Marathon(MPC) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-07 01:45
财务业绩 - 公司第二季度净利润为15.2亿美元,每股4.33美元,同比下降[184][186] - 公司第一六个月净收入为24.5亿美元,每股摊薄收益为6.88美元[186] - 公司第二季度和前六个月净收入同比均有所下降,主要由于炼油和营销业务利润率下降所致[186] 股票回购 - 公司董事会批准了新的50亿美元股票回购计划,截至6月30日公司尚有67.4亿美元未使用的回购额度[180] - 公司在2024年6月30日的股票回购总数为2,800万股,总金额为51.14亿美元,平均每股回购价格为177.54美元[319] - 公司宣布增加50亿美元的股票回购授权,该授权无到期日[319] 中游业务 - MPLX通过与Enbridge合资的方式扩大了在Whistler管道的权益份额,并获得了现金分配和里约布拉沃管道项目[176][177] - MPLX还通过收购Utica盆地的资产进一步增强了在该地区的地位[178] - MPLX向公司分配了11亿美元的合伙企业收益[189] - MPLX回购了400万单位,截至6月30日尚有6.96亿美元未使用的回购额度[190] - 中游业务销售及其他营业收入增加185百万美元,主要由于管道运输量增加、天然气集输和加工量增加以及最近收购资产的贡献[270] - 中游业务调整后EBITDA增加88百万美元[270] 炼油和营销业务 - 公司第二季度业绩反映出较去年同期的利润环境较低,因为全球成品油供给处于历史季节性高位,受到高利用率和新炼油产能的推动[174] - 收入和其他收入增加15.38亿美元,主要由于成品油销量增加161,000桶/日,部分被精炼和营销分部平均成品油销售价格下降0.02美元/加仑所抵消[202] - 成本和费用增加23.21亿美元,主要由于原油成本上升以及合同服务和材料供应费用增加,部分被成品油采购减少所抵消[203] - 净利润归属于母公司股东减少7.11亿美元,主要由于精炼和营销利润率下降,部分被所得税费用减少所抵消[205,206,208] - 炼油和营销分部第二季度收入增加15亿美元,主要由于产品销量增加161万桶/日,部分被平均销售价格下降0.02美元/加仑所抵消[236] - 炼油和营销分部第二季度调整后EBITDA下降11.9亿美元,主要由于单桶利润下降以及分销成本增加[238][239] - 炼油和营销分部第二季度单桶利润为17.37美元,较上年同期下降4.73美元,主要受裂解价差收窄的影响[239] - 炼油和营销分部前六个月收入下降6.68亿美元,主要由于平均销售价格下降0.09美元/加仑,部分被销量增加43万桶/日所抵消[244] - 炼油和营销分部前六个月调整后EBITDA下降31.7亿美元,主要由于单桶利润下降以及运营和分销成本增加[245][246] - 炼油和营销分部前六个月单桶利润为18.12美元,较上年同期下降5.96美元,主要受裂解价差收窄的影响[246] - 公司通过收购马丁内斯可再生燃料合资企业和迪克森可再生燃料设施增加了RIN产出,从而降低了RIN采购成本[243][250] - 公司炼厂利用率第二季度为97%,前六个月为90%[251] - 炼油吞吐量(mbpd):原油炼制2,632、其他原料和掺配剂249、净炼油吞吐量2,881[252] - 重质原油吞吐量占比44%、轻质原油吞吐量占比56%[253] - 成品油产品产量(mbpd):汽油1,503、柴油1,029、丙烷67、天然气液体和石化产品192、重燃料油46、沥青83、总计2,920[254] - 成品油出口销量(mbpd)为297[255] 其他 - 公司将评估加州新法案SB X1-2及其相关法规对公司在加州的当前或预期未来运营和经营业绩的影响[175] - 公司整体费用增加40百万美元,主要由于停用非运营资产的费用增加约30百万美元[274] - 出售资产收益1.51亿美元[276][277] - 炼化业务毛利率下降,主要由于销售价格下降和原料成本上升[281] - 经营活动现金流减少32.7亿美元,主要由于经营业绩下降和营运资金变动不利[284][285][287] - 公司在2024年上半年投资活动使用现金8.07亿美元,较2023年上半年的17亿美元有所减少[288] - 公司在2024年上半年购买短期投资29.3亿美元,被到期和出售短期投资35.2亿美元和1.95亿美元抵消,净现金来源7.89亿美元[288] - 公司在2024年上半年收购支付6.22亿美元,主要用于中游业务[288] - 公司在2024年上半年股票回购支付51.1亿美元,较2023年上半年的62.5亿美元有所减少[290] - 公司在2024年上半年发行了16.5亿美元5.5%到期2034年的优先票据[290,305] - 公司在2024年6月30日的总流动性为111亿美元,包括50亿美元的银行循环信贷额度和59.98亿美元的现金及现金等价物[293,294] - 公司在2024年上半年资本支出和投资总额为12.05亿美元,其中MPLX的资本支出为5.65亿美元[312,313] - 公司主要资本支出用于炼油和营销以及中游项目,包括洛杉矶炼厂排放
Marathon(MPC) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-06 18:42
财务表现 - 第二季度净收入为15亿美元,每股摊薄收益为4.33美元;调整后净收入为14亿美元,每股摊薄收益为4.12美元[2] - 调整后EBITDA为34亿美元,经营活动产生的净现金流为32亿美元,反映出强劲的运营和商业表现[3] - 公司第二季度收入为378.62亿美元,同比增长4.2%[33] - 第二季度净利润为19.55亿美元,同比下降24.2%[33] - 公司调整后净利润为14.42亿美元,较上年同期下降35.3%[68] - 公司调整后每股收益为4.12美元,较上年同期下降22.4%[69] - 公司调整后EBITDA为33.92亿美元,较上年同期下降25.1%[73] 业务表现 - 中游业务取得进展,第二季度分部调整后EBITDA为16.2亿美元,同比增长6%,主要集中在Permian和Marcellus地区[3] - 从MPLX获得5.5亿美元的季度分红,体现了战略关系的价值[4] - 在洛杉矶和加尔维斯顿湾炼厂进行高回报投资,执行短期高回报项目提高炼厂产能、提高能源效率和降低成本[19] - MPLX在Permian和Marcellus盆地推进增长项目,在Utica地区采集和加工量持续增长,包括2024年3月收购的资产[20] - 第三季度,Preakness II 200百万立方英尺/天的加工厂在Permian投产,MPLX还增持了BANGL天然气液体管道20%的权益[21] - 公司上游业务管道输送量为612.9万桶/日,较上年同期增加1.6%[61] - 公司上游业务天然气处理量为956.8百万立方英尺/日,较上年同期增加7.1%[61] - 公司上游业务C2(乙烷)和天然气液体分馏量为665,000桶/日,较上年同期增加14.0%[61] 炼油和营销业务 - 第二季度炼油和营销业务收入为13.19亿美元,同比下降42.4%[36] - 第二季度炼油利润率为每桶7.07美元,同比下降40.5%[40] - 第二季度炼油产能利用率为97%,同比提高4个百分点[42] - 第二季度汽油产量为每天1,527桶,同比增长2.0%[45] - 第二季度柴油产量为每天1,144桶,同比增长10.8%[45] - 公司在墨西哥湾地区的炼油利润率为每桶15.86美元,同比下降17.6%[48] - 公司在墨西哾湾地区的炼油产能利用率为97%,同比提高4个百分点[50] - 公司在中西部地区的炼油利润率为17.58美元/桶,较上年同期下降26.6%[53] - 公司在西海岸地区的炼油利润率为20.54美元/桶,较上年同期下降19.1%[57] - 公司炼油和营销业务毛利为每桶20.31美元,较上年同期下降19.7%[57] - 公司炼油和营销业务折旧和摊销为每桶1.41美元,较上年同期下降0.7%[57] - 公司的炼油和营销分部调整后的EBITDA为19.72亿美元[76] - 公司的炼油和营销分部毛利为48.45亿美元[76] - 公司的炼油和营销分部毛利中,美国海湾地区为18.82亿美元,美国中部地区为19.61亿美元,美国西海岸地区为10.02亿美元[77] - 公司的炼油和营销分部毛利中包含了其他相关业务的毛利以及信用卡交易处理收入,扣除其他收入[78] 资本回报 - 通过29亿美元的股票回购和2.9亿美元的股息,共返还32亿美元资本给股东[4]
Marathon Petroleum Corp. Reports Second-Quarter 2024 Results
Prnewswire· 2024-08-06 18:40
FINDLAY, Ohio, Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --Second-quarter net income attributable to MPC of $1.5 billion, or $4.33 per diluted share; adjusted net income of $1.4 billion, or $4.12 per diluted shareAdjusted EBITDA of $3.4 billion and net cash provided by operating activities of $3.2 billion, reflecting strong operational and commercial performance Advanced Midstream growth; $1.6 billion segment adjusted EBITDA in the second quarter, up 6% year-over-year, focused in the Permian and MarcellusMPC received $550 ...
Why Marathon Petroleum is Committed to a $5 Billion Stock Buyback
MarketBeat· 2024-08-05 19:15
Most investors are waking up to realize that the market rotation has not only started but is gaining momentum with each trading day. Stanley Druckenmiller started selling out of the technology sector, specifically the artificial intelligence names that seemed to have run their course, to reallocate into bonds and small-cap stocks.Marathon Petroleum TodayMPCMarathon Petroleum$164.64 -8.54 (-4.93%) 52-Week Range$133.65▼$221.11Dividend Yield2.00%P/E Ratio8.22Price Target$196.85Add to WatchlistWhat he may have ...
Marathon Petroleum (MPC) Stock Dips While Market Gains: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-08-01 06:51
Marathon Petroleum (MPC) closed the latest trading day at $177.02, indicating a -0.71% change from the previous session's end. This change lagged the S&P 500's 1.08% gain on the day. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.75%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, added 2.64%.The refiner's shares have seen an increase of 2.38% over the last month, surpassing the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 10.32% and the S&P 500's loss of 0.44%.Market participants will be closely following the financial results of Marathon Petroleum in ...
Marathon Petroleum Corp. Announces Quarterly Dividend
Prnewswire· 2024-08-01 03:00
FINDLAY, Ohio, July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The board of directors of Marathon Petroleum Corp. (NYSE: MPC) has declared a dividend of $0.825 per share on common stock. The dividend is payable Sept. 10, 2024, to shareholders of record as of the close of business Aug. 21, 2024.About Marathon Petroleum CorporationMPC is a leading, integrated, downstream energy company headquartered in Findlay, Ohio. The company operates the nation's largest refining system. MPC's marketing system includes branded locations ac ...
Marathon Petroleum (MPC) Declines More Than Market: Some Information for Investors
ZACKS· 2024-07-24 06:50
The latest trading session saw Marathon Petroleum (MPC) ending at $163.97, denoting a -1.16% adjustment from its last day's close. This move lagged the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.16%. Elsewhere, the Dow lost 0.14%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 0.06%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the refiner had lost 4.65% over the past month. This has was narrower than the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 7.84% and lagged the S&P 500's gain of 1.96% in that time.The upcoming earnings release of Marathon Petroleum will ...
Marathon Petroleum (MPC) Stock Slides as Market Rises: Facts to Know Before You Trade
ZACKS· 2024-07-11 06:52
Marathon Petroleum (MPC) ended the recent trading session at $162.18, demonstrating a -0.45% swing from the preceding day's closing price. This change lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 1.02%. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a rise of 1.09%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw an increase of 1.18%.The refiner's shares have seen a decrease of 6.61% over the last month, surpassing the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 11.98% and falling behind the S&P 500's gain of 4.44%.Market participants will be closely foll ...
Marathon Petroleum: Recent Pullback Creates Opportunity Given Share Repurchases (Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-11 05:00
MichaelRLopez/iStock Editorial via Getty Images While shares of Marathon Petroleum (NYSE:MPC) are up substantially over the past year, they have been a poor performer over the past few months, dropping about 25% from their 52-week high, as concerns have built over the health of the refining cycle. I last covered MPC in March, downgrading shares from a “strong buy” to a “buy.” While shares did briefly rally to my $216 target, in hindsight, I did not downgrade shares strongly enough as they have fallen by ...
Marathon Petroleum (MPC) Advances While Market Declines: Some Information for Investors
ZACKS· 2024-06-21 06:50
In the latest trading session, Marathon Petroleum (MPC) closed at $173.66, marking a +0.7% move from the previous day. This move outpaced the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.25%. Elsewhere, the Dow gained 0.77%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 0.79%. Heading into today, shares of the refiner had lost 2.03% over the past month, outpacing the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 5.24% and lagging the S&P 500's gain of 3.59% in that time. Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a close eye on the performance of Marath ...