Exact Sciences To Rally Around 33%? Here Are 10 Top Analyst Forecasts For Thursday
Benzinga· 2024-09-12 20:21
Top Wall Street analysts changed their outlook on these top names. For a complete view of all analyst rating changes, including upgrades and downgrades, please see our analyst ratings page. Considering buying EXAS stock? Here’s what analysts think: Read Next: ...
Exact Sciences Corporation (EXAS) at Wells Fargo 2024 Healthcare Conference - Transcript
2024-09-05 09:43
会议主要讨论的核心内容 Cologuard业务 - Cologuard已有10年历史,是公司2亿美元的大品牌 [9][10] - Cologuard仍有很大的增长空间,未筛查人群仍有6000万 [12] - Cologuard重复筛查业务是未来增长的重要驱动力,预计到2024年将占总收入的中20%左右 [12][13] - 公司与医疗保险公司和医疗机构合作的"护理缺口"项目也是重要增长点,预计在医疗保险优惠计划中单独就有5亿美元的机会 [14][15][19] Cologuard Plus - Cologuard Plus有望在未来几个月获得FDA批准,将于2025年初上市 [24][26] - Cologuard Plus相比Cologuard将大幅降低假阳性率,有望为医疗体系节省数十亿美元 [25] - 公司正在与Medicare就Cologuard Plus的定价进行谈判,预计将获得显著的价格上涨 [26][29] - Cologuard到Cologuard Plus的过渡期预计为12-30个月 [29] 血液筛查 - 公司认为血液筛查在筛查人群中将扮演一定的角色,但性能不及Cologuard,主要用于特定人群 [50][51] - 公司将在未来几周内公布3000人样本的初步数据,并计划在年内公布2万人样本的完整数据 [52][55] - 公司相信从样本规模扩大不会出现显著的性能下降 [59] 其他 - 公司商业团队持续扩大,销售和营销投入将与收入增长保持一定比例 [38][39][40] - 公司有望在未来几年内将毛利率提升至80%以上 [64][65] - 公司将继续关注合适的并购机会 [64]
Exact Sciences (EXAS) Up 7.5% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
ZACKS· 2024-08-31 00:36
It has been about a month since the last earnings report for Exact Sciences (EXAS) . Shares have added about 7.5% in that time frame, outperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Exact Sciences due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at the most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important drivers. Exact Sciences Reports Narrower-Than-Expe ...
Does Exact Sciences (EXAS) Have the Potential to Rally 34.13% as Wall Street Analysts Expect?
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 22:55
Exact Sciences (EXAS) closed the last trading session at $59.68, gaining 24.7% over the past four weeks, but there could be plenty of upside left in the stock if short-term price targets set by Wall Street analysts are any guide. The mean price target of $80.05 indicates a 34.1% upside potential.The average comprises 19 short-term price targets ranging from a low of $61 to a high of $100, with a standard deviation of $9.70. While the lowest estimate indicates an increase of 2.2% from the current price level ...
Exact Sciences (EXAS) Rides on Cologuard Sales, New Launches
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 22:25
文章核心观点 - 公司正在通过投资领导团队、培训和销售力度提升来增强其旗舰产品Cologuard的增长 [2] - 公司正在努力扩大Oncotype DX在全球的影响力,该检测已成为乳腺癌治疗的标准 [3] - 公司正在建设最佳的数字基础设施和诊断能力,以使患者能够更主动参与自己的医疗护理 [4] - 公司正在开发多种新型检测,以革新癌症的识别、跟踪和管理方式 [6][7] - 公司面临着成本上升的挑战,包括原材料、劳动力和运输成本的上升,以及利率环境和资本市场准入受限 [8][9] 根据目录分类总结 业务发展 - 公司正在通过投资领导团队、培训和销售力度提升来增强其旗舰产品Cologuard的增长 [2] - 公司正在努力扩大Oncotype DX在全球的影响力,该检测已成为乳腺癌治疗的标准 [3] - 公司正在建设最佳的数字基础设施和诊断能力,以使患者能够更主动参与自己的医疗护理 [4] - 公司正在开发多种新型检测,以革新癌症的识别、跟踪和管理方式 [6][7] 财务表现 - 公司面临着成本上升的挑战,包括原材料、劳动力和运输成本的上升,以及利率环境和资本市场准入受限 [8][9] - 公司已采取多种策略来提高收入表现,包括产品组合拓展和国际市场渗透,但这也增加了成本和运营费用 [9]
Exact Sciences (EXAS) Enrolls First Patient in Pivotal MCED Study
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 21:46
Exact Sciences Corporation (EXAS) recently enrolled the first patient in its pivotal Multi-Cancer Early Detection (“MCED”) Falcon Registry Real-World Evidence (“RWE”) study. The Texas-based not-for-profit health system, Baylor Scott & White, will serve as the principal site for the study, with Endeavor Health in Chicago set to begin enrolling patients this fall.The multi-site study will register up to 25,000 patients, evaluating the clinical performance, patient and provider experience, and psychological im ...
Exact Sciences: Cost Optimization And Product Strength
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-19 06:51
Hiroshi Watanabe Since I last covered Exact Sciences (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:EXAS) back in August 2021 it is down by around 35%, it is trading at around $58.75 as per the chart below. This thesis aims to show that the recent upside should continue amid volatility. Data by YCharts Three years back, I had a hold position as despite the biotech's DNA-based cancer diagnostics products becoming mainstream, this field involved heavy R&D expenses with competition faced from the likes of Invitae (OTCPK:OTC:NVTAQ). It wa ...
Why You Should Add Exact Sciences (EXAS) to Your Portfolio
ZACKS· 2024-08-14 22:21
文章核心观点 - Exact Sciences Corporation 正在采取多项战略举措来提升 Cologuard 的增长,包括进一步推广 Cologuard 作为标准诊疗方案、扩大 Oncotype DX 在国际市场的应用等 [5][6] - 公司计划在未来 18 个月内推出多项创新检测产品,以革新癌症的识别、追踪和管理方式,并推动公司快速发展 [7][8] - 公司财务状况稳健,现金和现金等价物以及有价证券达 5.302 亿美元,流动比率从上季度的 1.64 提升至 2.17 [9] 公司概况 - Exact Sciences 是一家拥有 10.63 亿美元市值的全球知名医疗器械公司 [4] - 公司 2025 年预计盈利增长率为 92%,远高于行业平均的 9.4% [4] - 公司过去 4 个季度的业绩均超出预期,平均超出幅度为 56.2% [4] 行业概况 - 由于大型市场空间,Exact Sciences 面临众多竞争对手,其中一些拥有更强大的财力和研发实力 [11] - 在如此激烈的市场竞争下,如果公司无法有效应对,可能会面临增长和盈利能力下降的风险 [11] 风险因素 - 公司正面临地缘政治挑战、高利率和供应链问题带来的成本上升压力,这对公司盈利能力造成重大影响 [10] - 公司过度依赖 Cologuard 检测业务,且经营环境高度竞争,这给公司带来一定隐忧 [2]
Wall Street Analysts Predict a 45.04% Upside in Exact Sciences (EXAS): Here's What You Should Know
ZACKS· 2024-08-06 22:55
文章核心观点 - 尽管Exact Sciences (EXAS)股价在过去4周内已经上涨23.4%,但根据华尔街分析师的短期价格目标,该股仍有45%的潜在上涨空间[1] - 分析师对EXAS的盈利前景持乐观态度,这可能是该股未来有望上涨的合理原因[10] 公司概况 - 过去30天内,EXAS当前年度的Zacks共识预测已上调12%,这表明分析师对公司盈利前景持乐观态度[11] - EXAS目前拥有Zacks第1级(强烈买入)评级,这意味着它位于4000多只被评级的股票中前5%,这进一步增强了其短期上涨潜力[12] 分析师预测 - 分析师给出的平均目标价为80.89美元,较当前价格水平有45%的上涨空间[1] - 分析师预测中最低目标价为66美元,较当前价格上涨18.3%,最乐观的分析师预测该股将上涨79.3%至100美元[2] - 分析师预测的标准差为9.28,表明分析师对该股预测存在较大分歧[2][8] 分析师预测的局限性 - 分析师设置价格目标的能力和公正性一直存在争议,投资者不应过于依赖这一工具[3][9] - 分析师的价格目标往往存在过度乐观的倾向,这可能源于其所在公司的商业利益[6][7] - 尽管分析师预测的一致性较高可能意味着对公司基本面的共识,但这并不意味着股价一定能达到平均目标价[8]
Exact Sciences Analysts Slash Their Forecasts After Q2 Results
Benzinga· 2024-08-02 02:14
Exact Sciences Corporation EXAS reported better-than-expected second-quarter financial results on Wednesday.Exact Sciences reported quarterly losses of 9 cents per share, which beat the analyst consensus estimate of losses of 32 cents by 71.88%.The company reported quarterly sales of $699.264 million which beat the analyst consensus estimate of $690.003 million. Screening revenue was $532 million, a 15% increase, and Precision Oncology revenue was $168 million, an increase of 6%.Also, the company announced ...