James Hardie Industrie(JHX.AU)Slow recovery but foundation solid
UBS· 2024-08-14 11:02
ab 13 August 2024 Global Research and Evidence Lab James Hardie Industries Slow recovery but foundation solid Soft 2QFY25 makes bridge to FY25 incrementally harder We see the key takeaways from today's result as: 1) FY25 unchanged but harder with tough 2Q. JHX's 2QFY25 guidance came in softer than expected (midpoint vols -7% albeit with some large builder inventory adj impact). While declining rates will clearly improve the outlook, we see any improvement as unlikely to arrive in time for FY25 earnings and ...
China Economic Outlook Property Downturn, Tariff Risk and Policy Responses
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:49
行业投资评级 报告给出了中国经济的整体投资评级。[5] 报告的核心观点 1. 2024年GDP增速预计为4.9%,增速较2023年有所放缓。[29] 2. 房地产市场持续下行,销售、开工和投资均有10%左右的下滑。[30][36] 3. 消费复苏乏力,主要受到收入、信心和财富效应等因素的拖累。[32] 4. 基建投资和制造业投资将有所放缓,分别增长5-6%和5-6%。[33][34] 5. 出口保持韧性,2024年名义出口增长3.5%。[35] 分行业总结 房地产行业 1. 房地产市场正经历有史以来最严重的下行周期,2023年销售、开工和投资将分别下降9%、20%和10%。[30][36] 2. 2024年房地产市场仍将持续下行,销售、开工和投资将进一步下降5-10%、15-20%和5-10%。[30][36] 3. 房地产行业对GDP、银行、地方政府财政和地方政府融资平台债务具有重要影响。[30] 4. 政策正在采取措施支持房地产销售,包括白名单项目、更多支持开发商融资等,但去库存进展有限。[31] 消费行业 1. 线下消费活动基本恢复正常,服务业表现优于商品零售。但整体消费水平仍低于疫情前水平。[32] 2. 主要影响因素包括收入、信心、财富效应以及有限的财政支持。[32] 3. 2020-2022年累计多出4-4.5万亿元的居民储蓄,2023-2024年仍将有所增加,除第三季度外。[32][105] 出口行业 1. 2020-2022年出口保持强劲增长,2023年有所下滑,2024年将再次反弹,增长3.5%。[35][110][111] 2. 出口增长的支撑因素包括美国经济韧性、全球科技周期以及供应链调整。[35][124][125][126] 3. 中美贸易摩擦对出口的影响有限,主要体现在供应链重组。[128][129] 基建和制造业投资 1. 2024年基建投资增速将放缓至5-6%,中央政府和政策性银行支持力度加大,但地方财政和地方政府融资平台融资能力有限。[33][143][144][146] 2. 制造业投资将保持5-6%的增速,主要受益于"高质量"行业,而房地产供应链相关行业表现较弱。[34] 3. 工业利润改善主要来自于收入增长,而非利润率改善。工业库存去化进度缓慢。[162][163][164]
Australian Economic Comment:RBA Hauser hawkish: lifts neutral & NAIRU. WPI ticks down to 0.8% q/q, but y/y holds 4.1%
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:49
Global Research and Evidence Lab 13 August 2024 Australian Economic Comment RBA Hauser hawkish: lifts neutral & NAIRU. WPI ticks down to 0.8% q/q, but y/y holds 4.1% RBA Deputy Hauser hawkish: effectively lifts neutral rate & NAIRU estimates RBA Deputy Governor Hauser's speech was on the hawkish side; especially relative to prior comments, which were initially more balanced on the RBA's 'dual mandate' of an inflation target as well as full employment. 1) Hauser characterised inflation as persistent, and hig ...
Challenger(CGF.AU)Strong P&L momentum into FY25
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:48
Global Research and Evidence Lab 13 August 2024 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|---------|---------|---------|-----------|----------------------------------------------------------------|---------|------------ ...
Nihon Kohden(6849.JP)Await rebound in market credibility
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:48
ab 13 August 2024 Global Research and Evidence Lab Nihon Kohden Await rebound in market credibility Lowering price target and estimates We are lowering our price target for Nihon Kohden from ¥3,000 to ¥2,180 to reflect cuts to our estimates and base PER. We are revising our estimates based on changes to our forex assumptions (from ¥150/$ to ¥145 and ¥160/€ to ¥155) and cuts to our sales estimates for Japan and China. Our new target PER of 20.2X is a 10% discount to our previous multiple (the 22.5X average f ...
Freightways(FRW.NZ)Still in neutral
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:48
报告行业投资评级 - 报告维持Freightways (FRW.NZ)的12个月中性评级 [4] 报告的核心观点 - 短期内FRW的估值已大幅上涨20%,但未来增长主要依赖于利润率改善 [1] - 2025财年NZ快递包裹业务量仍面临下行压力,但定价提升和成本控制将抵消大部分影响 [2][3] - 2026财年业绩增长有望加速,得益于快递包裹业务量和利润率的双重提升 [3] - 分析师下调了2025和2026财年的盈利预测,主要反映了NZ快递包裹业务量下降和冷藏业务利润率恢复较慢 [3][26] 分部业务表现 - NZ快递包裹业务:2025财年受到业务量下滑的影响,但定价提升将抵消大部分影响 [27] - 信息管理业务:2025和2026财年利润率有望改善 [27] - 冷藏业务:2025和2026财年利润率恢复较慢 [27] - 澳洲快递业务:短期内面临一定压力 [27]
Spot On:SA Miners~momentum & yield if spot prevails
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:48
ab 13 August 2024 Global Research and Evidence Lab Equities Spot On SA Miners—momentum & yield if spot prevails South Africa Mining 8% downside risk to 12M forward consensus earnings, on average If spot commodity prices prevail, we calculate upside risk to 12M forward consensus earnings for the gold miners (+32%) and the SA diversifieds (+1%) on an average market cap-weighted basis, while we calculate downside risk to for the PGM miners (- 15%) and dual-listeds (-21%) on an average market cap-weighted basis ...
Chinese Shipbuilders:Read~Throughs from Yangzijiang Shipbuilding H124 results
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:48
ab 13 August 2024 Global Research and Evidence Lab First Read Chinese Shipbuilders Read-Throughs from Yangzijiang Shipbuilding H124 results Equities China Industrial Yangzijiang Shipbuilding disclosed H124 results Yangzijiang Shipbuilding disclosed its H124 results yesterday after market, and the market reacted positively today, with the share price of Yangzijiang Shipbuilding +12% intraday. Company's H124 revenue grew 15% YoY and 2% HoH, and GPM improved by 8ppts YoY and1ppt HoH. What beat market expectati ...
Xylem Inc(XYL.US)Pure~play water leader with attractive growth profile. Initiate Buy.
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:48
报告行业投资评级 - 报告给予Xylem Inc买入评级,目标价165美元 [2][3] 报告的核心观点 - Xylem是领先的纯水务公司,具有中单位数以上的增长前景,且相对同行更加抗周期 [3] - Xylem有机会通过定价策略和生产效率提升,每年扩大约100个基点的EBITDA利润率 [16][17][18] - 美国和其他发达经济体的老旧水基础设施、全球城市化趋势以及水质监管等因素将为Xylem带来长期增长机遇 [3][4][15][18] 行业概况 水基础设施 - 美国EPA估计未来20年(2021-2040年)国家饮用水基础设施融资需求约6250亿美元 [18] - 双边基础设施法案已拨款超过500亿美元用于改善美国水基础设施 [4][18] - 城市化趋势将推动新兴市场对水基础设施的大量投资需求 [155][156][157][158] 水质监管 - 美国EPA将对6种PFAS化合物制定最高污染物限值标准,预计将有约4100-6700家供水系统需采取行动 [148][149] - 政府支持计划如双边基础设施法案将提供90亿美元资金用于帮助受PFAS污染的供水系统 [153] 公司业务 - Xylem的水基础设施和水务服务业务(占2023年销售额60%)将是PFAS监管趋势的主要受益者 [136] - 测量与控制解决方案业务(占2023年销售额20%)受益于先进计量基础设施和非收益性水的需求增长 [228] - 应用水业务(占2023年销售额20%)受益于城市化和工业需求增长 [217]
US Insurance Wrapping up 2Q24 Earnings Season
UBS· 2024-08-13 16:48
ab 13 August 2024 Global Research and Evidence Lab Equities Americas Insurance US Insurance Wrapping up 2Q24 Earnings Season Brokers and Personal Lines Reverse Last Week's Gains P&C insurers we cover were down 0.8% over the week, underperforming both Fins (+0.8%) and the S&P 500 (~flat). Brokers were down 1.9% with RYAN (-5%) and GSHD (-4.9%). Personal lines were also down with KMPR (-5.3%) and ALL (-3.3%). Commercial lines we cover were flat on average with WRB (+3.5%) and AIZ (+2.4%) offset by JRVR (-6.4% ...