Intel to Divest Foundry Division for Core Focus: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-08-31 00:56
文章核心观点 - Intel正在进行全面的战略评估,以应对严峻的财务困难和运营挑战 [1] - Intel可能会考虑将产品设计和制造部门分离,并评估是否终止某些工厂项目 [2] - Intel正在考虑出售其为外部客户制造芯片的晶圆厂业务部门,该部门最近一个季度报告了28亿美元的营业亏损 [2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 Intel的主要战略变革 - Intel将更多关注其产品业务(包括CCG、DCAI和NEX),该业务在最近一个季度占总收入的92% [3] - Intel在Intel Xeon处理器方面取得了进展,包括推出了代号为Sierra Forest的Intel Xeon 6处理器,这是Intel 3服务器产品,专为高密度、大规模工作负载而设计 [3] - Intel预计将在2024年第三季度开始发货代号为Granite Rapids的Intel Xeon 6处理器,以及Intel Gaudi 3 AI加速器 [3] Intel的战略转变带来的影响 - Intel专注于不仅提供芯片,还提供相关硬件,这使其处于有利地位 [4] - Intel有望利用领先的处理技术获得巨大的增长空间,这将日益需要以低成本生成足够的产量 [4] - 这些进步预计将在未来几个季度为Intel创造大量收入 [4] Intel股价表现 - 过去一年,Intel股价下跌了41.7%,而行业整体增长111.7% [5] 其他行业公司表现 - Arista Networks是一家Zacks排名第1的公司,为包括云巨头、企业、金融和专业云服务提供商在内的众多知名客户提供产品 [7] - Harmonic是一家Zacks排名第1的公司,为媒体公司和服务提供商提供超高质量的广播和OTT视频服务 [7] - Airgain是一家Zacks排名第2的公司,提供集成无线解决方案,可解决企业、汽车和消费者市场中的关键连接需求 [7][8]
Intel Corp Looks at Outside Help, Stock Surges
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-08-30 22:55
文章核心观点 - Intel公司正在与银行家合作,探讨分拆其晶圆厂部门等方式来应对其核心业务的疲软 [1] - Intel股价大涨7.8%,创下自8月2日大跌26.2%以来的单日最大涨幅 [1] - 投资者看好Intel的前景,期权交易量大幅增加 [1] 行业和公司分析 公司经营情况 - Intel股价自年初以来下跌56%,创近14年新低 [1] - 分析师对Intel持中性评级,12个月目标价较当前水平溢价约20% [2] 投资者情绪 - 投资者对Intel前景持乐观态度,期权交易量大幅增加 [1]
Why Intel Shares Are Moving Higher Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-30 22:51
Management has hired bankers to explore options for the troubled chipmaker.Intel (INTC 9.64%) has been moving in the wrong direction so far in 2024, with the stock losing more than half its value year to date.Management is reportedly open to radical steps to reverse the decline, and investors are taking notice. Shares of Intel were up 8% as of 10:30 a.m. ET on news that the company has hired bankers to assess options to kick-start growth.Is a breakup in the cards?It's been a tough few years for Intel. The o ...
Intel working with bankers to present board with strategic options
CNBC· 2024-08-30 13:39
Pat Gelsinger, CEO Intel, speaking on CNBC's Squawk Box at the WEF Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland on Jan. 16th, 2024.Intel executives are working with multiple advisors to formulate options to address its flagging business, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.Those advisors, which include Morgan Stanley and other bankers, will likely present Intel's directors with options at an upcoming board meeting in September, said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss confidential matters. ...
Intel CEO Gelsinger says he respects 'skepticism' from investors as chipmaker's struggles persist
CNBC· 2024-08-30 02:27
文章核心观点 - 英特尔公司CEO帕特·盖尔辛格表示,公司正努力应对投资者的担忧,并对未来保持乐观态度 [1][2] - 英特尔公司近年来一直面临巨大压力,在芯片制造业务上持续投入数十亿美元,但在核心PC和数据中心业务中却不断失去市场份额,在人工智能领域也未取得实质性进展 [2][3] - 英特尔公司已聘请摩根士丹利等顾问公司,以应对激进投资者的压力,并宣布裁员15,000人,同时将探讨其业务组合的调整 [3] 公司概况 - 英特尔公司CEO帕特·盖尔辛格表示,公司正努力应对投资者的担忧,并对未来保持乐观态度 [1] - 英特尔公司近年来一直面临巨大压力,在芯片制造业务上持续投入数十亿美元,但在核心PC和数据中心业务中却不断失去市场份额,在人工智能领域也未取得实质性进展 [2] - 英特尔公司已聘请摩根士丹利等顾问公司,以应对激进投资者的压力,并宣布裁员15,000人,同时将探讨其业务组合的调整 [3] - 英特尔公司最近一个季度出现净亏损16.1亿美元,而去年同期实现净利润14.8亿美元,收入也未达预期 [3] 行业动态 - 英特尔公司CEO表示,公司在人工智能驱动的服务器业务中仍面临弱势,但对未来保持乐观,即将推出"最具吸引力的人工智能PC产品" [2] - 英特尔公司董事会成员李本仁近期突然离职,据报道是因与其他董事在公司应采取的措施上存在尖锐分歧 [3]
Intel Corporation (INTC) Deutsche Bank's 2024 Technology Conference (Transcript)
2024-08-30 02:03
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - 公司在第二季度财报后采取了一系列成本削减措施 [3][4][7] - 公司正在从第一阶段的重建进入第二阶段的提升效率 [3][4][7][8] - 公司的制造工艺已经取得重大进展 18A工艺的缺陷密度已经低于0.4 [5][31][32] - 公司的先进封装技术是重要的差异化优势 [6][36] - 公司的产品执行力也在不断提升 [7] - 公司正在进行全面的精简和优化 包括人员、资本支出和业务组合 [8][24][25][26][27][28][49] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 - 公司第三季度收入下滑主要是由于市场因素而非市场份额下降 [12][13][14][15][16] - 公司毛利率下滑主要是由于新工厂产能利用率低以及一些业务退出的影响 [18][19][20] - 公司正在采取一系列措施提升效率和盈利能力 包括优化资本支出和人员 [24][25][26][27][28] - 公司的18A工艺已经进入量产阶段 并将在今年底开始为客户供货 [31][32][33] - 公司的服务器业务受AI市场影响较大 但正在努力提升竞争力 [16][43][44] - 公司的财务目标是在未来实现60%毛利率和15亿美元的代工业务收入 [46][47][48][52][53][54][55]
Why Intel Stock Is Gaining Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-29 23:49
Nvidia just delivered some good news for Intel and other AI stocks.Intel (INTC 3.65%) stock is climbing in Thursday's trading. The company's share price was up 4% as of 11:30 a.m. ET, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.Intel stock is gaining ground thanks to the very strong results that Nvidia (NVDA -3.16%) published in its second-quarter results yesterday. But while Nvidia's Q2 report was enough to power gains for Intel and other players in the artificial intelligence (AI) space, they we ...
Intel Suspended Its Dividend, and This Stock Could Be the Next One to Halt Its High-Yielding Payout
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-29 20:15
文章核心观点 - 沃尔格林-布茨联盟(Walgreens Boots Alliance)可能会效仿英特尔(Intel)暂停派发股息 [1][2][3] - 沃尔格林正面临来自亚马逊(Amazon)等在线零售商的激烈竞争,同时还需要大量资金投入到医疗保健业务的扩张 [2] - 沃尔格林新任CEO蒂姆·温特沃斯(Tim Wentworth)已经大幅削减了公司的股息,并正在考虑出售资产来获得现金流 [2][3] - 与英特尔不同,沃尔格林的未来前景更加不确定,公司可能会采取更多措施来改善财务状况,包括减少门店数量等 [4] - 沃尔格林已不再是一家安全的股息股,投资者应该寻找其他更好的股息股投资标的 [5] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司概况 - 沃尔格林-布茨联盟是一家连锁药店零售商,正面临来自亚马逊等在线零售商的激烈竞争 [2] - 公司正在大幅投资医疗保健业务,包括开设数百家初级保健诊所 [2] - 新任CEO蒂姆·温特沃斯正在考虑采取一些激进措施,如出售资产和减少门店数量等,以改善公司的财务状况 [2][3][4] 股息政策 - 沃尔格林此前曾是一家著名的股息增长股,但今年已大幅削减了股息 [5] - 公司目前的股息收益率接近10%,但未来能否维持股息存在很大不确定性 [4][5] - 投资者不应再将沃尔格林视为一家安全的股息股,而应寻找其他更好的股息投资标的 [5]
2 Struggling Stocks That Haven't Been This Cheap in 5 Years. Are They Too Risky to Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-29 17:47
Shares of Intel and Plug Power are down more than 50% this year.If you're buying shares of a beaten-down stock that's trading at multiyear lows, odds are, you're going to need to take on some significant risk. Whether it's a troubling outlook for the future, poor fundamentals, or just an outright broken business, there can be many reasons for a stock to go on a steep decline. The bearishness can be contagious and result in a quick free fall for some stocks.Two particularly concerning stocks this year are In ...
Supermicro Previews New Max Performance Intel-based X14 Servers for AI, HPC, and Critical Enterprise Workloads
Prnewswire· 2024-08-29 04:05
"We continue to add to our already comprehensive Data Center Building Block solutions with these new platforms, which will offer unprecedented performance, and new advanced features," said Charles Liang, president and CEO of Supermicro. "Supermicro is ready to deliver these high-performance solutions at rack-scale with the industry's most comprehensive direct-to-chip liquid cooled, total rack integration services, and a global manufacturing capacity of up to 5,000 racks per month including 1,350 liquid cool ...