AT&T: A Wonderful Case For Dividend Investors
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-09 08:48
文章核心观点 - 公司的价格恢复可以被认为是完全合理的,并得到了持续改善基本面的支撑 [7] - 公司的收益主要来自于价格上涨,而股息收益率有所下降 [8][9] - 公司一季度业绩表现强劲,各主要业务线均有所改善 [10][11][12] - 公司通过提高运营效率来推动利润率扩张,这是创造价值的关键 [12] - 公司自由现金流状况已经稳定,可以开始执行去杠杆化计划 [13][14] - 公司有望在明年达到目标杠杆水平,届时可能会考虑提高股息 [15][16] 根据目录分类总结 业务表现 - 一季度移动服务和光纤收入同比分别增长3.3%和19.5%,但企业有线业务下降约8%,总收入持平 [10] - 各主要业务线利润率均有所提升,总调整后EBITDA同比增长4.3% [11][12] 财务状况 - 自由现金流已经稳定,一季度保留了11亿美元的新增流动性 [13] - 通过偿还部分债务,公司的净债务/调整后EBITDA比率有望在明年一季度降至2.5倍目标水平 [14] - 利息支出压力不大,未来有望考虑提高股息 [14][15][16] 投资评级 - 公司已进入专注于改善核心业务运营表现,同时优化资本结构的战略阶段 [17][18] - 考虑到未来的利润增长和杠杆下降,公司当前的估值和股息水平仍具有吸引力 [18]
Billionaires Are Buying Up Beaten-Down AT&T Stock. Should Dividend-Seeking Investors Follow Their Lead?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-08 17:39
The telecom giant hasn't increased its dividend in a couple of years, but steady raises could be around the corner.Billionaire investors don't necessarily need quarterly payments from dividend stocks to cover their day-to-day expenses, but they buy them anyway. That's because businesses that distribute a portion of their profit to shareholders tend to outperform businesses that haven't made such a commitment.History says buying dividend payers can help your portfolio outperform the broad market. Between 197 ...
Turning The Ship At AT&T
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-08 09:40
jetcityimage A Brighter Day? We first covered AT&T (NYSE:T) on July 18, 2023 (you can read that article here). At the time, we were optimistic about AT&T's ability to perform better than what the swirl of negative headlines around them would indicate. As luck would have it, the day we published the article was the same day the stock tagged a 20-year low of $13.43. T vs SPY since July 18, 2023 (Koyfin) On a total return basis, AT&T has handily beaten the broader S&P 500 (SPY), delivering a 46% return against ...
Can Retirees Still Trust AT&T's 5.8% Dividend Yield?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-02 19:00
文章核心观点 - 公司正在通过削减2022年的股息来重建其股息声誉 [1] - 公司近期削减股息可能不会给投资者信心,但这确实是必要的,因为这有助于偿还公司的大量债务 [3][4] - 公司的资产负债表现已大为改善,这使得投资者可以关注公司的现金流来判断股息的安全性,削减股息反而使股息更加安全 [4][5] 公司情况总结 - 公司在2022年削减了股息,这引起了投资者的担忧 [3] - 公司过去十年一直在进行大规模并购,如收购DirecTV和Time Warner,但这最终失败了,导致公司负债累累 [3] - 公司通过剥离Time Warner资产获得了现金,使得长期债务降至1,320亿美元,大大缓解了财务压力 [4] 股息分析 - 公司的现金流较为稳定,即使在经济下行时期,客户也会优先支付公司账单,这使得公司的利润较为可靠 [6] - 公司今年预计自由现金流将达170-180亿美元,而股息开支仅占其45%,因此股息有较强的支撑 [7][8] - 除非出现无法预料的灾难,否则公司的电信业务不太可能会崩溃,股息应该会越来越安全 [9][10] - 公司无线业务保持良好增长势头,未来几年每年预计可实现2%的盈利增长,这有助于偶尔提高股息 [11]
Verizon, AT&T, And T-Mobile Set For Gains, Goldman Sachs Cites AI and Data Center Demand
Benzinga· 2024-07-02 01:34
Loading... Loading... Goldman Sachs analyst James Schneider, Ph. D., initiated coverage on the U.S. Telecom Services and infrastructure sector (14 companies) and is most constructive on wireless carriers and data centers. Schneider noted that the U.S. telecom industry is in a state of transformation. The U.S. telecom operators have refocused on their core business after emerging from a period as conglomerates marked by shareholder capital destruction. For the first time in a decade, the U.S. wireless operat ...
AT&T: Strong Yield With Potential Earnings Growth On The Horizon
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-26 00:11
RiverNorthPhotography Written by Nick Ackerman. As an income-focused investor, I'm generally focused on dividend-paying stocks. I try to balance my approach with both dividend growers, but also those that carry higher yields. Those that carry higher yields are, in general, those that may not show strong dividend growth over time. Whereas, the low single-digit dividend yield payers, in general, I would anticipate seeing growth in their payout over time. When looking at 6-10%+ yielding investments, the idea i ...
Want $1,000 in Dividend Income? Here's How Much You'd Need to Invest in AT&T to Get It
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-21 03:37
The telecom giant's yield may be high, but investors shouldn't assume the dividend is at risk. A high-yielding stock can be a valuable asset in your portfolio because it can generate a lot of recurring income. Investors can often find great dividend stocks in the telecom sector, where companies typically have a lot of recurring and consistent revenue themselves since demand for what they offer is generally stable. AT&T (T 0.14%) is an excellent example of that. The company is a leader in the telecom industr ...
If You'd Invested $10,000 in AT&T Stock 20 Years Ago, Here's How Much You'd Have Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-19 20:29
Find out whether AT&T's dividend-powered returns can really compete with the broader market in the long run. Investing in AT&T (T 2.15%) over the past two decades has delivered mixed results for long-term investors. Let's break down what a $10,000 investment in AT&T would look like today, starting in June 2004. 20-year results AT&T's stock price has not shown significant appreciation over the past 20 years. Your hypothetical $10,000 investment would be worth $9,752 today. That's a negative return, leaving y ...
AT&T Is Raising Prices on Its Older Unlimited Plans Starting With Your August Bill
CNET· 2024-06-18 23:22
AT&T is joining the ranks of wireless carriers jacking up the prices of its older plans. The carrier has begun informing users, including with a support page on its website, that starting with their August bill it plans to raise rates by $10 per month for those with just a single line of service or $20 per month if you have multiple lines. According to the support page, the carrier says that the price increase will "affect most of our older unlimited plans" including: AT&T Unlimited & More Premium AT&T Unli ...
Trend Micro Scores 100% on Attack Visibility in Latest MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK® Evaluations
Prnewswire· 2024-06-18 22:54
AI-powered platform enables 24/7 monitoring and analysis, provides stronger detection and faster response DALLAS, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a global cybersecurity leader, today announced its strong performance in threat detection and high actionability rating in the latest MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK® Evaluations report for managed services. Kevin Simzer, COO at Trend: "Not all services are created equal. MITRE set us up against multiple attack scenarios in th ...