New Boeing CEO pledges to 'reset' relations with machinists
Techxplore· 2024-08-17 15:46
文章核心观点 - 新任CEO Ortberg希望与关键工会"重置"关系,以达成新的劳动合同 [3][4] - 工会要求公司在该地区制造下一代飞机,并要求至少40%的三年涨薪以及更好的福利 [8][9] - Ortberg上任后首周即访问了工厂和供应商,并会见了航空公司客户高管 [12] 公司概况 - 波音拥有170,000多名员工 [3] - 西雅图地区的两个国际机械工人和航空航天工人协会分会代表约33,000名波音员工 [5] - 现有16年的劳动合同将于9月12日午夜到期,工会已投票批准如届时未达成协议可采取罢工行动 [6] 劳资关系 - 新CEO Ortberg承诺与工会"重置"关系,寻求达成新的劳动合同 [3][4] - 工会表示,除非公司承诺在该地区保留这些工作,否则难以重建过去20年破坏的信任 [8] - 工会谈判委员会表示,虽然Ortberg不在谈判桌上,但他对谈判过程的影响是不可否认的 [10]
Boeing's new boss got a major endorsement from his biggest customer in his first week on the job
Business Insider· 2024-08-16 18:17
Boeing's new CEO, Kelly Ortberg, received praise from Scott Kirby, boss of United Airlines.Kirby, a vocal critic of Boeing after January's blowout, said he was confident in the firm's recovery.United is Boeing's biggest customer in commercial aviation, so Kirby's endorsement is a big boost. Sign up to get the inside scoop on today’s biggest stories in markets, tech, and business — delivered daily. Read preview Thanks for signing up! Go to newsletter preferences Thanks for signing up! Access your f ...
United CEO expresses 'renewed confidence' in Boeing after meeting with new leader Ortberg
CNBC· 2024-08-16 01:33
United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby celebrates the opening of a new addition to its Flight Training Center in Denver, Colorado, on Feb. 22, 2024.United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby says he is optimistic about Boeing's recovery after meeting with the manufacturer's new chief executive. It's an upbeat change of tune from the head of United, a top Boeing customer that has been among the most publicly frustrated about the planemaker's problems, which have led to delayed deliveries of dozens of aircraft.Kirby and Boeing ...
EL AL Israel Airlines Finalizes Order for up to 31 Boeing 737 MAX Jets
Prnewswire· 2024-08-15 16:09
SEATTLE, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and EL AL Israel Airlines today confirmed the Israeli flag carrier finalized an agreement for up to 31 737 MAX jets, supporting the airline's plans to renew its fleet of Next-Generation 737 airplanes."This is a significant milestone for EL AL, which will allow us to offer our customers the most advanced service and technology experience in the industry," said Dina Ben-Tal Ganancia. CEO EL AL Israel Airlines. "The implementation of the long-term procur ...
Why NASA astronauts are waiting to return on Boeing's Starliner
CNBC· 2024-08-15 05:55
文章核心观点 - 波音公司的Starliner飞船在停靠国际空间站时,多个推进器出现故障,NASA目前正在评估是否安全让Starliner载人返回地球 [1][3][4][5] - 如果Starliner无法安全返回,NASA将考虑让SpaceX的飞船接回在轨两名宇航员 [6] - 这次试飞任务的延误,进一步拖慢了波音公司在NASA商业载人计划中的进度,并可能威胁到公司未来在该计划中的参与 [9][10] 公司相关 - 波音公司向NASA提出了Starliner安全返回的理由,并公开了大量推进器测试情况,但最终决定权在于NASA [8] - Starliner飞船被宇航员Suni Williams命名为"卡利普索",以致敬探险家雅克-伊夫·库斯托的研究船 [15] - 波音公司的Starliner飞船目前陷入了类似"卡利普索"困境,修复时间不确定 [16] 行业相关 - NASA希望通过波音和SpaceX两家公司轮流执行国际空间站任务,实现竞争 [9] - 宇航员Butch Wilmore和Suni Williams接受了这次可能不完美的试飞任务,体现了他们作为试飞员的勇气和专业精神 [12][13][14]
Boeing Co. (BA.US): July aircraft order & delivery report
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-14 10:50
报告行业投资评级 - 报告未给出明确的行业投资评级 报告的核心观点 - 7月份波音公司新接订单72架,取消1架,ASC 606调整1架,净订单增加72架 [3] - 7月份波音公司交付飞机43架,其中737-MAX 31架,787 6架,交付量较6月有所上升 [25] - 即使假设未来新订单增长较为温和,波音公司目前的订单量也足以支撑未来几年的生产计划,737机型订单覆盖约8年,787和777机型分别约7年和11年 [12][13] 737机型 - 7月份737机型新接订单127架,取消1架,ASC 606调整34架,净订单增加160架 [9] - 7月份737机型交付31架,较6月的34架有所下降 [26][27] - 即使不考虑ASC 606调整,737机型订单也足以支撑未来8年的生产计划 [12][13] 787机型 - 7月份787机型新接订单3架,无取消,ASC 606调整1架,净订单增加4架 [9] - 7月份787机型交付6架,较6月的3架有所上升 [25][28][29] - 即使不考虑ASC 606调整,787机型订单也足以支撑未来7年的生产计划 [12][13] 777机型 - 7月份777机型无新接订单,无取消,无ASC 606调整 [9] - 7月份777机型交付无数据 [20] - 即使不考虑ASC 606调整,777机型订单也足以支撑未来11年的生产计划 [12][13]
Boeing: The Selloff Makes No Sense
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-14 00:00
Wolterk Since the start of the year, Boeing’s (NYSE:BA) shares have lost over 30% of their value, primarily as a result of the regulatory scrutiny that happened at the beginning of 2024 due to a safety accident that occurred on one of its planes. In recent months, Boeing has been actively working on preventing similar accidents from happening in the future and complying with the regulator’s requests. While it seems that the company has made good progress in improving its safety standards, its shares hav ...
Boeing's new CEO is already showing that improving quality control is his top priority
Business Insider· 2024-08-13 19:13
文章核心观点 - 新任CEO Kelly Ortberg正在努力扭转公司局面,首要任务是与工厂员工建立更密切的关系 [4][5][6] - Ortberg计划将总部设在西雅图,以便更好地监管生产线和开发项目 [14][15][18][19] - 这些举措旨在改善公司的生产流程和质量控制,弥补近年来在这方面的缺陷 [8][12] 公司概况 - 波音公司于1916年在西雅图成立,曾在该地保持80多年的总部 [14] - 2001年将总部迁至芝加哥,2022年再次迁至弗吉尼亚,这加大了公司领导层与工厂的距离 [15] - 这种距离被认为是公司质量控制问题的一个原因 [15][16][17] 737 MAX 危机 - 737 MAX机型在2018年和2019年发生两起坠机事故,造成346人死亡 [9][10] - 737 MAX机型被禁飞长达20个月,这是美国航空史上最长的禁飞期 [10] - 前任CEO丹尼斯·穆伦堡因此被解雇,此后戴夫·卡尔豪恩也不得不应对737 MAX相关问题 [10][11] - 去年1月,一架刚交付66天的737 MAX机型在离开波音工厂时缺少关键螺栓,导致舱门塞掉落 [11]
Boeing's ambitions of challenging SpaceX are hanging by a thread
Business Insider· 2024-08-13 18:42
By clicking “Sign Up”, you accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy . You can opt-out at any time by visiting our Preferences page or by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email.Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. download the appThanks for signing up! Go to newsletter preferencesSign up to get the inside scoop on today’s biggest stories in markets, tech, and business — delivered daily. Read previewAfter years of delays, the launch of Boeing's Starliner ...
Prediction: This CEO of a Boeing and Lockheed Joint Venture Sees Billions of Dollars in His Future
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-12 16:33
文章核心观点 - 尽管过去几年ULA的发射量和利润率一直下降,但最近情况有所好转 [1][2][10] - ULA正在大幅增加火箭生产和发射量,以满足亚马逊Kuiper卫星网络项目的需求 [3][4][5][7][8] - ULA的利润率也有望随着发射量的增加而提升 [10][11][12] - 这对ULA的母公司波音和洛克希德·马丁来说是个好消息,因为ULA的利润有望增加,或者ULA的估值也可能提高 [13] 根据目录分别总结 公司情况 - ULA过去几年发射量和利润率下降,但最近情况有所好转 [1][2][10] - ULA正在大幅增加火箭生产和发射量,以满足亚马逊Kuiper卫星网络项目的需求 [3][4][5][7][8] - ULA的利润率也有望随着发射量的增加而提升 [10][11][12] 行业情况 - ULA的发射价格已经与SpaceX相当,在竞争中占据优势 [2] - ULA正在转型,从主要服务政府和军事客户,转向开拓商业市场 [7]