Prediction: This CEO of a Boeing and Lockheed Joint Venture Sees Billions of Dollars in His Future
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-12 16:33
文章核心观点 - 尽管过去几年ULA的发射量和利润率一直下降,但最近情况有所好转 [1][2][10] - ULA正在大幅增加火箭生产和发射量,以满足亚马逊Kuiper卫星网络项目的需求 [3][4][5][7][8] - ULA的利润率也有望随着发射量的增加而提升 [10][11][12] - 这对ULA的母公司波音和洛克希德·马丁来说是个好消息,因为ULA的利润有望增加,或者ULA的估值也可能提高 [13] 根据目录分别总结 公司情况 - ULA过去几年发射量和利润率下降,但最近情况有所好转 [1][2][10] - ULA正在大幅增加火箭生产和发射量,以满足亚马逊Kuiper卫星网络项目的需求 [3][4][5][7][8] - ULA的利润率也有望随着发射量的增加而提升 [10][11][12] 行业情况 - ULA的发射价格已经与SpaceX相当,在竞争中占据优势 [2] - ULA正在转型,从主要服务政府和军事客户,转向开拓商业市场 [7]
Boeing gets $2.5 billion Air Force contract for new airborne warning and control aircraft
Fox Business· 2024-08-12 06:46
文章核心观点 - 美国空军与波音公司达成2.56亿美元合同,开发两架E-7A Wedgetail预警和控制机 [1][2][3] - E-7A Wedgetail是基于波音737改装的预警和控制机,具有先进的电子设备和固定雷达天线 [2] - E-7A Wedgetail将取代美国空军现役的E-3 Sentry预警和控制机 [3] - E-7A Wedgetail具有先进的多功能电子扫描阵列雷达,可提高空中战场管理和情报感知能力 [4] - 该合同还包括E-7A Wedgetail的生命周期发展、培训和支持 [12] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司方面 - 波音公司国防、航天与安全事业部的副总裁表示,客户迫切需要集成的战场感知和战场管理能力,E-7A Wedgetail可提供决定性优势 [5][6] - 波音公司将采用开放系统架构,随时间推移不断提升E-7A Wedgetail的功能 [6] 行业方面 - 美国空军采购助理部长表示,该协议有利于确保未来空军的先进空中移动目标指示能力 [7] - 该协议还体现了美国与盟友合作的能力,以支持共同的安全目标 [8] - 除美国外,澳大利亚、韩国和土耳其空军也在使用E-7A Wedgetail,英国和北约也已订购该机型 [10] - 美国空军计划到2032年拥有26架E-7A Wedgetail机队 [10] - 澳大利亚、英国和美国空军就E-7A Wedgetail的发展、评估、互操作性、维护、运营、培训和安全等方面达成三边合作协议 [11]
Boeing's Going, and Its CEO is Already Gone
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-11 06:48
Boeing has a lot of problems. Can one new CEO fix them all?Since reporting second-quarter earnings last week, shares of Boeing (BA -0.57%) have lost $25 in value -- a stock market decline of more than 13% -- as of this writing. That should not come as a huge surprise, though.Boeing's earnings were truly awful. Bad enough, in fact, to cost Boeing's CEO his job.Boeing by the numbersBoeing "missed earnings" in a big way last week. On the top line, revenue came in more than $300 million below expectations at $1 ...
3 Industrial Stocks to Sell in August Before They Crash & Burn
Investor Place· 2024-08-10 02:41
The United States has some tremendous industrial companies. However, a company’s stature doesn’t mean its stock cannot be cyclical. In fact, industrial stocks are known for their cyclicality as they possess interlinkages with the economic cycle. As such, timing industrial stocks is critical if you want your investment portfolio to outperform the market.Although yet to be consolidated, most believe the U.S. is heading for an interim economic decline. A better-than-expected July non-farm payrolls figure was r ...
Boeing's new CEO visits factory that makes the 737 Max, including jet that lost door plug in flight
Techxplore· 2024-08-08 21:30
文章核心观点 - 波音公司新任CEO罗伯特·凯利·奥特伯格将接任公司,他计划亲自走访位于西雅图附近的工厂,这里是该航空巨头陷入困境的核心所在 [2][3] - 波音公司正在努力修复其飞机制造过程,并且无法将两名宇航员从国际空间站接回,因为其为NASA建造的航天器存在缺陷 [3] - 波音公司在第二季度录得超过14亿美元的巨额亏损,主要是由于新航空飞机交付量大幅下降,包括737 Max机型 [4] - 国家运输安全委员会最近就一架阿拉斯加航空公司的737 Max机型在飞行中出现机身板块爆裂的事故进行了为期两天的听证会,工人表示在工厂内承受着过大的生产压力,导致出现失误 [5] 公司概况 - 波音公司是一家拥有百年历史的航空创新公司,总部最初位于西雅图,后先后迁至芝加哥和华盛顿特区,新任CEO将重新在西北太平洋地区设立象征性的旗帜 [9][10] - 波音公司的防务和航天业务也陷入困境,在第二季度亏损9.13亿美元,主要是由于固定价格政府合同的挫折,包括为空军一号制造两架新飞机 [14] 新任CEO任务 - 新任CEO奥特伯格的首要任务之一将是修复制造过程,并提高737 Max机型的产量,目前FAA限制波音每月只能交付38架,但实际产量甚至不到20架 [13] - 在上任前,前任CEO卡尔豪恩已完成了与司法部达成的认罪协议,波音公司将为737 Max开发中的欺诈行为支付至少2.44亿美元的罚款,并投资至少4.55亿美元用于质量和安全合规计划 [14] - 新任CEO奥特伯格表示,虽然公司还有很多工作要做来恢复信任,但他相信通过共同努力,公司将重新成为行业领导者 [8]
These 3 Stocks Could Soar Under Their New CEOs
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-08 16:15
New CEOs are set to have a big impact at these companies.CEOs make a difference. And for different reasons, investors in these three companies will hope that their new leaders will make a tangible difference in improving performance.William Brown took over as CEO of 3M (MMM -1.65%) on May 1 and has significantly influenced investors' thoughts about the company. Kelly Ortberg will take over as CEO of Boeing (BA -1.09%) on Aug. 1, and Johnson Controls (JCI -1.41%) recently announced it's searching for a new C ...
Buoyed by past success, new CEO Kelly Ortberg will try to turn Boeing around
Techxplore· 2024-08-08 14:36
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: A 777-9, the last generation of the 777 family, is seen in Everett, Washington in June 2024. Aviation experts and analysts have been full of praise for Kelly Ortberg, who returns from early retirement Thursday to take up the challenge of turning Boeing around after a series of quality and financial issues. The appointment of 6 ...
3 Aerospace Stocks with Potential for Long-Term Appreciation
Investor Place· 2024-08-07 19:45
With a continued recovery in global air travel, aerospace stocks will see more gains in the coming years. Several tailwinds support the bullish thesis for these stocks.First, air travel demand continues to gain momentum across the globe. U.S. July 4th travel shattered records and Europe’s passenger traffic exceeded pre-pandemic levels in the first half. Meanwhile, other markets like China are still below their pre-pandemic highs, leaving ample growth runway.Secondly, the aerospace industry is finally resolv ...
3 Blue-Chip Stocks to Sell in August Before They Crash & Burn
Investor Place· 2024-08-07 19:30
文章核心观点 - 当前市场出现广泛下跌,投资者需要谨慎对待一些蓝筹股 [1][2][4] - 除了传统的收入和利润指标,关注公司的市盈率和负债率也能帮助投资者判断何时是卖出的最佳时机 [3] - 文章建议投资者应该卖出以下三只蓝筹股:英特尔(INTC)、salesforce(CRM)和波音(BA) [4] 英特尔(INTC) - 英特尔的经营状况持续恶化,从运营能力不足到大规模裁员,公司前景不容乐观 [6] - 尽管英特尔仍是道琼斯工业平均指数成分股,但投资者应谨慎对待,因为公司要走向复苏还有很长的路要走 [7] - 董事会决定在暂停派息的情况下,仍支付CEO 1600万美元的薪酬,反映了公司管理不善 [8] Salesforce(CRM) - Salesforce的市盈率高达42.96倍,是道指成分股中最高估值的公司之一 [10] - 尽管Salesforce宣称在人工智能领域有所突破,但在当前市场下行压力和联储不降息的背景下,其扩大客户群的能力可能会受到影响 [11] - 公司近期裁员300人,这对一家表现良好的道指成分股来说并不寻常 [11] 波音(BA) - 波音股价今年已下跌超30%,缺乏可以推动股价上涨的催化剂 [13] - 即将召开的国家运输安全委员会听证会结果可能会进一步拖累波音股价 [13] - 波音在宽体和窄体飞机市场面临来自空客和巴西航空工业等竞争对手的挤压 [14]
Federal safety hearing over 737 Max blowout puts Boeing, Spirit AeroSystems factories in spotlight
CNBC· 2024-08-07 05:20
Jennifer Homendy, Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, speaks during investigative hearing, into the blowout of a left mid exit door plug on a Boeing 737-9 MAX during Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 flight on January 5, 2024, at the National Transportation Safety Board headquarters in Washington D.C. United States on August 6, 2024. (Photo by Bryan Olin Dozier/Anadolu via Getty Images)A Boeing safety executive told a federal safety hearing on Tuesday that the company is working on design changes t ...