You've Been Warned! 3 Nanotech Stocks to Buy Now or Regret Forever
Investor Place· 2024-06-26 03:05
Nanotech stocks are among the hottest plays in the market right now, thanks to analysts predicting astronomical growth for the market. For example, Fortune Business Insights forecasted the market would grow to $91.18 billion in 2024 and reach $332.73 billion by 2032. The CHIPS Act and other legislative moves by the U.S. are further bolstering the appeal of investing in nanotech stocks, committing $52.7 billion in semiconductors, including $39 billion in manufacturing incentives and $13.2 billion in R&D and ...
7 Semiconductor Stock Superstars to Make Your Portfolio Sizzle
Investor Place· 2024-06-21 02:15
While it's easy to get locked into semiconductor stocks to buy thanks to the mercurial rise of Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA), there's more to the sector than just one enterprise focused on artificial intelligence. Fundamentally, the chip-manufacturing ecosystem is enticing because it represents the building blocks of innovation. With progress always pointing in one direction – forward – investors ought to concentrate the growth portion side of their portfolio on semiconductor stocks to buy. Basically, the canvas pro ...
Applied Materials Reports Progress on Net Zero 2040 Playbook
Newsfilter· 2024-06-20 19:30
• Company's latest Sustainability Report outlines efforts to reduce the semiconductor industry's carbon emissions SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Applied Materials, Inc. has published its latest Sustainability Report, detailing the company's progress over the past year in reducing its carbon emissions and collaborating with customers and partners to drive a more sustainable semiconductor industry. "As technology transforms our world at an unprecedented pace, the semiconductor industry ...
Applied Materials Reports Progress on Net Zero 2040 Playbook
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-20 19:30
• Company's latest Sustainability Report outlines efforts to reduce the semiconductor industry's carbon emissions SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Applied Materials, Inc. has published its latest Sustainability Report, detailing the company's progress over the past year in reducing its carbon emissions and collaborating with customers and partners to drive a more sustainable semiconductor industry. "As technology transforms our world at an unprecedented pace, the semiconductor industry ...
长城证券· 2024-06-20 09:31
报告公司投资评级 - 首次覆盖,给予"增持"评级[6] 报告的核心观点 公司业务概况 - 公司主要为半导体、显示器及相关行业提供制造设备及服务,客户包括晶圆、芯片、显示器及其他电子设备制造商[6] 业绩表现 - FY24Q2公司营收66.46亿美元,同比+0.24%,环比-0.91%;归母净利润17.22亿美元,同比+9.33%,环比-14.71%[1] - 公司半导体设备业务依旧强劲,离子注入设备销售额创历史新高[1] - 公司毛利率维持较高水平,FY24Q2为47.4%,同比+0.7pct[1] - 公司研发费用维持较高水平,主要用于保持技术领先地位及实现盈利增长[1] 行业趋势 - 人工智能、物联网、电动汽车和新能源等技术变革推动对高性能、高能效新型芯片需求增长,带动公司设备需求提升[2] - 公司正在推动与客户和合作伙伴开展更深入合作,加快新技术的创新和商业化[2] - 公司能够提供更完整、更互联的解决方案,帮助客户更快导入新技术并进行量产[2] 技术发展 - 在先进逻辑方面,公司在晶体管和互连器件的材料工艺方面长期处于领先地位[3] - 公司在GAA节点和HBM堆叠技术方面占据领导地位,相关收入有望快速增长[3][5] - 公司预计GAA节点收入将从今年的25亿美元翻倍至2025年[3][4] - 公司HBM封装收入预计2024年将是2023年的6倍,超过6亿美元[5] - 先进封装产品组合业务的营收贡献有望再次翻倍[5] 财务数据总结 - 预计2024-2026年归母净利润分别为69.23亿美元、78.72亿美元、85.83亿美元,EPS分别为8.36美元、9.51美元、10.37美元[7] - 预计2024-2026年PE分别为28X、25X、23X[7]
Applied Materials: Strong AI Compounder
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-19 16:47
文章核心观点 - 公司过去10年来一直保持稳定的收入和每股收益(EPS)增长 [7][8][9] - 公司在人工智能(AI)领域有巨大的增长潜力,但市场对其增长预期过于保守 [10][11][12][13][14] - 公司在半导体制造设备的关键领域拥有领先地位,将从半导体行业为AI而进行的大规模改造中获益 [15][16][18][19][20][21] - 公司的估值水平低于行业中位数,但其增长前景优于行业 [17][22][23][24] 根据目录分别总结 公司背景 - 公司过去10年来一直保持稳定的收入和每股收益(EPS)增长 [7][8][9] - 公司的三大业务板块包括半导体系统、应用全球服务和显示及相邻市场 [7] 增长前景 - 公司在人工智能(AI)领域有巨大的增长潜力,但市场对其增长预期过于保守 [10][11][12][13][14] - 公司在半导体制造设备的关键领域拥有领先地位,将从半导体行业为AI而进行的大规模改造中获益 [15][16][18][19][20][21] 估值分析 - 公司的估值水平低于行业中位数,但其增长前景优于行业 [17][22][23][24]
Applied Materials Announces Cash Dividend
Newsfilter· 2024-06-13 19:30
SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Applied Materials, Inc. today announced that its Board of Directors has approved a quarterly cash dividend of $0.40 per share payable on the company’s common stock. The dividend is payable on Sept. 12, 2024 to shareholders of record as of Aug. 22, 2024. The cash dividend is a key component of Applied’s capital allocation strategy. In March 2023, Applied announced a 23-percent increase in the quarterly dividend, and in March 2024, Applied announced a 25- ...
Applied Materials Announces Cash Dividend
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-13 19:30
SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Applied Materials, Inc. today announced that its Board of Directors has approved a quarterly cash dividend of $0.40 per share payable on the company’s common stock. The dividend is payable on Sept. 12, 2024 to shareholders of record as of Aug. 22, 2024. The cash dividend is a key component of Applied’s capital allocation strategy. In March 2023, Applied announced a 23-percent increase in the quarterly dividend, and in March 2024, Applied announced a 25- ...
3 Semiconductors to Buy as Nvidia Insiders Take Profits
Investor Place· 2024-06-11 18:36
As Nvidia’s (NASDAQ:NVDA) growth goes hyperbolic, the semiconductor industry seems left behind. After all, much of Nvidia’s excitement and value generation comes from its dominance in the graphic process unit sector of semiconductor technology. However, Nvidia is a fabless company. This means it relies on highly sophisticated manufacturers, which, in turn, rely on suppliers to produce the GPUs that drive Nvidia’s market dominance. With Nvidia’s growth looking unlikely to slow down, according to analysts, ke ...
Applied Materials, Inc. (AMAT) Management presents at BofA Securities Global Technology Conference (Transcript)
2024-06-08 05:02
会议主要讨论的核心内容 行业发展趋势 - 公司预计半导体设备行业将以中高个位数的增速增长,公司也将超过行业增速 [4] - 公司服务业务预计将超过设备业务的增速 [4] 地缘政治因素对需求的影响 - 重新布局产能对公司需求影响有限,主要是由于产能布局变化导致的一些效率损失 [6][7][8] - 中国市场需求保持稳定,公司不认为会出现大幅下滑 [10][11][12] 新技术驱动的需求 - AI 带动的高带宽内存和先进封装需求强劲 [16][17][21][23][24] - 栅极全包围技术的应用将带来约 25 亿美元的业务机会,未来有望翻倍 [20][21] 服务业务表现 - 服务业务中约 80% 为经常性收入,其中 2/3 为订阅服务,续约率超过 90% [25][26] - 服务业务利润有望覆盖公司全部股息支出 [26] 毛利率展望 - 毛利率短期受中国业务占比下降影响,但长期有望达到 48.5% [32][33] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Vivek Arya 提问** NAND 存储需求前景如何 [27] **Brice Hill 回答** NAND 存储需求出现一些积极迹象,如产能利用率、价格和库存均有所改善,未来随着 AI 等应用对存储需求的拉动,NAND 市场有望恢复增长 [28][29] 问题2 **Vivek Arya 提问** 公司是否有大型资本支出计划 [34] **Brice Hill 回答** 公司在加州宣布了一个名为 EPIC 的大型资本支出项目,用于与客户共同创新,但由于未获得政府补助资金,项目规模可能会有所调整 [34] 问题3 **Vivek Arya 提问** Sculpta 图案成型工具的市场表现如何 [36] **Brice Hill 回答** Sculpta 工具已经获得一家客户的多项应用,预计今年收入将达到 2 亿美元,未来有望成为 5 亿美元的业务 [37]