Wayfair Stock Surges After Job Cuts
WWayfair(W) Schaeffers Research·2024-01-19 23:45

The shares of Wayfair Inc (NYSE:W) are surging today, after the furniture retailer announced it was cutting 13% of its workforce, or 1,650 employees, in its latest restructuring plan. The company expects annual cost savings of over 280millionfromthemove,whichisthelatestinastringofcostsavinginitiativessinceAugust2022.Atlastglance,Wwasup11.3280 million from the move, which is the latest in a string of cost-saving initiatives since August 2022. At last glance, W was up 11.3% at 56.66. The jump hasn't completely erased its 2024 deficit of 8.3%, though it does have the stock jumping above the 10-day moving average, w ...