Verizon Business brings the Verizon Business Innovation Sessions to New York City
Newsfilter· 2024-06-01 00:00
NEW YORK, May 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon Business and Samsung Electronics America are bringing the award-winning Innovation Sessions to New York City on June 5 at Radio City Music Hall. This exclusive event will showcase the transformative power of 5G, with demonstrations of current technology as well as forward-looking use cases. "New York City and innovation go hand-in-hand. Throughout time, some of the most impactful advancements that shaped the world came out of this city, which is why, along ...
Verizon Public Sector selected for 10-year Navy contract
Newsfilter· 2024-05-30 20:30
WASHINGTON, May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Department of the Navy (DON) has selected Verizon Public Sector to provide wireless devices and services through the Wireless and Telecommunications Services contract vehicle (Spiral 4). The total value of the multiple award contract is up to $2.67 billion over 10 years. Under Spiral 4, military personnel and federal civilian agencies will receive cost-effective, best value solutions while meeting the government's requirements for current and future wireless ...
Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) J.P. Morgan's 52nd Annual Global Technology, Media and Communications Conference (Transcript)
2024-05-22 01:12
公司战略 - 公司在消费者无线后付费业务方面进行了一系列变革和调整,包括推出灵活和用户友好的套餐,以及改变销售代表的激励机制和市场策略[32] - 公司对于消费者无线业务的增长势头持乐观态度,认为团队在不断改进和扩大价值的同时,仍有更多潜力可以挖掘[37] - 公司认为预付业务市场存在挑战,但也看到了机会,特别是在应对ACP计划取消后,通过提供更多优质的服务和产品来吸引新客户[58] - 公司对于预付业务的未来发展持乐观态度,虽然面临一些市场挑战,但通过管理团队的调整和新的市场策略,公司认为自己处于良好的位置[60] - 公司通过消费者投资灵活性投资,包括媒体支出、促销和留存资金,已经看到在各方面的明显改善[67] - 公司的固定无线和光纤战略旨在为客户提供选择,公司拥有网络所有权经济学,认为融合市场有增长机会[70] 技术发展 - 移动边缘计算和私人网络等5G用例仍在发展中,Verizon已建立移动边缘计算网络,私人网络需求正在增加[78] - 公司花费530亿美元购买C波段频谱,未来3至5年内需要继续有新频谱投放市场以保持竞争力[88] - Verizon已在大城市部署C波段频谱,固定无线接入用户数量超过预期,团队已设计出灵活的网络以支持未来扩展[100] 人工智能应用 - 公司AI战略主要包括处理流程、客户和员工,推出新产品以及AI在边缘的应用,移动边缘计算与AI是一个巨大的机会[116] - 公司在商业化使用的生成式AI方面已经推出了4款产品[118] - 通过生成式AI,公司成功减少了与客户通话的时间[119] - 生成式AI帮助公司为4万名客户服务员工提供更好的工作环境和与客户的关系[120] - 公司在应用生成式AI方面有长期计划,并注重客户隐私保护[121] - 生成式AI帮助公司更好地为销售代表提供个性化服务[122] - 公司专注于为客户和员工提供更好的互动体验和定制化服务[123]
Verizon Frontline showcases public safety solutions at Border Security Expo
Newsfilter· 2024-05-21 23:00
EL PASO, Texas, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon Frontline will demonstrate a number of its innovative public safety solutions, specifically designed to deliver mission-critical communications to first responders, at the Border Security Expo taking place in El Paso, Texas May 21-23 at the El Paso Convention Center. Border Security Expo is the largest and longest-standing event where the border community can exchange ideas, expand networks and experience new and developing technologies. "Verizon is c ...
Verizon supports Texas and Louisiana communities affected by recent storms
Newsfilter· 2024-05-18 06:30
文章核心观点 - 为帮助受到近期风暴影响的德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州的客户,公司免除了2024年5月17日至5月23日期间这些地区的后付费客户、小企业客户和预付费客户的国内通话/短信/数据使用费 [4][5] - 公司还为使用Straight Talk、Tracfone、Total by Verizon、Simple Mobile、Walmart Family Mobile、Net10、GoSmart和Page Plus的预付费客户延长了服务截止日期至2024年5月23日 [5] - 公司工程师已经恢复了超过一半的初始受影响网站,正在进行必要的维修并为剩余受影响客户恢复服务 [3][7] 公司概况 - 威瑞森通信公司成立于2000年,是世界领先的技术和通信服务提供商之一 [10] - 2023年公司营收达1,340亿美元 [10] - 公司提供数据、视频和语音服务及解决方案,满足客户对移动性、可靠网络连接和安全性的需求 [10] 应急响应 - 公司100%的宏观基站都有备用电池电源,90%以上在德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州有备用发电机 [8] - 在商业电力中断的情况下,公司设备和设施都由这些电池和发电机供电,正在进行补充燃料的工作以确保发电机持续运行 [8] - 公司工程师有信心拥有足够的燃料和人员,能够24/7维持这一运营直到恢复商业电力 [8]
Verizon supports Texas and Louisiana communities affected by recent storms
globenewswire.com· 2024-05-18 06:30
For media: we have b-roll, pictures and additional information on our emergency response equipment available at our Emergency Resource Center. What you need to know: Verizon is waiving domestic call/text/data usage costs incurred by postpaid consumer customers, small business customers* and Verizon Prepaid customers in storm affected areas in Texas and Louisiana. The waiver will be in effect between Friday, May 17 through Thursday, May 23, 2024. For prepaid customers using Straight Talk, Tracfone, Total by ...
Verizon to speak at J.P. Morgan conference May 21
Newsfilter· 2024-05-18 02:00
NEW YORK, May 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hans Vestberg, Chairman and CEO of Verizon ((NYSE, NASDAQ:VZ), is scheduled to speak at the J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Communications Conference on Tuesday, May 21, at 8:50 a.m. ET. His remarks will be webcast, with access instructions available on Verizon's Investor Relations website, www.verizon.com/about/investors. Verizon Communications Inc. ((NYSE, NASDAQ:VZ) was formed in 2000 and is one of the world's leading providers of technology and communi ...
Verizon (VZ) Enhances Customer Service With GenAI Integration
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-15 22:45
Over the past couple of months, Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) has been deploying innovative, human- assisted GenAI applications that streamline processes and ensure positive customer engagements. These cutting-edge tools ease the business processes with Verizon and reduce the cognitive load on store and customer service employees. Designed to work alongside human representatives, these AI tools act as personal guides, leading customers to the best solutions and offers available. This approach allows Veri ...
Verizon Expects to Double Network Thanks to AI Demand
PYMNTS· 2024-05-15 07:48
Verizon Communications is reportedly placing a significant bet on artificial intelligence (AI) as its next major growth driver. The company, which is the largest retail wireless carrier in the United States, believes in the potential of AI to double its network over the next five years, Verizon Consumer CEO Sowmyanarayan Sampath told Bloomberg in an interview posted Tuesday (May 14). While video traffic has been the primary driver of growth for Verizon’s network in recent years, Sampath foresees AI demand s ...
Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) MoffettNathanson Media, Internet & Communications Conference (Transcript)
2024-05-15 01:06
业绩总结 - 公司2023年第四季度实现了450亿美元的固定无线接入收入[115] - 公司预计未来每年在预付费价值业务上会有良好的改善[8] - 公司在财务上非常谨慎,2023年促销预算低于2022年,2024年预计保持在相同水平[58] 用户数据 - 移动基地约15%的用户使用宽带服务,预计市场份额将翻倍以上[50] - 公司在前100个市场中,有97个市场的网络排名第一[100] - 公司目前在市场上享有15%的价格溢价,主要是由于网络和myPlan的独特价值主张[101] 未来展望 - 公司计划在4到5年内达到400万到500万固定无线接入用户,已建立足够的网络容量支持未来增长[87] - 公司对未来的长期设计网络充满信心,认为可以满足并超越50倍的流量增长[111] - 公司仍然看好私人网络和边缘计算的商业机会,认为这是一个强大的用例[117] 新产品和新技术研发 - 公司在光纤业务方面拥有20年经验,每年增加约50万个开放销售单位,通过混合搭配套餐和移动连接降低流失率[91] - 公司在光纤业务方面采取了混合搭配套餐的策略,取得了良好的NPS和低流失率[92] - 公司认为网络是最重要的差异化因素,C波段部署后,流失率降低4个基点,毛增长动力提高7%,高端用户比例提高10%[99] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司通过收购TracFone扩大了在预付费市场的份额,使得公司在市场的各个细分领域都有覆盖[38] - 公司的与Comcast和Charter的批发业务对公司的利润和收入增长做出了重要贡献[40] - 公司认为有线电视公司主要针对的市场不同于公司的主要市场,因此合作是对公司有益的[44]