Credicorp .(BAP)
Credicorp Ltd.: Credicorp Announces Special Cash Dividend of S/11.0000 per Share
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-30 04:25
Lima, Aug. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LIMA, Peru August 29, 2024 – Credicorp Ltd. (“Credicorp” or the “Company”) (NYSE: BAP | BVL: BAP), the leading financial services holding company in Peru with a presence in Chile, Colombia, Bolivia and Panama, announced today that its Board of Directors unanimously agreed to declare a special cash dividend of S/11.0000 per share for a total of S/1,038,205,487.00 in line with the Company´s Bye-Laws. Gianfranco Ferrari, Chief Executive Officer of Credicorp, stated, “Thi ...
Credicorp Ltd.: Credicorp Corrects Certain Accumulated Ratios in 2Q24 Earnings Materials and Reaffirms 1H24 Financials and 2024 Guidance
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-14 05:28
Lima, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lima, PERU, August 13, 2024 – Credicorp Ltd. (“Credicorp” or “the Company”) (NYSE: BAP | BVL: BAP) announces to its shareholders and the market, corrections to four ratios published in its 2Q24 Earnings Materials. These amendments are attributable to miscalculations on certain accumulated performance indicators. Below is a table including the reported and corrected indicators, presented on the Company´s 2Q24 Earnings Release. Performance IndicatorOriginally Reported ...
Credicorp (BAP): Key takeaways from 2Q24 conference call~ Lower 2024 loan growth guidance
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 17:24
11 August 2024 | 10:08PM EDT 2131d4eaf4cb4d50b1d51c8af07b64b4 Credicorp (BAP): Key takeaways from 2Q24 conference call - Lower 2024 loan growth guidance 2024 ROE guidance of ~17% reaffirmed Management hosted its conference call post 2Q24 results and provided updated 2024 guidance. Credicorp revised 2024 loan growth guidance down to 1-3%, from 3-5%, given weaker loan growth in 1H24 and increased caution on asset quality. Indeed, the company now expects the upper range of its cost of risk guidance, largely du ...
Credicorp .(BAP) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-10 17:40
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 贷款增长2.9%,主要由于BCP和BCP玻利维亚的房贷增加 [24] - 低成本存款占比54.5%,继续增长 [24] - 净利差保持稳定,得益于政府贷款摊销、零售贷款定价提升以及美元贷款定价 [24] - 净利息收入增长8.2% [25] - 其他核心收入大幅增长,主要来自BCP和Credicorp Capital [25] - 保险承保利润增长6.4%,主要由于人寿保险的残疾和生存保险费用下降 [25] - 拨备率上升至3%,主要由于中小企业和信用卡的还款能力下降 [26] - 不良贷款率上升33个基点至6% [26] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 BCP - 贷款增长1.3%,主要由于短期批发贷款反弹 [34] - 净利息收入增长1.9%,主要由于短期公司贷款利息收入上升和低成本存款占比提高 [34] - 拨备增加29.4%,但剔除去年El Nino拨备冲回的影响,实际下降3% [34] - 其他收入增长11.2%,主要由于Yape支付业务和信用卡交易费用增加 [36] - 年化ROE为23.7% [38] BCP玻利维亚 - 业绩良好,反映了较低风险批发组合的活跃度和交易业务的增长 [40] Yape - 收入持续加速增长,同比增长1.5倍,实现5月份的盈亏平衡 [41] - 支付业务、金融业务和商城业务均保持快速增长 [42] Mibanco - 贷款下降3.2%,受更严格的放贷政策和需求下降影响 [43] - 净利差上升19个基点至13.6% [44] - 拨备增加19.8%,反映了老账龄贷款的还款表现恶化和弱势客户的还款能力下降 [44] - 年化ROE为5.4% [47] Mibanco哥伦比亚 - 受到经济环境恶化的影响,采取审慎的增长策略,表现相对较好 [48] Grupo Pacifico - ROE为26.4%,保持强劲 [49] - 保险承保利润增长19%,主要由于财产险业务和人寿保险赔付下降 [49] Credicorp Capital - ROE为18.6%,同比增长386个基点 [52] - 资本市场业务和财富管理业务表现出色 [52] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 秘鲁经济持续复苏,二季度GDP同比增长4% [27][28] - 大宗商品价格高企,特别是铜和黄金,推动贸易条件创历史新高 [28][29] - 公共投资大幅增长,基础设施项目投资也有所增加 [30] - 秘鲁央行预计将在今年内将基准利率降至5% [32] - 哥伦比亚通胀率仍居高不下,央行持续加息 [33] - 智利央行已经大幅降息,但仍保持谨慎态度 [33] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司保持长期18%的ROE目标,将通过净息差弹性、拨备下降、非利息收入增长和效率优化来实现 [166] - 公司致力于数字化转型,提升客户体验和效率,已取得显著成果 [15][16][17][18] - Yape业务已实现盈亏平衡,收入增长强劲,未来将进一步拓展 [19][41][42] - 秘鲁微贷行业面临系统性挑战,公司正在全面评估Mibanco的风险管理能力 [11][12][165] - 哥伦比亚Mibanco业务正在逐步改善,采取更审慎的增长策略 [48] - 公司在秘鲁以外市场的业务表现良好,如BCP玻利维亚、Credicorp Capital [40][159][160] - 公司将继续投资创新和数字化转型,以保持行业领先地位 [18] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 秘鲁经济有望保持3%左右的增长,通胀和政治环境相对稳定 [8][31] - 公司对Mibanco的长期前景保持信心,但短期内仍面临挑战 [11][12][14][165] - 公司在创新和数字化方面的投资正在产生成效,有助于提升竞争力和客户体验 [15][16][17][18] - Yape业务表现出色,已提前实现盈亏平衡,未来发展前景广阔 [19][41][42] - 公司将继续保持谨慎的贷款增长策略,关注资产质量管理 [74][111][112][114] 其他重要信息 - 公司维持强劲的偿付能力和资产负债表状况 [10] - 公司考虑在今年第四季度派发额外股息 [135] - 公司将于9月26日举行战略更新会议,届时将深入介绍Yape等创新业务 [102][161] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Ernesto Gabilondo 提问** 对Mibanco和秘鲁微贷行业的信贷需求和客户负债情况的看法 [78] **Gianfranco Ferrari 回答** 秘鲁微贷行业仍面临系统性挑战,Mibanco正在全面评估风险管理能力,短期内仍难见明显改善,但长期前景依然看好 [79][80] 问题2 **Renato Meloni 提问** 对Mibanco的进一步评估和可能的额外拨备情况 [87] **Cesar Rios 回答** 公司正在全面评估Mibanco的风险管理能力,包括监控、模型校准和文化等方面,预计在未来一个季度内有更清晰的评估 [90][91] 问题3 **Brian Flores 提问** 对Yape贷款业务的发展前景及其与公司整体零售战略的协调 [97
Credicorp .(BAP) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-10 13:28
Earnings Conference Call August 2024 2Q24 Earnings Conference Call Safe Harbor This material includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking and may contain information about financial results, economic conditions, trends and known uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are not assurances of future performance. ...
Earnings Preview: Credicorp (BAP) Q2 Earnings Expected to Decline
ZACKS· 2024-08-01 23:06
Wall Street expects a year-over-year decline in earnings on higher revenues when Credicorp (BAP) reports results for the quarter ended June 2024. While this widely-known consensus outlook is important in gauging the company's earnings picture, a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates.The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report, which is expected to be released on August 8. On the o ...
BAP vs. HDB: Which Stock Should Value Investors Buy Now?
ZACKS· 2024-08-01 00:46
Investors with an interest in Banks - Foreign stocks have likely encountered both Credicorp (BAP) and HDFC Bank (HDB) . But which of these two stocks presents investors with the better value opportunity right now? Let's take a closer look.There are plenty of strategies for discovering value stocks, but we have found that pairing a strong Zacks Rank with an impressive grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system produces the best returns. The Zacks Rank favors stocks with strong earnings estimate r ...
Credicorp Ltd.: Credicorp's Earnings Release and Conference Call 2Q24
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-27 04:15
文章核心观点 - 公司将于2024年8月8日发布2024年第二季度财报 [1] - 公司将于2024年8月9日上午10:30(美东时间)举行财报发布会 [2][3] - 公司鼓励参会者提前注册收听网络直播 [4][5] - 无法提前注册的参会者可以拨打电话号码参会 [6] - 公司2023年年报已于2024年4月24日提交证监会 [8] 公司概况 - 公司是秘鲁领先的金融服务控股公司,在秘鲁、智利、哥伦比亚和玻利维亚有业务 [9] - 公司业务包括:普惠银行、小微金融、保险和养老基金、投资管理和咨询 [9]
Credicorp Ltd.: Credicorp's Earnings Release and Conference Call 2Q24
Newsfilter· 2024-07-27 04:15
Lima, July 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lima, PERU, July 26th, 2024 – Credicorp Ltd. announces to its shareholders and the market that its 2Q24 Earnings Release Report will be released on Thursday, August 8th, 2024, after market close. Credicorp's Webcast / Conference Call to discuss such results; will be held on Friday, August 9th, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. ET (9:30 a.m. Lima, Peru time). The call will be hosted by: Gianfranco Ferrari – Chief Executive Officer, - Alejandro Perez Reyes - Chief Financial Officer, ...
Credicorp Ltd.: Credicorp's “2Q24 quiet period”
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-19 04:15
Lima, July 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lima, PERU, July 18th, 2024 -- Credicorp (NYSE: BAP) announces that in accordance with its corporate disclosure policies and to prevent any leaks of financial results and ensure fairness, the Company will start the quiet period for 2Q24’s earnings release on July 25th. This period will end on the date of the release, August 8th. During the quiet period, the Company will not disclose any financial information, comment on financial results, or respond to related questio ...