costs inflation etc. In our view, the extra upside could be from the acceleration in new stores opening, further plans to boost efficiency and new bran ...
卓胜微:Revenue grew while GPM deteriorated due to intense competition and capacity ramp-up
招银国际· 2024-09-04 08:00
2 Sep 2024 CMB International Global Markets | Equity Research | Company Update Maxscend (300782 CH) Revenue grew while GPM deteriorated due to intense competition and capacity ramp-up Maxscend reported 1H24 results. Revenue grew 37% YoY to RMB2.3bn from a low base in 1H23, driven by clients' restocking behavior. GPM declined to 42.1%, down 6.9ppt from 1H23. Margin erosion was mainly due to 1) an unfavorable revenue mix towards higher module sales, 2) ramp up in fab production and 3) intensified competition. ...
迈瑞医疗:Robust performance in a challenging industry environment
招银国际· 2024-09-04 08:00
报告公司投资评级 报告给予公司"买入"评级,目标价为352.84元,较当前价格有40.7%的上涨空间。[2] 报告的核心观点 1) 公司在充满挑战的行业环境中仍实现了强劲业绩,1H24营收同比增长11.1%,归母净利润同比增长17.4%[1] 2) 尽管国内医疗设备业务受行业环境影响下滑12%,但体外诊断试剂业务和高端/超高端超声业务快速增长,支撑了公司整体业绩[1][2] 3) 公司持续加快向耗材相关业务转型,体外诊断试剂业务1H24收入增长28%,占比超37%,国内外市场均实现快速增长[2] 4) 随着行业监管趋于正常化和设备更新政策落地,医院采购有望逐步恢复,公司业绩有望持续增长[2] 财务数据总结 1) 2024-2026年营收、净利润预计保持15%以上的增长[6][8] 2) 2024-2026年毛利率、营业利润率和净利率均有所提升[6][8] 3) 公司资产负债表健康,2024年末净负债率为-44.9%,流动比率为2.5倍[10][11] 4) 公司股东回报良好,2024年预计派息率超过65%[1]
闻泰科技:1H24 results review: Challenging 1H; looking for recovery in 2H
招银国际· 2024-09-04 08:00
2 Sep 2024 CMB International Global Markets | Equity Research | Company Update Wingtech (600745 CH) 1H24 results review: Challenging 1H; looking for recovery in 2H Wingtech 1H24 sales were up 15% YoY to RMB33.6bn, driven by strong ODM sales (up 27% YoY), partially offset by weaker semiconductor sales (down 8% YoY). NP declined 89% YoY to RMB140mn, as GPM deteriorated to 9.5% in 1H24 (vs. 17.6%/14.7% in 1H23/2H23). Semi. GPM showed signs of recovery (up 7.7ppt in 2Q). We expect ODM GPM to improve in 2H24 to ...
联影医疗:Resilient 1H24 performance amid market headwinds
招银国际· 2024-09-04 08:00
2 Sep 2024 CMB International Global Markets | Equity Research | Company Update United Imaging (688271 CH) Resilient 1H24 performance amid market headwinds United Imaging reported 1H24 revenue of RMB5,333mn, up by 1.2% YoY. Attributable net profit increased by 1.3% YoY to RMB950mn. Despite facing a challenging domestic market environment characterized by stringent industry regulations and delays in equipment renewal projects, United Imaging delivered resilient performance thanks to the rapid growth of overse ...
亚朵:Guidance raised again plus massive dividends
招银国际· 2024-09-04 07:44
2 Sep 2024 CMB International Global Markets | Equity Research | Company Update Atour Lifestyle (ATAT US) Guidance raised again plus massive dividends The hotel sector continues to be under pressure in 3Q24E and we are still cautious about a potential improvement in 4Q24E. However, Atour's retail sales business and better-than-expected sales of hotel supplies can still more than offset the drags from its hotel segment. Moreover, the new dividend payout policy is a big positive surprise and could raise its FY ...
中国人寿:Strong lift in banca NBV margin; investment income may continue to rebound in 2H24
招银国际· 2024-09-04 07:43
报告公司投资评级 - 报告维持对中国人寿(2628 HK)的买入评级,12个月目标价调整至15.5港元,较当前价格上涨31.1% [4][6] 报告的核心观点 新业务价值(NBV)增长强劲 - 2024年上半年NBV同比增长18.6%至322.3亿元人民币,超出市场预期 [2] - 代理渠道和银保渠道的NBV利润率分别同比提升5.4个百分点和13.4个百分点,达到30.6%和17%以上 [2] - 长期保费占新业务首年保费的比重提升至43.8%,主要来自代理渠道 [2] 投资收益大幅改善 - 2024年上半年投资收益同比增长1.4倍至567.7亿元人民币,推动税前利润增长27.6% [2] - 主要得益于1)FVOCI股票的股息收入增加46.1%,2)FVOCI债券工具的已实现收益增加2.27倍,3)FVTPL资产的公允价值变动增加2.81倍 [2] - 总投资资产达到6.1万亿元人民币,其中FVOCI股票占比21.4%,较年初增加1.31倍,体现公司追求长期稳定投资收益的策略 [2] 偿付能力持续改善 - 2024年二季度核心偿付能力充足率和综合偿付能力充足率分别为151.9%和205.2%,较一季度分别下降3.1和3.9个百分点 [17]
康方生物:Eyes on the detailed head-to-head data of AK112 at WCLC in Sep
招银国际· 2024-09-04 07:43
报告公司投资评级 - 报告维持对Akeso公司的"买入"评级 [4] 报告的核心观点 - Akeso在1H24实现收入10.3亿元人民币,其中产品销售收入9.39亿元人民币 [2] - Akeso的主要产品卡多尼利单抗/AK104(PD-1/CTLA-4)在1H24实现销售7.06亿元人民币,同比增长16%,环比下降6% [2] - Akeso已于2024年6月将AK104的零售价格从13,220元/125mg下调至6,610元/125mg,同时终止了患者援助计划,为即将到来的国家医保谈判做好准备 [2] - Akeso获批的伊沃尼司单抗/AK112(PD-1/VEGF)在1H24实现销售收入1.03亿元人民币 [2] - 预计AK104和AK112将于2024年底参与国家医保谈判,一旦纳入医保后销售将大幅提升 [2] - Akeso在1H24维持了91.6%的较高产品毛利率 [2] - Akeso在1H24的销售费用(含分销成本)占产品销售的56.4%,与2023财年的56.3%基本持平 [2] - Akeso在1H24的研发费用同比增长3.4%至5.94亿元人民币 [2] - Akeso在1H24录得2.39亿元人民币的归属净亏损 [2] - 截至2024年6月,Akeso拥有充足的56.9亿元人民币的现金余额 [2] - Akeso宣布AK112一线PD-L1≥1%NSCLC单药临床III期试验在中国达到无进展生存期(PFS)主要终点,并已在中国获得优先审评的新药申请受理 [2] - 期待在即将召开的世界肺癌大会(WCLC)上公布AK112临床III期试验的详细PFS数据,并关注OS数据的进展 [2] - Akeso正在积极拓展AK112的适应症,包括在1L胆道癌、1L头颈癌等开展新的III期临床试验 [2] - 除已获批的2/3线宫颈癌适应症外,Akeso正在积极拓展AK104的适应症,包括1L胃癌和1L宫颈癌的新药申请正在审评,预计将于2024年底/2025年上半年获批 [2] - Akeso还在进行AK104在辅助肝癌、晚期肝癌、PD-L1阴性NSCLC、2L PD-1耐药胃癌等适应症的III期临床试验 [2] - Akeso计划探索AK104或AK112与ADC联合用药的潜力,以与PD-1+化疗方案竞争 [2] 财务数据总结 - Akeso在1H24实现收入10.3亿元人民币,同比增长440.3% [10] - Akeso在1H24实现毛利4.39亿元人民币,毛利率达到91.8% [10] - Akeso在1H24的销售费用(含分销成本)占产品销售的56.4%,与2023财年的56.3%基本持平 [2] - Akeso在1H24的研发费用同比增长3.4%至5.94亿元人民币 [2] - Akeso在1H24录得2.39亿元人民币的归属净亏损 [2] - 截至2024年6月,Akeso拥有充足的56.9亿元人民币的现金余额 [2]
三一重工:Expect a better 2H24E but consensus remains high; Maintain HOLD
招银国际· 2024-09-04 07:30
报告公司投资评级 - 报告维持公司HOLD评级,目标价为人民币14.8元,对应2024年24倍市盈率,高于过去5年平均20倍市盈率0.5个标准差 [12] 报告的核心观点 公司业务表现 - 2024年上半年公司海外收入同比增长4.8%,其中非洲市场收入大涨66% [2][8] - 公司预计2024年下半年中国市场销售将企稳(-12%),海外销售增速将加快 [2] - 公司预计新兴市场如非洲、拉丁美洲和中东将保持爆发式增长,印度市场将维持30%增长 [2] - 公司预计美国市场将在2025年企稳,欧洲市场的起重机业务将在2024年下半年实现较好增长 [2] 财务表现 - 2024年上半年公司总收入同比下降2.1%,毛利率为28.5% [9][10] - 2024年上半年公司净利润同比增长5.1%,经营活动现金流大幅改善 [7][10] - 预计2024-2026年公司收入和利润将保持8%左右的增长 [4] 行业环境 - 国内挖掘机销量在2024年5月同比增长29% [3] - 国内工程机械行业有300亿元资金用于设备更新 [3] 风险提示 - 海外需求进一步下滑 - 中国市场需求进一步恶化 [14]