When will Nvidia (NVDA) stock sell-off end?
Finbold· 2024-09-04 20:49
文章核心观点 - Nvidia(NVDA)股价在9月3日单日暴跌279亿美元,面临司法部调查等诸多问题,股价或将进一步下跌[1] - NVDA股价自8月28日财报发布以来已下跌13.65%,技术分析显示股价或将继续下跌[2][3] - NVDA内部人士大量抛售股票,将加剧股价下跌压力[4] 行业分析 - NVDA股价已跌破50日、100日和200日均线,处于超卖状态[3] - 技术指标显示NVDA股票评级已从"买入"转为"卖出"[4] - 尽管目前遭遇挫折,但历史表明NVDA股价能够快速反弹,如8月5日后的情况[5]
Will AI stocks recover from the stock market crash?
Finbold· 2024-09-04 19:32
In one of the most significant declines in the stock market since August 5, the September 3 trading session saw it erase over $1 trillion in value in a single trading session, with the semiconductor sector, which is vital for artificial intelligence (AI) rally being one of the worst hit.Consequently, the VanEck Semiconductor ETF (NASDAQ: SMH), which encapsulates notable microchip makers such as Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA), Taiwan Semiconductor (NYSE: TSM), Broadcom (NASDAQ: AVGO), and Advanced Micro Devices (NASD ...
Trading expert warns Nvidia is a ‘debt-driven bubble'
Finbold· 2024-09-04 19:29
As troubles for Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) continue, exacerbated by the recent United States Department of Justice subpoena as part of its investigation into alleged antitrust practices, a renowned trading expert has recently said he would not be buying Nvidia stock as he views it as a “debt-driven bubble.”Specifically, expert markets trader Michaël van de Poppe warned that the semiconductor giant was “literally the example of this debt-driven bubble with speculators assuming that NVDA should moon even more, wat ...
Nvidia's Jensen Huang just crashed out of the $100 billion club after his net worth plunged by almost $10 billion
Business Insider· 2024-09-04 19:00
文章核心观点 - Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang的个人净资产遭受重大损失,从近105亿美元跌至94.9亿美元,不再是世界上十几位百亿富豪之一[1][2] - Nvidia股价大跌9.5%,导致公司市值缩水2790亿美元,创下美国公司单日最大跌幅纪录[2] - Nvidia股价下跌是由于芯片股普遍下跌,以及公司收到司法部的反垄断调查传票[2] - 尽管遭受重挫,但Nvidia CEO今年个人净资产仍增加了510亿美元,主要得益于Nvidia股价自去年底以来上涨118%[3] 公司概况 - Nvidia是人工智能芯片领域的龙头企业,客户包括特斯拉和Meta等科技巨头[2] - Nvidia成立于1993年,但公司价值主要在最近一年才大幅提升,与ChatGPT引发的AI热潮有关[3] - Nvidia的股价从15美元涨至108美元,涨幅超过600%[3] 行业动态 - 芯片行业整体遭遇股价下跌[2] - Nvidia收到司法部的反垄断调查传票,面临潜在的监管风险[2]
This Billionaire Just Dumped Nvidia Stock. Should You Follow Suit?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-04 18:15
Nvidia's lofty expectations are starting to come into question.Nvidia (NVDA -9.53%) has been the source of some incredible gains in both 2023 and 2024. However, some savvy investors are starting to sell, just in case Nvidia can't live up to the lofty expectations built into the stock. These investors include some billionaire hedge fund managers, such as David Tepper, who runs Appaloosa Management. Is it time to follow suit? Or is there more upside for Nvidia?Billionaires are starting to take profitsIf a por ...
ChatGPT-4o predicts Nvidia stock price for end of 2024 after subpoena
Finbold· 2024-09-04 17:03
As the United States Department of Justice served Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) with a subpoena as part of its probe into the semiconductor manufacturer’s alleged antitrust practices that make it difficult for buyers to switch to other suppliers, it had an expected impact on NVDA stocks.Indeed, after delivering questionnaires to other technology companies, the DoJ has moved to the next step and started to issue legally binding requests for information that force recipients to respond, according to the people famili ...
ChatGPT-4o predicts Nvidia stock price after DOJ subpoena
Finbold· 2024-09-04 17:03
As the United States Department of Justice served Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) with a subpoena as part of its probe into the semiconductor manufacturer’s alleged antitrust practices that make it difficult for buyers to switch to other suppliers, it had an expected impact on NVDA stocks.Indeed, after delivering questionnaires to other technology companies, the DoJ has moved to the next step and started to issue legally binding requests for information that force recipients to respond, according to the people famili ...
Nvidia says it plays fair in AI chip market
Techxplore· 2024-09-04 16:14
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Tech giants in the AI race have been spending billions of dollars for GPUs made by Nvidia, considered a leader when it comes to chips that power the technology. Nvidia on Tuesday defended its tactics in the hot market for chips to power artificial intelligence in the face of reports the US is probing whether it abused its clout. ...
Are These 2 Things Warning Signs for Nvidia Investors?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-04 16:05
文章核心观点 - 尽管Nvidia公司的收入和利润持续高速增长,但最近一个季度的收入增速和毛利率有所下降,引发了投资者的担忧 [1][2][4] - 公司解释称,这是由于AI投资进入了成熟期,增速自然放缓,同时新产品Blackwell的投产也对毛利率产生了一定压力,但公司仍有足够的增长空间 [5][6][7] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 Nvidia公司概况 - Nvidia公司从最初的图形处理器(GPU)起家,逐步将GPU应用于人工智能等新兴领域,成为行业领导者 [3] - 公司的GPU产品在人工智能训练和推理等关键任务中广受需求,推动了公司业绩和股价的快速增长 [3] 最新财报关键数据 - 公司最新一个季度的收入增长率为122%,低于之前三个季度200%以上的高增长水平 [4] - 公司毛利率为75%,低于上一季度的78.4% [4] - 公司预计下个季度收入增长79% [4] 分析与展望 - 收入增速和毛利率的下降并非公司业务下滑,而是由于AI投资进入成熟期以及新产品投产成本的影响 [5][6] - 公司仍有足够的增长空间,将持续推出新产品并提高生产效率,保持较高的利润水平 [5][6][7]
Nvidia shares slump amid reports US is ramping up antitrust investigation
The Guardian· 2024-09-04 15:46
文章核心观点 - 美国司法部正在对英伟达公司是否违反反垄断法进行调查,并向英伟达及其他科技公司发出传票要求提供信息 [1][2] - 调查可能源于英伟达限制客户转向其他半导体供应商,并惩罚拒绝独家使用英伟达AI芯片的买家 [1] - 这标志着美国反垄断调查升级,政府可能即将对英伟达提起正式指控 [2] 行业和公司总结 行业概况 - 英伟达股价大跌,带动科技股整体下跌,反映投资者对经济前景的担忧 [2] - 制造业数据疲软,新订单、产出和就业水平下降,引发对美国经济前景的担忧 [2] - 亚洲股市也普遍下跌,反映出投资者情绪恶化 [2] 公司概况 - 英伟达从主攻视频游戏芯片转向人工智能,抓住了大语言模型热潮 [3] - 英伟达第二季度收入大涨122%,但投资者担心其下一代AI芯片增长放缓 [4] - 英伟达表示其产品获胜是基于性能和客户价值 [4]