Roche (RHHBY) Sales, Earnings Grow in 1H24, '24 EPS View Raised
ZACKS· 2024-07-25 23:08
文章核心观点 - 瑞士制药巨头罗氏控股公司(Roche Holding AG)在2024年第二季度和上半年实现强劲增长,推动公司提高了全年盈利指引 [1][2][4] - 公司在制药和诊断两大业务板块均实现增长,其中制药板块增长5%,诊断板块增长5% [5][6] - 公司主要药品如Vabysmo、Ocrevus、Hemlibra等销售表现良好,带动整体业绩增长 [7][8][9][10][11] - 部分老牌药品如Herceptin、Rituxan/MabThera、Avastin等受到生物类似药竞争影响销售下滑 [12][13][14] - 诊断板块基础业务增长9%,主要得益于免疫诊断产品需求旺盛,但COVID-19检测销售下降 [15] 财务数据总结 - 2024年上半年总销售额增长5%至298亿瑞士法郎,剔除COVID-19相关产品后增长8% [4] - 2024年上半年核心每股收益增长9%至10.23瑞士法郎 [4] - 公司预计2024年全年总销售额将增长中个位数,核心每股收益将增长高个位数 [16] 重要管线进展 - FDA批准了Vabysmo预充式注射器用于三种主要致盲性疾病 [17] - 公司将在美国重新推出Susvimo用于治疗新生血管性老年性黄斑变性 [18] - 欧盟批准Alecensa作为ALK阳性早期肺癌的首个且唯一的靶向辅助治疗 [19] - FDA优先审评了inavolisib用于治疗晚期激素受体阳性、HER2阴性乳腺癌伴有PIK3CA突变 [20] 行业动态 - 公司的Vabysmo药物正在与Regeneron的Eylea药物展开激烈竞争 [22][23] - 公司通过收购Carmot Therapeutics进军肥胖症市场,补充了一个差异化的增量素药物管线 [24][25]
Roche showcases solutions for laboratories of the future at the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine 2024 Clinical Lab Expo
Prnewswire· 2024-07-25 21:00
文章核心观点 - 公司将在2024年ADLM年会上展示其最新一代的核心实验室和分子诊断系统,包括临床质谱仪的全套解决方案 [1][2][3] - 公司的系统和数据解决方案可以简化实验室运营、优化资源并加快诊疗过程 [4] - 公司将展示其最新创新产品,包括质谱仪解决方案、模块化系统、点of care分子诊断系统、全自动化学免疫分析仪等 [5] - 公司还将展示其navify数字解决方案,可以跨医疗环节整合数据,加速创新和洞见获取 [6] - 公司拥有全球最大的诊断设备安装基础,可以快速扩大检测能力,满足需求 [7] 公司概况 - 公司成立于1896年,总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,是全球最大的生物技术公司和体外诊断行业的领导者 [22] - 公司致力于科学创新,开发改善和拯救全球人民生命的药物和诊断产品 [22] - 公司采取个体化医疗方法,希望进一步改变医疗服务模式,产生更大影响 [22] - 公司连续15年被道琼斯可持续发展指数评为制药行业最可持续公司之一 [23] Roche Idea Lab系列 - 公司将在展会上举办8场Roche Idea Lab论坛,涉及性传播感染诊断、数字解决方案、呼吸道检测、阿尔茨海默病和心力衰竭诊断等主题 [8] - 论坛将邀请行业专家就相关话题进行深入探讨和交流 [8]
[Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR] Roche sales increase by 5% (CER) in first half of 2024; strong growth in second quarter – full-year earnings outlook raised
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-25 13:00
Group sales were up by 5%1 at constant exchange rates (CER) (stable in CHF) in the first half, driven by the high demand for both our medicines and diagnostics; excluding COVID-19-related products, sales increased by 8% Group sales growth accelerated to 9% (7% in CHF) in the second quarter as the decline in COVID-19-related sales no longer had an impact on overall salesPharmaceuticals Division sales rose by 5% in the first half; strong growth of 8% in the base business2 excluding COVID-19 effect was driven ...
Look Out, Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk: Could Roche Be the Obesity Drug Stock to Really Watch?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-23 17:48
Roche might give Lilly and Novo Nordisk a run for their money -- sometime down the road.Novo Nordisk (NVO 1.25%) is riding the Ozempic/Wegovy train straight to the bank. Eli Lilly (LLY 0.99%) is doing the same with Mounjaro and Zepbound. Both big drugmakers have multibillion-dollar obesity drug franchises that continue to grow rapidly. Shares of both Novo Nordisk and Lilly have skyrocketed.However, the two market leaders could have significant competition on the way. Roche Holding (RHHBY 0.23%) underscored ...
This Big Pharma Could Become a Leading Weight-Loss Stock. Should You Buy It?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-22 22:00
This company hasn't made its debut on the weight-loss market yet, but it may.Watch out, Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly. Per some new clinical-trial data it published on July 17, the massive Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche Holding (RHHBY 0.32%) might have a winning weight-loss pill on its hands. But is it reasonable to expect the stock to perform well enough to warrant buying? Let's investigate.This pill has the makings of a sizzlerFirst things first. Appreciate that Roche's weight-loss pill program is curren ...
Should You Pick Roche Stock Around $40 After Positive Data For Its Obesity Drugs?
Forbes· 2024-07-22 20:00
06 February 2024, Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim: Daniela Kahlert, Managing Director of Roche ... [+] Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH, stands on a staircase at Roche Pharma's annual press conference. The business results for 2023, the development of employee numbers and Roche's investments in Germany are presented. Photo: Uwe Anspach/dpa (Photo by Uwe Anspach/picture alliance via Getty Images)dpa/picture alliance via Getty ImagesThe stock price of Roche (OTCMKTS: RHHBY) is up 10% in a week, compared to around a 1 ...
Novo Nordisk, Lilly Slide on Roche's Obesity Drug Study Data
ZACKS· 2024-07-18 23:21
Shares of several obesity-focused stocks dropped on Wednesday after Swiss pharma giant Roche (RHHBY) announced positive top-line results from an early-stage study on its experimental obesity drug CT-996.Data from the early stage showed that this once-daily, orally-administered Roche drug resulted in a clinically meaningful placebo-adjusted mean weight loss of 6.1% within four weeks in obesity patients without type II diabetes (T2D).This is the second positive data readout from Roche in less than three month ...
New data for Roche's Susvimo demonstrates sustained efficacy in two serious diabetic eye conditions
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-18 19:20
Two-year Phase III data presented at ASRS 2024 show Susvimo’s potential as an alternative to eye injections to treat diabetic macular edema (DME) and diabetic retinopathy (DR)Safety data were consistent with the known safety profile for Susvimo in people with DME and DRAdditionally, the US FDA has accepted the filing application for Susvimo in DME and DR based on one-year Pagoda and Pavilion study dataSusvimo is a unique therapeutic approach that provides continuous delivery of medicine to the eye through a ...
Why Roche Stock Just Popped, but Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk Dropped
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-18 01:21
文章核心观点 - 瑞士制药公司罗氏(Roche)正在研发一种新的GLP-1减肥药CT-996,在临床1期试验中显示患者平均减重7.3%,这是一个"临床意义上的减重"[4] - 这对目前在减肥药市场独占鳌头的礼来(Eli Lilly)和诺和诺德(Novo Nordisk)来说是个坏消息,因为罗氏的新药以口服药物的形式每天服用一次,更加简单方便[5] - 罗氏新药的出现意味着这个市场的利润将被更多参与者瓜分,可能会压缩所有公司的利润空间[6] - 对礼来和诺和诺德的投资者来说,最大的风险在于股票市场的竞争,因为罗氏的股票估值(19.5倍收益)要比他们两家(分别为47倍和135倍)更有吸引力[7] 公司相关 - 罗氏正在研发一种新的GLP-1减肥药CT-996,在临床1期试验中显示良好疗效[2][4] - 这对目前在减肥药市场占据主导地位的礼来和诺和诺德来说是个威胁,因为罗氏新药以口服形式更加方便[5] - 罗氏新药的出现将使得这个市场的利润被更多参与者分享,可能会压缩所有公司的利润空间[6] 行业相关 - 目前礼来和诺和识德在减肥药市场占据主导地位,他们的GLP-1类药物如Zepbound、Mounjaro、Ozempic和Wegovy都是畅销品[5] - 随着更多公司进入这个市场,如罗氏的新药CT-996,行业利润将被更多参与者分享,可能会压缩所有公司的利润空间[6] - 对投资者来说,罗氏的股票估值更有吸引力,可能会影响到礼来和诺和诺德的股价[7]
Roche's Vabysmo showed extended durability, continued efficacy and a consistent safety profile in long-term diabetic macular edema (DME) study
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-17 23:45
More than 90% of patients had absence of DME after four years in a pre-specified exploratory endpointPeople treated with Vabysmo sustained vision gains and anatomical improvements, with almost 80% receiving treatment at intervals of three or four months, in an exploratory analysis The study met all primary endpoints, showing safety data were consistent with Vabysmo’s known safety profileThis is the largest long-term extension dataset in DME to-date, demonstrating consistent positive results in a highly prev ...