Realty Income(O)
Broadstone Net Lease: Price Catches Up With Value
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-30 10:06
WendellandCarolynOn our last coverage of Broadstone Net Lease (NYSE:BNL) we gave it a buy rating. We also disappointed the Realty Income (O) fan club and gave this a preference over the monthly income machine. With BNL, you might have to be content with the dividend until the market decides to revalue this. Of course Realty Income could swallow up BNL at a premium as well, though based on the property choices, that might not be the most likely outcome. We still like the stock as the large dividend with ...
Best High-Yield Stock to Buy Right Now: Realty Income vs. Agree Realty
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-28 04:55
Realty Income is the industry giant and Agree Realty is a budding upstart. Which one you'll want to own depends on your investment goals.You likely wouldn't be making a mistake if you invested in Realty Income (O 1.24%). Nor would it be an error to buy Agree Realty (ADC 1.22%). But while they are very similar in some ways, they are notably different in others. Here's why you might want to select one of these high-yield stocks over the other.Realty Income is the name to beat in net leaseRealty Income is the ...
Is the Stock Market Going to Crash? Who Knows?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-27 18:00
This REIT provides income and stability for my portfolio.We've had quite a historic month. A gunman nearly assassinated a former president while the current commander-in-chief stunningly revealed he wouldn't seek reelection. Those two events add to the country's growing economic uncertainty, already being driven by persistently high inflation and interest rates. They also add to the rising fears that the stock market could crash (it had its worst day in years earlier this week). I don't have a clue whether ...
Could Investing $100,000 in Realty Income Make You a Millionaire?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-27 16:24
文章核心观点 - Realty Income是一家大型净租赁房地产投资信托(REIT),虽然不是一支令人兴奋的股票,但是是一支可靠的股票,连续30年增加年度股息 [1][2][3] - Realty Income不会追求高风险高收益,而是采取稳健的投资策略,这种"慢慢致富"的方式更加可靠 [2][3] - Realty Income是一项基础性投资,可以为投资组合提供稳定的现金流和收益,为投资者承担更高风险的投资提供缓冲 [5][6][7] 公司概况 - Realty Income拥有大量分布在北美和欧洲的零售和工业物业,采用净租赁模式,租户承担大部分物业运营成本 [5] - 公司资产负债表评级为投资级,市值达500亿美元,相比同行有更好的资本市场准入优势 [5] - 公司股息收益率约为5.5%,一笔10万美元的投资每年可获得近5,500美元的现金股息 [6] 投资价值 - Realty Income作为一项基础性投资,可以为投资组合提供稳定的现金流和收益,为投资者承担更高风险的投资提供缓冲 [6][7] - 虽然单一投资Realty Income不太可能使投资者成为百万富翁,但它可以作为构建多元化投资组合的重要组成部分 [4][8]
Realty Income's Biggest Tenants Are Struggling: Buy, Hold, Or Sell?
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-25 20:15
文章核心观点 - Realty Income Corporation的三大租户Walgreens、Dollar General和Dollar Tree/Family Dollar近期遭遇了一些负面消息 [2][5][7] - 这些租户的困境对Realty Income Corporation来说并不是一个好兆头 [9] - Realty Income Corporation的投资组合质量有所下降,不应再与高质量的同行公司Agree Realty等相提并论 [10] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 Walgreens - Walgreens宣布将关闭最多四分之一的门店,部分分析师认为其未来可能会破产,就像同行Rite Aid一样 [2] - 这引发了对Walgreens未来的担忧,因为一旦亚马逊认真进军在线药房业务,将会对Walgreens和CVS产生重大影响 [2] Dollar Tree/Family Dollar - Dollar Tree/Family Dollar计划在未来关闭1000家门店,其中600家Family Dollar门店将在今年关闭,另外400家将在未来几年逐步关闭 [5] - 这反映了该公司正面临着来自亚马逊和其他线下折扣店的竞争压力,其竞争对手99 Cents Only也因此前不久申请破产 [5] Dollar General - Dollar General的盈利能力正在下降,主要是由于高通胀对消费者的影响 [7] - 长期来看,沃尔玛可能会进军Dollar General的业务领域,这可能会对Dollar General造成冲击 [7] - Dollar General的门店通常位置偏僻、建造质量较差,一旦失去租约,其物业价值就会大幅下降,这使得这类资产存在较大风险 [7] Realty Income Corporation - Realty Income Corporation的前三大租户面临困境,占其租金收入约10% [10] - 公司还有其他一些陷入困境的租户,如AMC娱乐、Red Lobster和CVS [10] - 公司的投资组合质量有所下降,其占用率已经低于同行公司 [10] - 因此Realty Income Corporation不应再与高质量的同行公司相提并论,应该以较低的估值交易 [10]
Why I Can't Stop Buying This Phenomenal High-Yield Dividend Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-25 19:13
文章核心观点 - 公司拥有高度可持续的高股息,过去28年中有27年实现盈利增长[6] - 公司财务状况稳健,资产负债表强劲,是标普500指数中仅有8家获得A3/A-或更高评级的房地产投资信托公司[7] - 公司通过内部增长和外部收购不断扩大投资组合和增加股息,过去30年股息复合年增长率达4.3%[8][9][10] - 公司未来有望继续保持稳定的股息增长,是一个理想的被动收益投资标的[12] 公司概况 - 公司拥有约15,500处房地产资产,租赁给超过1,500家租户,涉及89个行业,主要集中在美国和欧洲[5] - 公司90%的租金收入来自于对经济下行和电子商务冲击具有抗压性的租户,如必需零售商、仓库、工业设施和博彩物业[5] - 公司估计美国和欧洲净租赁房地产总市场规模分别为5.4万亿美元和8.5万亿美元,每年可获得超过500亿美元的投资机会[11]
Realty Income: What The Bulls Are Missing
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-25 04:11
3D_generatorO stock is now loved by Wall Street Realty Income (NYSE:O) currently enjoys strong ratings from Wall Street analysts. As you can see from the chart below, it has a solid Buy rating with an average score of 3.73. To wit, a total of 19 Wall Street analysts covered the stock in the past month, and eight of them recommended either buy or strong buy. Seeking Alpha authors gave the stock an even stronger rating. As shown in the chart, in the last 30 days, 13 writers wrote on the stock and 12 of th ...
Is Trending Stock Realty Income Corporation (O) a Buy Now?
ZACKS· 2024-07-24 22:03
Realty Income Corp. (O) has been one of the most searched-for stocks on lately. So, you might want to look at some of the facts that could shape the stock's performance in the near term.Over the past month, shares of this real estate investment trust have returned +8.6%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +1.8% change. During this period, the Zacks REIT and Equity Trust - Retail industry, which Realty Income Corp. falls in, has gained 7.8%. The key question now is: What could be the stock's ...
Realty Income (O) Up 8.4% in a Month: Should You Take the Bait?
ZACKS· 2024-07-24 01:36
Realty Income (O) , a leader in the net lease sector with more than 15,450 commercial real estate properties, recently experienced a significant upturn in its stock price, gaining 8.4% over the past month. It outperformed the Zacks REIT and Equity Trust - Retail industry’s growth of 7.8% and the S&P 500 composite’s rise of 1.8% over the same time frame. For this “Monthly Dividend Company” and a member of the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats index, the favorable narratives surrounding the interest rate cut have ...
3 REITs You Will Regret Not Loading Up On
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-20 20:50
In 12+ months, we will look back wishing we had bought more of these REITs.REITs and the real estate sector have been the worst-performing market sector the past few years. Much of this has to do with high interest rates, but what is on the horizon? Lower interest rates that should provide a boost to the real estate sector.In today's video we will cover three of my favorite REITs to load up on, one of those being Realty Income (O -0.26%).Check out this short video to learn more, consider subscribing to the ...