Intel Is Throwing The Kitchen Sink - Buy It
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-10 16:24
文章核心观点 1) 英特尔公司在过去10年一直陷于芯片行业竞争的漩涡中,但在最近5年内竞争加剧[1] 2) 英特尔公司于2021年聘请帕特·盖尔辛格担任CEO,制定了雄心勃勃的计划试图重拾公司的产品和工艺领导地位[1] 3) 然而,英特尔在最近的2022年第二季度财报中显示,距离2026年目标仍有几年时间,但公司已经进一步落后[1] 4) 这导致投资者大规模抛售英特尔股票,公司2024年的年度表现可能是1975年以来最差的[2][3] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 英特尔的财务负担和临时措施 1) 英特尔承诺到2023年实现中高单位数的收入增长,并最终在2026年实现超过1100亿美元的收入目标,同时毛利率和营业费用也有相应目标[4] 2) 但实际情况是,收入增长持续下降,利润率也大幅收缩,公司还需承担超过300亿美元的昂贵晶圆厂投资[4] 3) 这迫使英特尔暂停派息、裁员15%并节省100亿美元成本[5] 4) 英特尔管理层表示正在积极审视业务组合,并计划在第三季度财报时完成大部分精简[5] 市场对英特尔的估值 1) 英特尔目前的市值仅为其账面价值的0.7倍,这是其历史最低水平[6][7] 2) 英特尔拥有2060亿美元的资产,其中包括大量晶圆厂资产和290亿美元的现金等,这些资产可用于偿还530亿美元的债务[7] 3) 尽管英特尔面临重重困难,但作为美国战略重要公司,其当前估值似乎忽视了这一事实[7]
Intel: Bumps In The Road To Foundry Success Led To Excessive Negative Pressure On Shares
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-10 13:53
文章核心观点 - 英特尔公司2024年第二季度的收益和利润表现低于预期,公司宣布将在2025年底前裁员超过15%,并在2024年第四季度暂停派息[1] - 公司面临一系列负面消息,包括可能被剔出道琼斯指数、关于出售部门的传闻以及大科技公司普遍遭受的市场抛售,导致公司股价大幅波动[1] - 公司正在大力投资自有晶圆厂、AI PC产品以及数据中心和AI(DCAI)业务,并计划在2024年第三季度推出Gaudi 3处理器[1][2][5] 收入情况 - 2024年第二季度,英特尔产品(CCG、DCAI、NEX)分部收入为122亿美元,与预期持平[2] - CCG分部收入为74亿美元,同比增长9%,得益于PC出货量逐步恢复以及客户平均收入上升,但受中国出口限制的影响有所抵消[2] - DCAI分部(包括Altera)收入为34亿美元,同比下降15%,主要受传统服务器处理器需求疲软影响[3] - 公司预计DCAI分部在2024年下半年将有温和改善,Gaudi 3处理器的推出也将带来收入增长[3] 财务预测调整 - 根据IDC的最新预测,2024年全球PC出货量将与去年持平,2025年将出现下滑,公司相应下调了CCG分部2024年和2025年的收入预测[3] - 公司下调了2024年和2025年DCAI分部(含Altera)的收入预测,主要由于2024年第二季度需求疲软以及公司对复苏速度的预期下调[3] - 综合来看,公司将2024年全年收入预测从560亿美元下调至528亿美元,2025年从653亿美元下调至598亿美元[3] 利润表现 - 2024年第二季度,公司营业利润为-19.6亿美元,营业利润率为-15.3%,低于管理层和分析师的预期[7] - 为提高盈利能力,公司计划到2025年底裁员超过15%,并将2024年营业费用控制在200亿美元,2025年控制在175亿美元[8] - 由于加大对Core Ultra AI处理器和Intel 4/3制程的投资,公司短期内的盈利能力有所下降,但这些举措将在长期内带来积极影响[8] - 公司2024年和2025年的调整后EBITDA预测分别从138亿美元和203亿美元下调至81亿美元和165亿美元[9] 资本支出和现金流 - 为提高流动性,公司将2024年和2025年的资本支出预测从年初的水平下调超过20%,至250-270亿美元和200-230亿美元[6] - 考虑到政府补助和合作伙伴的支持,公司预计2024年和2025年的净资本支出将分别为110-130亿美元和120-140亿美元[6] - 由于营业利润下降,公司2024年自由现金流预测从-136亿美元下调至-40亿美元,2025年则从-78亿美元上调至-40亿美元[10][11] 股息政策 - 公司宣布从2024年第四季度开始暂停派息,以集中资金用于必要投资、业务重组和降低负债[11] - 公司预计2025年将实现20亿美元的净利润,但这一水平可能无法令管理层确信再次暂停派息的风险已经消除[12] 估值 - 由于2024-2027年EBITDA预测下调,公司目标价从49美元下调至39美元,但维持买入评级[13][14] - 公司被剔出道琼斯指数的风险较小,对股价的实际负面影响也有限[15]
Intel to Boost Thailand's Healthcare System: Stock to Benefit?
ZACKS· 2024-09-10 00:45
Intel Corporation (INTC) recently inked a partnership with TrueBusiness, a provider of communications and digital solutions in Thailand, to introduce smart healthcare solutions in the South East nation. This includes the transformation of various aspects of the medical field, including treatment, diagnosis, rehabilitation and patient data management.INTC Enhances Healthcare Facilities With AI CapabilitiesPer the collaboration, TrueBusiness will integrate its 5G capabilities with Intel's advanced AI technolo ...
Huge News for Intel Stock and Qualcomm Stock Investors
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-09 21:45
Intel is in a cash crunch and could sell pieces of its business to raise capital.Fool.com contributor Parkev Tatevosian evaluates what the news could mean for Intel (INTC 1.13%) and Qualcomm (QCOM 2.19%) stock investors. *Stock prices used were the afternoon prices of Sept. 5, 2024. The video was published on Sept. 7, 2024. ...
Intel Eyes Foundry Sale: Is This the Solution to Its Stock Woes?
MarketBeat· 2024-09-09 19:45
Intel TodayINTCIntel$18.89 -0.51 (-2.63%) 52-Week Range$18.64▼$51.28Dividend Yield2.65%P/E Ratio19.68Price Target$32.04Add to WatchlistIntel NASDAQ: INTC has had a terrible 2024, to say the least. The company’s shares are down 61% year-to-date, driven largely by a massive earnings miss in August. Criticism has been laid on the company’s CEO, Patrick Gelsinger, who has failed to maintain Intel’s dominant position in the semiconductor space. Meanwhile, other chip designers like NVIDIA NASDAQ: NVDA have succee ...
Intel Might Need to Shrink to Grow Again
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-09 06:17
文章核心观点 - 英特尔作为半导体行业的领头羊,过去10年股价下跌超过50%,已经不再是行业的标杆 [1] - 英特尔面临的主要问题包括制造问题、产品延迟、市场份额下降以及战略转变不力等 [1][3] - 英特尔正在探索一些激进的措施来扭转其挣扎的业务 [2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 英特尔的主要问题 - 英特尔是一家集成电路制造商,自主设计、制造和销售芯片,与AMD、英伟达等无晶圆厂公司不同 [3] - 英特尔的制造工艺曾经是业界最先进的,但在过去10年里落后于台积电和三星 [3] - 英特尔从14纳米到10纳米的制程转型(2018-2019年)以及后续向7纳米制程的转型(2020-2023年)都遇到了严重延迟,导致许多PC制造商转而采用AMD的CPU [3] - 英特尔的资本支出增长缓慢,过多地用于股票回购和派息,而未能大幅增加研发投入来追赶台积电 [4] 英特尔是否需要缩小规模来重新增长 - 英特尔在格尔辛格接任CEO后出售了多个业务部门,包括Optane存储芯片、网络交换芯片等 [5] - 英特尔最新消息称可能会剥离或出售其挣扎的晶圆厂业务,这将使其完全转向无晶圆厂模式,类似于AMD [6] - 这种激进的举措可能会稳定英特尔的收益增长,但也意味着过去3年的大量投资和时间被浪费了 [7]
Prediction: Nvidia Will Replace Intel in the Dow Jones Index
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-08 18:00
Nvidia is the logical choice to replace a floundering Intel in the Dow 30.It's no secret that Intel (INTC -2.63%) has been struggling. The stock is down more than 60% year to date and has been the worst performer in the Dow Jones Industrial Average this year.The company was once the largest chipmaker in the world, dominating the personal computer (PC) space. That helped it become one of the first two technology companies to join the famed Dow Jones index, along with Microsoft back in the late 1990s. However ...
Don't Rely on These Analyst Price Targets: More Downgrades Could Be Coming for These 3 Struggling Stocks
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 21:10
These stocks are down more than 15% in the past three months, but that doesn't mean you should buy the dip.Looking at analyst price targets, you might find some undervalued stocks. However, you'll often find a stock that looks like it has a lot of upside, but only because its price has fallen sharply and analysts haven't put through their updated price targets (i.e., downgrades) for it yet.Three stocks that look like they might be great buys today based on their consensus analyst price targets include PDD H ...
Intel Is Probably Getting Kicked Out of the Dow, but Nvidia May Not Be Its Logical Replacement
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 17:36
Even though Intel's days as a Dow component are likely numbered, and Nvidia has leapfrogged Intel in the innovation department, Wall Street's artificial intelligence (AI) darling is no lock to enter the Dow.For more than 128 years, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI -1.01%) has served as Wall Street's most prominent barometer of the stock market's health.When it debuted on May 26, 1896, it was comprised of 12 mostly industrial companies. Today, the Dow Jones is a melting pot of 30 time-tested, multinati ...
Why Intel Stock Is Falling and Hit a New 10-Year Low Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 03:13
Investors are facing concerning economic indicators, and new reports are making it harder to guess what Intel's turnaround strategy will be.Intel (INTC -2.29%) stock is sinking again in Friday's trading. The chip company's share price was down 2.1% as of 3:10 p.m. ET, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.Following disappointing August jobs numbers released the U.S. Labor Department today, the stock market is seeing an uptick in bearish sentiment -- and Intel is part of the pullback. Recent ...