Nvidia Isn't Slowing Down Anytime Soon
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-12 02:14
Jonathan Kitchen Investment Thesis Despite NVIDIA Corporation's (NASDAQ:NVDA) recent 15% pullback since our last coverage, its long-term fundamentals remain strong. The giant continues to lead in AI and data center technologies, driven by growing demand for cutting-edge GPU computing, networking platforms, and next-gen architectures like Hopper and Blackwell. Nvidia's record-breaking revenue and expanding market presence across multiple industries position it for sustained growth as the AI revolution accele ...
NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) CEO Jensen Huang presents at Goldman Sachs Communacopia + Technology Conference (Transcript)
2024-09-12 00:34
会议主要讨论的核心内容 公司发展历程 - 公司从一家专注于游戏GPU的公司,转型为为数据中心提供广泛硬件和软件的公司 [2][3][5][6] - 公司的愿景是开发可以补充通用计算的加速计算处理器,从图形处理开始逐步扩展到其他领域 [3][5][8] - 公司一直致力于保护软件开发者的投资,确保软件可以在不同硬件上运行 [5][8][9] 加速计算与通用计算的区别 - 通用计算无法高效处理某些特定算法,需要专门的加速处理器 [8][9] - 加速计算处理器需要针对不同领域开发专门的算法库,才能发挥100倍以上的加速效果 [8][9][11] - 公司需要不断开发新的算法库,并推动各行业采用,这是一个循序渐进的过程 [11] 数据中心市场机遇 - 摩尔定律结束导致通用CPU性能提升放缓,需要加速计算来提升数据中心效率 [13][14][18] - 公司的加速计算技术可以为数据中心带来10倍以上的性能提升和成本节约 [17][18] - 除了加速传统数据处理,公司的技术还可以支持新兴的生成式AI应用,开启新的应用领域 [13][14] 公司的竞争优势 - 公司构建了从芯片到整个数据中心基础设施的完整解决方案 [23][24][26][27] - 公司在算法和软件方面积累了深厚的技术优势 [23][24] - 公司建立了广泛的生态系统和软件兼容性,为客户提供持续的价值 [23][24][26][27] 创新能力和供应链管理 - 公司持续快速创新,每2年推出新一代架构,并通过多芯片协同优化提升整体性能 [26][27] - 公司的供应链布局在亚洲,能够快速响应需求变化,保障供给 [29][31]
Understanding The Opportunities And Challenges Of Investing In Nvidia
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-11 23:38
JHVEPhoto I last wrote about Nvidia Corporation (NVDA) on July 08, 2024, and gave it a Hold recommendation because its valuation did not justify its stock price. I also said the following in that article: If the company disappoints in the slightest, positive sentiment surrounding it could quickly evaporate. Therefore, most prudent investors would be better off not buying NVIDIA today. That assessment turned out to be accurate over the last three months. Investor sentiment has turned sour towards AI infr ...
Is This a Sign Nvidia's Stock Has Peaked?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-11 23:37
Investors are still paying close to 50 times earnings for the top artificial intelligence stock.Nvidia (NVDA 1.20%) has been the ultimate growth stock to own over the past few years. Since 2021, its shares are up more than 700%. That would have been enough to turn a $15,000 investment in the stock back then into more than $120,000 today. And although it has been falling in recent weeks, it's still among the most valuable companies in the world.But there are always questions about its valuation, and whether ...
Nvidia: Big Opportunity To Buy Into The King Of AI
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-11 23:30
文章核心观点 - Nvidia公司的Blackwell架构芯片生产面临执行风险,需要进一步证明其产能和产品性能 [1][2] - Nvidia公司的Hopper架构芯片仍将支撑强劲的数据中心需求,但受制于"大数法则"的影响 [2] - Nvidia公司在Sovereign AI和企业AI应用领域存在较大的增长潜力 [3][4] 公司概况 - Nvidia是"AI之父"地位受到市场质疑,其业绩能否持续创造惊艳表现 [1] - Nvidia最近一季度的收益指引未能令市场充分信心,加上Blackwell架构芯片发货延迟,投资者需要更多证据才会买入公司的潜在上行空间 [1] 业务表现 - Nvidia第二财季数据中心收入同比增长超过150%,但增速较前一季度有所放缓 [2] - Nvidia强调客户正在加快采购Hopper架构芯片,同时为Blackwell做好准备 [2] - Nvidia预计Blackwell芯片将从第四财季开始大规模量产,有望在2026财年带来更强劲的增长 [2] 行业趋势 - Nvidia表示Blackwell平台的需求远超供给,反映其全栈AI基础设施的竞争优势 [3] - Nvidia预计Sovereign AI需求将呈现快速增长,各国正在加大AI军备竞赛 [3] - 企业AI工厂的普及有望带动Nvidia在企业市场的进一步渗透 [4] 投资评级 - Nvidia的基本面依然强劲,盈利能力和成长性获得高评级 [5][6] - 公司当前估值水平较低,适合长期投资者逐步布局 [6] - 维持"买入"评级,但需密切关注Blackwell产品的后续进展 [6]
Prediction: Nvidia Stock May Tumble in the Remainder of 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-11 19:30
文章核心观点 - 尽管Nvidia最近的财报表现出色,但其股价仍出现大幅下跌 [1] - Nvidia作为人工智能芯片行业的领军企业,其未来发展前景广阔 [2] - 但由于Nvidia股价已经过高,短期内其股价可能会继续下跌 [3][4][6] 行业分析 - 人工智能芯片市场增长迅猛,预计2032年复合年增长率达38% [2] - Nvidia有望在第四季度推出下一代人工智能芯片Blackwell,进一步巩固其市场地位 [2] - 但Nvidia的高估值可能会导致投资者对其股价产生疑虑 [3][4] - 芯片行业存在周期性,Nvidia股价曾两次下跌超过50% [4][5] 公司分析 - Nvidia最近几个季度营收增长超过100%,但仍未能完全满足市场预期 [3] - Nvidia的估值指标如市盈率、市销率和市净率都处于较高水平 [3][4] - 尽管Nvidia有望长期受益于人工智能芯片市场的繁荣,但短期内其股价可能会继续下跌 [6]
2 Reasons to Sell Nvidia Stock (and 1 Reason to Buy)
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-11 18:50
Nvidia's near-term outlook is becoming more uncertain, but it is still a dominant company.With shares down roughly 15% since the company's second-quarter earnings report on Aug. 8, Nvidia's (NVDA 1.53%) legendary bull run might be in trouble. While operational results remain as strong as ever, investors may be growing concerned about the sustainability of Nvidia's business model and the artificial intelligence (AI) industry as a whole. Let's discuss two reasons to consider selling the stock and one reason t ...
After Nvidia's $279 Billion Loss in Market Value, Is the Stock a Buy -- or One to Avoid?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-11 17:35
Investors expect a lot of Nvidia...We've gotten used to Nvidia (NVDA 1.53%) reaching "firsts" or records -- the company repeatedly has launched the world's fastest artificial intelligence (AI) chip yet and reported its highest quarterly revenue ever. Nvidia's standout moments have been very positive. But in recent days, the situation hasn't been as bright.As the general market tumbled, so did Nvidia. The star AI stock has dropped 12% since the start of the month, and last week in just one day it lost $279 b ...
Nvidia's $50 Billion Share Buyback Is the Ultimate Smoke-and-Mirrors Campaign
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-11 17:06
文章核心观点 - 人工智能(AI)是近两年来华尔街最热门的趋势之一,预计到2030年将为全球经济带来15.7万亿美元的增加 [1] - 英伟达(Nvidia)是AI革命中最大受益者,其AI图形处理器(GPU)成为企业运行生成式AI解决方案和训练大型语言模型的首选 [2] - 英伟达最新一季度营收增长122%,达到300亿美元,但公司宣布启动500亿美元的股票回购计划引发了投资者的质疑 [3][4] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 英伟达的定价能力和利润率 - 由于AI-GPU供不应求,英伟达在定价方面拥有绝对主导权,其GPU硬件价格通常比竞争对手高出100%至300% [2] - 过去6个季度,英伟达的调整后毛利率扩大了10个百分点,主要得益于这种非凡的定价能力 [2] 英伟达的股票回购计划 - 英伟达宣布启动500亿美元的股票回购计划,这引发了投资者的质疑 [4][5][6][7] - 这被视为一种"烟雾弹"策略,因为在此期间,英伟达内部人士正在大规模抛售公司股票 [6] - 英伟达的股价目前处于历史高位,相对于过去12个月的销售额计算,其市盈率达到40倍,这在历史上极为罕见 [7] 行业发展面临的挑战 - 尽管AI拥有广阔的市场前景,但大多数企业仍缺乏明确的计划来增加销售额和利润,这表明投资者的预期正在超越现实 [8] - 历史表明,每一项颠覆性技术都需要一段时间才能成熟,企业需要时间来探索如何最佳利用AI技术来满足客户需求 [9]
Prediction: Nvidia Stock Is Going to Soar in Q4
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-11 16:10
文章核心观点 - Nvidia公司的股价有望在未来反弹回升 [1][2] - Nvidia公司的利润率已经达到峰值,出现了首次季度环比下降 [1] - Nvidia公司的新一代GPU平台Blackwell即将推出,有望成为公司未来增长的重要驱动力 [3][4] - 利率下降和基础设施投资增加将为Nvidia公司带来有利的宏观环境 [5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 Nvidia公司的业绩表现 - Nvidia公司在2023财年第二季度的业绩超出了市场预期,但差距比投资者预期的要小 [1] - Nvidia公司的毛利率出现了自ChatGPT推出以来的首次环比下降,表明其盈利能力已经达到峰值 [1] - 自财报发布后,Nvidia公司的股价下跌了18% [2] Nvidia公司的新产品Blackwell - Nvidia公司的新一代GPU平台Blackwell预计将在第四季度推出,比原计划推迟了约3个月 [3] - Blackwell平台相比上一代Hopper平台,在运行生成式AI程序和大型语言模型时,成本和能耗可降低25倍 [3][4] - Nvidia公司表示,Blackwell平台的需求远超供给,这种情况预计将持续到明年 [4] 宏观环境对Nvidia公司的影响 - 美联储预计将在本月会议上降息,利率下降有利于刺激消费和投资,有利于Nvidia等成长型股票 [5] - 云基础设施巨头如微软、谷歌、Meta和亚马逊等,将持续增加对Nvidia GPU的采购,以满足其AI能力建设需求 [6] - 第四季度通常是科技行业的旺季,有望带动Nvidia产品的进一步需求 [6]