U.S. Bancorp(USB)
Bank of America 2024 Financial Service Conference
2024-02-22 21:50
February 22, 2024 BofA 2024 Financial Services Conference Tim Welsh Vice Chair, Consumer and Business Banking ...
U.S. Bank Adds New Division to Serve Private Capital Asset Managers
Businesswire· 2024-02-22 21:00
文章核心观点 - 美国银行推出了一个新的专门服务私募资本公司和全球资产管理公司的部门 [1][2] - 这个新部门将整合银行现有的为200多家私募资本客户提供的各种产品和服务,包括基金托管、基金管理、贷款和资本市场承销与分销 [2] - 这个集中的私募资本专家团队将简化资产管理公司的体验,并帮助银行扩大对私募股权、私募信贷公司以及其他多元化投资管理公司的服务 [2] 公司概况 - 美国银行是一家总资产6630亿美元、拥有7万多名员工的银行控股公司,总部位于明尼阿波利斯 [6] - 公司业务包括零售银行、商业银行、机构银行、支付和财富管理等多元化业务 [6] - 公司在数字创新、社区合作和客户服务方面获得认可,被评为2023年世界最道德企业之一和财富杂志最受赞赏的超级区域银行 [6] 行业概况 - 近年来,私募资本基金管理的资产规模大幅增长,与全球资产管理行业的扩张同步 [5] - 这个新部门将继续扩大美国银行在为该行业提供融资和资产服务方面的成功 [5]
U.S. Bancorp(USB) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-20 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 Form 10-K ☑ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from (not applicable) Commission file number: 1-6880 U.S. Bancorp (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Delaware 41-0255900 (State or other jurisdiction of incorp ...
U.S. Bancorp to speak at the Bank of America 2024 Financial Services Conference
Businesswire· 2024-02-16 22:00
MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--U.S. Bancorp (NYSE: USB) announced today that Vice Chair, Consumer and Business Banking Tim Welsh and Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer John Stern will present at the Bank of America 2024 Financial Services Conference. The presentation will begin at 8:50 a.m. ET on Thursday, February 22 in Miami Beach, Florida. A live audio webcast will be available on the day of the conference, at the “Webcasts and Presentations” section of the U.S. Bank Investor Rela ...
U.S. Bancorp: The Preferreds Are Still Attractive
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-14 19:21
George Pachantouris/Moment via Getty Images U.S. Bancorp (USB), founded in 1863 and headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a financial services holding company that provides a full range of financial services, including lending and depository services, cash management, capital markets, and trust and investment management services. Considering the stability and performance of the company, its Series B Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock (USB.PR.H) presents an attractive opportunity for investors se ...
Wall Street firms hit with $81M in fines in latest WhatsApp, texting crackdown
New York Post· 2024-02-10 04:59
A new group of Wall Street firms has agreed to pay more than $81 million in civil penalties to settle Securities and Exchange Commission charges of record-keeping failures, the regulator said Friday. The settlements with broker-dealers and investment advisers, including Oppenheimer and US Bancorp, are the latest in a multi-year initiative by the SEC to investigate how registered financial firms handle employees’ work-related communications on personal devices and apps, such as WhatsApp. “The SEC’s investiga ...
U.S. Bancorp and 15 others fined $81 million for record-keeping failures by SEC
Market Watch· 2024-02-10 04:06
证监会指控金融公司 - 证监会对16家金融公司提出指控,指控它们未能妥善维护和保存电子通讯[1] - 公司员工使用“非官方渠道”通讯,如个人短信服务,讨论客户和业务交易[2] - 受罚公司包括多家知名金融机构,如U.S. Bancorp、Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.、Guggenheim Securities等[4] 证监会执法部门行动 - 证监会执法部门主任Gurbir S. Grewal表示,对这16家公司的行动是确保受监管实体遵守记录保存要求的努力的一部分[3] - Huntington Bank的较小罚款反映了其自愿自报和合作[5] - 证监会的行动旨在阻止金融公司通过未保存的渠道进行通讯,这一努力始于对JPMorgan Securities的罚款[6]
U.S. Bank Index: Truck freight market ends 2023 with double-digit drops in volume, spending
Businesswire· 2024-02-01 20:00
货运市场总体情况 - 美国银行货运支付指数显示,2023年第四季度,美国卡车货运市场的货运量和支出均出现下降,与2022年同期相比,货运量下降了15.7%,货主支出收缩了13.5%[1] - 美国卡车协会首席经济学家Bob Costello指出,公司大幅减少库存以及消费者更多地花费在体验上而非商品上,导致卡车货运市场受到影响。各地区在第四季度的货运量放缓,尤其是东南部(-25.4%)和东北部(-23.8%)最为明显。支出也在所有地区年度下降,其中中西部下降最为显著(-17%)[2] 地区货运市场表现 - 西部地区是两个地区中唯一在季度间支出有所增长的地区,尽管货主支出仍比一年前下降了-7.4%。西海岸进口量的提升可能有助于该地区的货运量,尽管仍有下降,但比大多数其他地区的下降幅度小[4] - 西南地区在第三季度放缓后,第四季度卡车货运市场大幅收缩。该地区在2022年和2023年上半年是卡车货运市场表现最好的地区,但第四季度上半年零售和家庭销售放缓,对卡车货运量造成了影响[5] - 中西部地区的货运量在与2022年第四季度相比下降最少。该地区的制造业、消费支出和房屋活动疲软可能导致货运量持续低迷,这种情况已持续数年[6] - 东北部在2023年是受挑战最多的卡车货运市场之一。市场面临的困难包括消费者支出的调整和制造业活动的减弱[7] - 东南部是所有地区中货运量年度下降最为显著的地区。该地区近几个季度一直保持着货运量和支出的下降[8]
U.S. Bancorp: Two Ways To Earn Good Income
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-29 14:21
(T i IR ™ Rl ™ N Ny SRR i | ol 181 1L IR iy |. L = gl 15 S50 A iy » a . - ’I :rl l“l - w el B i ger 1 'l? - g Ny, § . & (sl (ol (] L} (] L] -’-- i l“l “‘ll Im ! Tero Vesalainen U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB) is a large regional banking company that has seen its share of struggles from the regional banking crisis. Back in October, I examined the 9% yielding Series A preferred shares, highlighting the great income opportunity they presented. While the preferred shares have rallied, the 8% yield is still higher than ...
U.S. Bancorp: Buy The Dip Opportunity (Technical Analysis)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-23 00:10
USB股票走势分析 - USB股票代表了一个买入机会[2] - USB股票在2022年1月至2023年5月之间下跌了55%[5] - USB股票在2023年5月开始上涨,形成了一系列高高低低的走势[5] - USB股票在最近的拉升中表现出多个重要发展[5] USB股票技术指标分析 - USB股票的PPO动量指标显示目前处于一个看涨的位置[6] - USB股票的相对强度趋势向上,高于其上升的30周EMA[8] USB股票投资建议 - 在考虑购买USB股票时,应制定风险管理计划[8] - USB股票是一个中期上涨趋势的买入机会[8]