Here's Why JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) Fell More Than Broader Market
ZACKS· 2024-09-05 06:50
The most recent trading session ended with JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) standing at $219.33, reflecting a -0.44% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. The stock's change was less than the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.16%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw an upswing of 0.09%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq depreciated by 0.3%.The the stock of company has risen by 9.96% in the past month, leading the Finance sector's gain of 6.28% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.64%.Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a close ey ...
JPMorgan & Others Face Probe Over Interest in Cash Sweep Accounts
ZACKS· 2024-09-02 22:36
The legal scrutiny of how banks and brokerages treat their customers during high interest rates intensifies as the phase is drawing to a close. Many large U.S. banks are accused of deceiving clients to make profits of billions of dollars.JPMorgan & Chase (JPM) , Raymond James (RJF) , Morgan Stanley (MS) , Wells Fargo (WFC) and a few other banks and brokerage firms were sued for transferring clients' idle funds into sweep accounts with near-zero interest rates.Cash sweep accounts are intended to convert idle ...
2 no-brainer stocks to buy right now ahead of the Fed's rate cut
Finbold· 2024-09-02 16:49
文章核心观点 - 美联储预计将于2024年9月开始降息,反映出通胀压力有所缓解[1] - 降息可能会大幅推动股市,使一些公司受益于更宽松的货币政策[1] 行业总结 - 公用事业行业 - 公用事业股票在利率较低的环境下通常表现良好,因为它们拥有稳定的现金流和吸引人的股息收益率[2][3] - 公用事业公司通常需要大量债务来进行基础设施项目,降息将降低其借贷成本,直接改善其底线[2] - NextEra Energy是一家领先的电力公用事业公司,专注于可再生能源,在2024年表现出色,股价上涨超过30%[2][3] - NextEra Energy的财务状况稳健,持续派发股息,对注重收益的投资者很有吸引力[3] - 金融行业 - 降息可能会刺激借贷和贷款活动,消费者和企业将利用较低的借贷成本[5] - 作为一家大型多元化金融机构,摩根大通可以从这种增加的金融活动中获益[5] - 降息也可能推动房地产市场,使更便宜的抵押贷款增加住房需求,作为主要抵押贷款提供商,摩根大通将从中获益[5] - 摩根大通的股价目前创历史新高,受益于强劲的市场动力和对美国经济实现软着陆的乐观情绪[6]
JPMorgan (JPM) Stock Hits 2-Year High: Wait for the Dip or Buy Now?
ZACKS· 2024-08-26 21:20
Shares of JPMorgan (JPM) , the largest American lender, have been performing remarkably well this year. The stock touched its two-year high of $219.19 during the last trading session and finally closed at $218.31, soaring 28.3% year to date. The JPM stock has handily outperformed the industry, the S&P 500 Index and its close peers – Bank of America (BAC) , Citigroup (C) and Wells Fargo (WFC) – in 2024.The recent jump in the shares of JPMorgan can be attributed to the statement by the Federal Reserve chairma ...
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) Could Be a Great Choice
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 00:45
Whether it's through stocks, bonds, ETFs, or other types of securities, all investors love seeing their portfolios score big returns. But when you're an income investor, your primary focus is generating consistent cash flow from each of your liquid investments.Cash flow can come from bond interest, interest from other types of investments, and of course, dividends. A dividend is the distribution of a company's earnings paid out to shareholders; it's often viewed by its dividend yield, a metric that measures ...
JPMorgan: Even Better As Interest Rates Drop
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-21 11:49
JoeDunckley Investment Thesis JPMorgan's (NYSE:JPM) strong performance this year has been largely driven by the company's strong net interest income. The banking giant has largely outperformed initial earnings expectations, and this has helped power the stock higher. Their net interest income has been supported by a highly favorable interest rate environment, where higher rates have allowed them to capitalize on their strong lending activities. Higher rates have been a critical driver for the bank to post s ...
Here's Why JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) Gained But Lagged the Market Today
ZACKS· 2024-08-20 06:50
文章核心观点 - 公司最近一个交易日的股价上涨0.69%,低于标普500指数0.97%的涨幅,但高于道琼斯指数0.58%和纳斯达克指数1.39%的涨幅 [1] - 过去一个月,公司股价上涨2%,超过同期金融板块下跌0.47%和标普500指数下跌1.85% [2] - 预计公司即将发布的财报中,每股收益将同比下降6.24%至4.06美元,收入将同比增长2.92%至410.4亿美元 [3] - 全年来看,公司每股收益和收入预计将分别同比增长3.39%和8.37%至16.78美元和1713.4亿美元 [4] - 分析师对公司业务健康状况和盈利能力持乐观态度,上调了公司的盈利预测 [5][6] 行业分析 - 公司所属的银行业(Banks - Major Regional)目前在250多个行业中排名前18% [10][11] - 该行业的平均市盈率为11.94,而公司的市盈率为12.75,处于溢价水平 [8] - 公司的市盈率/预期增长比率(PEG)为2.49,高于行业平均水平1.41 [9]
Are Finance Stocks Lagging JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-08-19 22:45
The Finance group has plenty of great stocks, but investors should always be looking for companies that are outperforming their peers. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out.JPMorgan Chase & Co. is one of 860 companies in the Finance group. The Finance group currently sits at #2 within the Zacks Sector Rank. ...
Should You Invest in JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) Based on Bullish Wall Street Views?
ZACKS· 2024-08-16 22:30
文章核心观点 - 华尔街分析师的股票评级建议对投资者决策有一定影响,但其可靠性存在局限性 [1][6][7][12] - 分析师的评级存在积极偏差,往往倾向于给出更多的"强烈买入"评级,而不能准确预测股价走势 [7][8][12] - 相比于分析师评级,使用Zacks Rank等量化模型可能是更有效的投资决策工具 [9][13][14][15] 公司概况 - JPMorgan Chase & Co.目前的平均券商评级(ABR)为1.68,介于"强烈买入"和"买入"之间 [3] - 25家券商中有16家给出"强烈买入"评级,占64%,另有1家给出"买入"评级,占4% [4] 行业分析 - 分析师的评级往往受到券商自身利益的影响,存在积极偏差,不能准确预测股价走势 [7][8][12] - 相比之下,Zacks Rank量化模型更能反映未来股价走势,因为其基于盈利预测修正情况 [9][13][14][15] - JPMorgan Chase & Co.的当前年度盈利预测已在过去一个月内上调0.7%至16.78美元,反映了分析师对公司盈利前景的乐观 [16][17] - 这些因素导致JPMorgan Chase & Co.获得Zacks Rank 2(买入)评级,可作为投资者的有用参考 [18]
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon's No. 2 sees power base eroded by boss' executive reshuffle: report
New York Post· 2024-08-14 23:16
文章核心观点 - 摩根大通CEO杰米·戴蒙提拔了被视为忠诚于他的高管,这是以公司第二把手的影响力下降为代价的 [1][3][4][5] - 戴蒙的盟友詹妮弗·皮普斯扎克和特洛伊·罗尔布鲁被提升为商业和投资银行部门的联席CEO,而道格·佩特诺被任命为全球银行业务的联席负责人 [3][4] - 这些调整被视为削弱了丹尼尔·平托在公司内部的影响力,他曾想让自己的心腹人马担任更高职位 [4][5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司层面 - 摩根大通是美国最大的贷款机构,管理资产总额超过4万亿美元 [6] - 戴蒙计划在5年内退休,但将继续担任公司董事长 [5] - 平托曾在2020年短暂代替生病的戴蒙担任CEO [4] - 平托有强烈的留任动机,因为他将在2026年12月获得约2500万美元的留任奖金 [6] 高管层面 - 戴蒙提拔了被视为忠诚于他的高管,包括詹妮弗·皮普斯扎克和特洛伊·罗尔布鲁 [3][4][5] - 平托曾想让自己的心腹马克·巴德里查尼、塔基斯·乔尔乔科普洛斯和维斯瓦斯·拉格万担任更高职位,但未获批准 [4] - 乔尔乔科普洛斯离职被视为向平托发出的一个信号 [4]