Better Cloud Stock: Salesforce vs. ServiceNow
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-11 17:15
文章核心观点 - Salesforce和ServiceNow都是云软件行业的巨头,为大型企业提供云服务 [1][2] - Salesforce的业务增长正在放缓,面临宏观经济环境、竞争对手和投资者压力等挑战 [4][5][6] - 相比之下,ServiceNow的业务仍在快速增长,受益于企业数字化转型的需求 [9][10][11] - ServiceNow正在利用AI技术优化其数字工作流程,未来增长前景看好 [12] - 总的来说,ServiceNow目前是更好的投资选择,其增长更快、面临的挑战较少,且业务运营更加高效 [13] 关于Salesforce - Salesforce过去5年收入增长率达24%,主要得益于大规模并购 [4] - 但最近一年收入增长放缓至11%,受到宏观经济、竞争对手和投资者压力的影响 [5][6] - 未来一年预计收入增长仅9%,部分原因是面临AI技术的挑战 [6] - 不过Salesforce通过裁员、成本控制和股票回购等措施提升了利润 [7] 关于ServiceNow - ServiceNow过去5年收入增长率达30%,主要靠自身业务增长,未进行大规模并购 [9] - 2023年收入增长24%,表现优于同行业 [10] - 预计未来一年收入和利润将分别增长21%和25% [11] - ServiceNow正在利用AI技术优化其数字工作流程,未来增长前景看好 [12]
第一上海证券· 2024-06-11 09:31
报告公司投资评级 - Salesforce维持买入评级 [11] 报告的核心观点 - Salesforce一季度收入增长11%至91.3亿美元,但下调了收入和利润率指引,反映了客户支出缩减、交易周期延长等因素,显示软件行业当前面临困境 [11] - 尽管现金流强劲(一季度62.5亿美元),并通过派息和回购股票提高了股东回报,但Salesforce已进入成熟稳态,收入增速从过去20%下降至现在10%左右的低双位数增长,未来需要继续削减运营费用,释放利润提升空间 [12][13] 按目录分类总结 财务数据 - FY2025Q1公司实现收入91.3亿美元,同比增长11% [4] - 公司下调FY25财年全年收入指引为377-380亿美元(同比增长8-9%),低于市场预期 [5] - 公司下调FY25财年GAAP营业利润率至19.9%,维持Non-GAAP营业利润率为32.5% [6] - 公司一季度经营现金流62.5亿美元,同比增长39% [4] 业务表现 - 订阅和支持收入为85.9亿美元,同比增长12%;专业服务和其他收入为5.5亿美元,同比下降9.4% [7] - 按产品划分,销售云、服务云、平台及其他、市场营销和商业云、数据云分别实现收入20.0、21.8、17.2、12.8、14.1亿美元,分别同比增长11%、11%、10%、10%、25% [7] - 分区域看,美洲区、欧洲区及亚太地区分别实现收入60.6、21.5、9.3亿美元,同比增长11%、9%、21% [7] - RPO达539亿(同比增长15%),cRPO 264亿(同比增长10%),主要受缓慢的需求环境和销售延长的影响 [8] - 数据云业务持续推动业绩增长,本季度25%的100万美元以上交易涉及数据云,连续第二个季度增加了1000多个客户 [8][9] - Einstein AI在所有云平台上提供预测性AI,每天生成数千亿次预测,并推出了Einstein Copilot、Prompt Builder和Einstein Studio,为公司的产品组合提供全新力量 [10]
Time to Buy the Dip on Salesforce Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-09 15:29
文章核心观点 - Salesforce公司正在从追求收入增长转向追求利润率扩张 [1][2] - 人工智能(AI)可能成为Salesforce公司的一个挑战,而不是一个助推器 [2][5] - Salesforce公司的财务状况仍然很强,有能力应对这一转型期 [6][7][8] 公司情况总结 - Salesforce公司最近一个季度的收入增长11%,达到91.3亿美元,但接近于指导区间的下限 [3] - Salesforce公司全年收入指引未变,这打破了其长期习惯的超预期和上调指引 [3] - Salesforce公司的GAAP经营利润率略有下降,从20.4%降至19.9% [4] - Salesforce公司的调整后经营利润率却从27.6%提升至32% [7] - Salesforce公司的自由现金流同比增长43%至60.8亿美元,其中20亿美元用于股票回购 [7] 行业情况总结 - Nvidia的加速计算硬件和AI算法可能改变了大型企业的采购需求,这可能是Salesforce公司试图收购Informatica的原因 [5] - 人工智能可能会对Salesforce公司构成一定挑战,但公司有能力应对这一转型 [5][6] - Salesforce公司当前的估值水平(市盈率20倍)看起来很有吸引力 [9]
Salesforce: I Warned About The AI FOMO - But I'm Buying Now (Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-08 20:30
John M. Chase My Caution On Salesforce Stock Panned Out I cautioned Salesforce, Inc. (NYSE:CRM) investors to be wary about chasing a further rally in CRM as I assessed that the optimism was getting too frothy. In my CRM stock update in December 2023, I indicated that while CRM's valuation was still relatively attractive, the risk/reward no longer appealed to me that much. As a result, I downgraded CRM to reflect my increased caution. CRM's buying momentum initially baffled me by allowing the stock to surge ...
Is Salesforce Stock in Trouble?
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-07 17:10
After last week's sell-off, Salesforce's stock is now down 10% in 2024. Share prices of Salesforce (CRM 2.63%) plunged last week after the company released its latest quarterly results. While the business is still growing, it didn't provide analysts and investors with the level of growth they were expecting. For a stock that trades at a relatively high valuation, that could put it in a dangerous position. Salesforce is still a dominant name in the tech world, and its customer relationship management (CRM) p ...
Salesforce Plans To Open Its First AI Center in London
Investopedia· 2024-06-07 04:35
文章核心观点 - 软件公司Salesforce将在伦敦设立其首个人工智能(AI)中心 [1][3][4] - Salesforce承诺未来5年内在英国投资40亿美元用于AI发展和创新 [2][4] - Salesforce Ventures已向英国多家AI公司投资超过2亿美元,包括ElevenLabs和AutoGenAI [5] - 英国AI市场预计到2035年将超过1万亿美元 [5] - 尽管Salesforce股价在公布消息后当日上涨2.6%,但全年仍处于负值区间,受到上月财报指引担忧的影响 [6] 行业概况 - Salesforce看好英国AI市场的发展前景,预计到2035年将超过1万亿美元 [5] - Salesforce承诺未来5年内在英国投资40亿美元用于AI发展和创新,体现了其对该领域的重视 [2][4] 公司动态 - Salesforce将在伦敦设立其首个人工智能(AI)中心,旨在促进行业专家、合作伙伴和客户的协作,推动AI创新并提供关键的技能培训 [1][3][4] - Salesforce Ventures已向英国多家AI公司投资超过2亿美元,包括ElevenLabs和AutoGenAI,显示其在AI领域的投资布局 [5] - 尽管Salesforce股价在公布消息后当日上涨2.6%,但全年仍处于负值区间,受到上月财报指引担忧的影响 [6]
Salesforce to open new AI center in London as part of $4 billion UK investment
CNBC· 2024-06-06 15:00
A Salesforce corporate logo hangs over the front door of the Salesforce Tower on January 22, 2024, in New York City. Gary Hershorn | Getty Images LONDON — Enterprise tech giant Salesforce is opening an artificial intelligence center in London, making a bullish bet on the U.K. as a global technology hub. The U.S. software giant said in a statement Thursday that it is opening a more-than 40,000-square-feet facility in London's Blue Fin building, which can host over 300 people. It will be used to encourage ind ...
Slalom and Salesforce expand partnership to unleash the power of data for customers' AI transformation
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-06 14:55
LONDON, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Slalom, the global business and technology consulting company, today announced at World Tour London the expansion of its partnership with Salesforce, the #1 AI CRM, empowering joint customers to drive the value of AI across the enterprise. As the first strategic System Integrator partner for Salesforce Data Cloud and Einstein 1, Slalom will co- develop new solutions geared toward helping organizations activate data and AI use cases in Salesforce at speed. Slalom wil ...
Salesforce Is Undervalued Despite A Democratizing AI Market
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-06 13:13
blackdovfx/iStock via Getty Images Salesforce Dropped 20% After Q1 Earnings I covered Salesforce (NYSE:CRM) for the first time in February, and I put out a Buy rating, even though I warned of the valuation risk and mentioned that a smaller allocation might be wiser due to potential volatility in AI stocks to come. Now, after Q1 fiscal 2025 earnings, the stock has dropped ~20% in price. The company missed its revenue estimate by $13.38 million; even though revenue for the period increased 11% YoY and free ca ...
What About Salesforce's Latest Report Upset Wall Street?
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-06 07:56
We also take a look at some companies that could ride the tailwinds of Nvidia's standout earnings. In this podcast, Motley Fool analyst Tim Beyers and host Mary Long break down Salesforce's earnings and ask whether the stock's slump is warranted. Then, Motley Fool analyst Asit Sharma and host Ricky Mulvey take a look at some companies that could ride the tailwinds of Nvidia's standout earnings. To catch full episodes of all The Motley Fool's free podcasts, check out our podcast center. To get started invest ...