TSMC: My Regression Analysis Shows Significant Upside Potential
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-15 12:11
文章核心观点 - 公司是全球最大的半导体代工厂,在先进制程技术如5nm和3nm上处于领先地位,满足了人工智能等高性能计算的需求 [1][2][4] - 公司与NVIDIA、AMD、苹果等AI领导者建立了关键合作伙伴关系,为公司带来稳定的收入来源 [6][7] - 公司客户群多元化,除了AI巨头还服务于汽车、通讯等多个行业,降低了对单一客户或市场的依赖 [8][10] - 公司财务表现稳健,收入和利润率持续增长,资本支出充足以支持未来技术发展 [11][12][13][17] - 公司持续大幅投资研发,确保技术领先地位,满足人工智能等新兴应用的需求 [19][20][24][28] 关键要点总结 技术领先 - 公司在5nm和3nm先进制程技术上处于领先地位,满足了人工智能等高性能计算的需求 [1][2] - 公司在先进封装解决方案如CoWoS、SoW和InFO方面也处于领先地位 [4][5] 客户关系 - 公司与NVIDIA、AMD、苹果等AI领导者建立了关键合作伙伴关系,为公司带来稳定的收入来源 [6][7] - 公司客户群多元化,除了AI巨头还服务于汽车、通讯等多个行业,降低了对单一客户或市场的依赖 [8][10] 财务表现 - 公司收入和利润率持续增长,财务表现稳健 [11][12][13] - 公司资本支出充足以支持未来技术发展 [17][19][20] 研发投入 - 公司持续大幅投资研发,确保技术领先地位,满足人工智能等新兴应用的需求 [24][28] 风险提示 - 如果NVIDIA与英特尔建立供应链合作,可能会加剧竞争,对公司的市场份额和收入产生不利影响 [36] 总结 综上所述,公司凭借先进的技术、优质的客户关系、稳健的财务表现和持续的研发投入,处于有利的行业地位,未来发展前景看好,值得投资[37]
Prediction: This Incredibly Cheap but Fast-Growing Semiconductor Stock Could Outperform Nvidia
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-14 18:30
文章核心观点 - Nvidia的估值过高,限制了其未来的上涨空间,而台积电是一个更好的投资选择 [1][2] - 台积电的业务增长势头良好,收入增长率有望超过分析师预期 [3][4][5] - 台积电正在拓展业务范围,未来有望进一步提高市场份额,实现长期稳定增长 [5][6] - 相比之下,即使Nvidia未来几年的利润增长率较高,但其估值也较高,上涨空间有限 [7][8] 根据目录分类总结 公司业务和增长情况 - Nvidia在2023年股价大涨118%,但最近股价波动较大,投资者信心有所动摇 [1] - 台积电2024年前8个月收入同比增长31%,有望超过分析师预期的26%全年增长 [3] - 台积电正在拓展业务范围,包括芯片封装、测试和集成设备制造,预计未来总地址市场规模将达2500亿美元 [5] - 台积电正在大幅增加资本支出,以提高先进封装产能,进一步提高市场份额 [6] 公司估值和未来表现 - Nvidia当前股价估值很高,达到27倍销售额和50倍滚动市盈率,引发了估值担忧 [2] - 即使Nvidia未来5年利润复合增长率可达52%,但其估值较高,上涨空间有限 [8] - 相比之下,台积电当前估值仅20倍,未来5年若能实现21.5%的利润复合增长,股价有望上涨114% [7]
Taiwan Semiconductor: Valuation Dips Go Great With Chips
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-12 22:15
BING-JHEN HONG The biggest challenge to Artificial Intelligence or AI today is the inability of many organizations to estimate the returns on their AI investments. I believe that’s a temporary phase that was born of the rapid scaling up of AI infrastructure by cloud service providers like Amazon’s AWS (AMZN), Microsoft Corp (MSFT), et al, as well as super-premium smartphone incumbents like Apple Inc. (AAPL) and their respective pushes into the realm of artificial intelligence. The rest of the enterprise ...
TSMC (TSM) Stock Dips While Market Gains: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-09-11 06:50
文章核心观点 - 公司最近一个交易日收盘价为162.43美元,较前一交易日下跌0.22%,低于标普500指数0.45%的涨幅 [1] - 公司过去一个月股价下跌2.89%,低于计算机和技术板块0.98%的下跌和标普500指数2.54%的涨幅 [1] - 公司即将发布的财报预计每股收益将同比增长34.88%至1.74美元,收入将同比增长31.48%至227.2亿美元 [1] - 分析师预计公司全年每股收益和收入将分别同比增长24.52%和23.55% [2] - 公司目前的市盈率和行业平均水平一致,PEG比率为0.95,与行业平均水平相同 [3] 行业分析 - 公司所属的半导体-电路代工行业目前在250多个行业中排名第96位,位于前38% [4] - 研究显示,排名前50%的行业相比排名后50%的行业表现要好2倍 [4]
Why Taiwan Semiconductor Stock Was Pulling Back Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-10 23:57
Shares of TSMC pulled back after growth slowed in August.Shares of Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM -2.23%) were moving lower today after the chip manufacturing giant posted slowing revenue growth in its August update.Though its growth rate was still strong, it marked a deceleration from July, and that news was enough to push the stock lower.As of 10:46 a.m. ET, the stock was down 2.6%. TSMC hits the brakesTaiwan Semiconductor has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the artificial intelligence (AI) boom thus ...
Is Taiwan Semiconductor Stock a Buy Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 20:15
Taiwan Semiconductor is critical in AI proliferation.Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM -4.20%) may be the most important company in the world. It's a contract chip manufacturer, and the incredible technology from Nvidia, AMD, or Apple wouldn't be possible without its chip foundries. With the stock down around 10% from its all-time highs, is it time to capitalize on this discounted price and buy Taiwan Semi shares?TSMC has best-in-class technologyTaiwan Semiconductor has long been the leader in chip production. Beca ...
Taiwan Semiconductor: Chip Giant Is Still A Buy Despite Short-Term Risks
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-06 04:30
文章核心观点 - 半导体行业近期波动为投资者提供了进入行业龙头台积电的良机 [1] - 台积电作为人工智能时代的"镐头商人",未来发展前景广阔 [1][2] - 尽管部分分析师预测人工智能芯片需求将有所下滑,但台积电最新财报显示需求依然强劲 [2][3] 台积电的发展策略 - 台积电正在全球范围内扩张产能,包括在美国、德国和日本建设新工厂,以满足人工智能等领域的需求 [4] - 台积电正在通过多元化发展,减少对人工智能单一领域的依赖 [4] - 台积电计划在2025年适度提高芯片价格,以提升公司利润率 [5] 潜在风险 - 半导体行业整体波动和估值过高可能影响台积电股价 [7] - 人工智能热潮可能会逐渐降温,导致相关投资收益不达预期 [7] - 地缘政治风险,尤其是来自中国市场的风险仍然存在 [7] - 经济衰退可能对台积电业绩造成不利影响 [7]
Wall Street Analysts See a 27.55% Upside in TSMC (TSM): Can the Stock Really Move This High?
ZACKS· 2024-09-04 23:00
Shares of TSMC (TSM) have gained 3.3% over the past four weeks to close the last trading session at $160.49, but there could still be a solid upside left in the stock if short-term price targets of Wall Street analysts are any indication. Going by the price targets, the mean estimate of $204.71 indicates a potential upside of 27.6%.The mean estimate comprises seven short-term price targets with a standard deviation of $28.26. While the lowest estimate of $170 indicates a 5.9% increase from the current price ...
Why Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Stock Was Sliding Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-04 01:14
A broader sell-off in the chip sector weighed on TSMC.Shares of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM -5.81%) were falling today as bearish momentum in the broader semiconductor sector seemed to weigh on the stock. There was also a news item out of Japan that brought up a familiar bogeyman for TSMC.As of 12:18 p.m. ET, the stock was trading 5.8%, while the Nasdaq Composite had lost 2.3%, indicating a broader pullback in the market. Chip stocks are still volatileChip stocks like Taiwan Semi tend to go wher ...
IEDC to Target Semiconductor Innovation and Launch New Taiwan Office
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-03 23:10
文章核心观点 - 印第安纳州政府正积极推动半导体产业的发展,并将在本周率领经济代表团访问台湾,以加强双方在半导体研发、生产和应用等领域的合作[1][2][3][4][5] - 印第安纳州政府已在台北设立经济发展公司(IEDC)办事处,以进一步推动高科技、高增长行业的投资[3] - 印第安纳州在半导体产业取得了显著进展,吸引了7家新的半导体公司落户,并获得了联邦政府的微电子技术中心认定[4] 行业概况 - 印第安纳州半导体产业正处于快速发展阶段,与台湾在该领域的合作也不断深化[6] - 2023年印第安纳州与台湾之间的贸易额达16.1亿美元,主要涉及计算机和电子产品、化学品、电气设备及零部件、机械和运输设备等领域[6] 公司动态 - 台湾半导体公司联发科(MediaTek)已宣布与普渡大学合作在印第安纳州设立新的半导体设计中心[5] - 印第安纳州正积极与台湾半导体行业的主要企业和组织进行交流,包括联发科、台北电脑公会、美国在台商会和台湾电机电子制造业同业公会等[5]