Ares mercial Real Estate (ACRE)
Ares Commercial Real Estate: The Safest Dividend Is The One That's Just Been Cut (Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-14 14:20
股息支付比率和股息削减 - Ares Commercial Real Estate Corporation (NYSE:ACRE)在2023年第三季度的股息支付比率大幅超过100%,导致股息削减的可能性增加[1] - ACRE在2024年将年度股息重置为每股1美元,这将更具可持续性,为被动收入投资者提供有趣的购买机会[3] - ACRE在2023年第四季度仅获得每股0.20美元的可分配收入,这导致不可持续的股息支付比率[10] - ACRE在2024年第一季度宣布将股息削减24.2%,新的股息为每季度0.25美元,年度股息支付率为1.00美元,领先收益率为13.2%[12] - ACRE的可分配收入范围意味着领先的股息支付比率为87-95%,其估值倍数具有很大的安全边际[15] 贷款损失准备金和净收入下降 - ACRE的贷款损失准备金(CECL)大幅增加,导致第四季度净收入下降4,750万美元[6] - ACRE的贷款准备金增加主要是由办公楼抵押贷款驱动,目前已建立了总额为1.63亿美元的准备金,其中71%与办公楼贷款相关[8] 风险和投资机会 - ACRE的估值非常有吸引力,尽管存在准备金和信用质量风险,但其贷款组合在过去十二个月中产生了每股1.07美元的可分配收入[13] - ACRE的准备金增加和股息削减使得投资论点仍然存在风险,如果市场基本面继续恶化,准备金的趋势可能会变得更糟[17] - ACRE的股息削减引发了被动收入投资者对其股票的大规模抛售,为购买股票提供了有趣和有前景的机会[19]
9% Yield I Just Added To My Portfolio
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-08 23:20
walik/E+ via Getty ImagesThe mortgage REITs have finished reporting. Well, ARMOUR Residential REIT (ARR) is in a strange spot. They haven’t filed a 10-K. They did file a form indicating that they won’t be able to file their 10-K in a timely manner. However, we have the preliminary results and those should be good enough for the assessment. Today we finally got the update from Cherry Hill Mortgage (CHMI). CHMI’s book value per share was garbage. Book value per share fell over 9%. That compares negatively ...
Ares Commercial: Dividend Cut, What Now?
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-26 18:03
股息削减 - Ares Commercial Real Estate (NYSE:ACRE)宣布了24%的股息削减,由于公司受到商业房地产市场的影响而遭受损失[1] - 公司的财务报告和相关的股息削减导致股价下跌至新的1年低点[1] - 公司决定削减2024财年第一季度的股息,降幅为24%,这导致了股息覆盖率的下降[11] CECL准备金增加 - Ares Commercial的商业房地产贷款问题导致了CECL准备金的增加,特别是与办公室房地产市场的相关问题[4] - 公司的CECL准备金由于办公室房地产市场的问题而大幅增加,这反映了贷款质量的恶化[7] - Ares Commercial在2023财年第四季度录得了3940万美元的亏损,主要是由于预期信贷损失的4700万美元的准备金费用[9] 估值和风险配置 - Ares Commercial的估值现在变得有吸引力,股价出现下跌,而且股价相对于GAAP账面价值的折价幅度达到40%[12] - 我对Ares Commercial的公允价值为每股11.56美元,这意味着如果进行全面重新评估,投资者将获得52%的再评估潜力[15] - Ares Commercial的风险配置在股息削减后得到改善,但如果公司在2024财年继续面临股息覆盖率的压力,并且CECL准备金出现实质性增加,这将改变我的看法[17]
Ares mercial Real Estate (ACRE) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-23 03:06
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司2023年全年GAAP净亏损3890万美元,每股亏损0.72美元 [22] - 2023年第四季度GAAP净亏损3940万美元,每股亏损0.73美元,主要由于计提4750万美元的CECL准备金 [21][22] - 2023年第四季度可分配收益1080万美元,每股0.2美元,受到6笔新增不良贷款的影响 [22] - 截至2023年12月31日,公司CECL准备金总额为1.63亿美元,占持有待息贷款本金余额的7.6% [22][23] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司贷款组合中,风险等级1-3的贷款本金余额约16亿美元,主要集中在多户家庭、工业和自储存物业 [10] - 风险等级4-5的贷款本金余额5.39亿美元,占比较大,公司已计提1.49亿美元的CECL准备金 [13] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 多户家庭市场需求持续健康,公司贷款组合中多户家庭资产占比34% [10] - 工业和自储存物业表现良好,公司正积极投放资本支持这些资产 [9][10] - 办公物业受宏观环境影响较大,公司面临的不良贷款主要集中在这一领域 [7][11] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将充分利用母公司Ares房地产集团的250多名投资专业人员和500多个投资组合,来解决不良贷款 [12] - 公司已大幅降低资产负债率,从2021年末的2.6倍下降至2023年末的1.9倍,为解决不良贷款提供了灵活性 [14] - 公司正积极寻求通过出售贷款、出售抵押物或与借款人重组等方式来解决不良贷款 [15][16][17] - 公司预计随着宏观环境改善和不良贷款解决,未来可以恢复较高的盈利水平 [29] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司面临利率上升、通胀高企以及远程办公趋势等宏观挑战,特别是办公物业受到较大影响 [7] - 但公司也看到一些积极趋势,如CMBS和CREPM利差收窄、某些行业如工业和自储存物业租赁势头良好 [9] - 公司有信心通过自身的资金实力和房地产管理能力,有序解决不良贷款,并最终恢复较高的盈利水平 [29] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Sarah Barcomb 提问** 询问公司如何从第四季度0.2美元的可分配收益过渡到0.25美元的新季度股息 [32][33][34][35] **Tae-Sik Yoon 回答** 解释了通过解决不良贷款来提高收益的具体措施和预期 [33][34][35] 问题2 **Stephen Laws 提问** 询问公司对利息覆盖率等债务指标的管控情况 [46][47][48][49][50] **Tae-Sik Yoon 回答** 介绍了公司过去几年主动降低杠杆的举措,以及目前指标维持良好的情况 [49][50] 问题3 **Richard Shane 提问** 询问公司对于CECL准备金和未来实现损失的预期 [57][58][59][60][61][62] **Tae-Sik Yoon 和 Bryan Donohoe 回答** 解释了公司在平衡最大化收益和加快解决进度之间的考量,以及对未来实现损失的预期 [58][59][60][61][62]
Ares Commercial Real Estate (ACRE) Beats Q4 Earnings Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-22 21:15
公司盈利 - Ares Commercial Real Estate (ACRE)在上一季度每股盈利为0.20美元,超过了Zacks的预期亏损0.40美元[1] - Ares Commercial Real Estate上一季度的盈利超出预期150%,在过去四个季度中,公司三次超过了盈利预期[2] - 分析师预计公司未来季度和当前财年的每股盈利分别为0.29美元和1.06美元[9] 公司营收 - Ares Commercial Real Estate上一季度的营收为4435万美元,低于Zacks的预期1654万美元,过去四个季度中,公司只有一次超过了营收预期[3] 股价表现 - 公司股价自年初以来下跌了21%,而标普500指数上涨了4.4%[5] - 公司的盈利前景将影响股价的短期走势,目前的盈利预期不利[7] - 目前公司的Zacks排名为4(卖出),预计未来股价表现将低于市场[8] 行业排名 - 行业前景对公司股价表现有重要影响,目前REIT and Equity Trust行业排名在Zacks的底部18%[10]
Ares mercial Real Estate (ACRE) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-22 10:54
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 ____________________________________________________________________________ FORM 10-K ☒ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 OR ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from _____ to _____ Commission File No. 001-35517 ____________________________________________________ ...
Ares mercial Real Estate (ACRE) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-02-22 10:52
Exhibit 99.1 ARES COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION REPORTS FOURTH QUARTER AND FULL YEAR 2023 RESULTS Fourth quarter GAAP net income (loss) of $(39.4) million or $(0.73) per diluted common share and Distributable Earnings(1) of $10.8 million or $0.20 per diluted common share Full year GAAP net income (loss) of $(38.9) million or $(0.72) per diluted common share and Distributable Earnings(1) of $58.4 million or $1.06 per diluted common share - Subsequent to year ended December 31, 2023 - Declared first quar ...
Ares Commercial: Dividend Cut Highly Probable In 2024
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-15 01:28
sqback/iStock via Getty ImagesWe have covered commercial mortgage REITs previously including Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc. (BXMT) and Ladder Capital Corp (LADR). The general theme there has been that these are rather risky plays and investors might do better by going up the capital stack. Today, we look at Ares Commercial Real Estate Corporation (NYSE:ACRE) and whether this might have the right mix to actually support a buy rating on the equity. The Leverage In most cases, we have held rather negative ...
13% Dividend Yield And 39% Upside
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-09 06:50
Ирина Мещерякова Transparency dominates. One of the first things investors should seek is transparency. They need transparency from their investments and their analysts. I recently increased my position in one of our worst-performing investments. So far, we're only looking at a modest loss for the average total return across our position. However, we've seen decent gains across many other positions in the same time period. Therefore, the modest decline is among our worst performers. We're talking about Read ...
Ares Commercial Real Estate: Still Threatened By Declining Asset Values (Rating Downgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-07 12:54
zimmytws/iStock via Getty Images When it comes to investing in real estate, there are myriad considerations around variables including geography, property types, tenancy, lease structures, and the list goes on. That said, we can boil down investment in real estate and other assets into two categories. Do you, as an investor, want to own or loan? Investments take one of two forms. Either one invests directly in target company or asset, purchasing equity. Or, one can invest by buying a financial obligation of ...