Extra Space Storage(EXR)
Extra Space Announces Pricing of $300 Million Add-On Offering of 5.700% Senior Notes due 2028
Prnewswire· 2024-12-03 05:45
SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Extra Space Storage Inc. ("Extra Space") (NYSE: EXR), a leading owner and operator of self-storage facilities in the United States and a member of the S&P 500, today announced that its operating partnership, Extra Space Storage LP (the "operating partnership"), has priced a public offering of $300 million aggregate principal amount of additional 5.700% senior notes due 2028 (the "Notes"). The Notes will be issued as additional notes under the indenture pursuant t ...
Extra Space Storage Inc. Announces $1 Billion Commercial Paper Note Program
Prnewswire· 2024-11-21 05:15
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Extra Space Storage Inc. (the "Company") (NYSE: EXR) a leading owner and operator of self-storage facilities in the United States and a member of the S&P 500, today announced that its operating partnership, Extra Space Storage LP (the "operating partnership"), has established an unsecured commercial paper note program in the United States.Under the terms of the program, the operating partnership may issue from time to time unsecured commercial paper notes up to ...
Extra Space Storage Inc. Announces 4th Quarter 2024 Dividend
Prnewswire· 2024-11-16 05:15
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Extra Space Storage Inc. (the "Company") (NYSE: EXR) announced today that the Company's board of directors has declared a fourth quarter 2024 dividend of $1.62 per share on the common stock of the Company. The dividend is payable on December 31, 2024, to stockholders of record at the close of business on December 16, 2024. About Extra Space Storage Inc.Extra Space Storage Inc., headquartered in Salt Lake City, is a fully integrated, self-administered and self-ma ...
Extra Space Storage: Solid All-Weather Value, Set To Move
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-13 20:30
Storage REITs are keeping pace with the REIT average this year. According to iREIT+Hoya Capital, the REIT Equity Index has gained 9.69% YTD, with Storage REITs posting a total return of 9.18%, placing them 9th among the 18 REIT sectors. Meanwhile, the S&PAnalyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of VNQ either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than ...
Double-Digit Return Potential: 3 REITs To Boost Your Portfolio
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-05 20:30
Join iREIT on Alpha today to get the most in-depth research that includes REITs, mREITs, Preferreds, BDCs, MLPs, ETFs, and other income alternatives. 438 testimonials and most are 5 stars. Nothing to lose with our FREE 2-week trial .Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of EXR, PSA either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alph ...
Extra Space Storage(EXR) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2024-11-05 05:50
门店运营 - 公司拥有或持有权益的运营门店总数为2,401家[129] - 公司管理的第三方门店总数为1,461家,总计公司拥有和管理的门店数量为3,862家[129] - 公司门店主要集中在大型人口中心区域,有利于通过规模效应降低运营成本[127] - 公司门店的平均租赁期限约为17.2个月[130] - 公司稳定门店的平均每平方英尺年租金为20.55美元,新租赁的平均每平方英尺年租金为13.49美元[131] - 公司稳定门店的平均折扣占租金收入的2.2%[131] - 公司门店主要为混合型建筑,包括独立式和多层建筑[132] - 公司门店主要分布在42个州和华盛顿特区[129] - 公司门店租户总数约为2,245,000人[130] 收购与整合 - 公司在2024年9月30日经营2,401家门店,包括1,934家全资门店、7家合并的合资门店和460家采用权益法核算的合资门店[137] - 2023年收购Life Storage公司以及2023年和2024年前三季度新收购门店带来的收入增加[138] - Life Storage并购过渡成本已于2023年7月完成[145] - 公司决定统一品牌运营,Life Storage品牌商标被全额计提减值[155] - 2024年公司出售了ESS Bristol Investments LLC和Alan Jathoo JV LLC两家合资公司的权益,确认投资收益[154] 财务表现 - 2024年前三季度总收入为24.35亿美元,同比增长38.2%[138] - 2024年前三季度物业租金收入为20.96亿美元,同比增长37.4%[138] - 2024年前三季度租户再保险收入为2.49亿美元,同比增长50.7%[139] - 2024年前三季度管理费和其他收入为8,988.8万美元,同比增长25.5%[140] - 物业运营费用、租户再保险费用、一般及行政费用、折旧及摊销费用均有所增加[142][143][144][146][147] - 同店租金收入总额为12.56亿美元,同比增长0.4%[162] - 同店营业开支总额为3.23亿美元,同比增长4.4%[162] - 同店净营业收入为9.33亿美元,同比下降0.9%[162] - 同店平均出租率为93.9%,较上年同期93.4%有所提升[162] 资产负债管理 - 公司现金及现金等价物余额为8,893.1万美元[169] - 公司总债务规模为118.27亿美元,债务对总资本比率为22.8%[170] - 公司预计未来12个月内的现金需求可由经营活动现金流、现有现金及信贷额度等满足[171] - 公司获得标普BBB+/稳定评级,较之前的BBB/稳定评级有所提升[172] - 公司拥有1,705家无抵押门店,无抵押资产价值为294.42亿美元,总资产价值为349.59亿美元[172] - 公司可能会寻求回购公司债券、普通股或其他证券[173] - 公司已与销售代理和远期买方签订800百万美元的股票配售协议,截至2024年9月30日尚未有股票被出售[174] - 公司未参与任何特殊目的实体或其他表外安排[175] 风险管理 - 自存储业务存在季节性波动,收益和利润主要集中在5月至9月[176] - 如果SOFR利率上升或下降100个基点,将使可变利率债务的利息支出相应增加或减少2,570万美元[179] - 公司可能会采取措施来降低利率风险的影响[179]
Extra Space Storage(EXR) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-10-31 04:05
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第三季度的同店池表现符合预期,季度末和十月份的入住率为94.3% [7][12] - 由于强劲的入住率和表现,公司的同店收入指导上调了75个基点,底部指导提高至正0.125% [13] - 生活储存同店收入同比增长0.4%,但由于新客户定价能力不足,年度同店收入指导下调了50个基点 [15][48] - 预计2024年每股FFO指导下调至8美元,较之前的7.95美元有所上调 [17] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 非同店物业表现超出预期,贡献了FFO B [9] - 第三方管理的商店在第三季度增加了63家,年初至今净增加124家,预计年末再增加约100家 [9][10] - 生活储存同店池的入住率在季度末为92.9%,同比提高200个基点 [14] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 由于飓风米尔顿的影响,预计财产损失和租户保险索赔将超过1000万美元 [19] - 在某些受影响地区,租赁活动有所上升,部分商店的入住率从92%提升至96% [31] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司正在通过品牌整合来提升市场表现,预计未来几个月将看到更明显的改善 [21][23] - 公司继续寻找效率,降低管理费用指导 [11] - 在收购方面,预计将继续活跃,尤其是在当前市场条件下,许多业主选择通过桥接贷款而非出售物业 [92] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对当前市场环境持谨慎乐观态度,认为在高入住率的情况下,市场回暖时将迅速受益 [71] - 管理层指出,尽管面临挑战,但公司正在优化运营,努力提高长期收入 [70][84] 其他重要信息 - 公司在第三季度新增了158百万美元的桥接贷款,预计年均持有贷款将达到925百万美元 [10][16] - 生活储存的品牌整合预计将带来显著的市场效益,尽管目前仍处于初期阶段 [22][42] 问答环节所有提问和回答 问题: 关于品牌整合的进展 - 管理层表示,品牌整合的初步效果显现,SEO表现有所改善,且市场营销支出有所节省 [21][22] 问题: 第四季度的业绩预期 - 管理层指出,第四季度的业绩将主要取决于物业表现,预计不会有极端的收入增长或下降 [25][55] 问题: 关于飓风的影响 - 管理层提到,飓风导致的损失正在评估中,预计将对财务产生影响,但租赁活动有所上升 [19][31] 问题: 收购市场的活跃度 - 管理层表示,收购市场活跃,正在进行多项交易讨论,预计将达成增值交易 [34] 问题: 关于定价能力的看法 - 管理层认为,定价能力受市场供需影响,未来将根据市场情况调整定价策略 [83][90]
Extra Space Storage Q3 FFO Tops Estimates, Occupancy Rises
ZACKS· 2024-10-31 01:21
文章核心观点 - 公司第三季度核心每股基金营运(FFO)为2.07美元,超出市场预期[1] - 公司收入同比增长10.3%,达到8.248亿美元,超出市场预期[2] - 公司同店收入下降0.3%,同店净营运收入(NOI)下降1%[2][3] - 公司利息支出同比增加16.2%[3] - 公司预计2024年全年核心每股FFO在8.00-8.15美元之间[7] 公司运营情况 - 公司第三季度同店平方英尺出租率同比增加60个基点至94.3%[2] - 公司第三季度收购了10家运营中的储存设施和1家刚完工的设施,总投资1.639亿美元[4] - 公司与合资伙伴共同收购了5处资产并完成2处开发项目,总投资1.146亿美元,其中公司投资3,070万美元[4] - 公司新增63家第三方管理储存设施,截至9月30日管理1,921家储存设施[5] 财务状况 - 公司第三季度末现金及现金等价物为8,890万美元,较6月30日增加[6] - 公司固定利率债务占总债务的比例为78.3%,加权平均利率为4.5%,加权平均到期期限约4.7年[6]
Compared to Estimates, Extra Space Storage (EXR) Q3 Earnings: A Look at Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-10-30 07:01
Extra Space Storage (EXR) reported $824.8 million in revenue for the quarter ended September 2024, representing a year-over-year increase of 10.3%. EPS of $2.07 for the same period compares to $0.96 a year ago. The reported revenue represents a surprise of +0.42% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $821.37 million. With the consensus EPS estimate being $2.03, the EPS surprise was +1.97%. While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street expectation ...
Extra Space Storage (EXR) Beats Q3 FFO and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-10-30 06:26
Extra Space Storage (EXR) came out with quarterly funds from operations (FFO) of $2.07 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.03 per share. This compares to FFO of $2.02 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. This quarterly report represents an FFO surprise of 1.97%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this self-storage facility real estate investment trust would post FFO of $2 per share when it actually produced FFO of $2.06, delivering a surprise of 3%. Ov ...