The Leader in Immersive Healthcare for the Aging Joins Forces with the CTA Foundation to Launch the Great American Elderverse™
Prnewswire· 2024-07-31 19:15
文章核心观点 - Mynd Immersive与AT&T、HTC VIVE、NETGEAR和Select Rehabilitation合作,为美国老年人建立国家级空间计算网络,提供沉浸式内容和技术,提高他们的生活质量[1][4][8] - 该项目由Steven & Alexandra Cohen基金会支持,将在2024-2025年在全美范围内推广到数百个社区[3][5] - 该项目旨在通过虚拟体验和治疗来缓解老年人的社交孤立,提高生活质量[2][4][10] 公司概况 - Mynd Immersive是一家专注于为老年人提供沉浸式治疗的先驱公司,自2016年成立以来一直在这个领域开拓创新[16] - 该公司最近与美国退伍军人事务部合作,制作了"虚拟越南:通往和平之路"的沉浸式内容,为老龄退伍军人提供情感和心理支持[16] - 该公司的沉浸式治疗方法已经得到了斯坦福大学等机构的研究支持,在减少老年人的孤独感、提高情绪和改善与照顾者关系方面取得了显著成效[10] 合作伙伴 - 该项目得到了AT&T、HTC VIVE、NETGEAR等科技公司的支持,提供了5G连接、VR设备和高速WiFi等关键技术[8][20][21][22] - 该项目还得到了Select Rehabilitation的临床领导支持,为老年人提供职业、物理和言语治疗[8][23] 受益机构 - 该项目的首批受益机构包括纽约的The New Jewish Home、新泽西的Christian Health、纽约普克普西的Lutheran Care Center和纽约州立岛的Long Island State Veterans Home等老年护理机构[6][7][8] - 这些机构表示将利用Mynd平台进一步丰富和提升他们的康复和治疗娱乐项目[7][8]
Is AT&T's Nearly 6%-Yielding Dividend Finally Safe?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-30 18:22
文章核心观点 - 公司的高股息收益率一直存在可持续性问题 [1][2] - 公司最近的财务表现有所改善,自由现金流增加,债务水平下降,有助于维持高股息 [4][5][6] - 公司预计未来业务和成本将继续改善,有助于进一步降低债务,提高股息的可持续性 [7][8][9] - 一旦达到目标债务水平,公司可能会增加股息或回购股票,进一步增强财务实力 [10] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司财务表现 - 公司二季度总收入略有下降,但移动服务收入和宽带收入均有增长 [4] - 公司自由现金流增加近10%至46亿美元,主要得益于DirecTV投资和资本支出下降 [5] - 公司在过去一年内减少51亿美元净债务,杠杆率从3.1下降至不到2.9 [6] 未来发展前景 - 公司预计宽带和移动业务将继续保持增长,并通过成本节约和新技术提高效率 [7][8] - 未来的收入增长和成本下降将进一步提升公司的现金流 [9] - 公司计划利用部分现金流投资5G和光纤网络,并继续偿还债务,将杠杆率降至2.5倍左右 [9] - 达到目标杠杆率后,公司可能会增加股息或回购股票,进一步增强财务实力 [10]
Get Your Money Out of These 3 Telecom Stocks by October
Investor Place· 2024-07-30 01:26
It’s a confusing moment in time for the world of telecommunications. After spending much of the 21st century experiencing rapid growth, many telecom-focused markets are facing sustained periods of saturation. In the United States, smartphone shipments declined in the first quarter for the sixth consecutive quarter. Similar levels of saturation impacted global broadband subscriber growth, which reached its slowest rate has been slowing since 2019. Until the technology is replaced by something more advanced, ...
AT&T, other phone companies sued over stolen nude images could face liability after court ruling
CNBC· 2024-07-30 00:31
Wireless providers including T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon have faced a string of lawsuits in recent years from women who allege retail employees stole intimate images or videos from their phones while helping them with in-store data transfers.The cases are routinely dismissed when the companies argue they weren't aware of the staffer's actions and aren't liable because the employees were acting outside the scope of their duties. But that could soon change after a recent court ruling, legal experts told CNBC.N ...
AT&T Shares Climb on Subscriber Additions. Should Investors Add the Stock to Their Portfolios?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-29 16:55
文章核心观点 - 公司在无线业务和宽带业务方面表现出色,获得了强劲的用户增长 [3][4][5] - 公司的整体收入略有下降,但仍保持了良好的自由现金流 [7][8] - 公司正在努力降低负债,并有望在未来提高股息,这可能成为公司股价的催化剂 [13][16] - 公司的估值水平相对较低,具有一定的投资价值 [14][15][16] 公司业务表现 - 无线业务方面,公司获得了593,000名零售后付费净新增用户,其中包括419,000名零售后付费手机用户 [3] - 宽带业务方面,公司获得了239,000名光纤新增用户和139,000名无线宽带新增用户,总净增52,000名宽带用户 [4][5] - 公司的光纤用户总数达到8.8百万,同比增长14.3%,光纤收入增长17.9%至18亿美元 [5] - 预付费业务受政府补贴计划结束的影响有所下滑,但仍净增35,000名用户 [6] - 有线电视业务收入同比下降9.9%至48亿美元,仍然是公司的一大拖累 [7] 财务表现 - 公司在本季度实现了46亿美元的自由现金流,足以覆盖21亿美元的季度股息支付 [8] - 公司的负债水平持续改善,净负债/EBITDA比率降至2.9以下 [9] - 公司预计全年无线收入增长约3%,宽带收入增长7%以上,调整后EBITDA增长约3%,自由现金流在170-180亿美元之间 [10]
AT&T: Moving To A Hold Post Q2 2024 Results
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-29 06:00
文章核心观点 - 公司在Q2-2024财报中表现良好,各项业务指标均有所改善[9][10] - 公司在5G和光纤业务方面有较大的增长空间,企业客户关系是关键[13] - 公司资产负债表状况良好,正在积极减债,有利于提高财务灵活性[25][28] 公司业务表现 - 移动业务收入增长3.4%,用户数增加至71.9百万[9] - 宽带业务收入增长7.0%,光纤用户数持续增加[20] - 企业业务收入有所下降,受到传统业务下滑的影响[10][12] - 整体EBITDA增长2.6%,EBITDA利润率为31.3%[21] 财务状况 - 经营活动现金流为91亿美元,自由现金流为46亿美元[23] - 资本支出为44亿美元,资本投资为49亿美元[24][27] - 净债务/EBITDA比率正在下降,预计2025年前将降至2.5倍以下[25][28] - 优先股股息收益率与普通股相当,可作为投资替代选择[36][37] 行业展望 - 宏观经济存在下行风险,可能导致电信行业价格战加剧[29][33] - 公司资本支出需求相对稳定,但收入和利润可能受到一定压力[33][34] - 公司估值较低,即使在经济下行中也可能只有适度下跌[34]
AT&T Q2: Catalysts Galore
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-27 14:13
jetcityimage T stock: still a buy near 52-week high prices I have turned bullish on AT&T stock (NYSE:T) in the past 1~2 years and have written several articles on it. As you can see from the screenshot below, my most recent article on the stock was "Let Your Profit Run" and it was published on July 8, 2024, on the Seeking Alpha platform. In the article, I argued that: T stock may have reached an inflection point with improving cash flow and strengthening market position. The current competitive landscap ...
AT&T A Bargain At Current Prices
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-26 23:20
Images By Tang Ming Tung/DigitalVision via Getty Images AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) has just released earnings, and I wanted to review them to see if it's worthwhile buying this former dividend aristocrat at current prices or not. I'll make that determination by looking at the most recent financial statements, paying particular attention to the viability of the dividend, for obvious reasons. I'll then compare the stock to the risk-free rate to see if investors are being adequately compensated for the risk of stock o ...
AT&T Is Proving The Bears Wrong As It Closes In On $20
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-26 21:00
文章核心观点 - AT&T 的财务状况正在好转,股价在过去一年内上涨了近30% [3][4] - AT&T 正在专注于核心通信业务,并成功减少了债务规模 [6][8][9] - AT&T 的自由现金流(FCF)持续增长,为未来的股息增长和股票回购提供了支持 [7][9][10][11] 公司表现总结 收入和利润 - 2024年Q2收入为298亿美元,略低于预期 [3][6] - 调整后EBITDA利润率从上年同期的36.9%上升至38% [7] - 移动业务和宽带业务的EBITDA均实现同比增长 [7] 用户增长 - 移动后付费用户净增160万,同比增长2.28% [6] - 光纤用户净增110万,同比增长14.29% [6] - 捆绑移动和光纤服务的用户占光纤用户的比例从34.9%增至39.5% [6] 现金流和债务 - 自由现金流同比增长8.7%至45.8亿美元 [7] - 过去一年内偿还了22.6亿美元长期债务和29.5亿美元资本租赁 [8] - 预计未来几年内可以继续大幅减少债务规模 [9][10][11]
AT&T: Mr. Market Excited About Cash Flow While Missing The Big Picture
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-26 09:23
Sundry Photography AT&T (NYSE:T) stock responded positively to the second quarter as cash flow again relieved fears that the first quarter really was seasonal, and the second half of the fiscal year would again have the major cash flow contribution. But this misses out on the main idea of management increasing efficiency and profitability. The market still has doubts about some very basic management forecasts. This indicates very low market expectations for the company. For investors, that means a lot o ...