What Wall Street Analysts Think of Broadcom's Stock Ahead of Earnings
Investopedia· 2024-09-03 23:53
文章核心观点 - 半导体制造商Broadcom将于本周四盘后公布最新季度业绩 [1] - 华尔街分析师对该公司股票普遍看好 [1] - 根据Visible Alpha的数据,该股票的目标价格共识为约200美元,较最近收盘价162.82美元溢价约19% [1] 公司概况 - Broadcom今年早些时候进行了10比1的股票拆分 [2]
Watch These Broadcom Stock Price Levels Ahead of Chipmaker's Earnings Report
Investopedia· 2024-09-03 19:46
文章核心观点 - 博通公司将于本周四盘后发布第三季度财报,投资者将密切关注公司人工智能芯片销售增长和全年展望[2] - 博通股价在经历大幅下跌后已经重新收复50日均线,但最近的反弹是在成交量下降的情况下发生的,表明机构投资者参与度不高[3] 关键要点总结 下行支撑位 - 157美元附近的水平支撑位,这里曾经出现过2022年6月和8月的多次低点[4] - 141美元附近的支撑位,这里曾经出现过2022年3月至6月期间的一段横盘整理[4] 上行阻力位 - 168美元附近的阻力位,这里曾经出现过6月和7月的缺口交易区域,同时也接近8月的高点和上升趋势线[5] - 195美元附近的阻力位,这是根据12月至3月的上涨趋势线推算出的潜在目标价位,约比历史高点高5%[5]
Marvell Steals The Spotlight From Nvidia, Broadcom In August: What's Next For Chip Investors?
Benzinga· 2024-09-03 04:01
Marvell Technology Inc. MRVL has emerged as a standout performer in the semiconductor sector, outpacing heavyweight rivals Nvidia Corp. NVDA and Broadcom Inc. AVGO throughout Aug. 2024. Chart created using Benzinga ProWhile Marvell stock surged an impressive 18.53% last month, Broadcom and Nvidia followed with gains of 9.84% and 9.39%, respectively. This outperformance has caught the attention of investors looking to capitalize on growth opportunities within the semiconductor industry.Marvell’s Strong Marke ...
Is It Worth Investing in Broadcom Inc. (AVGO) Based on Wall Street's Bullish Views?
ZACKS· 2024-09-02 22:30
文章核心观点 - 华尔街分析师的推荐常被投资者用于决定买入、卖出或持有股票 [1] - 分析师对Broadcom Inc.(AVGO)的平均评级为1.19,介于强烈买入和买入之间 [1] - 分析师的评级可能存在偏差,不应该单独依赖于此做出投资决策 [2][3] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 Broadcom Inc.的分析师评级趋势 - Broadcom Inc.目前有32家券商给出评级,其中29家为强烈买入,占90.6% [1] - 分析师的评级可能存在积极偏差,券商每给出一个"强烈卖出"就会给出5个"强烈买入" [2][3] - 分析师评级不一定能准确预测股价走势,最好结合自身分析或其他可靠工具一起使用 [2][3] 分析师评级(ABR)与Zacks排名的区别 - ABR和Zacks排名都是1-5的评级,但计算方式不同 [4][5] - ABR仅基于分析师的推荐,而Zacks排名基于盈利预测修正 [4][5] - Zacks排名更能反映股价的近期走势 [5][6] 是否应该投资AVGO - Broadcom Inc.的当前年度盈利预测在过去一个月内保持不变 [7] - 稳定的盈利预测可能意味着该股未来表现可能与大盘持平 [7] - 综合考虑后,Broadcom Inc.目前的Zacks排名为3(持有),投资者需谨慎对待其买入评级 [7]
Where Will Broadcom Be in 3 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-31 23:19
Why the stock has a lot of potential upside ahead.With Broadcom's (AVGO 3.75%) upcoming earnings in focus for many tech investors, I wanted to take a longer view and examine where the stock might be in three years -- not where it will trade in the next three weeks.As such, let's take a closer look at the technology company, what it does exactly, and where its stock could be headed.An acquisition machineBroadcom has a long history of acquisitions. In fact, if you have ever wondered why a company called Broad ...
Should You Buy Broadcom Stock Before Sept. 5?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-31 23:00
Will this semiconductor stock's rally get a shot in the arm from its upcoming earnings report?Broadcom (AVGO 3.75%) stock has stitched together impressive gains of 43% so far in 2024, easily outpacing the 22% gains clocked by the PHLX Semiconductor Sector index this year, and that's not surprising as the semiconductor giant has been delivering solid quarterly results of late, thanks to the growing demand for its custom chips.Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a central role in giving Broadcom's busines ...
Could Broadcom Duplicate Nvidia's Performance as a Premiere Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-30 18:30
文章核心观点 - Broadcom是人工智能投资中不可忽视的一个名字 [1] - Broadcom不仅销售交换机,还有专用集成电路(ASIC),这些ASIC可以在某些AI工作负载下优于Nvidia的GPU,代表了Broadcom的一个重要增长机会 [2] - 由于收购VMware,Broadcom还拥有从网络安全到虚拟桌面的软件业务,以及关键的大型机软件业务,这使其业务范围更广泛 [3] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司概况 - Broadcom是一家业务范围广泛的公司,不仅销售交换机,还有专用集成电路(ASIC)和软件业务 [2][3] - Broadcom的ASIC可以在某些AI工作负载下优于Nvidia的GPU,代表了一个重要的增长机会 [2] - 由于业务范围广泛,如果某一业务爆发而另一业务表现不佳,整体业绩可能无法像Nvidia那样出色 [3] 行业趋势 - 人工智能是Broadcom业务增长的一个重要驱动力 [1] - 训练新的生成式AI模型需要大量的GPU计算能力,这是Broadcom的交换机业务的增长机会所在 [1] - 随着AI应用的发展,Broadcom设计的ASIC有望与Nvidia的GPU形成竞争 [2] 公司表现 - Broadcom二季度收入同比增长43%,但扣除VMware收购的影响,增长率仅为12% [6] - 未来几年Broadcom的盈利预计将显著增长 [7] - 尽管Broadcom的估值不算便宜,但其业务增长前景良好,是一只值得关注的稳健股票 [6][8]
2 Stock-Split Stocks to Buy Before They Soar 50% and 112%, According to Certain Wall Street Analysts (Hint: Not Nvidia)
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-29 17:35
Select Wall Street analysts are very bullish on chipmaker Broadcom and energy drink company Celsius.Stock splits are popular with investors. They make shares more affordable, and can also spotlight quality stocks. That's because splits are only necessary after substantial and sustained share price appreciation, which itself is often indicative of a company with solid financials and compelling growth prospects.Nvidia (NVDA -2.10%) is an excellent example. The Wall Street Journal has described the chipmaker a ...
Move Over, Nvidia: Billionaires Have a New Favorite Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-29 17:06
While billionaires were busy dumping shares of artificial intelligence (AI) goliath Nvidia during the June-ended quarter, seven billionaire money managers were scooping up another leading AI stock.Over the last 30 years, no shortage of next-big-thing investment trends have graced Wall Street. Since the advent of the internet in the mid-1990s, no innovation, technology, or trend has come close to having the impact on corporate growth rates as the internet... until now.According to the analysts at PwC, the ar ...
Prediction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Make These 2 the Next Trillion-Dollar Companies
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-29 16:03
文章核心观点 - 人工智能(AI)市场正在快速成长,预计未来几年内将有更多公司达到万亿美元市值[3] - 台积电和博通是有望在未来达到万亿美元市值的两家公司[10][11] 台积电 - 台积电是全球最大的半导体代工厂,占全球约2/3的芯片产能[5] - 即使竞争对手如英特尔也在投资建厂,但最终仍需依赖台积电的代工能力[7] - 台积电将在明年实现2纳米芯片的量产,性能和能耗都有大幅提升[9] - 台积电目前市值约8870亿美元,距离万亿美元只有一步之遥[10] 博通 - 博通是一家通信和无线技术公司,在计算机和手机普及初期就已崭露头角[12] - 博通正在开发高速连接解决方案,满足AI数据中心对高速互联的需求[13][14][15] - 博通的收入和利润有望在未来几年内大幅增长[16] - 博通目前市值约7720亿美元,也有望在不久的将来达到万亿美元[11]