The Best Growth Stock to Buy Right Now in September (2024)
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-02 21:55
Alphabet has a near monopoly in a lucrative business with several segments experiencing meaningful contributor Parkev Tatevosian explains why Alphabet (GOOG 1.05%) (GOOGL 0.99%) is his top stock to buy right now. *Stock prices used were the afternoon prices of Aug. 30, 2024. The video was published on Sept. 1, 2024. ...
Does Google's monopoly impact search results? Tech titan faces reckoning
Techxplore· 2024-09-02 19:20
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: PhotoMIX Company from Pexels The founders of internet search and digital advertising giant Google wrote in a 1998 paper that goals for online advertising "do not always correspond" to useful internet search results. Now, after Google was found to hold an illegal search monopoly, critics suggest the company that became ...
The Recent Tech Sell-Off Made This Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock an Even Better Buy
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-01 06:47
See why this tech giant is poised for long-term growth despite recent price drops.Buying Alphabet (GOOG 1.05%) (GOOGL 0.99%) stock is rarely a bad idea.Imagine picking up $1,000 of Alphabet stock on Feb. 25, 2014. That turned out to be the worst day of that year to get into the technology giant's shares. The day's peak, with a record price of $30.50 per split-adjusted share, was followed by an 18% plunge over the next 10 months. The bear bait stacked up as European regulators considered breaking up the comp ...
Should You Buy the Only "Magnificent Seven" Stock That Is Cheaper Than the S&P 500 According to This Key Metric?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-31 16:45
Alphabet stock is down 9% in a month and has reached a more attractive valuation.The "Magnificent Seven" companies -- Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, Alphabet (GOOGL 0.99%) (GOOG 1.05%), Amazon, Meta Platforms (META 0.60%), and Tesla -- are known for their growth prospects and rewarding long-term shareholders with epic gains, but not so much for being value stocks.However, earnings growth and a recent sell-off in Alphabet stock have pushed its forward price-to-earnings ratio below that of the S&P 500. The forward ...
Would a tech tax be a fair way to make Google and Meta pay for the news they distribute and profit from?
Techxplore· 2024-08-30 23:04
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: Julio Lopez from Pexels As the News Media Bargaining Code agreements in Australia start to wind down, there is discussion about what will come next. Media academic Andrea Carson calls the codes, passed in 2021, "world-first" legislation because Australia was the first country to use competition law to get Google and Meta ...
Are Google's monopoly cases 5 years too late or 2 years too early?
TechCrunch· 2024-08-30 05:56
文章核心观点 - 美国地区法官裁定谷歌在网络搜索领域存在垄断行为 [2] - 谷歌即将面临另一起反垄断案件,涉及其广告技术业务 [3] - 两起案件的关键区别在于谷歌如何获得和维持其垄断地位 [5] 谷歌网络搜索垄断案 - 法官认为谷歌通过与苹果等公司签订独家合同等方式维持其搜索引擎垄断地位 [5] - 法院可能会禁止谷歌签订此类独家合同,而不会要求拆分公司业务 [6] 谷歌广告技术垄断案 - 美国司法部指控谷歌控制了关键的广告技术工具,从而操纵广告定价,打压竞争对手 [3] - 谷歌可能会辩称广告主有很多展示广告的渠道选择 [3] - 法院可能会要求谷歌剥离部分广告技术业务,但需要权衡16年前并购案的影响 [6] 人工智能对谷歌业务的影响 - 生成式人工智能正在改变信息搜索的方式,可能会冲击谷歌的传统搜索广告业务 [7] - 未来10年内,人工智能驱动的在线生态系统可能发生巨大变化,届时反垄断讨论或将大不相同 [7]
Judge blasts Google over ‘destroyed' evidence as another DOJ antitrust case looms: ‘Clear abuse of privilege'
New York Post· 2024-08-30 01:28
文章核心观点 - 美国地区法官Leonie Brinkema指出,谷歌公司实施自动删除员工聊天记录的政策是"明显滥用特权"的行为[1][2][3] - 这一裁决对谷歌公司在数字广告垄断案中的诉讼构成重大打击,可能导致该公司的广告技术帝国被拆分[3] - 其他法官也曾批评谷歌公司未能保留与反垄断调查相关的聊天记录,认为这严重损害了司法公正[5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 谷歌公司的聊天记录删除政策 - 2008年,谷歌首席法务官Kent Walker建议员工默认关闭聊天记录保存,被内部称为"Vegas模式"[2] - 这导致员工的聊天信息在24小时内自动删除[3] - 法官Brinkema认为这种做法是"明显滥用特权"的行为,不符合负责任的企业行为[3] 谷歌公司在反垄断案中的表现 - 谷歌公司面临多起针对其数字广告和搜索业务的反垄断诉讼[3][5] - 法官Brinkema表示,Walker的备忘录中包含"令人难以置信的重要证据"[3] - 法官Mehta曾指出谷歌公司在保留证据方面的疏忽,但未对其进行制裁[5] - 法官Donato也曾批评谷歌公司自动删除员工聊天记录的行为,认为这严重损害了司法公正[6]
Forget Alphabet: This Is the Artificial Intelligence Stock I'd Buy Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-29 18:30
文章核心观点 - Alphabet公司在人工智能(AI)市场上是一个潜在的大玩家,但也面临着一些风险[1] - 聊天机器人可能会减少用户在谷歌上搜索的流量,同时Alphabet公司还面临着监管风险[1] - 相比之下,AMD公司在AI芯片领域有更直接的增长路径[4][5] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 Alphabet公司在AI领域的机遇与挑战 - Alphabet公司正在开发自己的聊天机器人Gemini,并试图利用AI技术来增强现有产品和服务[1] - 但聊天机器人可能会减少用户在谷歌上搜索的需求,从而影响公司的广告收入[3] - 此外,Alphabet公司还面临着监管风险,可能会被要求拆分业务或改变运营方式[1] AMD公司在AI芯片领域的优势 - AMD公司预计今年AI芯片销售将达到40亿美元,并计划在未来两年内推出新一代AI芯片[4] - 随着对AI芯片需求的持续增长,AMD有望从中获益[4][6] - 与Alphabet公司相比,AMD公司的业务增长更加直接地受益于AI相关支出[5]
Here's Why Alphabet (GOOGL) Fell More Than Broader Market
ZACKS· 2024-08-29 06:50
文章核心观点 - Alphabet (GOOGL)股价在最近的交易中下跌1.11%,表现弱于标普500指数下跌0.6%[1] - 过去一个月,Alphabet股价下跌3.29%,低于计算机和技术板块2.97%的涨幅和标普500指数3.15%的涨幅[2] - Alphabet预计将在即将发布的财报中报告每股收益1.83美元,同比增长18.06%;预计收入将达到728.9亿美元,同比增长13.64%[3] - 全年来看,Alphabet预计每股收益7.63美元,同比增长31.55%;收入2965.3亿美元,同比增长15.6%[4] 公司相关 - 分析师对Alphabet的预测数据有所调整,反映了最新的业务趋势,可以作为股价走势的信号[5][6] - Alphabet目前的市盈率为21.58倍,低于行业平均水平25.57倍,估值相对较低[8] - Alphabet的PEG率为1.23,低于行业平均水平1.75,表明其增长潜力较强[9] 行业相关 - Alphabet所在的互联网服务行业目前在250多个行业中排名第144位,处于中下游水平[10][11] - 行业排名靠前的行业整体表现优于排名靠后的行业2倍[11]
GOOGL Gains 18% YTD: Can Generative AI Focus Drive the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-08-29 01:56
Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) shares have gained 17.9% in the year-to-date period, outpacing the Zacks Internet-Services industry’s growth of 16.6%. The GOOGL stock’s return is above the S&P 500’s rise of 17.8% but below the broader technology sector’s rally of 21.3% in the same time frame.Alphabet is significantly benefiting from its growing Generative AI (GenAI) capabilities, which are driving its momentum in the booming cloud computing market and the search engine space by enhancing search results.The company is ...