Got $1,000? Here's How to Turn It Into a High-Octane, Passive-Income Stream.
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-17 17:06
Pipeline companies can produce lots of passive income.Owning dividend-paying stocks can be a great way to generate passive income. The average dividend stock yields around 1.5%. At that rate, a $1,000 investment would produce about $15 in dividend income each year. You can supercharge your dividend income by investing in stocks with higher-dividend yields. Pipeline stocks are great for those seeking a higher-octane income stream. Kinder Morgan (KMI 1.56%), Williams (WMB 0.91%), and Oneok (OKE 2.53%) are thr ...
Kinder Morgan (KMI) Beats Stock Market Upswing: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-09-17 07:05
Kinder Morgan (KMI) ended the recent trading session at $21.47, demonstrating a +1.56% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock exceeded the S&P 500, which registered a gain of 0.13% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.55%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.52%.Shares of the oil and natural gas pipeline and storage company have appreciated by 0.28% over the course of the past month, outperforming the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 2.9% and lagging the S&P 500's gain of 3.67%.The u ...
Is Most-Watched Stock Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI) Worth Betting on Now?
ZACKS· 2024-09-12 22:00
Kinder Morgan (KMI) is one of the stocks most watched by Zacks.com visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock.Over the past month, shares of this oil and natural gas pipeline and storage company have returned -0.6%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +4% change. During this period, the Zacks Oil and Gas - Production and Pipelines industry, which Kinder Morgan falls in, has gained 2.7%. The key question now is: Wh ...
Kinder Morgan (KMI) Stock Falls Amid Market Uptick: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-09-10 06:51
Kinder Morgan (KMI) ended the recent trading session at $21.12, demonstrating a -0.05% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a gain of 1.16% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a rise of 1.2%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw an increase of 1.16%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the oil and natural gas pipeline and storage company had gained 0.52% over the past month. This has outpaced the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 0.46% and ...
How Much Will Kinder Morgan Pay Out in Dividends This Year?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-06 17:13
文章核心观点 - 管道运营商Kinder Morgan的股息收益率超过5%,位列标普500指数中前10高股息股票 [1] - Kinder Morgan的股息支付能力很强,预计今年将支付约26亿美元现金股息,占可分配现金流的51% [1] - 公司财务状况稳健,有足够的自由现金流支持股息增长和其他用途,有望继续提高高股息 [2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 股息水平 - Kinder Morgan的季度股息为0.2875美元/股,较去年增长2%,连续7年增加股息 [1] - 公司股息收益率超过5%,位列标普500指数中前10高股息股票,远高于指数平均1.5%左右 [1] 股息支付能力 - 公司今年预计产生50亿美元可分配现金流,同比增长8% [1] - 股息支付占可分配现金流的比例约为51%,属于合理水平 [1] - 公司有足够的剩余自由现金流用于投资增长、股票回购或偿还债务 [2] 财务状况 - 公司财务状况稳健,预计年末净负债率将在3.5-4.5目标区间的较低端 [2] - 稳定的现金流和保守的财务政策,为公司持续提高高股息提供有力支撑 [2]
Tired of Laboring for Your Income? These Dividend Stocks Can Put Your Money to Work and Make You Some Passive Income.
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-02 17:32
These companies produce lots of passive income.If you're like most people, you work hard to make a living. That work can be mentally and physically draining. Since you already work hard, shouldn't your hard-earned money start working for you?A great way to put your money to work for you is by investing some of what's left each month into income-producing investments, like dividend-paying stocks. They can be a great source of passive income, which you can use to help offset your living expenses in the future ...
Why Is Kinder Morgan (KMI) Up 0.3% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-08-17 00:35
文章核心观点 - 公司第二季度业绩符合预期,收入同比增长 [3][4] - 天然气管道、成品油管道和码头业务分部的贡献增加,但总成本和费用也有所上升 [5] - 公司宣布二季度派息上调2% [6] 分部业务表现 天然气管道业务 - 该分部EBDA同比增加,主要得益于德克萨斯州管道系统和STX Midstream收购的贡献,但部分被资产剥离和商品价格下降所抵消 [7] 成品油管道业务 - 该分部EBDA同比增加,主要得益于现有资产利率上升和新投资项目的财务贡献 [8] 码头业务 - 该分部EBDA同比增加,主要得益于液体码头扩张和Jones Act油轮运费上涨,以及煤炭、石油焦和纳米碱业务量增加 [9] CO2业务 - 该分部EBDA同比下降,主要由于CO2销量下降 [10] 财务状况 - 运营和维护费用同比增加,总运营成本和费用也有所上升 [11] - 可分配现金流同比增加 [12] - 现金和长期债务水平 [13] 展望 - 公司维持2024年全年业绩指引,预计净收益、可分配现金流和调整后EBITDA均同比增长约8% [14][15] - 分析师预测未来几个月公司业绩将保持平稳 [19]
Kinder Morgan's (KMI) Take-or-Pay Strategy: Buy Now or Hold?
ZACKS· 2024-08-12 22:10
Kinder Morgan (KMI) , North America's leading midstream energy company, boasts a stable business model, largely driven by take-or-pay contracts. Unlike upstream and downstream players, KMI's operations are minimally impacted by commodity price volatility, making it an appealing option for risk-averse investors.The critical question now facing investors is how to position themselves regarding the stock. Before addressing this, let's review some fundamental aspects of the large energy infrastructure firm.Take ...
3 Fantastic High-Yield Stocks For A Potential Multi-Trillion Dollar Rotation
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-12 19:30
文章核心观点 - 文章讨论了在利率可能下降的背景下,投资者从货币市场基金转向高股息股票的趋势,并推荐了三只具有高股息和增长潜力的股票:Altria (MO), Kinder Morgan (KMI), 和 Mid-America Apartment Communities (MAA) [2][22][53] 货币市场基金资产变化 - 由于疫情后的激进加息,货币市场基金资产从疫情前的不到$4万亿增长到$6万亿以上,显示出投资者对低风险高收益投资的偏好 [2][3] 利率对投资的影响 - 低利率环境有利于股息股票,因为政府债券的低收益率促使投资者寻找其他高收益投资 [6] - 预计利率将长期保持在“高于平均水平”,但经济状况恶化可能导致利率下降,从而促使投资者转向寻找更高回报的替代投资 [9] 经济和市场状况 - 制造业指数和新增订单显示出制造业衰退的风险增加 [9][10] - 高利率和持续的通胀导致债务质量下降,尤其是汽车贷款和信用卡债务的风险增加 [13] - 消费者储蓄下降至金融危机前水平,失业率缓慢上升,但Bank of America认为直到富裕消费者开始减弱,才需要担心 [14][17][18] 推荐股票分析 Altria (MO) - Altria的股价在排除股息后,今年上涨了25%,其8%的股息收益率使其成为高收益且风险较低的投资选择 [23][24] - 尽管烟草销量长期下降,但公司市场份额增加,非燃烧产品销量增长显著,显示出业务多元化和市场适应能力 [24] Kinder Morgan (KMI) - Kinder Morgan是美国最大的中游公司之一,拥有庞大的天然气管道网络和多元化的收入来源,其89%的收入来自固定支付合同,显示出业务的稳定性 [28][32] - 预计未来天然气需求将大幅增长,公司基础设施的高利用率预示着未来收益的增加 [33][34] Mid-America Apartment Communities (MAA) - MAA专注于高增长市场的公寓租赁业务,其租户结构稳定,租金收入增长潜力大,且具有良好的股息支付记录和增长前景 [41][46][50] - 公司估值合理,预计在利率下降的情况下,其租金和股价有进一步上涨的空间 [51][52]
$9,000 Invested in ExxonMobil and Each of These 2 Dividend Stocks to Generate Over $1,000 in Passive Income per Year
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-05 16:05
能源公司财务状况改善与股息增长 - 能源公司改善了资产负债表并提高了股息[1] 股市短期与长期驱动因素 - 股市长期由盈利增长驱动,短期则受投资者情绪和市场主题影响[2] - 过去一两年推动市场上涨的主要因素包括通胀下降、利率降低和技术行业加速增长[3] 能源行业投资机会 - 能源行业充满高质量的股息支付公司,许多估值较低[4] - 投资$9,000于ExxonMobil、Kinder Morgan和Phillips 66,预计每年仅从股息收入即可超过$1,000[4] ExxonMobil分析 - ExxonMobil是美国最有价值的能源公司,拥有多元化的全球上游资产、庞大的炼油和化学业务以及增长的低碳燃料部门[5] - 尽管地位显赫,ExxonMobil过去曾过度杠杆化,2020年因公司策略导致净损失超过$220亿[6] - 近年来,ExxonMobil显著改善了资产负债表,利用高额收益偿还债务[7] - ExxonMobil通过收购Pioneer Natural Resources等行动,展示了满足投资者期望的能力,并制定了明确的2027年企业计划[8] - ExxonMobil连续42年支付并提高股息,当前股息收益率为3.2%,市盈率合理为14.2[9] Kinder Morgan分析 - Kinder Morgan股价达到五年新高,主要通过运输和储存燃料并收取费用盈利,提供可预测的现金流[10] - Kinder Morgan曾是能源行业最可靠的股息股票,尽管在2015年行业危机中削减了75%的股息,但已逐步恢复,最新季度股息为$0.2875,收益率为5.4%[11][12] - Kinder Morgan通过减少债务和谨慎的资本支出降低了杠杆,未来自由现金流和盈利增长前景良好[13] - 中游行业充满潜力,得益于美国液化天然气行业的增长、低碳生物燃料的需求增加以及数据中心对电力消费的增长[14] Phillips 66分析 - Phillips 66通过控制资本支出和多元化业务进入低碳燃料领域,如将旧金山炼油厂改造为生产可再生柴油[16] - Phillips 66在过去两年通过回购和增加股息,减少了超过10%的股份,股息增加了近20%[17] - Phillips 66通过回购和股息向股东返还资本,尽管股息大幅增加,但股息支付率仅为32%[18] - 下游公司如Phillips 66在油价稳定的环境中表现良好,过去两年油价稳定在$60至$90之间,有利于其资本返还计划[19] - Phillips 66的股息收益率为3.3%,是寻求通过回购和股息返还资本的投资者的稳定收入来源[20] 投资策略建议 - 投资时应考虑资产配置,避免过度集中于单一行业,通过分散投资于不同行业的最佳选择来降低波动性[21] - 逐步建立仓位,通过定期定额投资策略逐步增加持仓,以更好地控制资产配置和风险[22]