Amylyx(AMLX) - 2023 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2023-05-11 00:00
市场接受度和商业成功 - AMX0035或任何未来产品候选人的市场接受度可能不足,导致无法实现商业成功[135] - 未来产品的市场接受度和商业成功可能受到多种因素影响,包括产品的功效和安全性、与竞争疗法相比的潜在优势、副作用的普遍性和严重程度[137] 专利排他期 - FDA可能在批准AMX0035或我们任何未来产品候选人的仿制品之前,给予参考上市药物五年的无专利排他期[143] - 我们已收到FDA对RELYVRIO的NCE排他期,该排他期将于2027年9月到期[145] - 在美国,孤儿药物排他期为七年,AMX0035已被授予治疗ALS的孤儿药物认定[148] 监管审查和费用 - AMX0035或任何未来获得监管批准的产品都将受到持续义务和持续监管审查的影响,可能会导致显着额外费用[153] - FDA等监管机构可能因多种原因推迟或拒绝批准AMX0035,包括数据解释不一致、临床试验结果等[206] 医疗成本和政策影响 - 美国政府出台的医疗成本控制立法可能对公司业务产生影响[175] - 拜登总统签署的行政命令旨在降低处方药成本[176] - 未来州和联邦医疗改革措施可能导致医疗资金减少,影响公司产品的报销和销售[177] 数据安全和隐私合规 - 全球隐私和数据安全要求的合规可能增加公司成本和责任[193] - 全球数据安全和隐私法规不断演变,公司需遵守各地数据安全和隐私框架[194] - GDPR对处理个人数据的公司施加严格要求,包括数据保护措施、数据传输规则等[194] - 美国也有广泛的数据保护法律,如加州消费者隐私法,可能对公司的隐私和数据安全产生影响[195] 临床试验和生产操作 - COVID-19大流行可能导致公司在进行临床试验时遇到困难或延迟[231] - 监管机构可能对公司的临床或生产操作进行检查,可能会对产品的适应症进行限制[232] - 加拿大的GMP检查不会在NDS审批时进行,而是依赖DEL来确定合规性[234]
Amylyx Pharmaceuticals (AMLX) Investor Presentation - Slideshow
2023-05-01 18:39
Investor Presentation April 2023 photo in memory of Mick, a husband and father, who was a gifted tattoo artist and musician Disclaimer Statements contained in this presentation regarding matters that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statement ...
Amylyx Pharmaceuticals (AMLX) Investor Presentation - Slideshow
2023-03-29 23:50
Investor Presentation March 2023 photo in memory of Mick, a husband and father, who was a gifted tattoo artist and musician Disclaimer Statements contained in this presentation regarding matters that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statement ...
Amylyx(AMLX) - 2022 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-03-14 07:58
Amylyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMLX) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call March 13, 2023 4:30 PM ET Company Participants Lindsey Allen - Head of Investor Relations and Communications Justin Klee - Co-Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Margaret Olinger - Global Head of Commercial and CCO James Frates - Chief Financial Officer Josh Cohen - Co-Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Conference Call Participants Geoff Meacham - Bank of America Umer Raffat - Evercore ISI Neena Bitritto-Garg - Citi Corinne J ...
Amylyx(AMLX) - 2022 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-03-13 00:00
预期支出增加 - 公司预计支出将大幅增加,特别是在推进AMX0035的临床试验和制造以及任何未来产品候选者的前期活动方面[613] 现金流量 - 在2022年,公司的经营活动使用了1.79871亿美元的现金,主要是由于公司的净亏损为1.984亿美元,以及2.1百万美元的投资折价和溢价摊销[617] - 在2022年,公司的投资活动中净现金使用额为2.39亿美元,主要是由于购买了2.5百万美元的固定资产和设备以及4.159亿美元的短期投资[618] - 公司通过2022年的跟投融资活动提供了4.318亿美元的净现金,其中包括2.009亿美元的IPO收入,减去承销商折扣和佣金[619] 财务报表 - 公司的财务报表是根据美国通用会计准则(U.S. GAAP)编制的,需要进行估计和判断,影响了资产、负债、成本和费用的报告金额[621] 客户服务 - 公司通过现金折扣作为及时付款的激励向客户提供服务[624] 医疗补贴 - 所有通过州政府医疗补助计划和其他符合联邦和州政府要求的计划提供的折扣和回扣都包含在医疗补贴准备金中[624] - 为美国管理处方药计划和医疗保险优势处方药计划提供回扣和折扣[624] - 为符合商业保险要求的患者提供财务援助,例如共付助手计划[624] 估计和评估 - 估计已建立产品的退货[624] - 估计研发费用[624] - 评估内部财务报告的披露控制和程序[632] - 管理年度关于财务报告内部控制的报告[633] - 评估内部财务报告的内部控制[634] 文件提交和协议签订 - 公司于2022年1月3日向证券交易委员会提交了关于执行现金激励奖励计划的文件[649] - 公司于2019年11月12日与Patheon Inc.签订了主要制造服务协议[659] - 公司于2019年10月29日与CU Chemie Uetikon GmbH签订了供应协议[660]
Amylyx Pharmaceuticals (AMLX) Investor Presentation - Slideshow
2023-02-17 22:04
Investor Presentation February 2023 photo in memory of Mick, a husband and father, who was a gifted tattoo artist and musician Disclaimer Statements contained in this presentation regarding matters that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statem ...