Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSM) Soars to 52-Week High, Time to Cash Out?
ZACKS· 2024-07-12 22:15
Have you been paying attention to shares of TSMC (TSM) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 6.7% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $193.47 in the previous session. TSMC has gained 77.4% since the start of the year compared to the 28.5% move for the Zacks Computer and Technology sector and the 77.4% return for the Zacks Semiconductor - Circuit Foundry industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has an impressive record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn't ...
Taiwan Semiconductor: Why I Am Buying The Top
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-12 12:26
文章核心观点 - 台积电2Q24销售额同比增长40.1%,超出市场预期,显示公司业务持续加速 [2][3][10][11] - 台积电6月销售额同比增长32.9%,连续4个月销售增长超过30% [10] - 高性能计算(HPC)是台积电主要收入来源,占总销售额46% [4][5] - 5纳米和7纳米工艺占台积电总销售额56% [6] - 受益于人工智能(AI)热潮,台积电2Q24业绩有望创新高 [7][9][19] 行业分析 - 半导体行业正处于AI驱动的高景气周期,需求旺盛 [4][7][19] - 高性能计算和数据中心是台积电主要收入来源,占比46% [4][5] - 5纳米和7纳米工艺是行业前沿,台积电在此领域占据领先地位 [6] 公司分析 - 台积电2Q24销售额同比增长40.1%,超出市场预期 [10][11] - 6月销售额同比增长32.9%,连续4个月保持30%以上增长 [10] - 高性能计算和5/7纳米工艺是公司主要收入来源 [4][5][6] - 受益于AI热潮,公司业绩有望持续高增长 [7][9][19]
Sales Breakout Sends This Semiconductor Stock to Record High
MarketBeat· 2024-07-12 00:55
Investors will find that most of the market’s attention has centered on today's technology sector, particularly stocks dealing with artificial intelligence and its growing adoption throughout the global economy. For better reference, investors can dig into the VanEck Semiconductor ETF NASDAQ: SMH to filter out their picks further. Eventually, the list will come down to a handful of stocks.Within that handful, shares of NVIDIA Co. NASDAQ: NVDA will have a special place, checking off the momentum and financia ...
Why Taiwan Semiconductor Stock Popped on Wednesday
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-11 00:23
There's still some value left in TSMC stock -- but not a lot.Shares of chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM 2.85%) rose 2.3% through 10:45 a.m. ET on Wednesday. This morning in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, TSMC reported that its June 2024 revenue fell 10% in comparison to May, but its sales year over year increased by nearly 33%.And zooming out to a big-picture view, sales in the first half of 2024 are now up 28% in comparison to the first half of 2023. Sales surge for ...
Nvidia supplier TSMC reports higher revenues than expected
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-07-10 23:34
文章核心观点 - Proactive是一家专注于中小市值公司和新兴行业的金融新闻和在线广播公司,提供快速、可访问、信息丰富和可操作的商业和金融新闻内容 [1][3][4] - Proactive的新闻团队遍布全球主要的金融和投资中心,包括伦敦、纽约、多伦多、温哥华、悉尼和珀斯 [2] - Proactive采用前瞻性和积极的技术,利用自动化和软件工具(包括生成式AI)来辅助和增强内容创作工作流程,但所有内容仍由人工编辑和撰写 [5][6][7] 行业总结 - Proactive专注于中小市值公司和新兴行业,如生物技术和制药、采矿和天然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动车技术等 [3][4] - Proactive为投资者提供这些行业的独特见解和最新动态 [3][4] 公司总结 - Proactive是一家金融新闻和在线广播公司,拥有丰富的新闻报道经验 [1] - Proactive的内容团队由拥有多年宝贵经验的专业人士组成 [6] - Proactive采用前瞻性的技术手段来提高内容创作效率,但所有内容仍由人工编辑和撰写 [5][7]
TSMC Jumps on 40% Year-Over-Year Q2 Revenue Increase
Investopedia· 2024-07-10 23:18
Key TakeawaysTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company on Wednesday released sales figures for June that showed revenue rose 33% from a year earlier.The June data completes the company's second-quarter revenue numbers, which surpassed analyst estimates.Investors will get a clearer picture of TSMC's second quarter when the company reports earnings next week. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's (TSM) American depositary receipts (ADRs) rose in intraday trading Wednesday after the chipmaker released ...
Why Taiwan Semiconductor Stock Topped the Market Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-09 06:40
A slight price-target increase only added to the widespread bullish sentiment on the company.For the most part, Monday was a rather forgettable day for the stock market. The S&P 500 index could only muster a 0.1% gain, and many titles traded sideways during the session. So the more than 1% gain of chipmaking giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM 1.44%) to a new, all-time high share price was notable.The long-tail trend is its friendThat day, Taiwan Semiconductor benefited from a long-tail trend, com ...
AI boom reshapes Wall Street as TSMC joins trillion-dollar club
Techxplore· 2024-07-09 02:50
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: TSMC, with most of its factories based in Taiwan, is well placed to also reap the rewards of the AI frenzy. The entry of Taiwanese chip giant TSMC into the elite club of the world's most valuable companies is further proof that the generative AI revolution is shaking up Wall Street. TSMC, listed in both Taiwan and New York, br ...
4 Must-Buy Semiconductor Stocks as Sales See Solid Rebound
ZACKS· 2024-07-08 21:36
文章核心观点 - 半导体行业正在经历强劲反弹,主要受益于需求增长和人工智能(尤其是生成式AI)带来的乐观情绪 [1][2][3] - 通胀压力是导致需求放缓的主要原因,但现已有所缓解,通胀趋于降温 [2][3] - 半导体行业销售额连续12个月同比增长,5月同比增长19.3%,环比增长4.1% [2][3] - 美国市场增长尤其强劲,同比增长43.6% [3] - 人工智能的持续热潮为制造AI芯片的公司带来助力 [3][4][5] 行业总结 - 半导体行业正在复苏,销售额连续增长,通胀压力有所缓解 [1][2][3] - 人工智能带来的乐观情绪推动行业发展,尤其是制造AI芯片的公司 [3][4][5] - 行业前景看好,值得关注相关公司的投资机会 [6] 公司总结 - NVIDIA是视觉计算技术的全球领导者,其GPU在高性能计算、游戏和虚拟现实等领域得到广泛应用 [7][8] - 台积电是全球最大的专业集成电路代工厂,致力于成为全球领先的半导体公司 [9][10] - 美光科技是全球领先的半导体存储解决方案提供商,产品广泛应用于各类领先计算、消费电子、网络和移动产品 [11][12] - RF Industries从事射频连接器的设计、制造和分销,为无线通信应用提供解决方案 [13][14]
第一上海证券· 2024-07-05 13:31
报告公司投资评级 台积电(TSM)首次覆盖并给予买入评级。[5] 报告的核心观点 1. 传统周期叠加 AI 需求,晶圆代工有望迎来量价齐升:生成式 AI 的发展驱动算力芯片需求,与此同时消费电子的更新周期有望受益于端侧 AI 落地缩短。[2][146] 2. 先进封装产能未来两年有望连续翻倍:摩尔定律趋近极限后通过增加晶体管数量带来提升芯片性能的方式收效甚微,未来先进封装解决方案将继续提升芯片互联密度,台积电也将持续受益于 AI 带来的算力芯片更高的存算比需求。[2][147] 3. 代工行业马太效应显著,订单持续向头部公司集中:晶圆代工行业呈现寡头垄断趋势,台积电凭借良率及先进制程技术占据行业超 6 成份额,当前 Intel 受制于 IDM 模式涉及与上游客户竞争风险以及其新节点产能大规模落地时间仍待确定;三星则受制于其代工良率及效能不及预期,台积电代工行业主导地位稳固。[2][147] 4. 目标价 245.00 美元,首次覆盖并给予买入评级:我们认为公司将受益于先进制程+封装业务的量价齐升,预测 2024-2026 年的收入分别为 28593/36379/40150 亿新台币,净利润分别为 11087/14359/15981 亿新台币,根据 DCF 估值法,取 WACC 为 11%,给予公司未来 12 个月目标价为 245.00 美元,分别对应 2024/2025 年 29.0/26.3 倍 PE,较现价有 34.25%的上涨空间,买入评级。[2][151] 公司投资评级 买入评级 [2] 公司简介 1. 台积电创立于 1987 年的台湾省新竹市科学园区,1994 年上市台湾交易所,1997 年登陆纽交所,主要专注于芯片代工业务。[9] 2. 公司首创晶圆代工(Foundry)模式,平均两年迭代一次制程,市场份额超 60%。[9] 3. 公司代工业务覆盖 3nm 至 3um 的逻辑制程,下游产品应用包括智能手机、高性能计算、物联网等五大下游应用领域。[9] 4. 公司现有的 3nm 制程技术处于行业龙头地位。[9] 公司发展历程 1. IDM 模式成本过高,张忠谋开创代工模式(Foundry)。[10][12] 2. 初创代工模式无人问津,拿下 Intel 订单打开全球市场。[11][13] 3. 自研突破 IBM 技术授权,合作 ASML 实现制程领先。[14][15] 4. 击败三星拿下苹果订单,智能手机助力营收高速增长。[16][17] 5. 超越英特尔稳固先进制程领先地位,AI 算力芯片代工助力新增长。[18] 主要业务 1. 逻辑制程业务: - 先进制程(7nm 以下)主要应用于智能手机及高性能计算,主要客户包括苹果、英伟达、AMD 等。[20][21] - 成熟制程(7nm 以上)主要应用于物联网、汽车及消费电子。[22] 2. 特殊制程业务: - 包括 MEMS、CMOS 图像传感器、嵌入式 NVM、射频(RF)、模拟(Analog)等。[25] 3. 先进封装技术: - 包括 SoIC、InFO 及 CoWoS 等,主要应用于高性能计算和数据中心。[26][27][30] 主要客户 1. 高性能计算(HPC):受益于 AI 算力需求增长。[33] 2. 智能手机:受益于 5G 渗透率提升和产品功能迭代。[34] 3. 物联网(IoT):受益于数字化转型和 AI 功能融入。[35] 4. 自动驾驶:受益于电动化和智能化趋势。[36][37] 5. 数字消费产品(DCE):受益于大屏幕、高帧率游戏电视、AI 语音控制等新应用。[38] 竞争优势 1. 晶圆代工模式创立者,聚焦头部客户巩固领先地位。[52][57][58][59][60] 2. 高额研发投入+资本开支持续助力公司盈利增长。[64][65][66] 3. 先进制程代工飞轮效应显著,不断拓展自身竞争力。[68][69][70][73][74] 4. 全球建厂扩大制造规模,总部持续拓充优秀人才。[80][81] 5. 成熟制程转型特色工艺,差异化丰富产品矩阵。[82][83][84][85] 行业发展趋势 1. 晶圆代工行业增长: - 半导体行业周期性显著,供给端库存逐步恢复,行业景气度有望提升。[96][99][100] - 晶圆代工行业呈现寡头垄断趋势,台积电市占率超 60%。[97] 2. AI 数据中心增长: - ChatGPT 引发的 AI 浪潮带动云计算服务、大数据分析及数字化转型需求。[104][105][106] - AI 芯片相关晶圆代工 ASP 将上涨。[109][110][111] 3. 先进封装需求增长: - 摩尔定律趋近极限,先进封装成为满足 AI 算力需求的重要解决方案。[121][122] 盈利预测 1. 传统周期叠加 AI 需求,晶圆代工有望迎来量价齐升。[146] 2. 先进封装产能未来两年有望连续翻倍。[147] 3. 代工行业马太效应显著,订单持续向头部公司集中。[147] 4. 预计 2024-2026 年收入分别为 28593/36379/40150 亿新台币