ArcelorMittal S.A.: ArcelorMittal completes acquisition of strategic stake in Vallourec
Newsfilter· 2024-08-06 13:28
文章核心观点 - 公司完成收购Vallourec约28.41%的股权,总交易金额约9.55亿欧元 [1][2][13] - 公司将委任3名高管进入Vallourec董事会 [2] - 公司未来6个月内不会对Vallourec剩余股份发起收购要约 [3] - 公司认为Vallourec在高质量管材市场具有优势地位,有望从新兴清洁能源市场获益 [4] - 公司近年在巴西和美国的收购表现良好,有多个有机增长项目即将完成,将进一步提升公司业务实力 [5] 公司概况 - 公司是全球领先的综合钢铁和矿业公司,在60个国家有业务,主要钢铁生产基地分布在15个国家 [6] - 公司是欧洲最大的钢铁生产商,在美洲也位居前列,在印度也有不断增长的业务 [6] - 2023年公司营收达683亿美元,粗钢产量5810万吨,铁矿石产量4200万吨 [7] - 公司的目标是生产更智能、更环保的钢材,支持社会向可再生能源转型 [8] 投资者关系 - 公司股票在纽约、阿姆斯特丹、巴黎、卢森堡等多个证券交易所上市 [9] - 投资者可通过公司网站和投资者关系团队获取更多信息 [9][10][11][12]
WISeKey Renews WebTrust Compliance for OISTE/WISeKey Global Root of Trust
Newsfilter· 2024-08-06 13:00
文章核心观点 - 公司宣布续签WebTrust认证,这证明了公司数字身份和网络安全解决方案的可靠性和完整性,符合行业最高标准 [1][2][5] - 公司正在投资开发后量子加密的信任服务,以应对未来的网络安全挑战 [4] - 公司的WebTrust认证有助于客户满足监管要求,提高了数字证书的公信力和广泛接受度 [7][8][9] 关键要点总结 公司概况 - 公司是一家全球领先的网络安全、数字身份和物联网解决方案平台 [10] - 公司通过多个专注于不同技术领域的子公司运营,包括半导体、PKI、后量子技术、物联网认证、卫星通信、区块链NFT等 [10][11] - 公司的技术广泛应用于物联网、区块链、人工智能等领域,为超过16亿个微芯片提供安全认证 [11] WebTrust认证 - 公司续签WebTrust认证,证明了公司在数字证书的发行和管理方面的严格控制 [2] - 公司满足了WebTrust对基线要求、扩展验证和安全电子邮件等方面的标准 [2] - WebTrust认证提高了公司数字身份解决方案的可信度和广泛接受度 [7][8][9] 后量子加密技术 - 公司正在通过子公司SEALSQ Corp投资开发后量子加密的信任服务 [4] - 这些新的根证书颁发机构将成为公司未来的后量子信任服务基础 [4]
Genius Group Announces Reverse Stock Split
Newsfilter· 2024-08-06 11:50
NEW YORK, NY, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Genius Group Limited (NYSE:GNS) ("Genius Group" or the "Company"), a leading AI powered education and acceleration group, today announced that its Board of Directors has approved a 1-for-10 reverse stock split of the Company's ordinary shares. The reverse stock split is expected to become effective at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time on August 16, 2024. The Company's ordinary shares expected to commence trading on a split-adjusted basis when the New York Stock Exchange ...
SunPower Announces Stalking Horse Asset Purchase Agreement with Complete Solaria to Sell Blue Raven Solar, New Homes, and its Non-Installing Dealer Network
Prnewswire· 2024-08-06 09:49
Files voluntary Chapter 11 petitions to effectuate the proposed transaction Intends to operate Blue Raven Solar and New Homes through the Chapter 11 process Pursues value-maximizing sale transactions for remaining assets RICHMOND, Calif., Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SunPower Corp. (NASDAQ:SPWR), (the "Company" or "SunPower"), a leading residential solar technology and energy services provider, today announced it has entered into an asset purchase agreement (the "APA") with Complete Solaria, Inc. (NASDAQ:CS ...
Notified and Hong Kong Investor Relations Association Join Forces to Advance IR in Greater China Region
Newsfilter· 2024-08-06 09:00
NEW YORK, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Notified, a globally trusted technology partner for investor relations and public relations professionals, today announced it has joined the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA) as an industry partner. The collaboration aims to enhance the IR profession and advance the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) across the Hong Kong and Greater China region. Through the joint effort, Notified will provide HKIRA's members and global IR practitioners with a ...
P10 Expands Credit Agreement to $500 Million
Newsfilter· 2024-08-05 20:30
Upsized facilities offer financial flexibility and diversify lending syndicate JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc., and Texas Capital Bank served as Joint Lead Arrangers and Joint Bookrunners DALLAS, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- P10, Inc. (NYSE:PX) (the "Company"), a leading private markets solutions provider, today announced an amended and restated credit agreement that expands the existing total credit capacity to $500 million from new and existing lenders. "Our upsized credit fac ...
SEOPS and Intuitive Machines Partner to Provide New Lunar Rideshare Services
Newsfilter· 2024-08-05 20:30
文章核心观点 公司Intuitive Machines和SEOPS签订了发射服务协议,Intuitive Machines将为SEOPS提供包括地球同步转移轨道、月球表面和地月拉格朗日点在内的多个目的地的搭载服务,以扩展SEOPS的服务范围[1][2][3] 关于Intuitive Machines 1) Intuitive Machines是一家多元化的航天探索、基础设施和服务公司,专注于从根本上颠覆月球进入经济学[6] 2) 2024年,Intuitive Machines成为首家登陆并在月球表面运营的商业公司,验证了其提供交付、数据和通信以及自主空间操作等三大服务支柱的能力[6] 3) Intuitive Machines的月球探索和科学发现任务,包括即将到来的IM-2和IM-3任务,以及其将商业资产送入轨道的能力,使SEOPS能够提供部署服务[2] 关于SEOPS 1) SEOPS是一家领先的小型卫星搭载集成和发射解决方案提供商,为前往地球低轨道、地月空间和更远目的地的小型卫星提供服务[7] 2) SEOPS拥有400多次卫星部署经验,包括为美国太空部队、国家侦察局和NASA提供服务,并管理过16次搭载发射任务[5] 3) SEOPS的全面发射服务,从容量采购到灵活部署系统、轨道转移车解决方案、任务设计和集成服务,确保载荷以最无缝、最具成本效益的方式进入轨道[7]
omniQ Deploys AI-Based Parking Control Solution at Major Ohio Medical Center
Newsfilter· 2024-08-05 20:30
SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB:OMQS) ("OMNIQ" or "the Company"), a leading provider of AI-based solutions and supply chain management, proudly announces the deployment of its advanced AI-based parking control solution, PERCS™, integrated with WPS Parking Solutions and Citywide Solutions, Inc. (CSI), at a prominent medical center in Ohio. This strategic implementation will create ongoing SaaS and revenue share streams of income for omniQ® and underscores The Company's co ...
mConsent to Resell iCoreRx Cloud ePrescribing Solution by iCoreConnect
Newsfilter· 2024-08-05 20:30
Strategic Partnership Enhances Patient Engagement Platform with Advanced iCoreRx ePrescribing Software OCOEE, FL, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- iCoreConnect Inc. (NASDAQ:ICCT) ("iCore" or the "Company"), a leading cloud-based software and technology company, today announced a new reseller agreement with mConsent, a leader in digital patient intake, patient communication and engagement solutions. Through this partnership, mConsent will now offer iCoreConnect's premier electronic prescribing software, iCo ...
Gaia Announces Official Launch of Gaia Marketplace, World's Foremost Destination for Conscious Retreats and Products
Newsfilter· 2024-08-05 20:30
文章核心观点 - 公司推出全新的Gaia Marketplace,这是一个独特的在线零售体验,为当前和未来的社区成员提供独家策划的产品和服务,旨在推动意识的进化 [2][3] - Gaia Marketplace提供多种体验,包括探索古埃及文明、参与哥斯达黎加的转型疗愈实践,以及通过策划的疗愈之旅激发个人的最高潜能 [4] - 会员还可以预订现场活动和研讨会,与志同道合的人线下交流,并购买经过研究的健康和转型产品 [5] 根据目录分类总结 Gaia Marketplace的特点 - 提供独家和策划的产品及服务,包括探险之旅、成长课程、活动研讨会等 [2][3][4] - 面向当前和未来的社区成员,旨在推动意识进化 [2][3] - 提供会员专属优惠和折扣 [5] Gaia公司概况 - Gaia是一家会员制的全球视频流媒体服务和社区公司,提供各类意识觉醒相关的内容 [6] - 公司拥有超过10,000个标题,其中88%以上为独家内容,约75%的观看量来自自制或拥有版权的内容 [6] - Gaia可在多个平台观看,如Apple TV、iOS、Android等 [6]