Broadcom Secures Major Wins With OpenAI, Google, Meta As It Targets $150B AI Market
Benzinga· 2024-08-22 20:26
Broadcom Inc. AVGO is stepping into a new chapter in its AI journey, securing significant victories with two major AI ASIC programs. JPMorgan’s Harlan Sur highlights that Broadcom has "recently won OpenAI's first and second generation AI ASIC programs," positioning it as OpenAI's fourth major AI ASIC partner. Alongside this, Broadcom has also added a fifth major AI ASIC customer, both expected to ramp up in 2026, further solidifying its leadership in the AI space.Why Broadcom? The Power Of Advanced Chip Des ...
Billionaire Ken Griffin Sold 79% of Citadel's Stake in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Titan Nvidia and Piled Into These 3 High-Octane Growth Stocks Instead
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-22 17:06
The billionaire money manager behind the most-profitable hedge fund of all-time is dumping shares of artificial intelligence (AI) kingpin Nvidia in favor of three other rapidly growing stocks.What can easily be described as the most important data release of the third quarter occurred last week -- and a lot of investors probably missed it.Every quarter, institutional investors with at least $100 million in assets under management are required to file Form 13F with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In ...
Broadcom: VMWare Is Driving An Upgrade In Business Quality
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-21 20:30
pepifoto Thesis I am bullish on Broadcom (NASDAQ:AVGO): Growth is healthy, both organically and inorganically Mix shift makes a case for margin expansion and transition to negative working capital Valuation is attractive vs peers Technicals point bullish Apple and customer concentration is a key risk monitorable Growth is healthy, both organically and inorganically Broadcom made a major acquisition last year by buying cloud computing company VMWare last year for $69 billion. In these kinds of scenari ...
AI predicts Broadcom stock price for end of 2024
Finbold· 2024-08-19 22:35
文章核心观点 - 人工智能(AI)行业的持续增长推动了Broadcom(AVGO)股价的大幅上涨,公司最近进行了10:1的股票拆分 [1] - AVGO股价自1月1日以来上涨50.28%,过去5天上涨7.66%,但最近一个交易日下跌1.57% [2] - 根据不同AI助手的预测,AVGO股价在2024年12月31日的预计区间为$175-$185至$180-$220之间 [5][12][13] 行业分析 - AI行业的持续增长为AVGO带来了积极影响,公司的芯片在AI基础设施中扮演重要角色,有望带动公司收益增长 [7] - 科技行业整体保持强劲,有利于AVGO维持稳定的股价表现 [9] 公司分析 - AVGO预计将在2024年底前完成对VMware的收购,有望带来收入来源的多元化和软件业务的提升 [8] - 公司在AI和半导体市场的领导地位、稳定的股息支付和相对科技板块较低的波动性,都支撑了其股价的预期上涨 [6] - 公司历史业绩良好,加上当前的数字化转型趋势,有望维持增长势头 [13]
Prediction: This Will Be the Next Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chipmaker Stock to Join Nvidia in the Trillion-Dollar Club (Hint: It's Not Broadcom)
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-19 17:35
This chipmaker wins when everyone competes for AI dominance.Nvidia (NVDA 1.40%) has seen its share price soar on the back of huge artificial intelligence (AI)-related spending from big tech companies. The company's graphics processing units (GPUs) are essential infrastructure for training large language models, the backbone of generative AI. As more and more companies invest in the frontier of AI development, Nvidia has been a big beneficiary.The chipmaker joined the $1 trillion club last summer and passed ...
2 High-Flying Stock-Split Stocks Prominent Billionaires Are Selling, and the 1 They're Buying Hand Over Fist
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-19 17:06
A total of 13 high-profile companies have announced or completed stock splits in 2024. However, Wall Street's brightest and richest money managers have mixed feelings about this group.Despite all the attention artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered on Wall Street, it's stock-split euphoria that's been giving AI a run for its money in 2024.A stock split marks an event that allows publicly traded companies to cosmetically alter their share price and outstanding share count. It's superficial in the sense th ...
AI predicts Broadcom (AVGO) price for the end of Q3
Finbold· 2024-08-18 22:10
文章核心观点 - 半导体行业持续增长,推动了人工智能(AI)和物联网(IoT)的需求,Broadcom 作为行业领军企业从中获益 [1] - Broadcom 在半导体和基础设施软件两大业务板块表现出色,有望在 AI 和 5G 技术领域取得进一步发展 [1][2] - Broadcom 股价有望在 2024 年第三季度达到 185-200 美元的目标价位,受益于 VMware 整合成功、AI 驱动收入增长、5G 技术需求等因素 [2][3][4][5][7] - 但也存在一些潜在风险,如债务管理、VMware 整合困难、宏观经济环境恶化等,可能导致股价下跌至 150-160 美元 [6][10][11][12] - Broadcom 最近财报表现出色,收入大幅增长,VMware 业务整合进展良好,10 比 1 股票拆分也提升了股票流动性 [14] 关键要点总结 行业和公司发展概况 - 半导体行业持续增长,推动了 AI 和 IoT 需求的扩张 [1] - Broadcom 作为行业领军企业,在半导体和基础设施软件两大业务板块表现出色 [1] - Broadcom 有望在 AI 和 5G 技术领域取得进一步发展 [2] 股价预测 - 在看涨情况下,Broadcom 股价可能达到 185-200 美元 [2][3] - 关键因素包括 VMware 整合成功、AI 驱动收入增长、5G 技术需求旺盛等 [4][5][7] - 但也存在一些潜在风险,如债务管理、VMware 整合困难、宏观经济环境恶化等,可能导致股价下跌至 150-160 美元 [6][10][11][12] 公司财务和业务表现 - Broadcom 最近财报表现出色,收入大幅增长 43% [14] - VMware 业务整合进展良好,为基础设施软件板块贡献了 42% 的收入增长 [14] - 10 比 1 股票拆分提升了股票流动性,加上良好的财务表现,使 AVGO 股价年初至今上涨 41.7%,大幅超越纳斯达克综指 [14]
Our Top 10 Dividend Growth Stocks - August 2024
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-18 21:00
文章核心观点 - 本文主要关注选择和突出近期快速增长股息的股票 [2] - 这些股票未来几年内也可能快速增长收益 [2] - 由于高增长,这些股票价格通常快速增长,但当前收益率通常不高 [2] - 需要密切监控这些股票,因为其商业模式可能会随时间成熟或受新竞争/技术影响而改变增长模式 [2] 根据目录分别总结 为什么选择高增长股息股票 - 有两种类型的股息股票可供选择:高增长低收益(HGLY)和低增长高收益(LGHY) [3] - HGLY类股票提供高股息增长率但通常收益率较低 [4] - LGHY类股票提供高当前收益率但股息增长较低 [4] - 处于积累期且未来5-10年内不需要收益的投资者应持有HGLY类股票 [4] - 拥有大量资本且收益超过需求的投资者(包括退休人员)也应部分持有HGLY类股票 [4] 如何构建投资组合 - 可将资本分为20等份,每月买入5-6只新股 [5] - 直到达到20只股票上限,之后如需增加新股需要先卖出一只 [5] - 应定期(至少季度)监控持仓 [5] - 避免过度集中在某一行业 [5] 选股标准 - 市值>100亿美元、股息收益率>1%、日均交易量>10万股 [6] - 过去5年股息增长率>=0% [6] - 根据多个因素计算出股息安全质量评分 [6] 进一步筛选 - 股息支付率<80% [7] - 过去5年股息增长率>=7.5%,或过去10年增长率>=7.5% [7] - 股息增长率+当前收益率(Chowder数)>=9 [7] - 根据盈利增长指标(EPS评级、最近季度和未来一年EPS增长率)进一步评分 [7] 最终选股 - 从约300只股票中选出20只 [8][9][10] - 综合考虑HG-Quality-Score、过去5年和10年股息增长率、EPS和相对强度评级等因素 [9][10] - 剔除一些行业集中度过高的股票 [11] - 最终选出10只具有代表性的高增长股息股票 [12] 过往表现 - 自2008年初以来,该10只高增长股票组合的表现优于标准普尔500指数和Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF [13] - 2023年以来,该组合表现略优于基准指数 [14]
2 Stock-Split Stocks to Buy on the Dip
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-18 19:41
文章核心观点 - 近期有多家科技公司进行了10:1的股票拆分,这些公司通常是高增长类型,值得关注 [4] - 股票拆分的目的是使每股价格更加亲民,但不会改变投资者的总资产价值 [3] - 拆股后的公司通常涉及软件、加密货币、半导体等高增长领域,具有良好的发展前景 [4] 公司总结 MicroStrategy - MicroStrategy是一家提供AI驱动企业分析软件的公司,但近年来更像是一家加密货币公司 [5] - 公司采取了将软件业务产生的现金用于定期购买比特币的策略,这使得公司的股价与比特币价格高度相关 [6][8] - 比特币价格近期大涨,带动MicroStrategy股价创新高,公司最近进行了10:1的股票拆分 [6][7] - 公司持有大量比特币,市值超过公司总市值的一半,这为公司带来了巨大的潜在收益 [8] - 但公司过度依赖比特币投资也存在一定风险,如果债务持续增加可能会影响投资者信心 [10] Broadcom - Broadcom是一家领先的半导体和基础设施软件解决方案供应商,近期其股价上涨86% [12] - 公司在5G射频部件、数据中心和AI基础设施等领域表现出色,收入和利润均实现大幅增长 [13][14][15] - Broadcom长期投资AI市场,并通过收购软件公司提升现金流,成为一家高度盈利的企业 [16][17] - 分析师预计公司未来5年内每股收益将以18%的年复合增长率增长,是一个不错的投资机会 [18]
Broadcom Announces VMware Explore 2024 Las Vegas General Session
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-16 21:00
PALO ALTO, Calif., Aug. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO), which recently acquired VMware, today announced the general session keynote speakers at VMware Explore 2024 Las Vegas, taking place August 26-29 at The Venetian Convention and Expo Center. In addition to the general session, the conference will feature a variety of breakout sessions, certification training, and labs spanning relevant technology and industry topics. On Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. PT, Broadcom Presid ...