BLOCK(SQ) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-02 04:19
财务表现 - 公司在第二季度实现了强劲增长,毛利润达到22亿美元,同比增长20%[198] - Cash App在第二季度实现了13亿美元的毛利润,同比增长23%,主要得益于金融服务产品的强劲表现[199] - Square在第二季度实现了9.226亿美元的毛利润,同比增长15%,主要得益于银行产品以及软件和集成支付业务的强劲表现[200] - 第二季度的营业收入为3.066亿美元,调整后营业收入为3.991亿美元,净利润为1.953亿美元[201] 成本管控 - 公司在2023年聚焦组织架构和支出优化,并将继续在2024年实施更严格的费用管控和合同审查[203] - 产品研发费用同比增加3%,主要由于云计算基础设施费用增加[220] - 销售和营销费用同比下降6%,主要由于营销和广告成本下降[221] - 一般和行政费用同比下降14%,主要由于人员成本和设施费用的减少[222] - 交易、贷款和消费者应收款损失同比增加7%,主要由于贷款损失增加[223,224] - 利息收入净额同比下降53%,主要由于2032年优先票据利息费用增加[226] - 其他费用净额同比大幅增加,主要由于比特币投资的重新计量损失[227] 业务分部表现 - Square分部收入同比增长9%,主要由于Square GPV和银行产品的增长[229] - Cash App分部收入同比增长12%,主要由于用户数量和交易量的增长[231] - Square分部毛利同比增长15%,Cash App分部毛利同比增长23%[228,231] - 现金应用(Cash App)分部收入在2024年6月30日结束的三个月和六个月内分别增加了4.557亿美元或12%,和12亿美元或18%[232] - 剔除比特币收入后,现金应用收入在2024年6月30日结束的三个月和六个月内分别增加了2.348亿美元或18%,和4.562亿美元或18%[233] - 现金应用分部成本在2024年6月30日结束的三个月和六个月内分别增加了2.09亿美元或8%,和7.492亿美元或15%[234] - 剔除比特币成本后,现金应用成本在2024年6月30日结束的三个月和六个月内分别增加了1,130万美元或4%,和1,380万美元或3%[234] 关键运营指标 - 公司使用总支付量(GPV)、调整后营业收入和调整后EBITDA等关键运营指标和非GAAP财务指标来评估业务健康状况[235] - 2024年6月30日结束的三个月和六个月,GPV分别为619.41亿美元和1,163.66亿美元[236] - 2024年6月30日结束的三个月和六个月,调整后每股收益分别为0.95美元和1.83美元[236] - 2024年6月30日结束的三个月和六个月,调整后EBITDA分别为7.595亿美元和14.645亿美元[236] 财务状况 - 公司截至2024年6月30日的总流动性约为102.63亿美元,包括95亿美元的现金、现金等价物、受限现金和债券投资[257] - 公司持有8,211枚比特币投资,价值5.15亿美元,并在本季度新增173枚比特币投资[260] - 公司有6.2亿美元的可转换票据和40亿美元的高级无担保票据[262] - 公司有7.75亿美元的未使用的循环信贷额度[263] - 公司有9.46亿美元的仓储融资额度被使用[264] - 公司目前的信用评级为非投资级别[266] - 短期受限现金5.98亿美元主要用于仓储融资安排[267] - 长期受限现金7,120万美元主要用于监管要求[268] - 公司现金和现金等价物会因结算应收款和应付客户款的时间性波动而出现大幅波动[269] - 公司现金及现金等价物、结算应收款和客户应付款金额随每日GPV波动而变化[270] - 公司记录了价值14亿美元的比特币托管义务负债和相应的托管资产[271] - 公司经营活动产生的现金流量为10.09亿美元,主要来自于净利润和非现金费用[273][274] - 公司投资活动产生的现金流量为8.67亿美元,主要来自于消费者应收款净流入和投资证券净收益[275][276] - 公司筹资活动产生的现金流量为11.73亿美元,主要来自于发行2032年优先票据和客户资金变动[277][278] 会计政策和内部控制 - 公司的关键会计估计在本季度内未发生重大变化[279][280] - 公司的披露控制和程序在评估日被认为是有效的[284] - 需要成功开发和实施管理企业的正确流程和工具,否则可能会损害竞争能力和实现业务目标的能力[373] - 需要大量的财务支出、资源承诺、流程开发和其他投资及创新,但随着增长和业务模式的发展,需要在增加控制和系统与快速开发和推出新功能之间取得平衡[374] - 公司使用的衡量业务的指标存在固有的挑战和局限性,计算指标的方法需要做出某些假设和判断,可能会影响指标的准确性和相关性[375] 风险因素 - 公司的比特币投资面临市场价格波动风险,截至2024年6月30日公允价值为5.15亿美元[282] - 公司面临多项法律诉讼和监管调查,可能对经营业绩产生重大影响[286][287] - 公司面临多方面的风险因素,包括业务、运营、经济金融等方面[290][291][292] - 公司业务受到广泛监管和监督[293] - 公司面临复杂和不断发展的隐私、数据保护和信息安全相关法规和监管[293]
BLOCK(SQ) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-02 04:16
财务业绩 - 第二季度毛利润同比增长20%至22.3亿美元[16] - 第二季度经营收入为3.07亿美元,经调整后的经营收入为3.99亿美元[17] - 第二季度净收益为1.95亿美元,经调整后的EBITDA为7.59亿美元,同比增长98%[17] - 总收入为61.56亿美元,同比增长11.2%[120] - 交易类收入为17.13亿美元,同比增长4.6%[120] - 订阅和服务类收入为17.88亿美元,同比增长22.3%[120] - 比特币收入为26.12亿美元,同比增长9.2%[120] - 总运营费用为19.27亿美元,同比下降3.6%[120] - 净利润为1.95亿美元,上年同期亏损1.02亿美元[120] - 总营收为55.35亿美元,同比下降10.1%[127] - Cash App分部营收为36.73亿美元,同比下降11.0%[127] - Square分部营收为18.12亿美元,同比下降8.5%[127] - 总毛利为18.66亿美元,同比增长20%[133] - 经调整营业利润为3.99亿美元,同比增长1465%[133] - 经调整EBITDA为7.59亿美元,同比增长97.5%[133] - 经调整每股收益为0.95美元,同比增长131.7%[131] - 公司总净收入(不含比特币)为67.7亿美元,同比增长13.4%[144] - Cash App收入(不含比特币)为29.6亿美元,同比增长16.2%[146] - Square总毛利润(不含PPP贷款豁免)为9.22亿美元,同比增长14.7%[148] - Square银行业务毛利润(不含PPP贷款豁免)为2.11亿美元,同比增长27.1%[149] - 调整后净收益为5.89亿美元,同比增长134.8%[151] - 调整后每股收益为0.93美元,同比增长132.5%[151] 运营指标 - 总支付量为619.41亿美元,同比增长4.9%[131] - Cash App支付量为35.69亿美元,同比下降26.5%[131] - Square支付量为583.72亿美元,同比增长7.8%[131] - 现金应用(Cash App)月度交易活跃用户达5700万,同比增长5%[69] - 现金应用总流入额为710亿美元,同比增长15%,每位活跃用户的流入额为1243美元,同比增长10%[69] - 现金应用的货币化率为1.53%,同比增长9个基点,环比增长5个基点,主要得益于现金应用借贷业务[69] - 现金应用卡的月度活跃用户超过2400万,同比增长13%,每位活跃用户的消费额也同比增长[70] 成本管控 - 产品开发费用为7.13亿美元,同比增长3%[75] - 销售和营销费用为5.08亿美元,同比下降6%[75] - 一般和行政费用为4.74亿美元,同比下降14%[75] - 产品研发支出为4.44亿美元,同比增长7.7%[153] - 销售及营销支出为4.74亿美元,同比下降2.9%[153] - 一般及行政支出为3.71亿美元,同比下降1.6%[153] - 折旧及摊销费用为1.95亿美元,同比增长2.5%[155] 业务发展 - 正在推进销售、合作伙伴、营销和产品等四个方面的改革以提升Square的市场表现[11] - 任命Afterpay CEO Nick Molnar领导公司统一的销售职能,以提升Square销售团队的绩效[3,5] - 与大型食品分销商如US Foods等建立合作伙伴关系,覆盖美国40%的餐厅市场[7,28] - 推出新的入职平台,将入职步骤从30多步简化到4步,提升新商户入驻体验[13,29] - 推出Square Kiosk自助点餐系统,帮助餐饮商户管理人力成本、缩短等候时间、提高订单准确性[24] - 推出Square Appointments服务套餐功能,帮助服务类商户提升客户忠诚度和结账效率[25] - 现金应用的订阅和服务收入为14.2亿美元,同比增长23%[68] - 方块(Square)的总收入为19.8亿美元,同比增长9%,总毛利为9.23亿美元,同比增长15%[50] - 方块的国际市场毛利同比增长34%,主要得益于银行产品的增长[51] - 方块的软件和集成支付业务毛利同比增长14%,垂直行业POS解决方案毛利同比增长21%[53] - 方块的银行业务(包括贷款、即时转账和借记卡)毛利同比增长27%[60] - 比特币收益为6700万美元,同比增长52%[73] - 现金应用程序交易收入为9900万美元,同比下降26%[73] 财务管理 - 公司发行了20亿美元的高级无担保债券[91] - 公司回购了5.7百万股A类普通股,总金额为3.9亿美元[92] - 公司定义了Gross Payment Volume (GPV)和Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)作为关键运营指标[116] - 公司使用了多个非GAAP财务指标,包括Adjusted EBITDA、Adjusted Net Income、Adjusted EPS等,用于分析公司的经营业绩[117][118] - 公司剔除了一些非经常性因素,如股份支付费用、无形资产摊销、收购相关成本等,以更好地反映公司的核心经营情况[117][118] - 公司还提供了不包括BNPL业务、比特币收入和PPP贷款豁免收益的指标,以帮助投资者更好地理解公司的基础业务[118] - 公司解释了这些非GAAP指标的局限性,并表示它们只是补充GAAP指标使用,不能替代GAAP指标[119] -
Domino's Pizza INVESTOR ALERT: Securities Fraud Investigation by Block & Leviton Could Allow Investors to Recover Losses
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-02 03:33
BOSTON, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Block & Leviton is investigating Domino's Pizza, Inc. (NYSE: DPZ) for potential securities law violations. Investors who have lost money in their Domino's Pizza, Inc. investment should contact the firm to learn more about how they might recover those losses. For more details, visit What is this all about? Shares of Domino’s Pizza, Inc. fell 10% following the company's suspension of long-term global growth guidance. Block & Leviton ...
Analysts Expect At Least 60% Upside In This Fintech
MarketBeat· 2024-08-01 21:30
After softening over the past couple of weeks, there was a sense in yesterday's session that perhaps the market is ready to turn north once again. The benchmark indices all had some of their best days in recent weeks, with the S&P 500 finishing up 1.5% and the tech-heavy NASDAQ finishing up more than 3%. Block TodaySQBlock$62.40 +0.52 (+0.84%) 52-Week Range$38.85▼$87.52P/E Ratio81.04Price Target$87.25Add to WatchlistThe market-wide correction over recent weeks, felt most acutely by tech stocks, has opened u ...
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Five Below Investigated for Securities Fraud; Investors encouraged to contact Block & Leviton
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-31 23:35
BOSTON, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Block & Leviton is investigating Five Below, Inc. (Nasdaq: FIVE) for potential securities law violations. Investors who have lost money in their Five Below investment should contact the firm to learn more about how they might recover those losses. For more details, visit What is this all about? Shares of Five Below fell 21% following the resignation of the company's CEO, Joel Anderson, and a reported decline in sales. Block & Lev ...
Is Block (SQ) Stock a Smart Buy Before Q2 Earnings Release?
ZACKS· 2024-07-31 01:31
Block (SQ) is scheduled to release its second-quarter 2024 results on Aug 1. For the second quarter, the Zacks Consensus Estimate for revenues is pegged at $6.22 billion, suggesting a rise of 12.3% from the prior-year quarter’s reported figure.The Zacks Consensus Estimate for second-quarter earnings is pegged at 76 cents per share, suggesting a jump of 94.9% from the year-ago reported figure. The estimate has been revised upward by 1.4% over the past 30 days. Image Source: Zacks Investment Research Block ha ...
Block: Stay Conservative As Q2 Results Approach
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-30 23:11
Joe Raedle I initially covered Block (NYSE:SQ) at the start of April. At the time, I was cautious about the valuation and its potential for good returns in the long run. This wasn't just a question of its current financial capacity but also the story to how it should grow that. According to its founder-CEO, Jack Dorsey, the key is to develop an ecosystem in their company (hence changing the name from Square to Block). Citing reasonable doubt, I noted: Customers care about what happens with their mone ...
NuScale Power Corp. ALERT: Securities Fraud Investigation by Block & Leviton Could Allow Investors to Recover Losses
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-30 01:42
BOSTON, July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Block & Leviton is investigating NuScale Power Corp. (NYSE: SMR) for potential securities law violations. Investors who have lost money in their NuScale Power Corp. investment should contact the firm to learn more about how they might recover those losses. For more details, visit What is this all about? According to Hunterbrook Media, NuScale Power Corp. (NYSE: SMR) is actively being investigated by the U.S. Securities and Exchang ...
Arbor Realty Trust Investigated for Securities Fraud; Block & Leviton Encourages Investors Who Have Lost Money to Contact the Firm
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-29 22:50
BOSTON, July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Block & Leviton is investigating Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ABR) for potential securities law violations. Investors who have lost money in their Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. investment should contact the firm to learn more about how they might recover those losses. For more details, visit  What is this all about? According to Bloomberg, federal "investigators are inquiring about lending practices and [Arbor Realty]'s claims about ...
Countdown to Block (SQ) Q2 Earnings: A Look at Estimates Beyond Revenue and EPS
ZACKS· 2024-07-29 22:22
Wall Street analysts expect Block (SQ) to post quarterly earnings of $0.76 per share in its upcoming report, which indicates a year-over-year increase of 94.9%. Revenues are expected to be $6.22 billion, up 12.3% from the year-ago quarter.The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has remained unchanged over the last 30 days. This represents how the covering analysts, as a whole, have reassessed their initial estimates during this timeframe.Prior to a company's earnings release, it is of utmost importance t ...