Etsy Removed From the S&P 500. What's Next for This Beaten-Down Stock Now That It's Out?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-16 21:30
There's remarkable reason to believe this stock is set up for strong performance in coming years.In September 2020, e-commerce company Etsy (ETSY 7.56%) was included in the S&P 500 -- an index of about 500 of the biggest, most profitable U.S. companies. Indeed, 2020 was a bumper year for the company, with revenue more than doubling from 2019. The booming business earned about $350 million in net income from the year, which is likely why it was deemed a good candidate for the S&P 500.According to a recent st ...
Etsy Is Not Trying To Be Temu Or Amazon
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-12 01:22
Sladic/E+ via Getty Images Risk-Reward Favorable How you view Etsy, Inc. (NASDAQ:ETSY) depends on your perspective. It's easy to look at the recent past and see lackluster growth since the 2021 pandemic burst. Furthermore, the firm made a terrible acquisition of Depop at the peak of the resale/online spending craze. Etsy stock has fallen so much, it was recently removed from the S&P 500. However, I think the lack of business momentum is more than priced into the stock. The cheap valuation and heightened sto ...
Etsy Offers Subscribers Free Shipping While Aiming for ‘Tremendous' Growth· 2024-09-11 07:04
Etsy is reportedly aiming for “tremendous” growth opportunities by deploying free shipping and other new initiatives.CEO Josh Silverman and Chief Financial Officer Rachel Glaser said at a conference that Etsy seeks to distinguish itself from rivals like Amazon, Seeking Alpha reported Tuesday (Sept. 10).One of the company’s recently launched initiatives is Etsy Insider, a paid subscription that will provide free shipping to members, according to the report.Other new efforts include an Etsy Gift Mode that let ...
Etsy, Inc. (ETSY) CEO Josh Silverman presents at Goldman Sachs Communacopia + Technology Conference (Transcript)
2024-09-11 05:45
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - Etsy是一家领先的电子商务平台,在过去7年里实现了大规模增长,从2017年的33亿美元GMV增长到2023年的120亿美元GMV [5][6] - 公司专注于提供独特、个性化的商品,与同质化的电商产品形成差异化 [5][6] - 公司正在持续优化搜索体验,提升商品质量,提高可靠性和价值感,以增强客户体验 [8][9] - 公司看好礼品市场的巨大机会,正在大力投入礼品业务,并取得了良好进展 [13][15] - 公司正在推出会员计划"Etsy Insider",希望通过提供免运费等优惠来提高客户粘性和复购率 [17][18] - 公司正在大力投资移动应用,希望提高移动端用户的参与度和活跃度 [19][20] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 - 分析师询问公司在国际市场的进展,公司表示正在通过跨境合作等方式拓展国际业务,但受到宏观环境的一定影响 [21][22] - 分析师询问公司的长期增长空间,公司表示市场空间巨大,有很大的增长潜力,并将继续投资产品、营销、技术等方面以推动增长 [23][24][31] - 分析师询问公司面临的竞争压力,公司表示虽然有新竞争对手出现,但公司的差异化定位和品牌优势仍然明显 [25][26] - 分析师询问公司的资本配置策略,公司表示会继续进行适度的股票回购,同时将资本主要投入到业务发展中 [34][35]
Etsy, Inc (ETSY) CEO Josh Silverman presents at Citi's 2024 Global TMT Conference Call (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-05 08:23
Etsy, Inc (NASDAQ:ETSY) Citi's 2024 Global TMT Conference Call September 4, 2024 3:50 PM ET Company Participants Josh Silverman - Chief Executive Officer Conference Call Participants Ygal Arounian - Citi Ygal Arounian All right. Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks for joining, Ygal Arounian on the Citi Internet team close to wrapping up day one here at the TMT Conference. And so thanks for joining us. Really excited now to have Etsy's CEO, Josh Silverman, with us. Appreciate you being here and thanks for takin ...
Etsy, Inc (ETSY) CEO Josh Silverman presents at Citi's 2024 Global TMT Conference Call (Transcript)
2024-09-05 08:23
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - 公司正在从过去7年的以GMS目标为导向的运营模式转向以"向后推导"的方式来构建更好的购物体验 [3][4][5] - 公司重新设计了搜索引擎算法,不再单纯追求转化率,而是将卖家的服务质量作为重要因素 [6][7][9] - 公司即将推出会员忠诚度计划,目的是提高买家的复购频率 [12][13][14] - 公司正在努力提高移动应用的渗透率,并将其作为最佳购物体验的入口 [17][18] - 公司正在调整营销策略,从过去侧重于下游转化率,转向上游引流和发现 [20][21][22] - 公司认为自身的市场空间巨大,不受制于手工制品市场本身的局限性 [27][28][29][30] - 公司正在应对宏观经济环境的挑战,但相信自身的差异化优势将有助于渡过难关 [34][35] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 - 分析师询问公司是否有计划吸引更多男性卖家,公司回应目前没有专门的计划,而是更关注吸引更多男性买家 [49][50][51] - 分析师询问公司的利润率情况,公司表示一直非常注重效率和投资回报,并有信心在当前经济环境下维持利润率水平 [52][53][54]
Why Is Etsy (ETSY) Down 7.8% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-08-31 00:36
It has been about a month since the last earnings report for Etsy (ETSY) . Shares have lost about 7.8% in that time frame, underperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent negative trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Etsy due for a breakout? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at its most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important catalysts. ETSY's Q2 Earnings Miss Estimates, Revenues Increase Y/YEt ...
Can This Growth Stock Skyrocket and Beat the S&P 500 Over the Next 5 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-12 19:45
Betting on a turnaround is tough, but in this instance, it might make sense to do just that.Having exposure to the S&P 500 in recent times has been a fruitful endeavor. The broad index of 500 large and profitable U.S. businesses has generated a total return of 96% in the past five years, virtually doubling one's capital. That's a fantastic outcome.Not all companies have performed even remotely as well for their shareholders. Etsy (ETSY 1.36%), for example, is actually down 4% since August 2019. The online m ...
3 Things to Know About Etsy Before You Buy the Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-10 20:45
公司概况 - 公司是一家专注于特殊商品的电子商务市场,股价已从高点大幅下跌 [1] - 公司作为较小的企业,在大型电子商务领域成功开辟了利基市场 [3] 行业地位 - 公司在电子商务行业中具有经济护城河,拥有强大的网络效应 [8] - 公司运营一个双边在线市场,拥有9660万活跃买家和880万活跃卖家,随着买家和卖家的增加,平台对所有利益相关者都变得更加有价值 [9] 财务表现 - 公司在COVID-19疫情期间表现强劲,但此后显著放缓,目前面临一些困难 [4] - 第二季度,公司的核心市场商品总销售额(GMS)同比下降3.2%,这是连续第三个季度下降,管理层预计第三季度将继续面临压力 [5] - 公司的主要产品类别包括家居装饰、珠宝和服装,这些是非必需的可自由支配购买,在通货膨胀和经济不确定性的压力下,消费者可能会更加谨慎 [6] 市场表现 - 公司股价目前较历史高点下跌81%,而纳斯达克综合指数自2023年初以来上涨了59%,公司股价却下跌了54% [12] - 公司目前的远期市盈率仅为12.3,显示出市场对其业务的极度悲观 [13] 投资机会 - 如果市场认为公司将恢复强劲的收入和盈利增长,现在可能是购买股票的好时机 [14]
Get Your Money Out of These 3 S&P 500 Stocks by 2025
Investor Place· 2024-08-05 18:15
文章核心观点 - S&P 500指数长期表现稳定,但并非所有成分股都是赢家 [1][2] - 投资者可以选择持有S&P 500指数前100或前50名成分股的ETF,这些ETF的表现优于整个S&P 500指数 [3] - 文章重点分析了3只可能继续下跌的S&P 500成分股:耐克(NKE)、Etsy和沃尔格林(WBA) 耐克(NKE) - 耐克是S&P 500年初以来最大的输家之一,股价已下跌32% [5] - 耐克虽然仍是行业领导者,但收入增长乏力,2024财年第四季度收入同比下降2% [6] - 耐克面临众多强劲竞争对手,很难进一步提高市场份额,不太可能实现大幅增长 [7] Etsy - Etsy股价在疫情期间曾大涨,但之后一直下跌,过去5年累计下跌12%,今年以来下跌23% [9][10] - Etsy的估值仍较高,但利润和商品交易额均呈下降趋势,收入增长也主要依赖于提高手续费和广告收入 [11] 沃尔格林(WBA) - 沃尔格林是S&P 500成分股中表现最差的,今年以来股价暴跌56%,过去5年累计下跌79% [13] - 门店关闭、需求下降和犯罪率上升等因素导致沃尔格林业绩下滑 [13] - 沃尔格林可能会在今年内被剔出S&P 500指数,因为该指数每季度都会有部分成分股调整 [14] - 沃尔格林在最新财报中提到"药房利润率下降",收入仅增长2.6% [15]