Google to relaunch tool for creating AI-generated images of people after pulling service due to inaccuracies
CNBC· 2024-08-29 00:57
文章核心观点 - 谷歌将允许用户使用其Gemini人工智能工具创建人物图像,此前该功能曾被暂停[2] - 谷歌表示将逐步推出Imagen 3生成器,并将其提供给Gemini Advanced、Business和Enterprise用户[3] - 谷歌表示已经进行了技术改进,包括改善评估集、红队演练和明确产品原则[4] 关于Imagen 3的总结 - Imagen 3不支持拍摄真实可识别个人、未成年人或过于血腥、暴力、色情的场景[7] - 谷歌表示Imagen 3生成的图像不会完美,但会继续听取早期用户的反馈,并逐步扩大推广[8]
Waymo expands its curbside robotaxi service to Phoenix airport
TechCrunch· 2024-08-27 23:38
文章核心观点 - 公司将在凤凰城斯凯哈伯国际机场3号和4号航站楼提供全天候的上下车服务,进一步扩大其无人驾驶出租车服务 [1][2] - 公司自2022年11月开始提供无人驾驶前往机场的服务,最初只到44街车站,后扩展到路边上下车服务,与出租车、优步和Lyft等服务直接竞争 [2] - 公司表示,自推出机场服务以来,往返机场的总行程已超过10万次 [3] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司业务拓展 - 公司将在凤凰城斯凯哈伯国际机场3号和4号航站楼提供全天候的上下车服务 [1] - 公司自2022年11月开始提供无人驾驶前往机场的服务,最初只到44街车站,后扩展到路边上下车服务 [2] 业务表现 - 公司表示,自推出机场服务以来,往返机场的总行程已超过10万次 [3]
Prediction: 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks That Will Be Worth More Than Nvidia in 3 Years
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-27 17:46
These three tech giants have sustainable competitive advantages and could leave Nvidia in the dust.Nvidia (NVDA -2.25%) has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the booming demand for anything related to artificial intelligence (AI). The company's GPUs are valuable equipment used to train large language models, which provide the backbone for generative AI. Big tech companies and cloud providers are snatching up as many Nvidia chips as they can get their hands on.The results have been nothing short of ph ...
Lawmaker defends Google deal to fund California newsrooms, as labor criticism grows
Techxplore· 2024-08-23 19:36
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The California legislator at the center of a first-in-the-nation deal between Google and the state to help fund local news organizations and an artificial intelligence accelerator project defended the agreement from critics who said it didn't go far enough. The $242.5 million deal has led to ...
Meta and Alphabet Have Quietly Warned Investors About a Potentially Big Risk
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-23 19:02
Investors should be careful about assuming that demand for artificial intelligence products and services will remain high for the foreseeable future.There could be signs of trouble looming ahead for the markets. While the economy is still doing relatively well and tech companies are reporting strong numbers, the danger is that in the not-too-distant future, there could be some weakness. And I'm not referring to just the possibility of a recession.Spending on artificial intelligence (AI) has helped many tech ...
DeepMind workers sign letter in protest of Google's defense contracts
TechCrunch· 2024-08-23 06:15
文章核心观点 - 谷歌旗下DeepMind公司的至少200名员工对公司与军事组织签订合同表示不满 [1][2][3] - 员工认为这种与军事和武器制造相关的合作违背了公司在伦理和负责任的人工智能方面的领导地位,与公司的使命和AI原则相悖 [3] - 这反映了谷歌和DeepMind之间在公司文化上的分歧,因为DeepMind在被谷歌收购后曾承诺其技术不会被用于军事或监视目的 [4] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 员工对公司军事合同的不满 - DeepMind公司至少200名员工对谷歌与军事组织签订合同表示不满 [1][2] - 员工在内部流传了一封信,表达了对"谷歌与军事组织的合同"的担忧 [2] 员工对公司军事合作的担忧 - 员工认为这种与军事和武器制造相关的合作会影响公司在伦理和负责任人工智能领域的领导地位 [3] - 员工认为这种合作违背了公司的使命和AI原则 [3] 谷歌和DeepMind之间的文化分歧 - 这反映了谷歌和DeepMind之间在公司文化上的分歧 [4] - DeepMind在被谷歌收购后曾承诺其技术不会被用于军事或监视目的,但现在却与军事组织合作 [4]
Google Is At A Discount Due To Regulatory Confusion
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-22 11:58
Adam Gault/OJO Images via Getty Images Google or Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL), has performed poorly in the past few weeks. At least some of this underperformance versus the broader market, if not much of it, is apparently due to a federal court's ruling that that Google has acted as a monopoly and violated antitrust laws. I believe that concern regarding this issue is substantially overestimated, and that current valuation presents both a short and long-term value opportunity. The crux of the regul ...
Is Alphabet's (GOOGL) Stock Still a Millionaire Maker 20 Years After its IPO?
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 08:55
文章核心观点 - 谷歌母公司Alphabet公司已经成为21世纪最具创新力的科技公司之一 [1][2][3] - Alphabet通过一系列大规模收购实现了快速发展,成为科技巨头 [5][6] - Alphabet的股票表现出色,自2004年上市以来涨幅超过6000% [4] - Alphabet最近进行了20:1的股票拆分,并首次派发季度股息 [8][9][13][14] - 根据预测,Alphabet未来几年的收入和利润都将保持稳定增长 [10][11][12] - 但Alphabet也面临一些监管方面的潜在风险 [16][17] 公司发展历程 - 从最初的搜索引擎起家,Alphabet已经拓展到云计算、视频音乐、自动驾驶等多个领域 [2][3] - 通过大规模收购,Alphabet获得了谷歌地图、YouTube、DoubleClick等知名资产 [5][6] - Alphabet还收购了Nest、DeepMind等人工智能和智能硬件公司,加强了技术实力 [5][6] 财务表现 - Alphabet的股价自上市以来涨幅超过6000%,远超大盘指数 [4] - 根据预测,Alphabet未来几年的收入和利润将保持两位数增长 [10][11][12] - Alphabet最近首次派发季度股息,体现了公司良好的现金流和盈利能力 [13][14] 估值分析 - 目前Alphabet的股价估值略低于行业和大盘平均水平 [15] - 但公司面临一些监管方面的潜在风险,未来增长可能受到一定影响 [16][17] - 分析师给出的目标价格仍有22%的上涨空间 [17]
Google Antitrust Ruling Sparks Debate Among Online Publishers and SEO Experts· 2024-08-22 02:49
After a landmark antitrust ruling against Google, online publications face a pivotal decision: whether to allow the tech giant to use their content for AI-generated search answers. The court’s decision thrust publishers into this choice, which could reshape the digital content landscape and the economics of online publishing.The recent federal court decision, which found Google’s search engine dominance an illegal monopoly, has significant implications for the digital publishing world. While some see challe ...
Waymo has doubled its weekly paid robotaxi trips to 100,000 since May
CNBC· 2024-08-21 01:06
文章核心观点 - 公司每周提供超过10万次付费的无人驾驶出租车服务,是之前的两倍 [1][2] - 公司正在扩大无人驾驶出租车服务的覆盖范围,包括加州的多个城市 [6][7] - 公司的新一代无人驾驶系统可以在更广泛的天气条件下提供服务,并减少车载传感器的需求 [4] - 公司声称其无人驾驶系统在避免伤害性事故和警察报告的事故方面分别比人类驾驶员好3.5倍和3倍 [8] - 公司目前在美国国内面临有限的竞争,而特斯拉等公司的无人驾驶出租车计划仍在开发阶段 [9][10] 公司概况 - 公司是Alphabet旗下的无人驾驶汽车公司,于2009年开始作为一个自动驾驶项目 [3] - 公司目前拥有约700辆车队,运营美国唯一的商业无人驾驶出租车服务"Waymo One" [5] - 公司之前在凤凰城与优步合作,现已将服务范围扩大到该市90平方英里 [6] 行业动态 - 中国的滴滴和Pony.ai也已经开始提供商业无人驾驶出租车服务 [9] - 通用旗下的Cruise和优步、福特等公司的无人驾驶出租车项目都遇到了挫折 [9] - 特斯拉一直承诺将通过软件更新实现现有车型的无人驾驶,但尚未推出专门的无人驾驶出租车 [10]