Zillow Group(Z)
1 Stock to Own As the Real Estate Market Is Turned Upside Down
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-07 22:58
Housing is changing and Zillow is leading the way. The housing market is changing before our eyes, and Zillow (Z 3.26%) is one of the leaders in its disruption. But the path from here to industry domination will take time. Travis Hoium shows the points of progress in the video below. *Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of April 4, 2024. The video was published on May 6, 2024. ...
Zillow's Earnings Dip: An Opportunity for Visionaries
MarketBeat· 2024-05-02 20:15
Key Points After a 12% decline following first quarter 2024 earnings results, Zillow stock could now be a dip-buying opportunity for those with enough vision. Beating expectations came thanks to management's pivot to rentals, helping the company navigate tight real estate markets. NAR commission changes could be cleansing to keep the customer experience top-notch at Zillow. 5 stocks we like better than Jefferies Financial Group After reporting its first quarter 2024 earnings results, arguably the most impor ...
Zillow Group(Z) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-02 09:01
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司Q1总收入为5.29亿美元,同比增长13%,超出公司预期 [1][2] - 公司Q1净亏损2300万美元,占收入的4% [7] - 公司Q1EBITDA为1.25亿美元,同比利润率提升200个基点至24% [7] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 住宅业务收入3.93亿美元,同比增长9%,超出预期 [7] - 租赁业务收入9700万美元,同比增长31%,其中多户型物业收入增长46% [7] - 抵押贷款业务收入3100万美元,同比增长19%,购房贷款量同比增长超过130% [7] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在13个增强型市场的交易份额和每交易收入持续提升 [4][7] - 公司在全国范围内的多户型物业数量从去年底的37,000套增加到40,000套 [1][2] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司专注于利用软件解决消费者的实际问题,数字化重塑一个庞大而分散的本地行业 [2][3] - 公司拥有大量有机增长的高活跃用户群,这为其尝试不同商业模式提供了空间 [2][3] - 公司正在构建一个集成的"住房超级应用程序",覆盖从房源浏览到贷款全流程 [2][4] - 公司预计从NAR和行业的变革中受益,因为公司拥有最多和最高意向的客户群,与最优秀的经纪人合作,并提供卓越的技术支持 [3][4] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 尽管面临艰难的房地产市场和行业环境,但公司保持稳定的执行力,正朝着可持续的盈利增长前进 [2][7] - 公司有信心在2024年下半年实现收入的加速增长,达到全年双位数增长的目标 [7][8] - 公司将继续投资于租赁业务,以扩大市场覆盖和深化渗透,看好其长期可持续的10亿美元以上的收入机会 [9][10] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **John Campbell 提问** 新的Zillow参观协议是一个很聪明的举措,对于从3%的交易份额提升到6%的目标来说,参观环节在整个过程中扮演了多重要的角色? [9] **Jeremy Wacksman 回答** 参观环节对我们非常关键,一方面可以帮助消费者更顺畅地预约参观,另一方面也能更好地识别高意向客户。我们看到参观环节转化率是其他行为的3倍。通过提供数字化的参观协议,可以帮助客户更好地了解代理的服务内容,从而提高转化率。我们在某些要求提前签署参观协议的州看到了20%的转化率提升。 [9] 问题2 **Ron Josey 提问** 租赁业务方面,您能否详细介绍一下多户型物业的增长情况及其对整个租赁业务的重要性? [10][11] **Richard Barton 和 Jeremy Wacksman 回答** 租赁业务是一个典型的双边市场机会,供给端高度分散,需求端也很分散,这为Zillow提供了很好的发展空间。我们从2018年开始重点发展租赁业务,首先聚焦于单户型房源的"长尾"市场,积累了大量独家房源资源。 2022年开始我们转向多户型物业这个相对更集中的细分市场,取得了快速增长,从2021年底的27,000套增加到2023年Q1末的40,000套,收入也实现了30%以上的复合增长。我们相信租赁业务未来有超过10亿美元的可持续收入机会,是Zillow未来重点发展的业务之一。 [10][11]
Zillow (Z) Meets Q1 Earnings Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-02 07:05
Zillow (Z) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.36 per share, in line with the Zacks Consensus Estimate. This compares to earnings of $0.35 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. A quarter ago, it was expected that this real estate website operator would post earnings of $0.12 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.20, delivering a surprise of 66.67%. Over the last four quarters, the company has surpassed consensus EPS estimates just once. Zillow, which belon ...
Zillow Group(Z) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-02 04:36
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 _____________________________________________________ FORM 10-Q _____________________________________________________ ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2024 ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Commission File Number: 001-36853 _____________________________________________________ ZILLOW ...
Zillow Group(Z) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-05-02 04:08
Exhibit 99.2 Reported Consolidated Results ZILLOW GROUP, INC. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (in millions, unaudited) December 31, March 31, 2024 2023 Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,439 $ 1,492 Short-term investments 1,478 1,318 Accounts receivable, net 100 96 Mortgage loans held for sale 132 100 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 170 140 Restricted cash 3 3 Total current assets 3,322 3,149 Contract cost assets 23 23 Property and equipment, net 343 328 Right of use assets ...
BIPOC renters hit hardest by high rent costs
Prnewswire· 2024-04-29 20:00
New Zillow study sheds light on racial disparities in rent affordability as well as a nationwide shortfall in housing assistance BIPOC households in the U.S. typically spend 34% of their income on rent compared to 29% for the typical white renter household. Roughly 19 million U.S. households qualify for housing choice vouchers based on their income, but only 2.4 million vouchers are available. Zillow recently launched a new listing feature that helps inform renters of their rights and how to report source-o ...
Across 26 US metros, majority of people say they have experienced housing discrimination
Prnewswire· 2024-04-25 20:00
文章核心观点 - 尽管公平住房法已经实施近60年,但歧视仍然是住房中顽固的因素 [1] - 超过半数受访者报告遭受过某种形式的住房歧视,LGBTQ+群体的歧视率更高 [1][3] - 只有42%的受访者认为公平住房法影响到他们或他们的家人,表明还需要更多的教育工作 [2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 住房歧视现状 - 57%的受访者报告遭受过某种形式的住房歧视 [1] - LGBTQ+群体的歧视率更高 [3] - 只有42%的受访者认为公平住房法影响到他们或他们的家人 [2] 住房所有权与财富积累 - 70%的受访者认为拥有房屋是实现美国梦的必要条件 [3] - 近80%的受访者认为拥有房屋对于积累和传承财富至关重要 [3] - 但排斥性的住房政策和做法,加上住房供给紧张等因素,阻碍了有色人种潜在房主的购房 [3] - 74.5%的白人家庭拥有自己的房屋,而只有46%的黑人家庭和49%的西裔家庭拥有房屋 [3] 首次购房者面临的障碍 - 储蓄首付是潜在买家无法实现房屋所有权的最重要障碍之一 [4] - 解决首次购房者的首付问题可以帮助更多有色人种获得房屋所有权的好处,缩小不同群体之间的房屋所有率差距 [4] 公司应对公平住房问题的措施 - 在每个待售房源上提供2000多个首付援助计划的信息,帮助潜在买家获得援助 [5] - 支持通过华盛顿州《公约房屋所有权法案》,为受到住房歧视影响的人提供财务援助 [6] - 允许通过Zillow支付租金的租户选择将按时付款记录报告给主要全国性信用机构,帮助建立或改善信用记录 [7] - 开发LGBTQ+当地法律保护工具,在全国所有Zillow房源列表中添加LGBTQ+住房、就业和公共场所法律保护信息 [8] - 全年努力推动美国房地产行业的重大变革,让更多人实现拥有房屋的梦想,并教育消费者了解住房歧视的历史及其遗留影响 [9]
Showcase listings on Zillow are more than just cutting-edge -- featured homes sell faster and for more money
Prnewswire· 2024-04-16 21:00
"The introduction of Showcase listings on Zillow has been a game changer for sellers — it represents the future of property listings on the most visited real estate website in the U.S.," said Zillow Chief Operating Officer Jeremy Wacksman. "And it's quite clear Showcase listings both attract shoppers and help sellers net a higher asking price. In today's spring shopping season, well-marketed and well-priced homes move quickly, and Showcase is helping to do just that." As the selling season gets into full sw ...
Home values rising fastest in costliest metros
Prnewswire· 2024-04-15 20:00
西海岸科技中心房价趋势 - 最昂贵的主要城市都在西海岸科技中心,季节性房屋价值增长最快[1] - 买家在美国最昂贵的主要城市看到房价上涨速度比其他地方快[3] - 五个最昂贵的市场中,有最高比例的房主可能被困在他们的抵押贷款中[4] 房屋市场竞争情况 - 本春季市场竞争激烈,库存和利率锁定是决定性因素[1] - 这些市场中的竞价战很常见,买家在少数选择中竞争,库存恢复速度低于疫情前[5] - 三月份售出的房屋只用了13天,比疫情前的速度稍慢,但比疫情前的平均速度快得多[10] 地区房屋市场对比 - 南部城市的房屋增值较为平稳,新建房屋提供了一种缓解压力的途径[6] - 新奥尔良、奥斯汀和圣安东尼奥是买家实际上比疫情前有更多选择的市场[8] - 在许多市场,新房和总库存已经恢复,买家在谈判中获得了优势[9] 降价情况分析 - 三月份有超过五分之一的卖家降价,是十年来降价比例最高的时期[1][12] - 中西部相对价格较低的市场以及昂贵的沿海城市,销售房屋的市场时间非常短[11]