Block Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-27 20:50
Many high-flying tech-focused enterprises that benefited tremendously from the coronavirus pandemic have since fallen back to Earth. Block (SQ 3.60%) is a great example. Even more discouraging, shares have lost money in the last five years, which is extremely discouraging. For investors with a long-term mindset, this performance just means now is a good time to reassess the company's situation in terms of its long-term potential. Should investors buy, sell, or hold this fintech stock? Block management is fo ...
Here is What to Know Beyond Why Block, Inc. (SQ) is a Trending Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-25 23:06
Block (SQ) is one of the stocks most watched by visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock. Shares of this mobile payments services provider have returned -21.4% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +2.5% change. The Zacks Technology Services industry, to which Block belongs, has lost 1.9% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be headed in the near term? While med ...
Why Block (SQ) is Poised to Beat Earnings Estimates Again
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-24 02:12
公司业绩 - Block (SQ) 属于 Zacks Technology Services 行业,过去两个季度在击败盈利预期方面表现不错[1] - 在上个季度,Block 的每股收益为 $0.55,超出了 Zacks Consensus Estimate 的 $0.44,出现了25%的惊喜[2] - Block 的盈利预期一直在上升,这部分归功于其盈利惊喜历史[3] - 公司目前的盈利预期为 +10.89%,分析师对其近期盈利潜力持乐观态度[4]
Block: Turnaround Underway
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-17 07:01
公司股价表现 - Block, Inc. (NYSE:SQ)股票在之前大幅下跌后,现在交易价格接近主要支撑水平,具有相当大的安全边际和巨大的上涨潜力[1] - 在接下来的两个月里,股票从40美元上涨到80美元,涨幅达到100%[2] - 尽管最近股价有所上涨,但我认为目前股票仍然具有吸引力,Block的转型故事似乎才刚刚开始,未来几年股票还将有更多上涨空间[4] - 公司的股票估值仍然较低,根据企业价值与毛利润的比率,目前的估值为5.6倍,远低于历史峰值50倍和IPO时的14倍[81] - 公司的基本面(毛利润)持续改善,而股价已回到五年前的水平,这种背离创造了一个很好的买入机会[84] - 最近的回调使得公司的股价走势看起来像一个倒头肩,这是一个看涨的反转模式[86] 公司财务表现 - Square的营收增长和利润率表现[23][25][26][28][30][32][35][37] - Cash App持续吸引更多用户,月活跃用户达到55M[26] - Square的毛利润增长主要来自垂直POS解决方案和银行产品[37] - Square的运营利润和净利润呈现显著的顺序改善[39][40][42] - 预计2024年将实现GAAP净利润盈利能力[43][44][47] - 公司正在实施裁员计划以实现盈利能力[45][46][48] - Block的资产负债表持续改善,净现金持续增加[49][50] - 公司在Q3产生了454M美元的自由现金流,自由现金流率(不包括比特币)为14%,较去年的-1%有所增长[53] - 公司引入了10亿美元的股票回购计划,以抵消股东稀释,股份在Q3同比增长了3%[56] - 公司预计2024年调整后的营业收入将达到8.75亿美元,调整后的EBITDA将达到24亿美元,预计2024年将实现GAAP营业盈利[64] - 公司预计2026年将实现“40规则”,并计划通过稳健增长和追求成本效益来提高调整后的营业收入利润率[68] - 公司的增长潜力仍然很大,目前只占据了总地址市场的不到5%,随着公司推出新产品和吸引新的人群,市场潜力将不断扩大[73] 风险因素 - 金融科技行业竞争激烈,特别是支付处理服务可能最终成为大宗商品,可能对Square的交易费率和最终盈利能力造成压力[102] - Cash App可能会失去市场份额,限制其增长[102] - 比特币价格下跌可能导致Block股价下跌[103] 未来展望 - 公司认为Block股票仍然被低估[101] - 公司仍有长期增长空间,通过Square和Cash App构建未来的金融生态系统[108] - 公司仍然被低估,Block的转型故事才刚刚开始[109]
Is Block Stock a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-15 18:45
股价表现 - Block股票在2023年底表现强劲,股价上涨了89%[1] - 股价在2023年最后几个月飙升,但仍然比2015年上市时的平均估值低了三分之一,因此可以认为目前股价被低估[12] - 股价虽然有所回落,但相对于Block的巨大增长潜力来说,股票仍然值得投资考虑[13] 公司业务 - 该公司在互联网时代提供卓越的用户体验,特别是Square部门为商家提供广泛的金融服务,软件和硬件解决方案,处理了557亿美元的总付款金额[5] - Cash App是一款个人理财移动应用,拥有5500万月活跃用户,也取得了良好的增长[6] - 在最近的财报中,Square部门的毛利润增长了15%,Cash App的毛利润增长了27%[8]
Why Block Stock Moved 22% Higher in December
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-08 20:48
Shares of fintech company Block (SQ -1.75%) soared 22% in December according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. There wasn't specific news sparking the jump in price, but many stocks benefited from an overall market rally in reaction to the Federal Reserve's announcement that it would cut interest rates this year. How this benefits Block Block, formerly Square, is a fintech company that operates what it calls two "ecosystems." Its original seller's business, which it still calls Square, mar ...
Block's Earnings Will Be Energized By AI (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-05 10:20
公司业务 - 公司启动了10亿美元的股票回购计划来抵消股票补偿带来的稀释[3] - 公司在硬件收入方面略有下降,但不认为这是一个大问题[6] - 公司的现金流量表显示,股票补偿对公司现金生成能力有很大影响[5] - 公司的毛利率略有下降,订阅和服务的毛利率扩大至81.48%[8] - 公司的aEBITDA达到7.27%的利润率,管理层在提高运营效率方面取得了进展[10] 公司发展 - Jack Dorsey回归Block,市场对其计划感到乐观,计划在2026年实现40规则[2] - Dorsey提出了一系列削减成本的措施,包括裁员、限制股票补偿、削减开销人员等[2] - Block目前难以在2026年实现40规则,市场渗透率和竞争环境使得增长率达到40%不容易[12] - Toast和Shift4 Payments在餐饮行业表现强劲,可能会对Square生态系统产生影响[14] - 公司越来越像一家银行而不是一家纯粹的科技公司,预计股价目标为92.48美元/股[30] 产品创新 - Block推出了AI设计应用程序,可以自动生成产品描述、自动化操作和优化工作流程[17] - Block推出了自托管的比特币钱包Bitkey,给用户更多对数字货币的控制权[18] 财务展望 - 管理层预计公司在eq4’23将产生1960-1980mm美元的毛利润,aEBITDA在430-450mm美元之间[19] - 根据管理层的2024年指导,预计eFY24的收入将达到30亿美元,较eFY23总收入增长37%[19] - 预计aEBITDA利润率将扩大到8%,预计eFY24的收入将达到26,625mm美元[20] 技术分析 - 技术图表显示,股价呈现出逐渐下降的走势,有下降的峰值和底部[35] - 如果最近的上涨趋势是新一波的开始,我们可以预期股价会在近期反弹至60美元/股,然后回到我的目标股价98.79美元/股。这也可能是下行波浪的延续,导致进一步的下行轨迹,这与我最初的目标股价30.17美元/股相符。14天RSI指标显示SQ处于超买区域,表明可能会有更多的近期抛售[36] - 根据管理层对eFY24的估计和技术指标,交易员可能将SQ视为一个“等待看看”的故事,他们希望在推动股价上涨之前看到增量行动的发生。尽管近期股价走势可能会下行,但我相信长期的利润扩张故事将为企业提供增长。我给予SQ买入建议,目标股价为92.48美元/股[37]
Where Will Block Stock Be in 1 Year?
The Motley Fool· 2023-12-29 13:55
Following years of incredible price gains, Block (SQ -0.11%) shares have been in the doldrums. After peaking in 2021, the shares are now 66% off of their highs. That includes a 27% rise in 2023, just a tad more than the S&P 500. At its previous highs, Block stock was exchanging hands at an astronomical valuation. It's now trading at just over 2 times trailing-12-month sales. But that's only a bargain if there's an exciting future ahead for Block. Let's see where to expect it to be next year at this time. Wh ...
1 Innovative Cathie Wood Growth Stock Down 74% to Buy Hand Over Fist for 2024
The Motley Fool· 2023-12-25 19:00 contributor Parkev Tatevosian highlights one selection from Cathie Wood's portfolios that he believes makes an excellent investment for 2024 and beyond. *Stock prices used were the afternoon prices of Dec. 21, 2023. The video was published on Dec. 23, 2023. ...
1 Cathie Wood Stock Down 73% to Buy Hand Over Fist in 2024
The Motley Fool· 2023-12-25 13:54
Cathie Wood is well known as the CEO of Ark Invest, an investment firm that focuses on owning businesses that have tremendous disruptive potential. Individual investors look to her for ideas, likely because the flagship Ark Innovation ETF is up 70% in 2023 (as of Dec. 22). On the list of holdings, you'll quickly see fintech powerhouse Block (SQ 0.31%). In fact, Ark Invest has made two sizable purchases of this company's stock just in the month of December. Should the average investor follow these moves? I t ...