Taiwan Semiconductor Almost Doubled In 2024 - What's Next For 2025
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-19 18:05
Now you can get access to the latest and highest-quality analysis of recent Wall Street buying and selling ideas with just one subscription to Beyond the Wall Investing ! There is a free trial and a special discount of 10% for you. Join us today!Daniel Sereda is chief investment analyst at a family office whose investments span continents and diverse asset classes. This requires him to navigate through a plethora of information on a daily basis. His expertise is in filtering this wealth of data to extract t ...
2 Stocks Set to Dominate in 2025
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-18 21:15
Sometimes, it's fairly obvious which companies will have a successful year before we're actually in it. I think that's the case with two companies: Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM -0.77%) and Amazon (AMZN -0.76%) although others could certainly make the list, too. These two are primed for success heading into 2025, and I think the conditions are right to buy both stocks right now.Taiwan SemiconductorTaiwan Semiconductor is at the forefront of every major technological shift today. Without the chips that it fabric ...
The Top AI Stock for 2025
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-17 18:30
There's one company making all of the chips AI is run on.Artificial intelligence is growing at an astounding rate, but competition is fierce among all of the leading providers of models and cloud infrastructure. One area where there isn't as much competition is in chips, where Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM 0.61%) is the clear leader. In this video, Travis Hoium explains why this is the top way to play AI in 2025.*Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of Dec. 13, 2024. The video was published on ...
TSMC says first advanced U.S. chip fab 'dang near back' on schedule. Here's an inside look.
CNBC· 2024-12-13 21:00
核心观点 - 台积电(TSMC)在亚利桑那州的新芯片制造厂(fab)是其在美国的首个先进芯片制造厂,原计划投资120亿美元,生产5纳米芯片,但因各种原因投资增加至200亿美元,生产推迟至2025年,目前正在进行试生产,计划生产4纳米芯片 [2][3][4] - 台积电计划在该地点建设另外两座fab,总投资将达到650亿美元,预计到2030年完成 [2] - 台积电的亚利桑那fab将与台湾的fab保持相同的产量,但目前全球92%的最先进芯片仍由台湾fab生产,美国在芯片制造方面远未实现自给自足 [6] 项目进展 - 台积电亚利桑那fab原计划2024年完工,但因学习过程(如许可、与工会合作、当地劳动法等)导致成本增加至200亿美元,生产推迟至2025年 [2][3] - 目前fab正在进行试生产,生产4纳米芯片,每月产量为20,000片,每片成本超过18,000美元 [4] - 台积电计划在该地点建设另外两座fab,总投资将达到650亿美元,预计到2030年完成 [2] 技术与生产 - 台积电亚利桑那fab将生产4纳米芯片,每月产量为20,000片,每片成本超过18,000美元 [4] - 台积电预计亚利桑那fab的产量将与台湾fab保持相同水平,但目前全球92%的最先进芯片仍由台湾fab生产,美国在芯片制造方面远未实现自给自足 [6] - 台积电计划在亚利桑那fab生产2纳米及更先进的芯片 [20] 供应链与市场 - 台积电在亚利桑那fab的生产将有助于提高美国芯片供应链的韧性,减少对亚洲芯片的依赖 [10][11] - 台积电在亚利桑那fab的生产将有助于提高美国芯片供应链的韧性,减少对亚洲芯片的依赖 [10][11] - 台积电在亚利桑那fab的生产将有助于提高美国芯片供应链的韧性,减少对亚洲芯片的依赖 [10][11] 竞争与合作 - 台积电与英特尔在亚利桑那州的新fab将竞争稀缺的劳动力资源 [15] - 台积电与英特尔在亚利桑那州的新fab将竞争稀缺的劳动力资源 [15] - 台积电与英特尔在亚利桑那州的新fab将竞争稀缺的劳动力资源 [15] 资源与环境 - 台积电亚利桑那fab每天需要470万加仑的水,但通过回收65%的水,将需求降至100万加仑 [18] - 台积电亚利桑那fab每天需要2.85吉瓦时的电力,相当于约100,000个美国家庭的用电量,台积电通过购买可再生能源信用额度来抵消部分需求 [19] - 台积电在亚利桑那fab建设了太阳能设施,但不足以满足全部电力需求 [19] 全球布局 - 台积电在亚利桑那fab的建设是其全球扩展的一部分,还在日本和德国建设新的fab [20] - 台积电计划在亚利桑那fab生产2纳米及更先进的芯片 [20] - 台积电在亚利桑那fab的建设是其全球扩展的一部分,还在日本和德国建设新的fab [20]
Is Taiwan Semiconductor Stock a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-06 17:10
文章核心观点 - 台积电(TSMC)是全球领先的合同芯片制造商,市场价值达1万亿美元,是科技供应链中的关键组成部分 [1][2] - 台积电在人工智能(AI)繁荣和半导体周期性复苏中受益,同时其主要竞争对手三星和英特尔近期表现不佳,为公司提供了扩大市场份额的机会 [4] - 台积电近期业绩显示了强劲的增长和高利润率,第三季度收入增长39%至235亿美元,净利润为101亿美元,利润率为43% [5] - 台积电在先进芯片技术方面继续保持领先,7纳米及以下工艺的芯片收入占比达到69%,3纳米工艺的收入从一年前的6%增长到20% [6] - 台积电正在全球范围内快速扩张,减少对台湾的依赖,以应对地缘政治风险 [7] - 台积电的竞争优势和增长潜力使其成为投资者的优质选择,尤其是在AI繁荣的背景下 [11] 公司现状 - 台积电的竞争优势在增强,受益于AI繁荣和半导体行业的周期性复苏 [4] - 台积电第三季度收入增长39%至235亿美元,净利润为101亿美元,利润率为43% [5] - 台积电在先进芯片技术方面继续保持领先,7纳米及以下工艺的芯片收入占比达到69%,3纳米工艺的收入从一年前的6%增长到20% [6] - 台积电正在全球范围内快速扩张,减少对台湾的依赖,以应对地缘政治风险 [7] 竞争优势 - 台积电是全球领先的合同芯片制造商,市场份额超过50%,先进芯片市场份额约为90% [1] - 台积电的竞争优势得益于多年的工厂投资和研发,使其在持续增长的半导体行业中保持领先地位 [8] - 台积电的主要竞争对手英特尔和三星近期表现不佳,显示其竞争威胁在减弱 [9] 投资价值 - 台积电具有广泛的经济护城河和强劲的业务势头,但其股票是否值得购买还需考虑估值 [10] - 台积电目前的市盈率(P/E)为31,对于其快速增长的公司来说,这是一个合理的估值 [10] - 台积电的台湾基地存在地缘政治风险,但公司正在通过全球多元化制造基地来管理这一风险 [10] - 基于其增长率、估值、盈利能力和竞争优势,台积电被认为是优质的投资选择,尤其是在AI繁荣的背景下 [11]
TSMC in Talks To Produce Blackwell AI Chip for Nvidia in Arizona, Report Says
Investopedia· 2024-12-05 19:50
核心观点 - 台积电(TSMC)正在与英伟达(Nvidia)洽谈,计划在亚利桑那州的新工厂生产英伟达的AI芯片Blackwell [1][2] 公司动态 - 台积电计划于明年年初开始生产AI芯片Blackwell,这些芯片目前由台积电在台湾的工厂生产 [1][2] - 尽管芯片将在美国制造,但仍需送回台湾进行封装 [2] - 台积电将获得66亿美元(6.6 billion)的直接联邦资金用于亚利桑那州工厂的建设 [3] - 台积电是全球最大的合同芯片制造商,客户包括苹果(Apple)和博通(Broadcom) [3] - 台积电的美国存托凭证(ADRs)在盘前交易中几乎没有变化,但今年已接近翻倍 [3]
These 2 Billionaires Just Bought My Favorite Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-04 20:15
Watching the moves of billionaire hedge fund managers is a wise investment strategy because these investors didn't get to their status without making some smart decisions.Funds that have more than $100 million in assets must disclose their end-of-quarter holdings to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) within 45 days after that quarter ends, and those disclosures are then made available to the public. This gives us an idea of what sorts of moves these Wall Street pros are making, albeit in a delayed ...
Could Investing $10,000 in TSMC Make You a Millionaire?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-29 19:15
文章核心观点 - 台积电(TSMC)在过去十年中表现出色,股价上涨了706%,投资者获得了丰厚的回报。公司受益于半导体行业的长期增长,未来十年至十五年仍有潜力继续增长[1][2][3] 半导体市场增长 - 根据麦肯锡的预测,全球半导体市场到2030年可能达到1万亿美元的年收入,相比2021年的6000亿美元有显著增长[4] - Precedence Research预测,半导体行业到2032年可能产生超过2万亿美元的收入,年增长率接近15%[4] - AI芯片市场预计到2034年将产生近9280亿美元的年收入,年增长率为29%[6] 台积电的市场地位 - 台积电是全球最大的半导体代工厂,占据62%的市场份额,其最接近的竞争对手仅占11%[7] - 台积电在2023年为528家客户制造了11895种产品,客户基础广泛且多样化[8] - 台积电预计将保持其在代工市场的领先地位至少到2032年,公司正在积极投资建设更多的制造工厂,并开发先进的芯片节点以保持领先地位[13][14] 台积电的财务表现 - 台积电在2024年前十个月的收入同比增长了31.5%[8] - 台积电预计2024年全年收入将增长近30%,未来几年也将保持健康的增长率[9] - 台积电的营收预计在2024年将达到1310.7亿美元[10] - 台积电的每股收益(EPS)预计在2026年将达到10.35美元,三年复合年增长率(CAGR)接近26%[15] - 如果台积电在未来十年内保持15%的年收益增长率,到2033年每股收益可能达到20.95美元[16] 台积电的股价潜力 - 如果台积电的市盈率(P/E)在未来十年内达到30倍,其股价可能达到628美元,相比当前水平上涨239%[17] - 投资1万美元在台积电股票上,十年后可能增值到超过33900美元,这使得台积电成为构建百万美元投资组合的理想选择[17]
Taiwan Semiconductor: One Of The Best AI Plays Today
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-28 00:12
With just one subscription to Beyond the Wall Investing , you can save thousands of dollars a year on equity research reports from banks. You'll keep your finger on the pulse and have access to the latest and highest-quality analysis of this type of information.I think the moat Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (NYSE: TSM ) has, its market position and AI tailwinds all around it make the current valuation too cheap to ignore, even if we take geopolitical and cyclicality risksHe leads the in ...
Billionaire Steven Cohen Just Bought This Once-in-a-Decade Artificial Intelligence (AI) Semiconductor Stock (Hint: I'm Not Talking About Nvidia)
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-26 22:53
Steven Cohen of Point72 Asset Management just raised the fund's position in foundry specialist Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing.Steven Cohen is a billionaire hedge fund investor who serves as CEO of Point72 Asset Management. While parsing through Point72's most recent quarterly 13F filing, I came away with one pretty clear conclusion: Cohen is bullish on artificial intelligence (AI). In the September-ended quarter, some of Point72's more outsized purchases were in "Magnificent Seven" stocks including Nvid ...