Intel: The Night Looks The Darkest Before The Dawn
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-17 02:41
Mitsuru Sakurai/DigitalVision via Getty Images Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) doesn't need much introduction, as the Company has been stealing financial media attention for quite some time. One of the leading global semiconductor players experienced severe headwinds, resulting in significant stock price drops. Intel recorded over 60% stock price decreases in the last 5 years and YTD. VAL Intel Corp (INTC) Price % Change -62 58% 40.00% 0.00% -40.00% -80.00% 2022 2020 2021 2023 2024 Seeking Alpha Sep 14, 2024, 8:29 AM E ...
Intel Stock Rises After a Report of a $3.5B Pentagon Chip Deal
Investopedia· 2024-09-17 02:11
Key TakeawaysIntel has reportedly won $3.5 billion in grants from the Pentagon to manufacture chips for the U.S. military.Bloomberg reported that Intel's work will be part of the government's Secure Enclave program, which aims to produce advanced chips with military and intelligence applications. The contract comes on top of the potential $8.5 billion in grants and $11 billion in loans that Intel was awarded earlier this year from the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022. Shares of Intel (INTC) advanced Monday, ai ...
This Is Why I Remain Bullish on Intel (No, It's Not Because of AI)
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-17 00:11
It might be time to be greedy when others are fearful.In this video, I will talk about Intel (INTC 3.79%) and explain why I remain bullish despite the many headwinds. Check out the short video to learn more, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below.*Stock prices used were from the trading day of Sept. 13, 2024. The video was published on Sept. 16, 2024. ...
Intel Stock Moves Higher on Billion-Dollar Federal Grant
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-09-16 22:41
Intel Corp (NASDAQ:INTC) stock was last seen up 3.8% at $20.40, after Bloomberg reported the chip name qualified for $3.5 billion in federal grants to produce chips for the Pentagon. Specifically, Intel will develop advanced chips for U.S. military and intelligence uses. Today's pop has Intel stock further removing itself from its recent Sept. 10, 14-year low of $18.51. The shares have yet to recover from their massive 26.2% post-earnings bear gap in early August, and are down 59.3% since the start of the y ...
Intel Is Too Big to Fail, so It Is Time to Buy
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-16 22:29
Intel stock is down 60% this year.In this video, I will cover the recent updates regarding Intel (INTC 3.87%) and explain why I remain bullish on the company. Check out the short video to learn more, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below.*Stock prices used were from the trading day of Sept. 13, 2024. The video was published on Sept. 14, 2024. ...
For Intel's Stock, It's Been 'One Disaster After Another'
Investopedia· 2024-09-13 18:27
Key TakeawaysIntel shares have taken a hit in recent months amid worries about the chipmaker’s ability to engineer a turnaround. The company is reportedly considering a number of strategic options that could include selling parts of its business and scrapping some projects. However, Intel’s moves to shed assets could hamper its efforts to compete with rivals.Wall Street's typical rating on the stock is a "hold," though the mean analyst price target implies some optimism. Intel's (INTC) stock, once a tech d ...
Intel (INTC) Stock Slides as Market Rises: Facts to Know Before You Trade
ZACKS· 2024-09-13 06:51
The most recent trading session ended with Intel (INTC) standing at $19.36, reflecting a -1.43% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. The stock's change was less than the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.75%. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a rise of 0.58%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw an increase of 1%.Shares of the world's largest chipmaker witnessed a loss of 1.41% over the previous month, trailing the performance of the Computer and Technology sector with its gain of 2.48% and the S&P 500's ...
Intel getting help from Commerce Secretary Raimondo as part of effort to spur U.S. production
CNBC· 2024-09-13 05:07
文章核心观点 - Intel公司正面临人工智能市场的挑战,其股价已经下跌60% [1] - Intel寻求美国商务部长Gina Raimondo的帮助,希望减少对台积电的依赖 [1][2] - 美国政府正在通过CHIPS法案向英特尔提供资金支持,以帮助其在美国建立芯片制造厂 [2][3] 行业概况 - 英特尔正在建设4个美国工厂,试图转型为代工业务,为其他供应商制造芯片 [2] - 英特尔的代工业务进展受到延迟,与台积电在亚利桑那州建厂也面临类似问题 [3] - 英特尔正考虑将设计业务与代工业务分离,以更好地服务客户 [3][4] - 英特尔最近财报业绩不佳,股价大跌,裁员15% [4] - 英伟达等公司几乎全部依赖台积电制造其尖端芯片,存在地缘政治风险 [4][5]
Intel Stock: Turning Bullish For The First Time In Years (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-12 20:57
文章核心观点 - 英特尔正在进行重大重组,包括可能剥离关键资产和业务部门,以应对激烈的竞争和持续的财务困难 [1][3][4] - 英特尔正在采取极端的成本削减措施和资本支出重组,以尝试重塑其业务,利用半导体市场的繁荣 [2][3] - 英特尔的长期目标,如成为全球第一大晶圆代工厂,以及在4年内推出5次先进芯片升级,给公司的流动性状况带来了压力 [5] - 尽管英特尔面临诸多挑战,但其新一代芯片技术、个人电脑市场的复苏以及人工智能芯片业务的发展,都为公司的未来前景带来了希望 [7][8] - 英特尔目前的估值较低,为长期投资者提供了一个较好的切入点 [8][9] 根据目录分别总结 英特尔的重组策略 - 宣布2025年前削减100亿美元成本,裁员15% [2] - 推出IDM 2.0战略,加快先进芯片制造能力 [3] - 进军晶圆代工业务,与竞争对手AMD形成对比 [3] - 计划进一步精简业务,可能剥离阿尔特拉等非核心资产 [3] - 计划大幅削减资本支出,2025年降至215亿美元 [3] 英特尔重组的动因 - 英特尔的财务业绩持续恶化,2019年净利润210.5亿美元,2023年仅16.7亿美元 [4] - 英特尔不得不暂停派发季度股息,流动性状况恶化 [4] - 英特尔的长期目标给公司带来了沉重的负担,投资回报未达预期 [5] 英特尔的未来前景 - 新一代18A芯片有望帮助英特尔重拾市场份额 [7] - 个人电脑市场有望复苏,有利于英特尔的CPU业务 [7] - 英特尔的人工智能加速器有望成为英伟达的替代品 [7] - 英特尔当前估值较低,为长期投资者提供了较好的切入机会 [8][9] 风险因素 - 英特尔的重组计划能否顺利执行存在不确定性 [11] - 英特尔的新产品能否成功吸引客户,避免进一步失去个人电脑市场份额 [11] - 英特尔资产出售能否顺利进行,以及出售价格是否理想 [11] - 需密切关注宏观经济对芯片行业,尤其是个人电脑和人工智能芯片的影响 [12]
What's Wrong With Intel Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-11 19:15
文章核心观点 - 半导体公司英特尔正在逐步失去市场份额,与竞争对手相比处于劣势地位 [1] - 英特尔过去20年的业务模式已经崩溃,设计型公司如英伟达和AMD正在抢占市场份额 [1] - 英特尔的股价已经连续25年呈现负收益,目前处于低迷状态 [1] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 市场份额损失给台积电 - 过去芯片制造商会同时负责设计和制造,直到台积电的出现 [2] - 台积电专注于制造而不设计,使其能够快速发展,并从众多设计客户那里获得收益用于进一步提升制造能力 [2] - 大约10-15年前,英特尔开始落后于台积电,因为它不愿放弃设计和制造一体化的垂直整合模式 [2] - 英特尔正在逐步失去市场份额给那些依托台积电制造平台的设计公司,包括苹果公司 [3] 财务数据反映了公司现状 - 尽管半导体市场正在因人工智能而繁荣,但英特尔的收入从之前的800亿美元下降到550亿美元 [4] - 自由现金流在过去两年一直为负,这在过去25年从未出现过 [4] - 为应对现状,英特尔正在采取措施现代化并作为代工厂与台积电竞争,但可能为时已晚 [4] 新的代工计划 - 近年来英特尔终于开始拥抱代工模式,计划在全球建设新的制造设施以与台积电竞争 [5] - 美国政府计划给予190.5亿美元补助,但英特尔尚未收到 [5] - 目前英特尔的代工业务表现很差,去年一季度仅获得43亿美元收入,并亏损28亿美元 [5] - 要实现盈利,英特尔需要在未来几年大幅增加代工业务收入,但目前尚未实现 [5] 投资者对英特尔前景悲观 - 投资者对英特尔同时经营设计和代工业务的模式越来越悲观,因为代工业务远远落后于台积电 [6] - 尽管英特尔对美国政府很重要,但美国和其他西方国家也在与台积电合作,没有一家公司能独占鳌头 [6] - 英特尔股价从10年高点下跌72.5%,未来可能还会继续下跌,因为公司未能及时拥抱代工模式 [6] - 投资者最好远离英特尔股票,直到公司能够走出困境 [6]