XPEV Stock Alert: XPeng Surges on Higher Delivery Forecast
investorplace.com· 2024-05-22 00:51
文章核心观点 - 中国电动汽车制造商小鹏汽车(XPeng)在2023年第一季度的财报表现超出预期,营收和利润均大幅增长 [1][2][3][4] - 小鹏汽车的服务收入大幅增加,主要得益于与大众汽车在自动驾驶和车载软件系统方面的战略合作 [3] - 小鹏汽车第二季度的销量和营收预期也大幅增长,显示公司业务持续向好 [5] - 尽管面临激烈的市场竞争,小鹏汽车的毛利率仍有大幅提升,体现了公司在智能电动汽车业务上的独特优势 [4][6] 行业概况 - 今年以来,小鹏汽车股价下跌38%,与其他电动车企业一样受到"电动车寒冬"的影响 [6][7] - 同行如理想汽车、蔚来汽车和特斯拉等电动车企业今年股价也大幅下跌,反映了整个行业销量放缓的情况 [7] - 尽管面临行业挑战,但小鹏汽车的最新财报表现仍然亮眼,体现了公司在智能电动车领域的竞争优势 [8]
XPENG(XPEV) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-22 00:44
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第一季度总收入为65.5亿元人民币,同比增长62.3%,环比下降49.8% [53] - 车辆销售收入为55.4亿元人民币,同比增长57.8%,环比下降54.7% [53] - 服务及其他收入为10亿元人民币,同比增长93.1%,环比增长22.1% [55] - 毛利率为12.9%,同比提升11.2个百分点,环比提升6.7个百分点 [56] - 车辆毛利率为5.5%,同比提升8个百分点,环比提升1.4个百分点 [56] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 第一季度交付21,821辆智能电动车,同比增长20% [10] - 公司正在加快新车型的推出,包括MONA系列和B级轿车,预计将带来显著的交付量增长 [48][49][50] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司正在加快国际市场拓展,计划在2024年内进入20多个国家 [38][39][40][41][42] - 公司已经在欧洲等市场开始交付G9和P7车型,并将在第三季度推出左舵G6车型 [40][41] - 公司正在海外市场积极测试XNGP自动驾驶功能,并与监管机构合作确保合规 [77] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在进行战略转型,不再单纯追求销量增长,而是更注重质量、效率和整体竞争力的提升 [16] - 公司正在大力发展基于人工智能的核心技术,包括电子电气架构、自动驾驶等,并将这些技术输出给合作伙伴 [12][13][14][45][46] - 公司正在加强营销、客户体验和设计能力,以更好地将技术优势转化为产品体验 [19][20][21] - 公司正在与大众汽车集团加深战略合作,包括联合开发电子电气架构等 [43][44] - 公司正在瞄准从10万到40万元不等的主流价格区间,推出具有颠覆性创新的新车型 [24][25][26][27][28][29][30] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司有信心在未来实现显著的销量、利润率和现金流增长 [48][49][50] - 公司有信心通过大型AI模型加速自动驾驶技术的发展,在2025年实现城市道路ADAS与高速公路NGP相当的体验 [32][33][34][35][36][37] - 公司有信心通过技术创新和成本控制,保持公司层面中低个位数的毛利率水平 [52][56][57][58][59][60][61][62] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Tim Hsiao 提问** 关于公司与大众汽车的合作收入,未来是否会持续增长 [66] **Charles Zhang 回答** 公司与大众的平台和软件服务收入是持续性的,未来每个季度都会有相关收入贡献,并且有望超过第一季度的水平。这种高毛利的业务将有助于公司维持中低个位数的整体毛利率水平 [67] 问题2 **Tim Hsiao 提问** 公司加快自动驾驶技术发展的投入是否会大幅增加 [68] **Xiaopeng He 回答** 公司不需要大幅增加人力投入,而是通过大型AI模型的应用来加快自动驾驶技术的迭代和进化,预计最迟在2025年底就能实现城市道路ADAS与高速公路NGP相当的体验 [69] 问题3 **Bin Wang 提问** 第四季度的销量和毛利率预期 [80] **Brian Gu 回答** 第四季度新车型MONA和B级轿车将大幅贡献销量,公司有信心实现显著的同比增长。同时新车型的毛利率有望达到中低个位数水平,加上与大众的合作收入,公司整体毛利率有望维持在中低个位数 [81][82]
XPeng Stock Is Surging After Earnings -- Here's Why
fool.com· 2024-05-21 23:44
The EV maker reported a narrower loss than expected and guided to strong sales growth in the second quarter. Shares of Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker XPeng (XPEV 7.43%) were moving higher on Tuesday after the company reported a narrower-than-expected first-quarter loss. As of 10:30 a.m. ET, XPeng's American depositary shares (ADS) were up about 11.4% from Monday's closing price. A narrower loss than expected XPeng reported its first-quarter results before the U.S. markets opened on Tuesday, and they we ...
XPeng Stock Soars As EV Deliveries Take Off
investopedia.com· 2024-05-21 23:31
Key Takeaways XPeng reported better-than-expected results as deliveries of its electric vehicles jumped. The Chinese carmaker's loss was slashed in half, and revenue was up 62.3% year-over-year. Deliveries increased 19.7% on lower prices and the launch of a new model. American depositary receipts (ADRs) of XPeng (XPEV) surged Tuesday after the Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker that focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) technology posted strong sales and slashed its losses on higher deliveries. XPeng rep ...
Xpeng shares accelerate as losses narrow and margins jump
proactiveinvestors.com· 2024-05-21 20:40
About this content About Josh Lamb After graduating from the University of Kent in the summer of 2022 with a degree in History, Josh joined Proactive later that year as a journalist in the UK editorial team. Josh has reported on a range of areas whilst at Proactive, including energy companies during a time of global crisis, aviation and airlines as the sector recovers from the pandemic, as well as covering economic, social and governance issues. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and onl ...
XPENG Reports First Quarter 2024 Unaudited Financial Results
Newsfilter· 2024-05-21 17:30
公司财务状况 - XPENG公司2024年第一季度现金及现金等价物、受限现金、短期投资和定期存款为人民币414亿元(约合57.3亿美元)[1] - XPENG公司2024年第一季度总收入为65.5亿元人民币,环比下降49.8%[1] - XPENG公司2024年第一季度毛利率为12.9%,环比增加6.7个百分点[1] - XPENG公司2024年第一季度净亏损为13.7亿元人民币,同比下降41.5%[8] - XPENG公司2024年第一季度每股美国存托股(ADS)的基本和稀释净亏损均为1.45元人民币(约合0.20美元)[10] 销售业绩 - XPENG公司2024年第一季度交付总量为21,821辆,同比增长19.7%[2] - XPENG公司2024年第一季度车辆销售收入为55.4亿元人民币,同比增长57.8%[5] - XPENG公司2024年第一季度车辆销售收入为55.4亿元人民币,同比增长57.8%[20] - XPENG公司2024年第一季度服务和其他收入为10亿元人民币,同比增长93.1%[21] 财务指标和展望 - XPENG公司2024年第一季度非按照美国通用会计准则(GAAP)计算的净亏损为14.1亿元人民币(约合2亿美元)[36] - XPENG公司预计2024年第二季度交付车辆数量将在2.9万至3.2万辆之间,同比增长约25.0%至37.9%[40] - XPENG公司预计2024年第二季度总收入将在75亿元至83亿元人民币之间,同比增长约48.1%至63.9%[41]
XPENG Reports First Quarter 2024 Unaudited Financial Results
globenewswire.com· 2024-05-21 17:30
Cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, short-term investments and time deposits were RMB41.40 billion (US$5.73 billion) as of March 31, 2024 Quarterly total revenues were RMB6.55 billion, a 49.8% decrease quarter-over-quarter Quarterly gross margin was 12.9%, an increase of 6.7 percentage points quarter-over-quarter GUANGZHOU, China, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XPeng Inc. (("XPENG" or the "Company, NYSE:XPEV), a leading Chinese smart electric vehicle ("Smart EV") company, today announced its unaud ...
XPeng (XPEV) Aims to Begin Deliveries of Flying Car in 2026
zacks.com· 2024-05-21 00:00
XPeng’s (XPEV) affiliate, Xpeng AeroHT, plans to start delivering its first flying car to customers in 2026, per CNBC. In 2023, Xpeng AeroHT unveiled the Land Aircraft Carrier, a large truck housing a flying two-seater electric drone. The flying car can separate from the truck, allowing passengers to board and fly it. Per Brian Gu, co-president of Xpeng, the car will be available for pre-order this year. It is expected to be priced at around $138,000, with the goal of reducing costs through large-scale prod ...
XPENG launches industry's first AI-powered in-car OS, promoting AI-enabled smart driving experience
Newsfilter· 2024-05-20 23:07
XPENG upgrades XOS 5.1.0, AI Tianji, the industry's first AI-powered in-car OS, for all eligible users on May 20 XOS 5.1.0 integrates end-to-end large model technology, enhancing the smart driving experience for XPENG car owners Intelligent and personalized in-car AI assistant services through AI assistant Xiao P, AI Chauffeur, and AI Bodyguard XPENG AI Valet Driver offers customizable, end-to-end smart driving experiences across China BEIJING, May 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XPENG Motors (("XPENG" or the ...
Chinese EV maker Xpeng aims to deliver its first flying car in 2026
cnbc.com· 2024-05-17 17:11
In this article XPEV 9868-HK Xpeng's "Land Aircraft Carrier" vehicle has a flying passenger drone hidden inside the truck. The drone can detach. XPENG AEROHT Xpeng AeroHT, an affilaite of Xpeng, aims to deliver its flying car to customers in 2026, the Chinese electric vehicle maker's co-president told CNBC on Friday, Last year, Xpeng AeroHT introduced the Land Aircraft Carrier — a large truck with a flying two-seater passenger electric drone inside. The flying car can detach from the truck, and people can t ...