Farmer Bros. (FARM)
Why Fast-paced Mover Farmer Brothers (FARM) Is a Great Choice for Value Investors
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 22:51
动量投资策略 - 投资者追求动量投资,相信“高位买入,更高位卖出”可以在更短的时间内赚取更多的钱[1] - 投资者在选择快速增长的热门股票时,很难确定正确的入场点,因为这些股票往往在未来增长潜力无法证明其高估值时失去动力[2] 价值投资策略 - 选择投资价格合理且具有最近价格动量的便宜股票可能是更安全的方法,而Zacks Momentum Style Score和'Fast-Paced Momentum at a Bargain'筛选工具有助于发现这样的股票[3] 优质股票筛选 - Farmer Brothers (FARM)是通过筛选的众多优秀候选股票之一,具有快速增长的价格动量和股价上涨的趋势[4]
Farmer Brothers Names Matthew Swenson Vice President of Coffee Operations
Newsfilter· 2024-03-02 06:00
NORTHLAKE, Texas, March 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Farmer Brothers (NASDAQ:FARM) a leading roaster, wholesaler, and distributor of coffee, tea and allied products, announced today it has appointed Matthew Swenson as vice president of coffee operations. In his new role, Mr. Swenson will take on the management of some areas previously led by President and Chief Executive Officer John Moore, including the company's green coffee procurement, research and development, coffee excellence, roasting and manufactur ...
Despite Fast-paced Momentum, Farmer Brothers (FARM) Is Still a Bargain Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-19 22:50
Momentum investing is essentially the opposite of the tried-and-tested Wall Street adage -- "buy low and sell high." Investors following this investing style typically avoid betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. They believe instead that one could make far more money in lesser time by "buying high and selling higher."Who doesn't like betting on fast-moving trending stocks? But determining the right entry point isn't easy. Often, these stocks lose momentum once their valuation moves a ...
3 Deeply Undervalued Stocks to Buy for 1,000% Returns by 2026
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-16 01:45
When you peel back the curtain on the S&P 500’s recent record-setting gains, you’ll find they’ve primarily been fueled by just seven mega-cap technology stocks dubbed “The Magnificent Seven.” Exclude those stocks, and the broader market suddenly doesn’t look quite so magnificent anymore. This shows that not all stocks are created equal on Wall Street. The fast-growing tech leaders capture the headlines and steep valuations, overshadowing many undervalued stocks to buy.As investors, we tend to have short mem ...
Farmer Brothers to Participate in 36th Annual ROTH Conference and Upcoming Industry Tradeshows
Newsfilter· 2024-02-13 05:51
参加投资者会议和行业展会 - Farmer Brothers将参加即将举行的投资者会议和行业展会[1] - 公司将在ROTH 36th Capital Conference中与投资者进行一对一会议[2] - 所有演示和补充材料将在公司网站的投资者关系部分提前提供[3] 参加多个行业展会 - 公司将参加多个行业展会,包括酒吧和餐厅博览会、NAMA Show和全国餐厅协会展会[4]
Farmer Bros. (FARM) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-09 11:01
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度收入为8950万美元,同比增加60万美元,主要受益于价格上涨,但被咖啡销量下降所抵消 [19] - 毛利率提升550个基点至40.4%,主要受益于价格上涨和原料成本下降 [10][11][12] - 营业费用下降260万美元,主要得益于资产出售收益增加620万美元 [20] - 持续经营净利润由上年同期亏损870万美元转为盈利270万美元,改善1140万美元 [21] - 调整后EBITDA由上年同期亏损220万美元转为盈利230万美元,改善450万美元 [22] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司正在通过SKU精简和品牌整合来提高生产效率,预计将减少60%的SKU数量 [42][43] - 公司正在整合波特兰工厂的烘焙业务,以进一步提高效率 [14] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司正在努力提高客户保留率,目前客户流失率有所放缓,并且新增客户的贡献超出预期 [34][38] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在通过"Project Symphony"提升客户体验,包括改善销售管理工具和推出新的客户关系管理系统 [14] - 公司将继续专注于进一步改善成本结构和毛利率、推动客户增长和保留、增加新产品的市场渗透 [26] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司相信通过改善供应链执行力和专注于设备及服务,可以为客户提供最佳体验,从而实现可持续盈利和自由现金流 [14] - 公司有信心在2025财年初实现自由现金流正值 [16][23]
Farmer Brothers (FARM) Reports Q2 Loss, Tops Revenue Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-09 08:06
财务表现 - Farmer Brothers (FARM)在上个季度每股亏损为$0.10,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的亏损$0.21[1] - 公司在过去四个季度中两次超过了市场预期的盈利[2] - Farmer Brothers在2023年12月份的季度营收为$89.45百万美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate 1.08%[3] 股价走势 - 公司股价的短期走势将主要取决于管理层在财报电话会议中的评论[4]
Farmer Brothers reports second quarter fiscal 2024 financial results and publishes quarterly shareholder letter
Newsfilter· 2024-02-09 05:05
财务表现 - 公司第二季度2024财年净销售额为8950万美元,同比增长600,000美元[3] - 毛利率同比增加550个基点至40.4%[4] - 毛利润在季度内同比增加了510万美元至3610万美元,增长了16%[4] - 营业费用从2023财年第二季度的3430万美元减少至2024财年第二季度的3170万美元[5] - 继续经营的净收入为2024财年第二季度为270万美元,较去年同期的净亏损870万美元增加1140万美元[6] - 资本支出为本季度330万美元,预计2024财年资本支出将在1200万至1500万美元之间[7] 财务状况 - 截至2023年12月31日,公司拥有690万美元的无限制现金及现金等价物,有2330万美元的未偿债务,利用了460万美元的信用证子限额,信贷额度下有2450万美元可用[9] - 公司总负债为$138,585和$149,669,股东权益为$43,261和$38,112[24] - 经营活动现金流为净收入$1,397和$ (20,982),折旧和摊销$5,792和$11,316,资产出售净收益($14,136)和($7,127)[26] - 融资活动中,从信贷设施获得$2,279和$54,000,偿还信贷设施$2,000和$49,383[26] 财务指标 - 公司使用非GAAP财务指标如EBITDA和Adjusted EIBTDA来评估运营绩效[27] - EBITDA和Adjusted EBITDA是用来比较公司运营绩效的重要指标[30] - EBITDA和Adjusted EBITDA的计算方法可能与其他公司不同,不应孤立使用[33] - EBITDA和Adjusted EBITDA的调整包括排除利息费用对养老金和离退休福利计划的影响[34] - Adjusted EBITDA还排除了401(k)、ESOP和股权补偿费用、资产出售净收益、业务出售损失和其他费用[36]
Farmer Bros. (FARM) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-02-08 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q (Mark One) ☑ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended December 31, 2023 OR ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to Commission file number: 001-34249 FARMER BROS. CO. (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter) Delaware 95-0725980 (State or Other Jurisdicti ...
Farmer Brothers to report fiscal second quarter 2024 financial results
GlobeNewsWire· 2024-01-31 05:05
NORTHLAKE, Texas, Jan. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Farmer Brothers (NASDAQ: FARM) announced today the company will publish its fiscal second quarter 2024 financial results for the period ended Dec. 31, 2023 with the filing of its 10-Q and the issuing of its quarterly shareholder letter, both of which will be posted on the Investor Relations section of its website after the close of market Thursday, Feb. 8. The company will also host an audio-only investor conference call and webcast at 5 p.m. Eastern on Th ...