Here is What to Know Beyond Why Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD) is a Trending Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 23:00
Gilead Sciences (GILD) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future. Shares of this HIV and hepatitis C drugmaker have returned -6.1% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +2.9% change. The Zacks Medical - Biomedical and Genetics industry, to which Gilead belongs, has gained 1% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock b ...
New Real-World Data Further Support the Use of Veklury® (Remdesivir) for People Hospitalized With COVID-19
Businesswire· 2024-03-06 05:35
FOSTER CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) today announced new data from three real-world retrospective studies being presented at the 31st Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). One study showed Veklury® (remdesivir) was associated with a reduced risk of certain long-COVID symptoms in people who were hospitalized for COVID-19. In a separate study, Veklury use was associated with significantly reduced mortality among people who were immunocompromised ...
Gilead's Innovative HIV Treatment Research Pipeline Aims to Address Unmet Needs and Advance Public Health
Businesswire· 2024-03-06 05:30
FOSTER CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) today announced the presentation of key data highlighting the breadth of its innovative HIV treatment research pipeline. The latest results explore clinical outcomes from a study evaluating an investigational combination regimen of bictegravir and lenacapavir, new findings from a study evaluating the investigational combination of lenacapavir with broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs), and new proof-of-concept data on GS-1720, a no ...
Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD) Presents at TD Cowen 44th Annual Health Care Conference (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-06 04:39
Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD) TD Cowen 44th Annual Health Care Conference March 5, 2024 12:50 PM ET Company Participants Andy Dickinson - Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Tyler Van Buren - TD Cowen Tyler Van Buren Welcome, and good afternoon, everyone. Welcome again to TD Cowen's 44th Annual Healthcare Conference, Day 2. My name is Tyler Van Buren, senior biotech analyst here. For our next session, very pleased to have a fireside chat with Gilead. And from Gilead, it's my pleasure ...
Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD) Presents at TD Cowen 44th Annual Health Care Conference (Transcript)
2024-03-06 04:39
业绩总结 - Gilead Sciences, Inc. 预计2024年基础业务增长为4%至6%,中值为5%[1] - Descovy是一款年销售额近20亿美元的产品,主要用于HIV预防[2] - Biktarvy是一款年销售额达120亿美元的药物,预计长效预防疗法市场潜力巨大[4] HIV业务 - HIV业务在所有主要市场仍在增长,治疗市场每年增长2%至3%[1] - 预防HIV市场仍处于起步阶段,之前曾出现高达20%的增长[1] - 预防HIV市场在美国市场占比约为三分之一,但未来潜力可能更大[3] 新产品和技术研发 - 长效疗法可能会显著提高HIV预防市场的规模[4] - Lenacapavir的治疗组合正在进行多项研究,预计未来将有多个批准[4] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司在细胞疗法领域拥有世界最大的业务规模,具备强大的商业组织和制造能力,为新产品上市做好准备[7] - 通过收购CymaBay,公司将进军肝病领域,看好PBC治疗市场潜力,预计获得FDA批准[8] 未来展望 - 未来几年,公司对Trodelvy和细胞疗法的发展充满信心,预计会为投资者带来可观回报[6] - 公司认为投资者最容易忽视的是HIV预防领域的巨大机会,未来有望得到更多关注[8]
Here's Why Gilead Sciences (GILD) Gained But Lagged the Market Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-02 07:56
股价表现 - Gilead Sciences (GILD) 最新收盘价为 $72.31,较上一交易日收盘价上涨了 +0.29% [1] - GILD股价在过去一个月下跌了7.75%,表现不如医疗行业的3.58%和标普500指数的5.2% [2] 财务预期 - 预计公司将发布每股收益为$1.57,较去年同期增长14.6%,季度营收预计为63亿美元,较去年同期下降0.82% [3] - GILD全年Zacks共识预期为每股收益$7.07和营收274.5亿美元,同比增长分别为+5.21%和+1.22% [4] 评级和估值 - 分析师对Gilead Sciences的最新估值变动显示出对公司业务和盈利能力的乐观态度 [5] - Zacks Rank系统显示Gilead Sciences目前持有3(持有)的评级,公司的前瞻市盈率为10.19,低于行业平均值22.45 [7] 行业排名 - 医疗-生物医学和遗传学行业目前的Zacks行业排名为79,位于所有250+行业的前32% [9] - Zacks行业排名显示,排名靠前的行业通常会表现优于排名靠后的行业 [10] 指标跟踪 - 使用Zacks.com跟踪所有这些影响股价的指标,以及其他在未来交易中的指标 [11]
Gilead Announces Funding Initiative to Support HIV Prevention, Anti-Stigma and Health Equity Efforts for Black Cisgender and Transgender Women and Girls in the U.S.
Businesswire· 2024-02-27 23:00
Gilead Sciences资助计划 - Gilead Sciences宣布向19个组织提供总额为1260万美元的资助,旨在改善美国黑人妇女和女孩的HIV情况[1] - Gilead的Setting the P.A.C.E.计划旨在通过HIV预防、艺术和倡导、社区和教育四个关键领域,赋予当地组织解决医疗不平等的能力[6] HIV情况统计 - 黑人妇女在美国新的HIV诊断中占比53%,而仅占该国妇女总数的14%[3]
U.S. FDA Approves Expanded Indication for Gilead's Biktarvy® to Treat People with HIV with Suppressed Viral Loads, Pre-existing Resistance
Businesswire· 2024-02-27 05:05
Gilead Sciences宣布FDA批准Biktarvy用于治疗HIV患者中的M184V/I耐药 - Biktarvy是首个获得FDA批准并被美国卫生与公众服务部推荐的整合酶链转移抑制剂(INSTI)单药片方案,适用于M184V/I耐药的HIV患者[2] - Biktarvy在研究中表现出高耐药阻隔能力,有效抑制HIV-1 RNA[4]
Gilead to Present Late-Breaking Data and Real-World Evidence Highlighting Innovative Antiviral Portfolio and Research Pipeline at CROI 2024
Businesswire· 2024-02-26 21:30
吉利德科学公司新临床数据和实际世界证据展示 - 吉利德将在CROI 2024上展示抗病毒研究和开发项目的新临床数据和实际世界证据[1] - Biktarvy®(B/F/TAF)作为长期治疗选择的进一步评估将被分享[2] - lenacapavir与bictegravir的新组合方案和lenacapavir与广谱中和抗体(bNAbs)组合的关键发现将被评估[3] Biktarvy治疗HIV-1和HBV共感染患者 - ALLIANCE试验数据分析评估了HIV-1/HBV共感染成人的乙型肝炎(HBV)治疗反应相关因素[4] - BIKTARVY在治疗HIV-1和HBV共感染患者中可能引发严重急性乙型肝炎恶化[30][34] - BIKTARVY不应与多非特利得或利福平联合使用[31] - BIKTARVY可能引发免疫重建综合征,包括自身免疫性疾病[33] - BIKTARVY可能导致新发或恶化的肾功能受损,包括急性肾衰竭[34] - BIKTARVY可能引发乳酸中毒和严重肝肿大伴脂肪变性[37] - BIKTARVY在临床研究中最常见的不良反应包括腹泻、恶心和头痛[38] - BIKTARVY与其他药物相互作用可能导致药物浓度变化[40][41] - BIKTARVY的剂量和使用方法取决于患者的体重和肾功能[42][43] - BIKTARVY在孕妇和哺乳期妇女中的使用需要谨慎考虑[46][47] Gilead科学公司的使命和产品信息 - Gilead是一家专注于病毒学领域的公司,通过开发治疗、预防和治愈病毒性疾病的创新技术,与全球社区和研究伙伴合作,帮助受病毒性疾病影响的人们和社区[82][83] - 公司在病毒学领域的工作已经改变了全球健康格局,致力于推动以人为中心的科学和可操作的教育计划,为受病毒性疾病影响的人们和社区带来实质性的改变[83] - 公司发布的新闻稿中包含了前瞻性声明,提到了一些风险、不确定因素和其他因素,包括公司在临床试验或研究中的进展、可能的不利结果、监管申请和批准时间线等[84] - Biktarvy、Sunlenca、Veklury等产品的完整处方信息可在公司网站上获取[85] - Biktarvy、Sunlenca、Veklury、Hepcludex等产品是Gilead Sciences, Inc.或其关联公司的注册商标,其他商标归其各自所有者所有[86] - 欲了解更多关于Gilead的信息,请访问公司网站、关注公司的社交媒体账号或联系公司公共事务部门[87]
History Says the Nasdaq Will Keep Soaring in 2024 -- and Wall Street Thinks This High-Yield Dividend Stock Could Jump Nearly 20%
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-24 18:52
One good year leads to another. That's typically been the pattern for the Nasdaq Composite index since its creation in 1971. The positive years for the index outnumber the negative years by nearly 3 to 1. History is on the side of investors hoping for the Nasdaq to keep soaring in 2024. Unsurprisingly, analysts are bullish about many of the stocks that are in the index. But are there any good picks for income investors in the group? Yep -- and some of them offer especially juicy dividends. Wall Street think ...