世界银行· 2024-08-12 18:55
c Disclosure Auth olic Disclosure Authori Disclosure Author Disclosure Authori Y THE WORLD BANK Y THED -IDA | worldeanx.cnc.e Accelerating the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Uzbekistan's Digital Economy JUNE 2024 @ 2024 The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved. This work is a product of The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of t ...
世界银行· 2024-08-12 18:55
The World Bank Poverty and Equity Kristina Vaughan and Monica Robayo-Abril Inequality of opportunity in Bulgaria Policy Note Abstract: Using data from a recent EU-SILC module on intergenerational mobility, this policy note explores to what extent the high levels of inequality prevalent in Bulgaria are due to inequality of opportunity, that is, inequality due to circumstances beyond an individual's control. The results show that over half of the income inequality in Bulgaria is due to inequality of opportuni ...
世界银行· 2024-08-12 18:55
blic Disclosure Authoriz Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement ic Disclosure Authorize Program Brief Disclosure Authori ukald UNHCR WORLD BANK GROUP Building the Evidence on Forced Displacement Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement Program Brief | Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement Program Brief A new policy approach to the forced displacement challenge In recent years, forced displacement has become a phenomenon of tragic proportions. Every year, more people are force ...
世界银行· 2024-08-12 18:55
olic Disclosure Authori Bulgaria Gender Landscape JULY 2024 The World Bank Poverty and Equity Global Practice Monica Robayo-Abril and Britta Rude olic Disclosure Authorit olic Disclosure Authori Bulgaria Gender Landscape Overall Picture According to the 2023 Gender Equality Index (EIGI) by the European Institute for Gender Equality, which measures gender equality across six dimensions,¹ Bulgaria has closed critical gaps in gender equality. Still, more progress is needed to catch up with EU peers. Bulgaria h ...
世界银行· 2024-08-12 18:55
blic Disclosure Authorize olic Disclosure Aut AIR QUALITY ASSESSMENT FOR TASHKENT and THE ROADMAP FOR AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT IN UZBEKISTAN June 2024 THE WORLD BANK MINISTRY OF ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND CLIMATE CHANGE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN © 2024 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org This work i ...
The World Bank Group in Ecuador Country Program Evaluation, Fiscal Years 2008–22
世界银行· 2024-08-10 07:08
行业投资评级 报告给予行业积极的投资评级[11] 报告的核心观点 1. 该公司是一家拥有10年投资银行从业经验的资深研究分析师,专门负责行业研究[1] 2. 该公司擅长解读行业研报,发现潜在的投资机会和风险[1] 3. 该公司经济体的经济表现和公共财政一直受到油价变化的驱动[85][86] 4. 该经济体高度依赖自然资源,容易受到外部冲击的影响,需要提高抗灾能力[90] 5. 该经济体过去曾经历过严重的经济和金融危机,社会分裂也给政策实施带来了挑战[92][93][96] 行业分析 1. 该公司经济体的发展模式在2007-2017年期间经历了两个阶段的转变[34][35] 2. 2007-2017年,该经济体实施了"美好生活计划",大幅增加了公共投资和社会支出[103][115] 3. 2014年以后,由于油价大幅下跌,该经济体面临财政和外部失衡压力,不得不进行财政调整[125][130] 4. 2017年以后,新政府开始实施一系列改革,试图减少政府在经济中的角色,恢复财政可持续性,促进私营部门发展[130][346]
April 2024 Update to the Global Database of Shared Prosperity
世界银行· 2024-08-10 07:08
ic Disclosure Author Global Poverty Monitoring Technical Note 37 April 2024 Update to the Global Database of Shared Prosperity What's New Carlos Sabatino Carolina Diaz-Bonilla Danielle Aron Cameron Haddad Minh Cong Nguyen Haoyu Wu June 2024 Keywords: Global Database of Shared Prosperity, April 2024. Development Data Group Development Research Group Poverty and Equity Global Practice Group Disclosure Author G LOBAL P OVERTY M ONITORING T ECHNICAL N OTE 37 Abstract This note introduces the 13th edition of the ...
Unlocking South Africa’s Potential
世界银行· 2024-08-09 07:03
WORLD BANK GROUP Unlocking South Africa's Potential: Leveraging Trade for Inclusive Growth and Resilience ublic Disclosure Author olic Disclosure Authori blic Disclosure Authoriz © 2024 The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the Wor ...
世界银行· 2024-08-08 07:08
授权公开披露 我打公开我想 efu gial oportunities 1960-1961 1960-1961 1960-1961 1960-1961 relian mmunii educat 授权公开披露 XPANDNG APPROACHESTOR REFUGEES AND THETHOPA DISONVA GTRO © 2024 国际复兴开发银行 / 世界银行 1818 H Street NW , 华盛顿特区 20433 电话 : 202 - 473 - 1000 ; 互联网 : www. worldbank. org 保留部分权利 这项工作是世界银行工作人员在外部贡献下的产物。这项工作中表达的调查结果,解释和结论不一定反映世界银行,其执行董事会或其代表的政府的观点。世界银行不保证这项工作中包含的 数据的准确性。本作品中任何地图上显示的边界、颜色、面额和其他信息并不意味着世界银行对任何领土的法律地位或认可或接受这些边界的任何判断。 本协议中的任何内容均不构成或被视为限制或放弃世界银行的特权和豁免 , 所有这些特权和豁免都是特别保留的。 权限和权限 本作品可在知识共享署名 3.0 IGO 许可 (CC BY ...
High Integrity, High Impact
世界银行· 2024-08-07 07:08
RED BANK GROUP High Integrity, High Impact: The World Bank Engagement Roadmap for Carbon Markets Executive Summary Carbon markets could be a game changer in advancing climate action. But they have to be trustworthy, transparent, result in real climate mitigation and bring tangible benefits, especially for developing countries, if they are to make a real difference. Like any effective market, incentives need to be well-aligned, both buyers and sellers need confidence in the quality of the product and the pri ...