This Michael Burry stock just got new upgrades from Wall Street
Finbold· 2024-10-17 18:25
文章核心观点 - 知名投资者Michael Burry大幅增加了对中国市场的投资敞口,其中包括电商巨头京东(JD.com)的股票[1] - 尽管中国市场近期出现波动,但两大投资机构Barclays和摩根大通(JPMorgan)仍然看好京东的未来表现,并大幅上调了其目标价格[2][3] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 京东股价表现 - 2024年京东股价已经上涨46.27%,但最近一周下跌5.53%,受到中国市场不确定性的影响[1] - 尽管出现短期波动,但Barclays和摩根大通仍看好京东的长期增长潜力,将目标价从40美元上调至50美元[2][3] 中国市场整体表现 - 9月24日中国央行出台刺激措施后,中国股市出现大涨,北交所50指数单日暴涨22%[4] - 但10月8日中国发改委出台的措施未达预期,导致香港恒生指数和CSI 300指数出现大幅下跌,京东股价也受到影响[5] - 尽管出现短期波动,但主要机构投资者仍看好中国市场长期复苏的前景[5]
交银国际证券· 2024-10-17 14:09
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|--------------|---------------|----------|-------------------------------| | 交银国际研究 \n公司更新 | | | | | | 互联网 | 收盘价 | 目标价 | 潜在涨幅 | 2024 年 10 月 15 日 | | | 美元 44.14 | 美元 56.00↑ | +26.9% | | | | | | | | | 京东 (JD US) | | | | | | | | | | | 预计 3 季度业绩符合预期,以旧换新带动 9 月销售数据回暖 3 季度业绩预览:预计 3 季度公司总收入同比增 4.9%至 2598 亿元(人民 币,下同),符合我们和市场的此前预期。预计调整后净利润为 109 亿 元,同比增 2%,市场预期为 113 亿元。预计业务健康度提升,毛利润率 同比改善,营销费用持续投入,带动用户数保持双位数增长。 以旧换新拉动 9 月数据回暖:预计自营收入同比低个位数增长,其中带电 品类较 2 季度增速恢复, ...
申万宏源· 2024-10-17 08:38
报告公司投资评级 - 维持"买入"评级 [5][10] 报告的核心观点 业绩前瞻 - 预计24Q3收入同比增加4%至2577亿元,调整后归母净利润为103亿元,对应调整后净利率为4.0% [4] - 下调FY24年调整后归母净利润预测至409亿元,维持FY25-26年调整后归母净利润预测为448/478亿元 [4] 销售增长预期 - 预计Q3FY24GMV及收入增速回升,看好以旧换新+双十一持续拉动平台家电需求释放 [4][8] - 预计集团24Q3收入增速环比改善,同比增长4.0%至2577亿元,京东零售同比增长3.8%至2201亿元 [8] 盈利能力分析 - 24Q3公司持续发挥规模效应和供应链优势,提升经营质量,毛利率预计延续稳步上行趋势 [9] - 公司配合以旧换新政策落地,投入更加积极,Q3盈利能力保持健康 [9] - 预计24Q3集团调整后归母净利润为103亿元,同比增长-2.9%,NPM达4.0% [9] 股东回报 - 8月27日,京东公告新股份回购计划,未来36个月内回购价值不超过50亿美元的股份 [5][9] - 24H1,京东集团实现Non-GAAP归普净利润234亿元,利润率达4.2%,账上现金充裕为845亿元,支撑公司持续回购加大股东回报 [9] 风险提示 - 消费需求疲软,行业竞争加剧,新业务发展不及预期 [5][10]
Buy These 5 Best Value Stocks Making the Most of P/B Ratio
ZACKS· 2024-10-17 04:01
Price to earnings (P/E) and price to sales (P/S) are the first ratios that come to an investor’s mind while narrowing down a list of undervalued stocks. However, the price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio), though underrated, is also an easy-to-use valuation tool for identifying low-priced stocks with high-growth prospects.What is P/B Ratio?P/B ratio is calculated as below:P/B ratio = market capitalization/book value of equity.The P/B ratio helps to identify low-priced stocks with high growth prospects. SSR Mining ...
Here is Why Growth Investors Should Buy JD.com (JD) Now
ZACKS· 2024-10-17 01:45
Investors seek growth stocks to capitalize on above-average growth in financials that help these securities grab the market's attention and produce exceptional returns. But finding a growth stock that can live up to its true potential can be a tough task.That's because, these stocks usually carry above-average risk and volatility. In fact, betting on a stock for which the growth story is actually over or nearing its end could lead to significant loss.However, the task of finding cutting-edge growth stocks i ...
Best Growth Stocks to Buy for October 16th
ZACKS· 2024-10-16 20:26
Here are three stocks with buy ranks and strong growth characteristics for investors to consider today, October 16th:Okta, Inc. (OKTA) : This identity solutions company carries a Zacks Rank #1, and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 8.8% over the last 60 days.Okta has a PEG ratio of 1.30 compared with 3.27 for the industry. The company possesses a Growth Score  of B.JD.com (JD) : This company which operates as an online direct sales company in China carries a ...
京东:预计第三季度收入增长 , 上行来自底线
招银国际· 2024-10-15 16:48
15 Oct 2024 收益汇总 CMB 国际全球市场 | 股票研究 | 公司更新 JD. com (JD US) 预计第三季度收入增长 , 上行来自底线 我们预计京东将在第三季度(2024年)实现与彭博一致的收入增长,并超出预 期的非GAAP净利润,这得益于有效的成本控制以及服务收入贡献的同比增长 。随着自九月以来消费情绪的改善,并受益于全国范围内家电以旧换新计划的 实施,京东正在逐步将重点从投资回报率和成本控制转向更多关注GMV和收入 增长。在近期市场反弹之后,我们认为核心业务的质量和可持续盈利增长以及 股东回报的提升将是推动京东股价进一步上涨的关键因素。基于DCF模型的目 标股价上调3%,至53.5美元(原为51.9美元)。维持买入评级。 京东零售 : 预计收入同比增长将连续复苏。 我们估计京东零售(JDR)在202 4年第三季度实现了223.6亿元人民币的收入,同比增长5%(2023年第三季度: 同比增长0%;2024年第二季度:同比增长1.5%),符合彭博一致预期。这一 增长主要得益于家用电器和家居用品(EH&A)部门的年同比收入增长 sequent ial 回升,这主要是由于二季度高基数效应的影响 ...
京东:Expecting inline 3Q revenue growth with upside coming from bottom line
招银国际· 2024-10-15 15:39
报告公司投资评级 JD.com (JD US)的投资评级为BUY,目标价为53.5美元,较当前价格上涨22.1%。[4] 报告的核心观点 1) 预计JD.com第三季度收入增长将与彭博共识一致,但归因于成本控制效率和服务收入占比提升,净利润将超预期。[2] 2) 第三季度JD零售业务收入同比增长5%,与预期一致,主要受益于家电换新计划的实施以及一般商品收入的稳健增长。[2] 3) 公司在9月份略微调整了策略,从之前的重视投资回报和成本控制,转向更注重GMV和收入增长。[2] 4) 公司宣布了新的回购计划,未来3年内可回购最多50亿美元股票,相当于当前市值的2.6%,有利于股价估值。[2][4] 财务数据总结 1) 预计2024年全年收入为11388.55亿元人民币,同比增长5%,其中产品收入同比增长4%,服务收入同比增长8%。[3][5][6] 2) 预计2024年非公认会计准则净利润为422.68亿元人民币,同比增长20.1%,高于市场预期1.4%。[3][5][6] 3) 预计2024年毛利率为15.3%,非公认会计准则净利率为3.7%。[5][6] 4) 公司现金流状况良好,2024年经营活动现金流入454.0亿元人民币。[12]
Best Growth Stocks to Buy for October 14th
ZACKS· 2024-10-14 21:15
Here are three stocks with buy ranks and strong growth characteristics for investors to consider today, October 14th:Okta, Inc. (OKTA) : This identity solutions company carries a Zacks Rank #1, and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 7.9% over the last 60 days.Okta has a PEG ratio of 1.30 compared with 4.06 for the industry. The company possesses a Growth Score  of B.JD.com (JD) : This company which operates as an online direct sales company in China carries a ...
Best Growth Stocks to Buy for October 10th
ZACKS· 2024-10-10 23:50
Here are three stocks with buy ranks and strong growth characteristics for investors to consider today October 10th:JD.com (JD) : This company which operates as an online direct sales company in China, carries a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy), and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 17.1% over the last 60 days.JD.com has a PEG ratio of 0.61 compared with 3.28 for the industry. The company possesses a Growth Score of A.ZIM Integrated Shipping Services (ZIM) : This ...