Refrigerant Reclamation
RMI· 2024-09-18 08:18
Refrigerant Reclamation Assessing Potential Emissions Impact of R-410A Refrigerant Reclamation in the United States' Residential HVAC Sector Draft Report / September 2024 Authors and Acknowledgments Authors Ankit Kalanki Yulin Lou Ian McGavisk Raghav Muralidharan Hadia Sheerazi Gareth Westler Authors listed alphabetically. All authors are from RMI unless otherwise noted. Contacts Raghav Muralidharan, rmuralidharan@rmi.org Gareth Westler, gwestler@rmi.org Ankit Kalanki, akalanki@rmi.org Copyrights and Citati ...
RMI· 2024-09-13 12:33
报告行业投资评级 报告未提及行业投资评级。 报告的核心观点 1. 绿氢应用是工业低碳、零碳转型的关键抓手之一 [1][11] 2. 工业场景对氢气供应的规模化和连续稳定要求较高 [14][15] 3. 通过"集群化发展"模式可实现绿氢资源的优化配置 [19][20] 4. "集群化发展"模式需要在技术可行的前提下以经济性最佳为优化目标 [21] 5. "集群化发展"模式需要实现多种低碳、零碳资源及其基础设施、以及工业产能的有机联动 [23][24] 6. "集群化发展"模式的商业模式需要充分考虑各方角色 [25] 分组1 1. 绿氢应用是工业低碳、零碳转型的关键抓手之一 [1][11] 2. 工业场景对氢气供应的规模化和连续稳定要求较高 [14][15] 3. 通过"集群化发展"模式可实现绿氢资源的优化配置 [19][20] 分组2 4. "集群化发展"模式需要在技术可行的前提下以经济性最佳为优化目标 [21] 5. "集群化发展"模式需要实现多种低碳、零碳资源及其基础设施、以及工业产能的有机联动 [23][24] 6. "集群化发展"模式的商业模式需要充分考虑各方角色 [25]
Breaking Barriers in Carbon Dioxide Removal with Electrochemistry
RMI· 2024-09-05 08:18
Breaking Barriers in Carbon Dioxide Removal with Electrochemistry Insight Brief / August 2024 Authors and Acknowledgments Authors Silvan Aeschlimann Charithea Charalambous Authors listed alphabetically. All authors are from RMI unless otherwise noted. Contributors Rudy Kahsar, Daniel Pike, Emily Rogers, Noah Shannon, Guy Wohl, and Isabel Wood All contributors from RMI unless otherwise noted. Contacts Silvan Aeschlimann, saeschlimann@rmi.org Charithea Charalambous, charithea.charalambous@rmi.org Copyrights a ...
A Marketplace for Equitable Building Retrofits
RMI· 2024-08-22 08:18
A Marketplace for Equitable Building Retrofits How Lessons from Massachusetts Can Help Scale Decarbonization to Meet Climate Goals Report / August 2024 iStock photo Authors and Acknowledgments Authors Ella Mure Eva Rosenbloom Lucas Toffoli Authors listed alphabetically. All authors are from RMI unless otherwise noted. Contacts Eva Rosenbloom, erosenbloom@rmi.org Ella Mure, emure@rmi.org Lucas Toffoli, ltoffoli@rmi.org Copyrights and Citation Eva Rosenbloom, Ella Mure, and Lucas Toffoli, A Marketplace for Eq ...
Advancing Zero Emission Fuels in Washington’s Shipping Sector
RMI· 2024-08-02 08:18
AARMI Advancing Zero-Emission Fuels in Washington's Shipping Sector Roadmap to 2050 Report / July 2024 Authors and Acknowledgments Authors Aparajit Pandey Jane Sadler Andrew Waddell Authors listed alphabetically. All authors are from RMI unless otherwise noted. Contributors We would like to thank the following organizations for their valuable feedback and contributions to this study: • Consortium for Hydrogen and Renewably Generated E-Fuels (CHARGE) — Vishal Agarwal, Melanie Eng, Aaron Feaver, Aida Urazaliy ...
Understanding Contrail Management: Opportunities, Challenges, and Insights
RMI· 2024-07-27 08:17
行业投资评级 报告认为行业的整体气候影响可能相当大,从航空二氧化碳排放的一半到三倍不等。[34][35][44] 报告的核心观点 1. 航空业正在采取措施减少二氧化碳排放,如使用可再生航空燃料、提高燃油效率等。[93][98][99] 2. 但航空业还需要同时解决非二氧化碳排放对气候的影响,其中尾迹云是最主要的因素。[103][124][134] 3. 尾迹云的形成和持续时间受多种因素影响,包括天气条件、航空器性能等,预测准确性还有待提高。[154][176][181] 4. 通过调整航线来避免形成持续性尾迹云是一种有前景的缓解措施,但需要平衡额外燃油消耗带来的二氧化碳排放。[219][229][240] 5. 制定尾迹云缓解策略需要选择合适的气候影响评估指标,考虑短期和长期效应。[274][293][305] 6. 航空公司、航空管制部门等各方正在开展大量试点和研究,以提高对尾迹云影响的认知和预测能力。[323][326][333] 7. 大规模实施尾迹云缓解措施将对航空管理系统产生一定影响,需要进行系统性研究和调整。[402][412][415] 8. 初步估算显示,尾迹云缓解的成本相对较低,可能远低于碳排放的社会成本。[455][461][462]
Crowdfunding for Climate Tech Startups
RMI· 2024-07-26 08:17
MARMI HIRD A | DERIVATIVE Crowdfunding for Climate Tech Startups A Global Analysis and the Opportunity Ahead Report / July 2024 Authors and Acknowledgments Authors Pilar Carvajo Lucena Weiting Li Emma Loewen Cheryl Webster Authors listed alphabetically. All authors from RMI unless otherwise noted. Contacts Emma Loewen, eloewen@third-derivative.org Pilar Carvajo Lucena, pcarvajolucena@third-derivative.org Copyrights and Citation Emma Loewen, Weiting Li, Cheryl Webster, and Pilar Carvajo Lucena, Crowdfunding ...
The Battery Mineral Loop
RMI· 2024-07-24 08:17
The Battery Mineral Loop The path from extraction to circularity July 2024 Authors Daan Walter, Will Atkinson, Sudeshna Mohanty, Kingsmill Bond, Chiara Gulli, Amory Lovins Contacts Daan Walter daan.walter@rmi.org Will Atkinson watkinson@rmi.org Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following individuals for their input and expertise: E.J. Klock McCook, Rushad Nanavatty, Laura LoSciuto, Monkgogi Buzwani, Natalie Janzow, Sam Butler-Sloss, Laurens Speelman, James Newcomb, Lachlan Wright, Mike Hemsley, Ma ...
Structuring Demand for Lower-Carbon Materials: An Initial Assessment of Book and Claim for the Steel and Concrete Sectors
RMI· 2024-07-16 08:17
Structuring Demand for Lower-Carbon Materials An Initial Assessment of Book and Claim for the Steel and Concrete Sectors Report / July 2024 Authors and Acknowledgments Authors Claire Dougherty Julia Fidler, Microsoft Chathu Gamage Laura Hutchinson Maeve Masterson Chandler Randol Katie Ross, Microsoft Ben Skinner Lachlan Wright Authors listed alphabetically. All authors from RMI unless otherwise noted. Contacts Laura Hutchinson, lhutchinson@rmi.org Chathu Gamage, cgamage@rmi.org Copyrights and Citation Julia ...
How to Restructure Utility Incentives
RMI· 2024-07-13 08:17
报告行业投资评级 报告未提及行业投资评级 报告的核心观点 1) 传统的成本加成监管(COSR)存在一些问题,如鼓励公用事业公司过度投资资本支出(capex)、忽视客户和社会关心的一些重要结果等 [11][12][13][34] 2) 绩效基准监管(PBR)可以解决COSR的这些问题,通过调整公用事业公司的激励机制来更好地实现客户和社会利益 [33][38][44] 3) 全面的PBR框架需要从四个支柱着手:激励成本效率、消除吞吐量激励、平衡资本支出和运营支出的激励、激励目标结果 [19][236][237][240] 4) 采用全面PBR框架需要一个循序渐进的过程,既要考虑各种PBR工具的具体设计,也要权衡它们之间的相互作用和与现有监管框架的协同效应 [278][279][281][285][286] 5) 以夏威夷为例,该州已经建立了一个较为全面的PBR框架,涵盖了四个支柱,并且随着时间的推移不断完善和优化 [290][323][324] 报告目录分类总结 传统COSR的问题 - 资本支出偏好(capex bias)和过度投资(gold plating) [130][131] - 吞吐量激励 [88][100][101] - 规避风险 [111][112][113][114][115][118] - 对第三方和客户自有解决方案的抵制 [119][120][121][122] - 忽视一些重要的结果 [124][127] PBR的优势 - 通过调整公用事业公司的激励机制来更好地实现客户和社会利益 [33][38][44] - 包括多年费率计划、收入解耦、资本支出和运营支出激励平衡等多种工具 [143][144][168][189] - 可以灵活设计指标、记分卡和绩效激励机制(PIMs)来激励目标结果 [196][197][198][233] 全面PBR的四大支柱 1. 激励成本效率 [241][243][247] 2. 消除吞吐量激励 [250][251] 3. 平衡资本支出和运营支出的激励 [252][253][254] 4. 激励目标结果 [256][257] 夏威夷PBR框架案例 - 采取了多种PBR工具,基本覆盖了四大支柱 [292][302][303][304] - 通过不断完善和优化,形成了较为全面的PBR框架 [323][324]