Nvidia Ends Down Stretch With Positive News From EU Regulators
Investopedia· 2024-12-21 03:05
核心观点 - Nvidia股价在2024年最后一个完整交易周结束时有所回升,此前因技术性修正而下跌[1][2][4] - 欧洲监管机构批准了Nvidia收购以色列软件公司Run:AI Labs,为公司带来利好消息[1][3][6] 股价表现 - Nvidia股价在过去11个交易日中有9个交易日下跌,自12月4日收盘价$145.14以来累计下跌约10%,较11月初的纪录收盘价$148.88下跌约12%[2] - 周五下午股价上涨约2.5%[2] 收购获批 - Nvidia于4月宣布收购Run:AI Labs,称自2020年以来一直是Run:AI的"紧密合作伙伴",收购将帮助客户更高效地使用其产品[3] - 收购价格未公布,但据彭博社报道,交易价格约为7亿美元[3] - 欧洲委员会作为欧盟的执行机构,周五批准了该收购,认为不会对竞争产生负面影响,因为Run:AI在该市场中并非主导者[6][7]
Nvidia clears regulatory hurdle to acquire Run:ai
TechCrunch· 2024-12-21 02:54
In Brief Chip company Nvidia gets the green light from the European Union to complete its acquisition of Run:ai.The EU came to a unanimous decision today that Nvidia could go ahead with its acquisition of Israeli GPU orchestration platform Run:ai, according to reporting from Bloomberg. The European Commission determined that if the merger went through other hardware options compatible with Nvidia would still be available on the market and thus this company combination would not create a monopoly. Despite t ...
Why Is Nvidia (NVDA) Down 10.9% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-12-21 01:31
It has been about a month since the last earnings report for Nvidia (NVDA) . Shares have lost about 10.9% in that time frame, underperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent negative trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Nvidia due for a breakout? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at the most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important drivers. NVIDIA Q3 Earnings and Revenues Surpass EstimatesNVIDIA ...
Nvidia Stock Investors Got Fantastic News From Micron Technology
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-21 00:32
Micron's earnings showcased the strong demand for AI semiconductor solutions.In today's video, I discuss recent updates affecting Nvidia (NVDA 2.50%). To learn more, check out the short video, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below.*Stock prices used were the after-market prices of Dec. 18, 2024. The video was published on Dec. 18, 2024. ...
Wall Street expert claims Nvidia stock is ‘manipulated,' predicts NVDA crash
Finbold· 2024-12-20 23:56
One of the best-performing and most-discussed stocks of 2024 – the semiconductor giant Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) – has hit a rough patch in recent trading. Specifically, after climbing to highs near $150, NVDA shares crashed to their press time price of $130.28.In fact, the decline has been so significant that Nvidia stock is, at press time on December 20, 0.38% in the red in the six-month chart. NVDA stock 6-month price chart. Source: GoogleOne Wall Street analyst, GJL Research’s Gordon Johnson – otherwise bes ...
How Nvidia Stock Could Fall To $65
Forbes· 2024-12-20 21:19
核心观点 - 公司面临多重风险,包括AI训练需求降温、竞争加剧以及估值倍数下降,可能导致股价短期内下跌约50%至65美元左右 [5][11] 收入增长 - 公司收入在过去12个月内增长了近3倍,主要得益于GPU在人工智能应用中的广泛使用 [5] - 最近一个季度销售额增长了约122%,但未来增长可能放缓,甚至在中期内可能出现销售下滑 [5] - 根据共识预测,公司FY'25收入将达到约1290亿美元,但如果未来两年增长率降至10%,FY'27收入可能仅为1650亿美元 [9] 毛利率 - 公司毛利率从FY'19的约25%增长到FY'24的约49%,得益于规模经济和产品组合向数据中心产品的倾斜 [10] - 由于竞争加剧,毛利率可能下降至约35% [2] 竞争压力 - 竞争对手如AMD和Intel正在加大投资,AMD的新Instinct MI300X芯片在多个参数上优于公司当前芯片 [2] - 大型科技公司如Google和Amazon正在开发自己的AI芯片,减少对公司GPU的依赖 [2][6] - 公司的高端芯片如H100可能对于简单的推理任务来说过于强大,为竞争对手提供了市场机会 [7] 需求变化 - AI训练需求可能降温,因为模型训练更多是一次性事件,且高质量数据可能成为瓶颈 [6] - 长期来看,AI的重点将转向推理阶段,这可能减少对高性能GPU的需求,为其他AI处理器提供机会 [7] 估值影响 - 如果收入增长率从FY'25到FY'27仅为1.2倍(增长20%),毛利率从50%降至35%,净收入可能下降约15% [11] - 如果市盈率从当前的44倍降至25倍,股价可能下跌至65美元 [11] 供应链 - 公司最大的客户Microsoft表示不再受GPU供应限制,表明GPU需求的“错失恐惧症”阶段可能已经过去 [8]
5 Reasons Nvidia Stock Is Falling
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-20 18:45
Shares of Nvidia are starting to pull back, which may be a sign the market is thinking about the stock differently.Nvidia (NVDA 1.37%) has been riding the tailwinds of AI for two years, but going into 2025 the company may be facing headwinds that could continue the stock's downward trend. In this video, Travis Hoium explains what may come next.*Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of Dec. 18, 2024. The video was published on Dec. 19, 2024. ...
The S&P 500 Has Been Rallying Since the U.S. Election but Nvidia Has Been Struggling. Is It a Sign the Stock May Have Finally Peaked?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-20 17:25
The U.S. presidential election has proven to be a positive catalyst for the stock market. Since Nov. 5, the S&P 500 has risen by 5% as of Monday. But one stock that hasn't been doing well since then is Nvidia (NVDA 1.37%), which has gone in the opposite direction, declining by more than 6%.It's unusual territory for Nvidia to be in, as it has been among the hottest growth stocks to own, especially in recent years. Are its recent struggles a sign that it has finally hit a peak?A strong earnings report may no ...
交银国际证券· 2024-12-20 10:28
公司投资评级 - 英伟达 (NVDA US) 首予买入评级,目标价170美元,潜在涨幅31.9% [1][11][13] 报告的核心观点 - 英伟达在加速计算芯片市场占据支配地位,预计2025年全球AI加速芯片市场份额超过87%,并在2027年前保持80%以上市场份额 [1][14] - ASIC解决方案对GPU行业跟随者的影响大于英伟达,但ASIC替代英伟达的过程将是缓慢渐进的 [1][23][24] - 英伟达2025年数据中心业务收入预计超过1700亿美元,全年营业收入可达1909亿美元 [4][14] - 英伟达2025年Non-GAAP每股盈利预测为4.32美元,略高于市场一致预期 [51] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司市场份额 - 英伟达2025年全球AI加速芯片市场份额预计达到87%,并在2027年前保持80%以上 [1][14] - 英伟达2025年或可获得全球66%的CoWoS产能份额,对应50.7万片CoWoS产能 [4] 财务预测 - 英伟达2024/2025年收入预计分别达到1293/1909亿美元,毛利率分别为75.6%/73.6% [11] - 英伟达2025年Non-GAAP每股盈利预测为4.32美元,略高于市场一致预期 [51] - 英伟达2025年数据中心业务收入预计达到1734亿美元,同比增长53% [4] 估值分析 - 英伟达目前的30.3x 2025E市盈率处于行业中位数水平,给予39.3x CY25E市盈率较为合理 [15][17] - 英伟达目标价170美元,对应39.3x FY26E(CY25E)市盈率,略高于公司历史平均NTM市盈率均值及行业平均水平 [11][17] 竞争分析 - ASIC解决方案对GPU行业跟随者的影响大于英伟达,ASIC市占率会升高,但替代英伟达仍需较长时间 [23][24] - 英伟达以CUDA为基础的解决方案将继续发挥较好的灵活性,ASIC的可拓展性有待进一步观察 [1][23] 供应链与产能 - 英伟达2025年或可获得全球66%的CoWoS产能份额,对应50.7万片CoWoS产能 [4] - 全球逻辑芯片CoWoS产能预计从2024年底的3.8万片/月增加到2025年底的9万片/月 [44] 市场与需求 - 英伟达2025年数据中心业务收入预计达到1734亿美元,同比增长53% [4] - 英伟达2025年全年毛利率预计为73.6%,之后Rubin上市后或会复刻Blackwell上市后的毛利率走势 [59] 股价催化剂 - 投资者对英伟达市场份额和竞争过程中优势的信心继续增强 [60] - 生成式人工智能变现进程加快 [60] - 生成式AI超级计算在C端市场兴起 [60]
2024-12-20 09:18
行业或公司 * 英伟达 * 台达电 * 光宝科 * Lead wealth(比亚迪电子) * Flex(伟创力) * 麦格米特 核心观点和论据 1. **英伟达 GB200 服务器 ac-dc 电源市场空间**:预计 2025 年出货 7 万柜,合计电源 300 万个[2]。 2. **供应商进度梳理**:台达电、光宝科、Lead wealth、Flex、麦格米特等供应商的进展情况[3]。 3. **服务器电源分类梳理**:CRPS 电源和 OCP ORV3 电源的区别[5]。 4. **麦格米特利润测算**:假设 7 万柜,单瓦 2.5 元测算,英伟达服务器电源收入 84 亿,净利润 25 亿[4]。 5. **公司市值测算**:根据不同份额,AI 业务 30Xpe+主业 20Xpe,测算公司市值在 530 亿至 1250 亿之间[4]。 其他重要内容 1. **毛利净利润不公开**:公司比较敏感,出货情况先小范围口述[2]。 2. **台达电订单爆满**:上月主动舍弃了思科的单子,扩产比较谨慎[3]。 3. **光宝科 3KW 平台升级 5.5KW 存在热问题**:目前存在两种解决办法,但都存在风险[3]。 4. **Lead wealth(比亚迪电子)未通过英伟达认证**:通过后看他们能拿到多少卡[3]。 5. **Flex(伟创力)主要重心在 BBU 和 DCDC[3]。 6. **麦格米特很有可能会替代光宝的位置**:预计一季度晚些小批量开始出货[3]。 7. **麦格米特产能**:8 小时制产能 40 亿人民币,三班倒 120 亿产能,旁边还有一块空地可以随时扩产[4]。 8. **公司公开信息**:2025 年一季度泰国投产[4]。