Semiconductor Giant Posts Big Earnings Beat, but Shares Stay Flat
MarketBeat· 2024-07-19 20:34
文章核心观点 - 台积电是全球第二大半导体公司,是全球最大的半导体代工厂商 [7] - 台积电生产全球最先进的逻辑芯片,占据全球92%的市场份额 [7] - 台积电的收入主要来自高性能计算(HPC)和智能手机两大平台,占总收入的81% [9] - 台积电在美国建厂获得政府补贴,但遭到前总统特朗普的批评,导致股价下跌 [11][12][13] - 台积电第二季度财报超预期,毛利率和营业利润率均高于预期 [14][16] - 台积电第三季度营收指引也高于预期 [16] 公司经营情况 - 台积电是全球最大的半导体代工厂商,占据全球92%的先进逻辑芯片市场份额 [7] - 台积电生产最先进的3纳米和2纳米芯片,在制程工艺上领先竞争对手 [8] - 台积电的主要收入来源为高性能计算(43%)和智能手机(38%)两大平台 [9] - 高性能计算平台包括GPU、ASIC和PC CPU等AI应用芯片,是台积电最重要的增长点 [10] 财务表现 - 台积电第二季度营收和每股收益均超出市场预期,同比增长分别为40%和36% [14] - 高性能计算和数字消费电子两大平台收入增长分别为28%和20% [15] - 3纳米芯片占总收入的比重从上季度的9%提升至15% [15] - 毛利率和营业利润率均高于公司指引的上限 [16] - 存货周转天数和应收账款周转天数较上季度均有所下降 [17] - 第三季度营收指引区间为22.4-23.2亿美元,高于市场预期 [16] 市场反应 - 受到前总统特朗普对台积电在美国建厂获得补贴的批评,台积电股价在新闻发布前一天下跌7% [11][12][13] - 财报公布后,台积电股价最高涨幅达4%,但最终收盘涨幅不到1% [18] - 分析师询问是否考虑在美国设立合资工厂,台积电CEO表示目前没有此计划 [18] - 股价涨幅有限可能是由于投资者担心特朗普在共和党全国代表大会上会如何评论台积电 [19]
TSMC Profit Soars. Is Now a Great Time to Buy the Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-19 20:31
Is the recent sell-off in the stock overdone?Shares of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM 0.39%), or TSMC for short, didn't accelerate higher Thursday despite the semiconductor contract manufacturer reporting strong second-quarter results and lifting its guidance. Reports of tougher export restrictions on semiconductors coming from the U.S. government and comments from presidential candidate Donald Trump weighed on the stock.Let's take a closer look at TSMC's most recent results and whether now is a go ...
Analysts revise TSMC stock price target
Finbold· 2024-07-19 18:39
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (NYSE: TSM) surpassed revenue and profit expectations in the second quarter due to demand for advanced chips in artificial intelligence (AI) applications. TSMC reported revenue of NT$673.51 billion ($20.82 billion), exceeding the expected NT$657.58 billion, and net income of NT$247.85 billion, higher than the anticipated NT$238.8 billion. Compared to a year ago, net revenue rose by 40.1%, and net income increased by 36.3%. The firm had projected second-quarter reve ...
国泰君安· 2024-07-19 18:01
投资评级和核心观点 - 报告给予台积电"增持"评级,目标价208美元 [5] - 上调台积电2024-2026年营业收入和净利润预测,预计未来业绩持续增长 [5] - 台积电Q2收入和毛利率均超预期,先进制程占比持续提升,带动业绩增长 [11][13][15][16] - 公司指引Q3收入和毛利率均高于市场预期,对后市保持乐观 [5] - 公司上调资本支出指引,持续扩产以满足旺盛的芯片需求 [18][21] 业绩表现 - Q2营业收入208亿美元,同比增长16%,超预期 [5] - Q2毛利率53.2%,略高于指引上限,主要受益于产能利用率提升 [5] - 先进制程(3nm/5nm/7nm)占比合计67%,持续提升 [25] - 下游应用中,HPC占比上升至52%,智能手机占比下降至33% [24] - 净利润同比增长36%,环比增长10% [19] 行业趋势 - 受益于AI等新兴应用需求持续旺盛,以及智能手机需求边际转好 [5] - 公司指引2024年全年收入同比增速将超过20%,高于市场预期 [5] - 公司持续加大资本支出,以满足未来产能需求,包括3nm和2nm制程的产能扩张 [21][26] 风险提示 - 产能扩张不及预期 - AI需求不及预期 - 消费电子复苏不及预期 - 政策风险 [29]
华泰证券· 2024-07-19 09:02
报告公司投资评级 - 报告维持台积电(TSM US)的买入评级 [1] 报告的核心观点 - 2Q24 业绩超预期,3Q24 毛利率亮眼 [14] - 3/5nm 需求旺盛推动全年营收上调 [1] - 公司上调2024年营收同比增速至25%+,上修2024年资本开支计划至300-320亿美元 [4] - AI/高端智能手机需求推动产能利用率提升,带动毛利率上升 [4] - 公司预计未来几年AI营收将保持50%CAGR,2024年AI营收占比将同比翻倍达13% [41] - 日本和美国海外工厂按计划推进,但将在未来几年对公司毛利率造成2-3pct的稀释 [7] 收入按应用拆分 - 2Q24收入结构中,HPC收入环比增长24.7%,占比52%;智能手机收入环比下降4.2%,占比33% [15] - IoT收入环比增长10.3%,占比6%;汽车收入环比下降8.1%,占比5%;DCE收入环比增长10.3%,占比2% [15] 收入按制程拆分 - 2Q24收入结构中,3nm营收31.2亿美元,环比增长83.9%,占比达15% [16] - 5nm的收入占比达35%,7nm收入占比达17% [16] - 先进制程(7nm及以下)收入贡献合计达67%,环比增长2pct,同比上升14pct [16] 未来展望 - 3Q24营收中位数环比增长9.5%至228亿美元,毛利率中位数54.5%,大幅超预期 [4] - 2024年营收同比增速上调至25%+,资本开支计划上调至300-320亿美元 [4] - 公司预计未来几年AI营收将保持50%CAGR,2024年AI营收占比将同比翻倍达13% [41] - 日本和美国海外工厂按计划推进,但将在未来几年对公司毛利率造成2-3pct的稀释 [7] 盈利预测 - 我们上调2024/2025/2026年归母净利润预测8.4%/10.4%/11.1%至10,796/13,344/15,339亿新台币 [30] - 上调2024/2025/2026年EPS预测至41.64/51.46/59.16新台币 [30] 估值分析 - 给予台积电2025年25x的PE估值(2020年以来的78%分位数水平),上调目标价至198.84美元 [34]
国金证券· 2024-07-19 08:01
报告公司投资评级 - 报告维持公司"买入"评级 [2] 报告的核心观点 公司业绩表现 - 公司2024年第二季度实现营收208.22亿美元,同比增长32.8%,环比增长10.3%,超出之前的指引范围[1] - 公司2024年第二季度毛利率为53.2%,超出之前的指引范围[1] - 公司2024年第二季度实现净利润76.57亿美元,同比增长29.23%,环比增长6.72%[1] - 公司上调全年营收指引为同比增长略超25%(之前为20%~25%),同时上调2024年CAPEX为300~320亿美元(之前为280~320亿美元)[1] 公司经营分析 - 公司先进制程(3/5/7nm)营收占比持续增长,预计下半年将实现高稼动率[2] - 公司预计客户对能效有较高需求,未来有望快速切换到2nm制程,在2nm量产前两年的流片数将超过3、5nm最初两年量产的流片数[2] - 公司高性能计算、智能手机、IOT、汽车、DCE等下游应用营收表现良好,其中高性能计算营收环比增长明显[2] - 公司毛利率水平较高,2024年第二季度为53.2%,公司认为长期毛利率目标有望达到53%甚至更高水平[2] - 公司持续推进先进封装扩产,CoWoS产能有望实现翻倍以上增长[2] 盈利预测和估值 - 预计公司2024~2026年营收分别为885.91、1175.15、1339.92亿美元,净利润分别为342.10、465.93、574.54亿美元[2] - 对应当前股价PE分别为26、19、15X[2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 业绩简评 - 公司2024年第二季度业绩超预期,营收、毛利率、净利润均实现同比和环比增长[1] - 公司上调全年营收和CAPEX指引[1] 经营分析 - 公司先进制程营收占比持续提升,下游应用需求旺盛,毛利率水平较高[2] - 公司持续推进先进封装扩产,以满足下游需求[2] 盈利预测和估值 - 预计公司未来3年营收和净利润将保持较快增长,估值水平较合理[2]
Why TSMC Stock Gained Despite Huge Sell-Offs for Chip Companies Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-19 06:50
TSMC's quarterly results were great, but the market also had some huge risk factors to weigh.Semiconductor stocks were hit hard in Thursday's trading, but Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM 0.39%) stock managed to end the day in the green. The chip company's share price closed out the daily session up 0.4%, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.TSMC posted second-quarter results after the market closed yesterday, delivering sales and earnings for the period that beat Wall Street's expec ...
TSMC's Q2 Earnings, Revenue Beat Amid AI Chip Boom
Investopedia· 2024-07-19 00:01
Key TakeawaysTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company reported second-quarter results that beat analysts' estimates amid surging demand for artificial intelligence chips.Sales rose 40% year-over-year, while profits rose 36%, with the company projecting continued growth for the third quarter.TSMC shares gained in early trading Thursday before turning lower, extending Wednesday's losses on worries about how stricter trade restrictions and geopolitical tensions could affect the semiconductor industry. Taiwan ...
Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) Gains 64.6% YTD: Should You Buy Now?
ZACKS· 2024-07-19 00:00
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSM) has seen its stock price climb 64.6% in the year-to-date period, outperforming the broader Zacks Computer & Technology sector’s growth of 25.8% and the S&P 500 index’s rise of 17.6%.The TSM stock is also currently trading above its 50-day moving average, indicating a bullish trend.The company is benefiting from its strong positioning in the semiconductor manufacturing field on the back of its scale and capacity, particularly for advanced technologies. In ...
Taiwan Semiconductor Crushed It! A Good Sign for Other Semiconductor Stocks?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-18 22:38
Geopolitics will still be a risk but it shouldn't scare away investors. In this video, I will go over Taiwan Semiconductor's (TSM -1.92%) recent earnings report and comments from management. *Stock prices used were from the trading day of July 17, 2024. The video was published on July 18, 2024. ...