Forget Nvidia: 2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks to Buy After the Market Sell-Off
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-12 21:53
Alphabet and Meta Platforms are both attractively priced right now.With the market down after a sell-off, some of the high-flying artificial intelligence (AI) stocks that used to be out of reach for most investors are starting to look more attractive. However, I'm unsure if Nvidia has become cheap enough to warrant an investment.Instead, I'm looking at two other companies that appear to be great buys amid the sell-off: Alphabet (GOOG -0.11%) (GOOGL -0.21%) and Meta Platforms (META -0.56%).AlphabetAlphabet i ...
Waymo robotaxis have made their standby parking lot into a honking mess
Business Insider· 2024-08-12 09:48
文章核心观点 - Waymo的自动驾驶汽车在旧金山的停车场里,在没有乘客的时候会发出长达一个小时的鸣笛声,这一问题公司正在解决[4][6][7][8] - 这种情况通常发生在凌晨4点左右和下班高峰时段,对附近居民造成了很大的干扰[6][7] - 公司表示已经发现了问题的原因,正在实施修复措施[9] 根据目录分别总结 公司情况 - Waymo是一家从事自动驾驶汽车研发的公司[1][4][9] - 公司在旧金山租用了一处停车场,用于停放无人驾驶汽车[1][6] - 公司表示已经发现了车辆在停车场鸣笛的问题,并正在实施修复措施[9] 行业动态 - 自动驾驶汽车在停车场导航时会发出大量鸣笛声,对附近居民造成了干扰[6][7][8] - 这一问题在业内属于普遍存在的,Waymo正在努力解决[9] - 一些当地居民对这些自动驾驶汽车的动态表现出了好奇和兴趣[10][11]
Google Is Ruled a Monopoly. Should Investors Dump Alphabet Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-11 22:53
文章核心观点 - 美国联邦法官裁定谷歌(Alphabet公司)违反了《谢尔曼法》第2条,表明该公司不公平地维持了垄断地位 [2] - 这一裁决可能意味着谷歌与智能手机制造商的独家搜索协议将结束,用户可能会被给予选择默认搜索引擎的选项 [5][6] - 尽管这可能会导致谷歌失去大量收入,但其搜索引擎的主导地位可能不会受到太大影响,就像微软在2000年反垄断案后Windows的市场份额一样 [10][11][12][14] - 谷歌的股价目前估值较低,考虑到其增长前景和人工智能带来的新机遇,长期投资者可能会认为目前的股价下跌是一个不错的买入机会 [15] 根据目录分类总结 裁决对谷歌的影响 - 裁决可能意味着谷歌与智能手机制造商的独家搜索协议将结束,用户可能会被给予选择默认搜索引擎的选项 [5][6] - 失去这些独家协议可能会导致谷歌失去大量收入,但其搜索引擎的主导地位可能不会受到太大影响 [10][11] - 就像微软在2000年反垄断案后Windows的市场份额一样,谷歌的搜索引擎地位可能也不会受到太大影响 [12][14] 谷歌的未来发展前景 - 谷歌的搜索引擎已经成为行业标杆,即使失去独家协议,用户也很难大规模转向其他搜索引擎 [10][13] - 谷歌正在利用人工智能技术来提升搜索业务的变现能力,这为公司带来新的增长机会 [14] - 谷歌的股价目前估值较低,考虑到其增长前景,长期投资者可能会认为目前的股价下跌是一个不错的买入机会 [15]
2 "Magnificent Seven" Stocks That Could Help Set You Up for Life
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-11 21:00
文章核心观点 - 在市场动荡的情况下,长期投资者可能想关注两只股票[3] - 被称为"七大奇迹"的股票(苹果、微软、英伟达、亚马逊、Alphabet、Meta Platforms和特斯拉)在过去五年中明显超越了整个股票市场[2] - 投资意味着向前看,重要的是要问是什么推动了一只高飞的股票进一步上涨[3] Meta Platforms - Meta拥有超过33亿的月活用户,约占全球总人口的40%[5] - 凭借大量用户访问其平台,Meta从广告投放中获得了数十亿美元的收入,其中98%来自广告销售[6] - 尽管规模巨大且专注于数字广告,Meta仍保持了惊人的增长,最近一个季度的收入同比增长22%,自2014年以来平均季度收入增长32%[7] - Meta的每股自由现金流不断上升,从两年前的6.60美元增长到现在的18.82美元,这为公司提供了回报股东的能力[8][9] - 凭借其巨大的规模和丰厚的利润率,Meta的商业模式很可能会在未来多年继续为股东创造价值[10] Alphabet - 与Meta Platforms类似,Alphabet也是数字广告市场的主要参与者[11] - 通过Google Search和YouTube业务,Alphabet每季度能获得数十亿美元的广告收入,在最近一个季度占总收入的76%[12] - Alphabet的营业利润率达到32%,远高于过去10年的26%平均水平,这表明其运营效率很高,能产生可用于回报股东或业务增长的利润[13][14] - 尽管Alphabet面临一些挑战,如反垄断诉讼和最近的市场波动,但长期投资者应该记住,不确定时期往往是投资的最佳时机[15][16]
Should You Buy Alphabet Stock Following Its Antitrust Defeat? 3 Tech Watchers Weigh In.
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-11 20:00
Alphabet has been labeled a monopoly. Now what?Well, it's official: Alphabet (GOOG 0.95%) (GOOGL 1.01%), the parent company of Google, has lost a landmark antitrust lawsuit in Federal court.On Aug. 5, Judge Amit Mehta ruled that Alphabet has illegally stifled competition in the online search market. In his 277-page ruling, Mehta concluded, "Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly."So, what does this all mean for Alphabet and its stock? In this article, three Motley Fool cont ...
Google the word 'monopoly': Federal judge rules against illegal market control for internet searching
Techxplore· 2024-08-11 18:20
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: CC0 Public Domain Even those of us who Google every day—and that's the vast majority of us—can and should applaud this week's federal court ruling holding that the company is maintaining its dominance in internet search through an illegal monopoly. Google search can simultaneously be a very, very useful product (indeed, ...
Former YouTube CEO and Silicon Valley trailblazer Susan Wojcicki has died at age 56
CNBC· 2024-08-10 20:53
CEO Youtube Susan Wojcicki speaks during the 'What Matters Next' session during the Cannes Lions Festival 2018 on June 19, 2018 in Cannes, France.Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, who was also one of the most influential early Google employees, has died at the age of 56 according to posts shared online by her husband Dennis Troper and Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Friday night.Wojicki led YouTube for nearly ten years and was one of the only women to hold the CEO role at a big tech company in Silicon Valley.W ...
Unpacking Google's Week: Antitrust Ruling and Targeting Minors With Meta· 2024-08-09 23:46
Alphabet’s Gmail email service, the world’s largest free email provider, was down Thursday (Aug 8).But the multi-hour disruption was merely the latest — and potentially the smallest — of a series of developments this week that have cast a shadow over Google’s operations along with its titanic position within the tech industry.It was on Monday (Aug. 5) that, in a landmark ruling, Alphabet’s Google was found to have illegally monopolized web search.“This decision recognizes that Google offers the best search ...
Google, Meta hatched secret deal to target teens on YouTube with Instagram ads: report
New York Post· 2024-08-09 00:59
Google and Meta reportedly struck a secret deal to target underage YouTube users with advertisements that promoted rival service Instagram – breaking the online search giant’s own ad rules, according to a bombshell report Thursday. The Instagram ad campaign was aimed at YouTube users who were classified as “unknown” in Google’s ad system and designed to appeal to users aged 13 to 17, the Financial Times reported, citing internal documents and people familiar with the matter. 4 The Instagram ads ran on You ...
Google and Meta Reportedly Had 'Secret Deal' To Target Ads To Teens
Investopedia· 2024-08-08 23:50
KEY TAKEAWAYSAlphabet's Google and Meta Platforms had a "secret deal" to target Instagram advertisements to teenagers on YouTube, according to the Financial Times.Google had a marketing project aiming to pull 13- to 17-year-old YouTube users into Meta's Instagram, circumventing the search giant's rules barring personalized ads to those under 18, the FT said.The companies had a pilot marketing program in Canada between February and April, and then had a trial in the U.S. in May, with plans to expand internat ...