Wayfair's job cuts reportedly hit remote workers harder, amid battle over returning to the office
Market Watch· 2024-01-24 07:55
裁员情况 - Wayfair Inc. 宣布裁员约1650名员工,占全球员工总数的13%[2] - 公司高管表示员工应该在办公室完成大部分工作[3] - Wayfair Inc. CEO Niraj Shah 在裁员前曾鼓励员工更加努力工作[7] - 公司在过去几年曾多次裁员,CEO表示每次裁员后公司更快实现目标[11]
Wayfair (W) Soars 10.3%: Is Further Upside Left in the Stock?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-23 00:12
Wayfair公司动态 - Wayfair股价在最近一个交易日上涨了10.3%,收于56.13美元[1] - Wayfair宣布裁员1650人,占全球员工总数的13%和公司团队的19%[2] - Wayfair预计在即将发布的季度报告中每股亏损0.27美元,同比增长84.2%,预计营收为31.4亿美元,同比增长1.1%[3] - 股价通常不会持续上涨,如果没有盈利预期修订的趋势[5]
Why Wayfair Stock Popped Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-20 00:16
裁员情况 - Wayfair宣布裁员13%后,股价上涨11%[1] - 公司在2020年营收从91亿美元增长至141亿美元,但在经济繁荣时期过度招聘[1] - Wayfair已经进行过裁员,2022年8月裁员5%,2023年1月再裁员10%[2] - 预计2024年第一季度裁员将导致公司损失7000万至8000万美元,但预计每年至少能节省2.8亿美元[3] 财务状况 - 公司第三季度经营现金流为正1210万美元,较去年同期的43.1亿美元现金流出现明显改善[4] - 公司目标是将调整后的EBITDA利润率提高至10%,目前仅为1%[5] 公司发展 - Wayfair的增长目前基本停滞,正在通过削减开支来实现目标[6]
Wayfair lays off 13% of employees weeks after CEO told workers to log more hours
New York Post· 2024-01-20 00:05
裁员公告 - Wayfair宣布裁员约1650名员工,占全球员工总数的13%[1] - 公司CEO表示裁员是为了削减成本,这是自2022年夏季以来的第三轮裁员[2] - 裁员预计将为公司节省约2.8亿美元,裁员成本将在2024年第一季度大部分记录[4]
Wayfair Stock Surges After Job Cuts
Schaeffers Research· 2024-01-19 23:45
The shares of Wayfair Inc (NYSE:W) are surging today, after the furniture retailer announced it was cutting 13% of its workforce, or 1,650 employees, in its latest restructuring plan. The company expects annual cost savings of over $280 million from the move, which is the latest in a string of cost-saving initiatives since August 2022. At last glance, W was up 11.3% at $56.66. The jump hasn't completely erased its 2024 deficit of 8.3%, though it does have the stock jumping above the 10-day moving average, w ...
Wayfair Cuts 13% of Workforce While ‘Right-Sizing Its Cost Structure'
PYMNTS· 2024-01-19 23:39
裁员情况 - Wayfair公司裁员1650名员工,占全球员工总数的13%和公司团队的19%[1][2] - CEO Niraj Shah表示公司在经济繁荣时期过度雇佣,偏离核心原则,现在需要调整组织结构以确保公司和客户的利益[3] - Wayfair计划减少团队规模,降低某些职位的资深度,预计年度节省超过2.8亿美元[4]
Wayfair to cut 13% of global workforce
Proactive Investors· 2024-01-19 23:24
Proactive团队 - Angela Harmantas是Proactive的编辑,拥有超过15年的股票市场报道经验,特别关注初级资源股[2] - Proactive的金融新闻团队在全球金融和投资中心设有办事处和工作室[4] - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场,同时也关注蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[5] - Proactive团队提供市场新闻和独特见解,涵盖生物技术和制药、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动车技术等领域[6] - Proactive始终是一个前瞻性和热情的技术采用者,团队拥有许多年宝贵的专业知识和经验[7] - Proactive偶尔会使用自动化和软件工具,包括生成式人工智能,但所有发布的内容都是由人类编辑和撰写的,符合最佳实践[8]
Wayfair Layoffs 2024: What to Know About the Latest W Job Cuts
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-19 22:07
Wayfair (NYSE:W) layoffs are a hot topic on Friday as the e-commerce company announces major cuts to its workforce to streamline operations. That has the company cutting 1,650 employees or 13% of its total global workforce. These Wayfair layoffs will also result in 13% of its corporate workers no longer having jobs with the furniture e-commerce business. Wayfair is expecting the layoffs to result in $70 million to $80 million in costs connected to severance a benefits. These charges will mostly be contained ...
Wayfair to cut 1,650 jobs
Fox Business· 2024-01-19 21:40
Wayfair裁员计划 - Wayfair宣布裁员约1650名员工,占全球员工总数的13%[1] - Wayfair预计重组计划将节省超过2.8亿美元,计划始于2022年8月[2] - Wayfair首席执行官Niraj Shah表示,这些变化反映了公司重新回归资源分配的核心原则,着重于最重要的事项[3] Macy's和Hasbro裁员情况 - Macy's将裁减2350个工作岗位,并关闭5家门店[4] - Hasbro因玩具销售放缓而裁减1100个工作岗位[6] - Macy's、Hasbro和Etsy等其他零售商也宣布了裁员计划[7] Wayfair裁员成本预估 - Wayfair预计将因员工裁减和福利成本而产生7000万至8000万美元的费用[10]
Wayfair Stock Jumps on Plans to Cut 1,650 Jobs. It Admits Going ‘Overboard' in Hiring.
Barrons· 2024-01-19 21:24
Wayfair, the online home furnishings retailer, said it would be cutting 1,650 jobs, acknowledging that it “went overboard in hiring during a strong economic period.” ...