Zillow Group(Z)
1 Super Stock Down 72% to Buy if the Fed Cuts Interest Rates in 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-02 19:54
Inflation in the U.S. -- as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) -- hit a 40-year high of 8% in 2022 (annualized). As a result, the U.S. Federal Reserve embarked on a campaign to aggressively hike interest rates, taking the federal funds rate from a historic low of 0%-0.25% in March 2022 all the way up to 5.5% by August 2023. That rapid increase has crushed the housing market. In January of this year, U.S. existing home sales came in at 4 million annualized units, which was only a slight uptick from t ...
Homebuyers need to earn 80% more than they did pre-COVID to comfortably afford a house in this market, Zillow says
Business Insider· 2024-02-29 23:22
Homebuyers need to earn 80% more than they did pre-COVID to comfortably afford a house in the current market, Zillow found. Housing costs have soared, and wages haven't kept up, data in a new report showed. "The math has changed for hopeful buyers, who are more often partnering with friends and family or 'house hacking' their way to homeownership," a Zillow analyst wrote. Insider Today NEW LOOK Sign up to get the inside scoop on today’s biggest stories in markets, tech, and business — delivered daily. Read ...
Home buyers need to earn $47,000 more than in 2020
Prnewswire· 2024-02-29 21:03
购房成本增长 - 2020年以来,购房所需的收入增长了80%,而收入中位数仅增长了23%[1] - 美国典型住房的抵押贷款支付额几乎翻了一番[2] - 现在,舒适负担一套典型住房所需的约106500美元远远超过了美国典型家庭每年的收入,估计约为81000美元[5] 购房压力 - 加利福尼亚的家庭需要最多的收入来负担一套房子[3] - 有七个主要城市的市场,家庭的收入必须达到20万美元以上才能舒适地负担一套典型的住房[9] 购房挑战 - 2020年,年收入为59000美元的家庭可以轻松负担美国典型住房的月抵押贷款,不超过其收入的30%,并支付10%的首付款[4] - 对于收入中位数的家庭来说,他们需要将近8.5年的时间才能存够10%的首付款购买一套典型的美国住房,比2020年多了一年[6] 市场趋势 - 大多数千禧一代和Z一代买家表示,“房屋黑客”——出租房屋的能力以获取额外现金——非常或极其重要[7] - 匹兹堡、孟菲斯和克利夫兰是最实惠的市场,加利福尼亚的家庭需要最多的收入来负担一套房子[8] 解决方案 - Zillow和其关联公司通过数字解决方案、专业合作伙伴和经纪人,以及更简单的购买、销售、融资和租赁体验,帮助人们找到并获得他们想要的房屋[15]
Gap between Black and white renting families who could afford a mortgage narrowed significantly during the pandemic
Prnewswire· 2024-02-23 21:00
Study underscores that factors not related to income are keeping the Black-white homeownership gap wide Racial mortgage affordability gap shrunk by more than a third since 2012 Among all races, renting families able to afford a mortgage dropped by nearly half from 2021 to 2022 White households own homes at a 73% rate, while Black households own at 44%, with over half of the top 50 metros showing a gap of 30 points or more SEATTLE, Feb. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The gap between the share of Black and white re ...
Zillow v Costar: A battle for the future of real estate
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-16 03:22
Proactive金融新闻团队 - Proactive金融新闻团队在伦敦、纽约、多伦多、温哥华、悉尼和珀斯设有分支机构和工作室[2] Proactive团队专注领域 - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场,同时也关注蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[3] Proactive团队提供的市场见解 - Proactive团队提供关于生物技术和制药、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动汽车技术等市场的独特见解[4]
Why Zillow's Stock Jumped 7.8% on Wednesday
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-15 06:04
Zillow集团股价表现 - Zillow集团股价在周三早盘交易中上涨了13.5%,收盘时上涨了7.8%[1] 财务业绩表现 - Zillow的第四季度2023财务业绩表现并不令人印象深刻,但收入增长了9%至4.74亿美元,超过了分析师预期的4.51亿美元,净亏损为7300万美元[2] - 调整后的每股收益为0.20美元,超过了华尔街预期的0.12美元[3] 租赁业务增长 - Zillow在租赁业务方面取得了显著增长,租赁部门的收入增长了37%至9300万美元,多户收入增长了52%,这表明公司的“房屋超级应用”战略正在奏效[4] 市场份额和盈利业务 - Zillow在建立盈利业务和扩大市场份额方面仍有很多工作要做,传统的房地产经纪行业在大多数市场仍然占据主导地位,Zillow仍然是大多数行业人士的广告平台[5] 价值创造和发展时间 - 尽管Zillow取得了重要进展,但要为公司创造价值可能需要数年时间,尤其是在缓慢发展的房地产市场中[6]
Zillow Group(Z) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-15 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 _____________________________________________________ FORM 10-K _____________________________________________________ ☒ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 OR ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Commission File Number: 001-36853 _____________________________________________________ ZILLOW GR ...
Zillow shares rally as it shrugs off industry headwinds
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-14 21:06
About this content About Leo Grieco Leo joins us with a degree in Media Production from Bournemouth University. His work includes reporting for the UK editorial team and video editing for the broadcast team. He comes with an expertise in video editing and producing. Leo’s specialities include hospitality and leisure, support services, tech and video games. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and online broadcast teams provide fast, accessible, informative and actionable business and finan ...
Home shopping early may pay off as price cuts abound
Prnewswire· 2024-02-14 21:00
Expensive, coastal and Western markets are already heating up as spring season approaches Well-priced homes are selling in 29 days, and that will shorten quickly as the shopping season opens. Mispriced inventory is lingering, however; an elevated 1 in 5 sellers are cutting prices to find buyers. New listings and total inventory are up slightly over last year, an encouraging sign for buyers. SEATTLE, Feb. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Both buyers and sellers should prepare for a competitive home shopping season t ...
Zillow Targets Growing Share of Market With ‘Housing Super App'
PYMNTS· 2024-02-14 10:09
Zillow is expanding its “housing super app” to more markets after seeing how well it has been received. The company is also continuing to add functionality to the app for both the real estate sales and rentals markets, Zillow said in a presentation released Tuesday (Feb. 13) in conjunction with its quarterly earnings call. The app is designed to simplify a difficult transaction, Rich Barton, co-founder and CEO of Zillow, said during the call. “Everyone who has moved knows that the process is complicated, ti ...