Billionaires Are Selling Nvidia Stock and Buying Up This Red-Hot Cryptocurrency
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-08 03:05
文章核心观点 - 近期,一些亿万富翁投资者开始转向投资比特币,并抛售英伟达股票[1][3] - 比特币ETF的推出是亿万富翁投资者进入比特币市场的关键时刻[2] - 比特币相比英伟达具有更大的上涨潜力,可能在未来20年内上涨83,000%[4] - 加密货币正被视为一个独立的资产类别,需要纳入投资组合以实现多元化[5][6] - 比特币的风险调整后收益率高于其他任何资产类别,这使其成为长期投资的吸引力[7][8] 文章分组总结 比特币ETF推动亿万富翁投资者进入比特币市场 - 比特币ETF的推出为亿万富翁投资者提供了一个便捷的投资渠道,促使他们大量流入比特币[2] - 对冲基金已成为这些新推出的比特币ETF最大的买家[2] 比特币相比英伟达具有更大的上涨潜力 - 比特币今年以来已上涨40%,创下73,750美元的新高[4] - 但英伟达今年的涨幅更加惊人,达到132%[4] - 比特币未来20年内可能上涨83,000%,上涨潜力更大[4] 加密货币成为独立资产类别 - 加密货币被视为一个独立的资产类别,需要纳入投资组合以实现多元化[5] - 目前亿万富翁投资者将0.2%-1%的资产配置到比特币[5][6] - 未来这一比例可能会进一步提高,有专家建议最高可达19.4%[6] 比特币的风险调整后收益率优于其他资产 - 比特币的风险调整后收益率(夏普比率)高于任何其他资产类别,包括科技股[7] - 尽管比特币高风险高波动,但投资者可获得超额回报[7] - 这使比特币成为亿万富翁长期投资的吸引力所在[8]
Markets React To Less Than Stellar Jobs Data; Consumers Are Driving On Empty
Forbes· 2024-09-08 01:20
The equity market appears to have succumbed to the growing list of weakening economic data. The major stock indexes fell significantly this week, including on Friday in the wake of the August jobs report.Equity MarketsUniversal Value AdvisorsTrader sentiment has now shifted from buying small caps to selling them (note the Russell 2000 fell nearly -6% this week). Small caps are the last to be bought in a market run-up, and the first to be sold as sentiment shifts from “risk on” to “risk off.” But small caps ...
Forget Artificial Intelligence (AI): Here Are 143 Billion Reasons to Buy Nvidia Stock Hand Over Fist
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 19:20
This emerging opportunity could help Nvidia maintain its outstanding growth in the long run.There is no denying that artificial intelligence (AI) has been the driving force behind Nvidia's (NVDA -4.08%) stunning stock market rally since the end of 2022 as the rapidly growing adoption of this technology led to outstanding growth in the company's revenue and earnings.For example, Nvidia's data center revenue shot up a whopping 154% in the second quarter of fiscal 2025 to a record $26.3 billion. The sharp surg ...
Why Nvidia and Chip Stocks Just Had Their Worst Week in More Than 2 Years
Investopedia· 2024-09-07 05:55
文章核心观点 - 芯片股本周遭遇自2022年1月以来最大跌幅,其中英伟达(Nvidia)股价下跌约14% [1] - 博通(Broadcom)公司的财报令投资者失望,股价本周下跌近16% [2] - 芯片股大跌源于对经济健康状况的担忧,以及对人工智能(AI)支出的担忧 [3] 行业总结 - 芯片股本周大跌,PHLX半导体指数(SOX)下跌10%,为2022年1月以来最大单周跌幅 [1] - 英伟达(Nvidia)股价下跌近14%,与英特尔(Intel)跌幅相当 [1] - 博通(Broadcom)公司财报不佳,股价本周下跌近16% [2] - 经济数据疲软以及对人工智能支出的担忧,导致投资者情绪低迷 [3] - 行业二季度财报及全年指引未能达到投资者过高预期 [4] 公司总结 - 英伟达(Nvidia)股价下跌约14%,为本周最大跌幅之一 [1] - 博通(Broadcom)公司财报不佳,股价本周下跌近16% [2]
Stocks Have Worst Week Of Year As Recession Fears Reemerge
Forbes· 2024-09-07 04:02
文章核心观点 - 8月就业报告不太乐观,美国8月新增就业人数142,000人,低于预期160,000人,同时6月和7月的就业数据也被下调,表明脆弱的劳动力市场 [1][2] - 对美国经济健康的持续担忧导致股市在周五大幅下跌,道指下跌1%,标普500下跌1.7%,纳斯达克下跌2.6% [2] - 本周是9月份开局最糟糕的4个交易日,道指和标普500分别下跌3%和4%,为3月以来最大单周跌幅,纳斯达克下跌6%,为2022年1月以来最大单周跌幅 [2][3] 行业总结 - 被视为最容易受经济衰退影响的高科技半导体股票本周遭到重挫,半导体ETF下跌12%,创下近20年来第四大单周跌幅 [4] - 人工智能相关的高科技股票可能会在经济环境恶化时面临客户支出收缩的挑战,英伟达、英特尔等芯片股本周下跌约15% [4] - 零售商Dollar Tree本周大跌20%,因其财报中管理层下调了利润指引,称面临"最具挑战性"的宏观经济环境 [4] 公司总结 - 英伟达股价本周下跌约15%,但美银美林表示其股价已具有吸引力 [7] - Dollar Tree股价大跌至9年新低,该公司警告面临"最具挑战性"的经营环境 [7]
Nvidia Stock Falls Again. Should You Buy the Dip?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 03:13
文章核心观点 - Nvidia股价下跌是由于经济数据疲软引发的宏观担忧 [1][2] - 但Nvidia的业务增长仍然强劲,新一代AI芯片平台需求旺盛 [3] - 即使经济出现波动,Nvidia主要客户也不太可能大幅减少AI基础设施投资 [3][4] 行业总结 - 科技股和半导体板块普遍受到宏观经济数据影响而下跌 [1] - 投资者担心经济放缓会抑制AI等新兴技术的投资和发展 [2] - 但联储预计将在本月内降息,有利于经济和科技股的复苏 [3] 公司总结 - Nvidia股价近期受到多重负面因素影响而下跌 [1][2] - 但公司业务增长仍保持强劲,新一代AI芯片平台需求旺盛 [3] - 主要客户财务实力雄厚,不太可能大幅减少AI基础设施投资 [3][4]
Applied Digital: Q4 2024 Earnings And Nvidia Investment
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-07 03:11
文章核心观点 - 公司最近两个季度连续出现负毛利和大额亏损 [2][3] - 公司现金储备严重不足 需要大规模融资 [4] - 公司最近一周内完成了2次共计2.1亿美元的融资 [5][6] - 分析师对公司未来发展持谨慎态度 担心公司业务增长可能难以支撑持续的资本开支 [7][8] 根据目录分别总结 财务表现 - 公司最近一个季度营收为4370万美元 同比增长近一倍 但连续两个季度出现负毛利 [2][3] - 公司营业亏损达3391万美元 净亏损高达6445万美元 [3] - 公司现金储备仅有333.9万美元 急需融资补充资金 [4] 融资情况 - 公司最近一周内完成了2次共计2.1亿美元的融资 [5][6] - 其中包括5320万美元的可转换优先股发行 以及1.6亿美元的私募股权融资 [5][6] - 融资所得将用于支持公司业务发展 [6] 行业及公司发展前景 - 分析师对公司未来发展持谨慎态度 担心公司业务增长可能难以支撑持续的资本开支 [7][8] - 分析师认为公司股价目前估值偏高 不建议短期内买入 [11][12][13][14] - 但如果公司经营状况未来有所改善 分析师仍可能考虑长期持有 [14]
My Secret Weapon For Calling The Top In NVDA
Forbes· 2024-09-07 02:38
August 9, 2019 Santa Clara / CA / USA - One of the Nvidia office buildings located in the Company's ... [+] campus in Silicon Valley; the NVIDIA logo and symbol displayed on the facadegettyWhile everyone else was cheering Nvidia’s (NVDA) stock back to new heights this week, I called the top for the stock first thing Monday (August 26th) morning on Chuck Jaffe’s MoneyLife show.In this letter, I am going to show you my secret weapon for calling the top in NVDA, the most important stock in the market. My secre ...
Why Nvidia Stock Is Plummeting Again Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 01:39
Last month's soft jobs numbers aren't the only thing dragging Nvidia stock down today.Nvidia (NVDA -4.54%) stock is getting hit with another day of big sell-offs Friday. The company's share price was down 4.5% as of 1:15 p.m. ET, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.Nvidia stock is losing ground in conjunction with an underwhelming jobs published by the U.S. Labor Department today. Recent news about an investigation into the company by the Department of Justice (DoJ) on antitrust grounds is ...
Nvidia: The Blackwell Delay And Its Consequences
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-07 01:07
Antonio Bordunovi Although Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) reported fiscal 2025 Q2 results well above guidance, investors were disappointed with the guidance for fiscal Q3. This was mainly due to the delay in Nvidia’s next-generation AI accelerator chip for the data center, dubbed Blackwell. Rumors have swirled around the delay, and some incorrect or misleading information about Blackwell has been reported. In this article, I take a closer look at the Blackwell delay and what it means for Nvidia’s resu ...