Wall Street Brunch: Get Ready For The CPI
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-11 00:21
零售通胀数据 - 本周关注市场将在周二发布最新的零售通胀数据,这是3月20日联邦储备委员会会议前的最新数据[1] - 经济学家预计2月CPI月度上涨0.4%,年度通胀率保持在3.1%不变,核心CPI预计上涨0.3%,年度率从3.9%下降至3.7%[2] 国债收益率和利率预测 - 美国10年期国债收益率自1月核心PCE价格指数显示通胀加剧后下降约10个基点至4.08%,市场目前几乎可以确定联邦储备委员会将在下次会议上保持利率不变,首次降息预计在6月[3] 波音公司调查和飞机安全 - 美国司法部对阿拉斯加航空公司飞机舱门爆炸事件展开调查,波音公司领导表示找不到有关阿拉斯加航空航班爆炸门插件工作的记录[7][8] 温室气体排放披露要求 - 美国证券交易委员会批准了新的要求,要求上市公司披露其温室气体排放情况,但不包括一项商业团体反对的关键规定[9][10] 比特币和黄金价格预测 - 比特币供应增长减速,即将到来的减半事件预计将推动比特币价格在2024年超过115,000美元[11][12][13] - 美国银行的技术团队表示,黄金将在2024年上涨,但由于相对强势指数条件过于拉伸,其价格走势将放缓[14][15][16]
DOJ launches criminal probe into Alaska Airlines mid-air door plug blowout: report
New York Post· 2024-03-10 05:17
The Justice Department has launched a criminal investigation into the fuselage panel blowout on an Alaska Airlines jet. The feds have started to contact passengers and crew members of the horrifying Jan. 5 flight, which made an emergency landing in Portland, Ore., after the door plug of the Boeing 737 Max 9 blew off at 16,000 feet in the air, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday, citing documents and people familiar with the matter. 3 The Justice Department has launched a criminal investigation into th ...
Justice Department Opens Criminal Investigation Into Alaska Airlines Door Blowout, Report Says
Forbes· 2024-03-10 02:39
Topline The Department of Justice has launched a criminal probe into a Jan. 5 Alaska Airlines flight where a door blew open mid-flight aboard a Boeing 737 MAX 9 plane, according to the Wall Street Journal, which cited documents and unnamed individuals familiar with the probe. This photo released by the National Transportation Safety Board shows a gaping hole where the ... [+] paneled- over door had been at the fuselage plug area of Alaska Airlines Flight 1282. (National Transportation Safety Board via AP, F ...
DOJ opens investigation into Alaska Airlines incident of door panel blowing out midair, WSJ says
CNBC· 2024-03-10 02:20
An Alaska airlines Boeing 737 is taking off from Los Angeles International AirPort (LAX) in Los Angeles, California, on March 6, 2024. The Justice Department has started a criminal investigation into the Alaska Airlines incident where a door panel blew out mid-air two months ago, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday. The newspaper, citing documents and people familiar with the matter, said investigators have contacted passengers, pilots and flight attendants on Flight 1282 on Jan. 5 heading to Ontario, ...
Justice Dept. opens criminal investigation in Alaska Airlines blowout, Wall Street Journal reports
Reuters· 2024-03-10 01:36
"In an event like this, it's normal for the DOJ to be conducting an investigation. We are fully cooperating and do not believe we are a target of the investigation," Alaska Airlines said in an emailed statement to Reuters. The Wall Street Journal earlier reported, citing documents and people familiar with the matter, that the investigators have contacted some passengers and crew on the Jan. 5 flight, which made an emergency landing in Portland, Oregon, after a fuselage panel ripped off midair. The investiga ...
Boeing ties more bonuses to safety in scramble to recover from Alaska Air door-plug blowout
New York Post· 2024-03-08 22:42
Embattled airplane manufacturer Boeing said it’s overhauling its bonus structure to tie payouts more closely to safety — its latest move to prioritize quality over profits as it looks to recover from the reputational crisis caused by a midair door-plug blowout. The new structure will apply to Boeing’s nonunion workforce of more than 100,000 staffers, including managers and executives, according to an internal memo obtained by The Wall Street Journal. The note, which was first circulated among employees, sai ...
United to pause hiring pilots, blames Boeing delivery delays from Alaska Airlines blowout
New York Post· 2024-03-08 03:17
波音737 MAX飞机问题 - 美国联合航空将因波音飞机交付延迟而在五月和六月暂停飞行员招聘[1] - 波音面临越来越多的审查,因为一架全新的737 MAX飞机在飞行中发生了门插销脱落的事件[2] - 联邦航空管理局还禁止该飞机制造商扩大其畅销的737 MAX窄体飞机的生产[3] 联合航空与波音合作问题 - 联合航空将无法按照其2024年的预期增长速度发展,因为波音持续延误[3] - 联合航空削减了从波音交付的MAX 8飞机的2024年预测数量,从43架减少到37架[4] - 联合航空预计今年将收到比上周年度报告中少15架MAX 9飞机[4] 联合航空新计划 - 联合航空首席执行官Scott Kirby早些时候表示,由于监管和交付延误,航空公司将制定一个不包括737 MAX家族最大成员的新机队计划[5] - 联合航空新飞行员的入职班将于七月恢复[6]
Alaska Air Group (ALK) Stock Falls Amid Market Uptick: What Investors Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 08:16
In the latest trading session, Alaska Air Group (ALK) closed at $36.96, marking a -0.67% move from the previous day. The stock trailed the S&P 500, which registered a daily gain of 0.51%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw an upswing of 0.2%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq appreciated by 0.58%. Coming into today, shares of the airline had gained 3.39% in the past month. In that same time, the Transportation sector gained 3.82%, while the S&P 500 gained 2.94%. Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a close eye on the ...
Boeing slammed for dragging feet in Alaska Airlines probe
TechXplore· 2024-03-07 05:36
波音737 MAX调查 - 美国国家运输安全委员会主席Jennifer Homendy在参议院商务、科学和交通委员会作证[1] - 调查一月份一架波音737 MAX客机的联邦调查负责人批评这家航空巨头未能及时提供关键信息[2] - 调查一月5日阿拉斯加航空公司航班两个月后,国家运输安全委员会仍未收到调查核心文件或涉及该部件的约25名波音员工的姓名[3] - 波音承包商Spirit AeroSystems制造的机身,但问题被认为源于波音位于华盛顿雷登工厂对该部件进行的维护,据信门插座被拆卸并重新安装[5] - 波音团队负责门插座的负责人因病休假,机构向波音请求额外的25名团队员工未获进展[6] - 波音承诺对一月5日事件做出“透明”回应,但被批评未能及时提供关键信息[8] - 波音表示将继续全力配合国家运输安全委员会的调查[9]
Boeing slammed for refusing to turn over records about Alaska Airlines blowout: ‘Utterly unacceptable'
New York Post· 2024-03-07 02:32
波音公司事件调查 - 波音公司拒绝透露25名团队成员的姓名,以便调查人员进行访谈[8] - 波音公司在一月份的事件后受到越来越多的审查,飞机上的紧急门板脱落引发了人们对波音公司的关注[5] - 波音公司被要求在90天内回应联邦航空管理局提出的质量控制问题[10]